TX TX - Brandon Lawson, 26, San Angelo, 8 Aug 2013 - #4

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That is the story that was told by LL, iirc it was stated on the BlogTalk radio interview, the 1st one LL did.

Yes, and that too has had some things change. Like he had to wait until his deposit hit to go get gas. So if he knew he couldn't get gas, why take a gas can out there? What good would it have done? If KL knew he didn't have the money why didn't LL give him some? I mean if my other half was out of gas, I would give the person helping money to purchase.
And the 401K check... That story just throws me off. Along with bank accounts automatically being frozen? Every MP case I have followed, the accounts were left open for possible tracking. Why was this account shut down immediately? I just don't understand

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Yes, and that too has had some things change. Like he had to wait until his deposit hit to go get gas. So if he knew he couldn't get gas, why take a gas can out there? What good would it have done? If KL knew he didn't have the money why didn't LL give him some? I mean if my other half was out of gas, I would give the person helping money to purchase.
And the 401K check... That story just throws me off. Along with bank accounts automatically being frozen? Every MP case I have followed, the accounts were left open for possible tracking. Why was this account shut down immediately? I just don't understand

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And didn't BL & KL work at the same place? So wouldn't both of their paychecks direct deposit on the same day? I know everyone where I work gets paid on the same day. So I wonder what made KL think, or know, B would have money to put gas in the gas canS?
Why do I always end up having more questions than answers when it comes to this case????
There are so many questions about that night. Why post on garage sale site the night he left asking if anyone saw him? If you can update on Facebook all hours of the night, why can't you receive a phone call?

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There are so many questions about that night. Why post on garage sale site the night he left asking if anyone saw him? If you can update on Facebook all hours of the night, why can't you receive a phone call?

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Oh, did this happen? First I've heard?

Meh, I think it will never be resolved because he has a history and frankly his closest don't seem that arsed so unless somebody fights for him it won't happen, sooner it goes cold the better for them. Disgusted with it all, to be honest.
Oh, did this happen? First I've heard?

Meh, I think it will never be resolved because he has a history and frankly his closest don't seem that arsed so unless somebody fights for him it won't happen, sooner it goes cold the better for them. Disgusted with it all, to be honest.

Yes that DID happen...that's how I originally heard about BL missing. But it's since been removed, not by the original poster, by the admins of the page, they were having so much drama due to the post they had no option but to take it down.
Oh, did this happen? First I've heard?

Meh, I think it will never be resolved because he has a history and frankly his closest don't seem that arsed so unless somebody fights for him it won't happen, sooner it goes cold the better for them. Disgusted with it all, to be honest.

I agree, but if someone other than family tries to fight for him, drama and name calling starts. I feel bad for his kids

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I have a question, LOL, it may have already been asked and answered :blushing:

What is the truly, long term impact/result of this becoming a 'cold case'? Why is everyone (seemingly) sitting around waiting for it to be declared a 'cold case'?
Do they re instate her benefits? Does she no longer have to repay the money she wasn't entitled to when she did have Brandon? Does she not get to collect SSI until he is declared deceased? Even if it is declared a cold case, it does not mean he is declared deceased. You'd almost have to go to court and get this done...IMO

I guess I'm asking why sit around waiting/praying/hoping for such a thing? For those of you who have followed countless cases, is this a normal thing? Is this something some families need/hope for...to get benefits? any insurance policy money? any supposed "frozen" accounts? to have closure?
The whole thing just stinks, from the word go :(

ETA: http://www.ssa.gov/OP_Home/handbook/handbook.17/handbook-1721.html
SSA 1721. When is a missing person presumed dead?

We presume a person is dead if he or she has been missing from home and has not been heard from for seven years or more. This presumption applies regardless of the reason for the absence.

Once the presumption applies, it can only be disputed if we:

Prove the person is alive; or

Provide an explanation that explains the individual's absence and continued life.

I agree, but if someone other than family tries to fight for him, drama and name calling starts. I feel bad for his kids

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Me too, poor things. Maybe when they are older they'll raise the same questions as us.
I thought LL talked to KL and then put the gas can on the porch (or wherever). Then she put her phone in the van to charge. Maybe I need to review the details, I could be totally off.

