TX TX - Brandon Lawson, 26, San Angelo, 8 Aug 2013 - #5

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BL called 911 at 12:50 or or 12:53am. The trucker called 911 at 12:58am. That call reported a stranded motorist. Does this indicate BL was still in or beside his truck at 12:58am? There's a difference between a stranded motorist and an abandoned vehicle. Would the dispatcher just choose one descriptor arbitrarily?

I've always thought the 2 calls are one in the same. The 911 operator never asks B his location, that we hear, except B says "going towards Abilene on both sides" which could indicate to a local "oh that's 277! & something is going on, I better send someone to check this out!" It's been said 2 deputies were sent out, one went N on 277 & one went S on 277. Then B calls back talking crazy, which is more of what we've all heard.
So IMO it's very possible that the call from a "trucker" about a stranded motorist could actually be the call from B. IF it was in fact another person calling in, an actual 'trucker', why would it be called in as a "stranded motorist"?
My thoughts are if one describes a stranded motorist then one actually SEES a person who is stranded, not a truck parked catty wompass on the side of the road. So if there is a trucker, did he see Brandon? Did he see something that caused alarm other than the catty wompass parked truck?

The thoughts & opinions stated above are that, MY random thoughts & opinions.
I've always thought the 2 calls are one in the same. The 911 operator never asks B his location, that we hear, except B says "going towards Abilene on both sides" which could indicate to a local "oh that's 277! & something is going on, I better send someone to check this out!" It's been said 2 deputies were sent out, one went N on 277 & one went S on 277. Then B calls back talking crazy, which is more of what we've all heard.
So IMO it's very possible that the call from a "trucker" about a stranded motorist could actually be the call from B. IF it was in fact another person calling in, an actual 'trucker', why would it be called in as a "stranded motorist"?
My thoughts are if one describes a stranded motorist then one actually SEES a person who is stranded, not a truck parked catty wompass on the side of the road. So if there is a trucker, did he see Brandon? Did he see something that caused alarm other than the catty wompass parked truck?

The thoughts & opinions stated above are that, MY random thoughts & opinions.

Good observstions its unclear if stranded motorist was just the term dispatch used for the call which could mean a call about a person vehicle or both that are stranded or otherwise disabled on a roadway its unfortunatley not a very specific term despite sounding like one. I would really like to hear a copy of that trucker call though. Supposedly he almsot wacked into brandons truck but i like the saying catty wompass parked much better to describe the situation.
Ive been working on some ideas about a theory that involves how popular sniper hunting hogs is at night in texas is in regaurds to brandons dissapearence. Does anyone hear the word sniper on the BL 911 call tape?

The video in this link https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&sou...U-GaYGuiJNRPfnIgA&sig2=YiKYQ8FLvtI24LZc8g7QsA is disturbing and while i dont mind if people hunt i dont like to watch animals getting shot so i ddint watch the whole thing. I thought it was a good example of the activity im talking about and shows how rough the terrain can be. I scrolled through it didnt want to watch the whole thing even the clip for it is creepy looking. Anyway do people think sniper could be what hes talking about on the 911 tape in this context? I never liked that idea before because my traditional view of a sniper seemed rediculous to fit in with this theory. However this type of sniper hunting for hogs at night especially in the summer is popular in texas since brandon went missing in the texas during that season sniper seems more plausible in this context
Thanks to my recent search history everytime i look at this thread i now see advertisments for pig hunting in texas and sniper pig hats so i screwed myself into having to think about this theory everytime i see this thread.
:maddening::treadmill: that pretty much is how i feel about this 911 tape. My friend and former rescue chief is now head of an emergency management department. I messaged him and asked him how one would go about getting dispatch logs and tapes of 911 calls and if he thinks its even possible now here is the other problem that 911 dispatcher worked out of a nursing home so okay first off wtf. That is the first time ive ever heard of that like ever. It doesn't make me confident about what they even would have and how you would get access to their records but the point is this i think a step in the right direction would be to find out what else happened in that area that night and maybe what else texas state police have as logs for calls near that area. I dont think police are involved but i think knowing if a major drug deal, a missing persons call, suspicious activity etc. Went down the same night around the same time there might be connections there. Allegedly there were 2 911 calls made by Lawson we have only 1. So lets see if we can get a clean copy and some dispatch logs to know when he called when trucker called, etc.etc. it may be a fat fat chance but it has to be better than what we've got. Until then ill be seeing sniper pig advertisements on my screen and probably getting a call from the nsa about why i was searching for the word sniper about a billion times on google....that can't look good.
http://ireport.cnn.com/docs/DOC-1069759 that article is interesting for two reasons 1. It says specifically they never found the cellphone i know there was questions about that. But 2. It says further investigation revealed brandon was hiding in a bush while he watched his brother talk to cops at the truck....really? How the hell could they know that? Would cnn respond if you asked? Or would that be considered giving up a source...sigh
To clarify on the cnn article it appears its not verified by cnno i guess it wouldnt be asking cnn but the reporter who wrote it about the details still would any news reporter give up information as to how they knew to write in the article that brandon wa hiding in a bush and watched police at his truck? Again would that be giving up a source or idk i just dont get how they can say investigation revealed that information....if that true i want to know how damnit lol
Okay last post for p.s. hope the president debate is interesting im going to watch it recorded tomorrow and watch it in segments at times when i feel less sleepy :p. Anyway i asked my friend/former chief who is head of an emergency managment department to clarify on the stranded motorist term. He texted me this
"It depends, ppl may mean diff things by it but usu motorist means person with the car"