This is what LL has always sated. She talked to KL, put the can on the porch and her phone in the van to charge. The car charger was all she had.
The changing details, untruths, and unexplained behaviors in this case have led many to speculate that people close to Brandon might be involved in his disappearance. I am not dismissing that possibility. But I cannot image a scenario in which these people would conspire together. Am I missing something or can someone point me in a new direction...?

I agree with you. There are questions that are unanswered, but that is always true in an investigation. KL and the gf don't talk in public, but if BL was killed because of something he ran into (drug cartel, etc) and they still have BL's phone, I might stay quiet too. Never know what BL really told them before he disappeared. I am still convinced by the 911 call he had another person with him who answered "yes" to the ambulance.

KL is not the most eloquent speaker, but I think she has been pretty consistent with her story. I am open to any scenario, but my feeling has never been any family is trying to cover up a crime they were all involved in. I just don't see it in this case. I would need more definite proof. JMO tho.
I have a question, LOL, it may have already been asked and answered :blushing:

What is the truly, long term impact/result of this becoming a 'cold case'? Why is everyone (seemingly) sitting around waiting for it to be declared a 'cold case'?
Do they re instate her benefits? Does she no longer have to repay the money she wasn't entitled to when she did have Brandon? Does she not get to collect SSI until he is declared deceased? Even if it is declared a cold case, it does not mean he is declared deceased. You'd almost have to go to court and get this done...IMO

I guess I'm asking why sit around waiting/praying/hoping for such a thing? For those of you who have followed countless cases, is this a normal thing? Is this something some families need/hope for...to get benefits? any insurance policy money? any supposed "frozen" accounts? to have closure?
The whole thing just stinks, from the word go :(

ETA: http://www.ssa.gov/OP_Home/handbook/handbook.17/handbook-1721.html
SSA 1721. When is a missing person presumed dead?

We presume a person is dead if he or she has been missing from home and has not been heard from for seven years or more. This presumption applies regardless of the reason for the absence.

Once the presumption applies, it can only be disputed if we:

Prove the person is alive; or

Provide an explanation that explains the individual's absence and continued life.


That is a very good question. Maybe LL feels like if it were declared a cold case, someone else might give it some investigating. It seems as if no one is investigating this case, but we really do not know that as fact.

I guess with BL really out of the household, LL and her children qualify for aid from the state. But since she obtained that aid illegally when BL really was at home, I wonder if she is ineligible for that aid now? I doubt there was any money in the "frozen bank accounts". If BL and/or KL couldn't get gas until their checks hit the bank, that makes me think they didn't even have $5 in the bank. Or for that matter even have $5 cash in their pocket. How was BL going all the way to Ft. Worth without gas or cash? Most folks these days have at least one credit card. I really don't understand why no one had any money to get any gas. $5 would have bought about 2 gallons or less of gas. He could have gotten back to San Angelo on that, but not to Ft. Worth.

This is what makes me think he was just "running up the road" to buy drugs and it was not a planned trip to Ft. Worth because he got in a fight with his wife (I know they aren't married). If it was planned, he would have gotten gas before he left San Angelo. Common sense. If he was just "running up the road" he wouldn't have thought much about how much gas he had in his truck.

I know if I am planning on a long trip (Ft. Worth would have been about a 4-5 hour trip) the first thing I do is make sure I have gas to get there. If I am getting in the car to run an errand or go somewhere close, I rarely look at the gas gauge. I never believed he was going to Ft. Worth. In defense of LL, if things really played out the way they did, she didn't know where he was going either. When asked where he was going, maybe she just answered to Ft. Worth because that was the direction he was headed?? If the entire family knew early on this quite possibly could have been the drug cartel involved, maybe they really were being untruthful out of fear or being asked not to pursue that avenue by LE? These are just some of my attempts at looking at LL's answers in a different light that trying to cover something up. All just MOO!
In defense of LL, if things really played out the way they did, she didn't know where he was going either. When asked where he was going, maybe she just answered to Ft. Worth because that was the direction he was headed?? If the entire family knew early on this quite possibly could have been the drug cartel involved, maybe they really were being untruthful out of fear or being asked not to pursue that avenue by LE? These are just some of my attempts at looking at LL's answers in a different light that trying to cover something up. All just MOO!

Snipped for space....

I have tried to look at LL's answer differently also, as well as other family members, if they were afraid for whatever reason, why release the 911 call? Why keep the FB page going & all the different donation pages set up? If you're truly scared & afraid for yours & your children's safety why keep everything so public? Why post pics of your kids for God & everyone to see?? That is what makes me think it is not about fear. I think if LL would just be honest with the public &'even possibly herself, she would get better results. Answer the simple questions truthfully, even if it is "I don't know", rather than getting defensive & telling people "that is none of your business" or "I'm not going to say what I think B said" or "I'm not going to tell you what I think happened". Those are all big red flags for me! Just be honest! She put this out in the public, asked people for their help & money, she should be respectful enough to answer a few simple questions. She wanted to be the family spokesperson for all this, so BE the spokesperson!
I have a question, LOL, it may have already been asked and answered :blushing:

What is the truly, long term impact/result of this becoming a 'cold case'? Why is everyone (seemingly) sitting around waiting for it to be declared a 'cold case'?
Do they re instate her benefits? Does she no longer have to repay the money she wasn't entitled to when she did have Brandon? Does she not get to collect SSI until he is declared deceased? Even if it is declared a cold case, it does not mean he is declared deceased. You'd almost have to go to court and get this done...IMO

I guess I'm asking why sit around waiting/praying/hoping for such a thing? For those of you who have followed countless cases, is this a normal thing? Is this something some families need/hope for...to get benefits? any insurance policy money? any supposed "frozen" accounts? to have closure?
The whole thing just stinks, from the word go :(

[end Quote]

All of this because LL asked the question how long would it take to become a cold case? Maybe she is worried that it will become a cold case and no one will be investigating? Who said she was sitting around praying/hoping it would become a cold case?
Why put in the missing person report in that county??? Well because that's where his truck broke down and where he called 911 from. Was there something I missed from the 911 call that indicated he was in Tom Green County??
More searches need to be done in the area. He could have been running through property and fell in a well or water source of some kind. Many things could have happened to him. If family would have had anything to do with his disappearance then how do you explain the 911 call?

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I have a question, LOL, it may have already been asked and answered :blushing:

What is the truly, long term impact/result of this becoming a 'cold case'? Why is everyone (seemingly) sitting around waiting for it to be declared a 'cold case'?
Do they re instate her benefits? Does she no longer have to repay the money she wasn't entitled to when she did have Brandon? Does she not get to collect SSI until he is declared deceased? Even if it is declared a cold case, it does not mean he is declared deceased. You'd almost have to go to court and get this done...IMO

I guess I'm asking why sit around waiting/praying/hoping for such a thing? For those of you who have followed countless cases, is this a normal thing? Is this something some families need/hope for...to get benefits? any insurance policy money? any supposed "frozen" accounts? to have closure?
The whole thing just stinks, from the word go :(

[end Quote]

All of this because LL asked the question how long would it take to become a cold case? Maybe she is worried that it will become a cold case and no one will be investigating? Who said she was sitting around praying/hoping it would become a cold case?
Why put in the missing person report in that county??? Well because that's where his truck broke down and where he called 911 from. Was there something I missed from the 911 call that indicated he was in Tom Green County??
More searches need to be done in the area. He could have been running through property and fell in a well or water source of some kind. Many things could have happened to him. If family would have had anything to do with his disappearance then how do you explain the 911 call?

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No, she called a specific county to see if they had heard anything on BL... The missing persons report came AFTER the phone call to the county. The phone call to the county was before his truck was found. And also before they knew he called 911.
That is what the timeline says unless it has been changed again.

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I'm really on my very last nerve with this {bashing} of US, asking questions, as many have said already, you can't ask a question without it being mind your business or another lie...LL herself in the blog talk radio interview, the second one, stated she was WAITING for it to become a cold case, why???. I could not find the transcript, perhaps you can go listen to it yourself http://www.blogtalkradio.com/m-n-mm.../the-missing-n-murdered-show-with-jennynjerry, unless you were there with her...stop all this hiding behind crap.

Yes, searches need to be done. Well how the hell can a search even be thought about with all the mis-information?