Keep in mind though that he works for an extemly high call volume department on the east coast. We are dealing with a 911 dispatcher who is working out of a nursing home in Texas. Not that im trying to demean that dispatcher im just saying her use of terminology isnt necessarily going to matchup with high 911 call volume department in a different part of the country. Never the less thought that may help clarify.
If hes interested maybe i can get him to have some of his dispatchers to listen to the tape but im debating it because it sucks soo much and may drive those dispatchers insane. Hes a busy guy but a good friend...my best friend actually so ill see what i can do.
It was an individual, not a finance company or bank. That person's name was on the registration and title.

*All statements are that of my own opinion unless otherwise specified. *

So... the grandfather had absolutely NOTHING to do with the ownership or financing of the truck. In my opinion, that means he shouldn't have been allowed to pick up the truck. The only person, besides Brandon of course, should have been the owner of the truck who was selling it to BL through a private sale. Why would they have allowed anyone else to take the truck from the tow lot?
Good observstions its unclear if stranded motorist was just the term dispatch used for the call which could mean a call about a person vehicle or both that are stranded or otherwise disabled on a roadway its unfortunatley not a very specific term despite sounding like one. I would really like to hear a copy of that trucker call though. Supposedly he almsot wacked into brandons truck but i like the saying catty wompass parked much better to describe the situation.

I remember way back in the beginning of all this, that a cashier at the STRIPES gas station had been interviewed, and recalled that she had a conversation with the truck driver who had called in the truck being unsafe because of how it was sticking out in the road. LE has that truckers info and later spoke to him. I know it was in one of the first threads on here. Sorry I don't have a link, so take it as you will. Im pretty sure the call from Brandon, (which in my opinion has been cut/altered as it was only released to his dad for voice recognition) and the truck driver are two different calls.
I've always thought the 2 calls are one in the same. The 911 operator never asks B his location, that we hear, except B says "going towards Abilene on both sides" which could indicate to a local "oh that's 277! & something is going on, I better send someone to check this out!" It's been said 2 deputies were sent out, one went N on 277 & one went S on 277. Then B calls back talking crazy, which is more of what we've all heard.
So IMO it's very possible that the call from a "trucker" about a stranded motorist could actually be the call from B. IF it was in fact another person calling in, an actual 'trucker', why would it be called in as a "stranded motorist"?
My thoughts are if one describes a stranded motorist then one actually SEES a person who is stranded, not a truck parked catty wompass on the side of the road. So if there is a trucker, did he see Brandon? Did he see something that caused alarm other than the catty wompass parked truck?

The thoughts & opinions stated above are that, MY random thoughts & opinions.
Emergency management director fiend confirmed could mean either but that it does Usually mean there was a person there. Really would love to see dispatch logs to see if it could be clarified :)
That had some spelling errors per my usual post thanks to tiny phone fat fingers so just to clarify my emergency management department director friend said this about the stranded motorist term "it depends people may mean different things by it but usually stranded motorist means person with the car"
http://ireport.cnn.com/docs/DOC-1069759 that article is interesting for two reasons 1. It says specifically they never found the cellphone i know there was questions about that. But 2. It says further investigation revealed brandon was hiding in a bush while he watched his brother talk to cops at the truck....really? How the hell could they know that? Would cnn respond if you asked? Or would that be considered giving up a source...sigh

If I recall correctly, I think the info about his hiding until the cop left came from KL or KL's girlfriend.
I've always thought the 2 calls are one in the same. The 911 operator never asks B his location, that we hear, except B says "going towards Abilene on both sides" which could indicate to a local "oh that's 277! & something is going on, I better send someone to check this out!" It's been said 2 deputies were sent out, one went N on 277 & one went S on 277. Then B calls back talking crazy, which is more of what we've all heard.
So IMO it's very possible that the call from a "trucker" about a stranded motorist could actually be the call from B. IF it was in fact another person calling in, an actual 'trucker', why would it be called in as a "stranded motorist"?
My thoughts are if one describes a stranded motorist then one actually SEES a person who is stranded, not a truck parked catty wompass on the side of the road. So if there is a trucker, did he see Brandon? Did he see something that caused alarm other than the catty wompass parked truck?

The thoughts & opinions stated above are that, MY random thoughts & opinions.

Agreed have always thought the trucker seen BL to have indicated a stranded motorist not just a catty wompass truck in the road as you have stated. The trucker has seen more than anyone else and as far as we know the last person to see him besides LL.