Yes, I get that LL knows very little, fine.
WHERE DID I SAY SHE HAD ANYTHING TO DO WITH THIS? I don't think she did, but I think she has many(like half the flipping box) of puzzle pieces that could maybe flipping help solve this...no instead its well I'm not gonna say what I think, or well...you see BL he's just a good man, that is NOT HELPFUL. For instance, in her same interview she says well the two guys but I'm not going to say who...to me that is HUGE!!!! if those two guys were with BL that night who flipping cares???? I do, because are those two guys missing??? Were those two guys found??? by who? Alive???? Did KL find them and take them home? They could also point a search team in the correct proper direction to recover BL's remains so that LL could have closure! Further, KL and LL and others would then know the exact flipping truth of that night!!! Oh no, we have to keep up the IDK game! If it is drugs, cartels, or bad cops, whatever and LL and those babies are at risk or in danger, fine! Say so and I'll walk away! Good flipping grief!!!!!!

I have stated repeatedly I will put my happy butt out there on the ground helping search...well where I think he is...but if someone can show a proper place, point it out.

Now about the statement he could have fallen in a well. I've asked that several times and so have others where are the wells, were they checked in the supposed area he was thought to be in? How far are these wells from the truck?

UGH!!! :banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::maddening:
Brandon area 2.jpg
The big white circle is the 3 mile cell phone tower radius...I can adjust the map, I think, with any corrected info. I was doing this from memory rather than exacts


  • Brandon area map.jpg
    Brandon area map.jpg
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I personally want to know what Rascal knows, they jump in and defend, it's like they know something just won't say. These are simple questions to answer. No one is attacking LL, these are legit questions, and the more you dodge them the more people wonder. They didn't have an issue asking for money to help, but they have an issue answering a simple question. If you want to defend, please enlighten us on what you know.

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Can some one please clarify something for me? Brandon has a sister BL and a brother who's name starts with a K....his last name is not the same as Brandon's but starts with an H, is that correct? (In fact his legal 1st name isnt Kyle but is actually William.) Do they have different mothers? It doesnt appear that K's mom is Brandon's or that Brandon's father is K's. I have a very relivant reason for asking and hope that someone can please clarify who Brandon's siblings are. Thanks.

Eta: I answered my own question. There is another KYLE that often refers to himself as Brandon's bro as well as Brandon did him. That Kyle is now in jail. Sorry for confusion. Id take my post down, but cant seem too. Sorry.
I personally want to know what Rascal knows, they jump in and defend, it's like they know something just won't say. These are simple questions to answer. No one is attacking LL, these are legit questions, and the more you dodge them the more people wonder. They didn't have an issue asking for money to help, but they have an issue answering a simple question. If you want to defend, please enlighten us on what you know.

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It always bothers me when people post as if insiders but wont become "varified insiders". This happens quite frequently. I asked that one in particular become varified as they always post knowing things as fact, but she posted that she didnt want to. It sure would make things more believable or at least understandable.
I'm really on my very last nerve with this {bashing} of US, asking questions, as many have said already, you can't ask a question without it being mind your business or another lie...LL herself in the blog talk radio interview, the second one, stated she was WAITING for it to become a cold case, why???. I could not find the transcript, perhaps you can go listen to it yourself http://www.blogtalkradio.com/m-n-mm.../the-missing-n-murdered-show-with-jennynjerry, unless you were there with her...stop all this hiding behind crap.

Yes, searches need to be done. Well how the hell can a search even be thought about with all the mis-information?

Yes, I get that LL knows very little, fine.
WHERE DID I SAY SHE HAD ANYTHING TO DO WITH THIS? I don't think she did, but I think she has many(like half the flipping box) of puzzle pieces that could maybe flipping help solve this...no instead its well I'm not gonna say what I think, or well...you see BL he's just a good man, that is NOT HELPFUL. For instance, in her same interview she says well the two guys but I'm not going to say who...to me that is HUGE!!!! if those two guys were with BL that night who flipping cares???? I do, because are those two guys missing??? Were those two guys found??? by who? Alive???? Did KL find them and take them home? They could also point a search team in the correct proper direction to recover BL's remains so that LL could have closure! Further, KL and LL and others would then know the exact flipping truth of that night!!! Oh no, we have to keep up the IDK game! If it is drugs, cartels, or bad cops, whatever and LL and those babies are at risk or in danger, fine! Say so and I'll walk away! Good flipping grief!!!!!!

I have stated repeatedly I will put my happy butt out there on the ground helping search...well where I think he is...but if someone can show a proper place, point it out.

Now about the statement he could have fallen in a well. I've asked that several times and so have others where are the wells, were they checked in the supposed area he was thought to be in? How far are these wells from the truck?

UGH!!! :banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::maddening:


And do you know for sure Kyle's last name is Lawson?
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