Throwing a spin thought out there going back to a comment made a few pages back .... Has anyone thought of the theory BL may have been seeing someone else and got caught ?
Agreed have always thought the trucker seen BL to have indicated a stranded motorist not just a catty wompass truck in the road as you have stated. The trucker has seen more than anyone else and as far as we know the last person to see him besides LL.

Throwing a spin thought out there going back to a comment made a few pages back .... Has anyone thought of the theory BL may have been seeing someone else and got caught ?

But the trucker called 9-1-1 after Brandon did. Brandon called at 12:50am, and the trucker at 12:58am.

So that would imply that whatever danger caused Brandon to call would have subsided in time for him to be back at his truck at 12:58am.

In which case: what caused him to disappear from the truck between the 12:58 call and 01:10am, when the cops and KL arrived at the truck..?

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Agreed have always thought the trucker seen BL to have indicated a stranded motorist not just a catty wompass truck in the road as you have stated. The trucker has seen more than anyone else and as far as we know the last person to see him besides LL.

Throwing a spin thought out there going back to a comment made a few pages back .... Has anyone thought of the theory BL may have been seeing someone else and got caught ?
That he was seeing someone else is a definite possibility.

*All statements are that of my own opinion unless otherwise specified. *
Some people have suggested he was actually ten minutes up the road in another area when his (brandons)911 call was made. Cellphone pings supposed statements to brother etc. Point to that. If he was not actually at the truck and its just a case of the dispatcher using the stranded motorist term in the wrong way (my Emergency Management friend said usually stranded motorist implys person is at vehicle but inexperienced dispatcher may have used term wrong or was confused by info etc. Causing it to be used wrong and no person was there) then the trucker could have just been calling about almost hitting the truck but brandon wascalling about a differnt situation. Brandons 911 call was made about a different situation in an area close by. The truck running out of gas caused a 911 call by trucker almost hitting it and 911 call from brandon in seperate area because he ran into a dangerous situation as a result of something in the area he was wandering around in after the truck died.
Other possibility is brandon knew the trucker was going to call 911 maybe he even screamed it at brandon. Brandon knew he had a warrant on him so he wanted to tell the dispatcher about it before cops arrived to make the situation smoother. Them showing up and bwing surprised to find out he has a warrant when they run his plates wouldnt go smooth at all so its in his best interest to tell them. Now in that case the trucker did end up calling 911 he just waited a few minutes after to do so and Brandon beat him to it. He either got scared or something happened to him while making that call causing him to hang up on 911.
I think the only way to get anywhere with this is if somehow we can get our hands on sispatch logs and copys of 911 calls made to that dispatch and nearby areas at the time of the disapearence and shortly after it. Without that information its just two many questions with two many different possibilities hence the maddening frustrating heartbreaking tail chasing in circles case that is Brandon Lawson missing.
I think the only way to get anywhere with this is if somehow we can get our hands on sispatch logs and copys of 911 calls made to that dispatch and nearby areas at the time of the disapearence and shortly after it. Without that information its just two many questions with two many different possibilities hence the maddening frustrating heartbreaking tail chasing in circles case that is Brandon Lawson missing.

Well if they would've ran the plates they wouldn't have gotten anything back regarding B's warrant, the truck WAS NOT REGISTERED to Brandon. And at this time no one is going to get copies of dispatch logs and or copies of 911 calls made that night, as this is still an ongoing investigation.
And yes it is very frustrating, I, as well as many others here, have been tail chasing for 3 years now, but good luck.

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Well if they would've ran the plates they wouldn't have gotten anything back regarding B's warrant, the truck WAS NOT REGISTERED to Brandon. And at this time no one is going to get copies of dispatch logs and or copies of 911 calls made that night, as this is still an ongoing investigation.
And yes it is very frustrating, I, as well as many others here, have been tail chasing for 3 years now, but good luck.

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I think the only way to get anywhere with this is if somehow we can get our hands on sispatch logs and copys of 911 calls made to that dispatch and nearby areas at the time of the disapearence and shortly after it. Without that information its just two many questions with two many different possibilities hence the maddening frustrating heartbreaking tail chasing in circles case that is Brandon Lawson missing.
The case is an open investigation. It's under the jurisdiction of the Texas Department of Public Safety, Texas Rangers. According to our state law and TDPS policy, that 911 will never be released to the general public.

The person who answered it wasn't a dispatcher. She was an employee at the nursing home. Coke County is a small area and calls were rolled over to the desk at the nursing home at that time after certain hours. Shortly after this incident, things were changed, and there's a Sheriff's Office employee who takes 911 calls during the night now.

We (the public) don't know what the 911 call said. What we have heard is a collection of snippets of parts of the call that the Rangers took to Brandon's dad for voice identification purposes only. Ladessa obtained a copy of the recording, releasing it to the public, and there's no way to verify or vouch for it being a clean recording with no interference, background noise, etc. Also, there's been no solid verification one way or the other that it's Brandon's voice on the recording. The law enforcement agencies KNOW what the 911 call says. It's the public that doesn't. (Personally, I think the 911 call is a wild goose chase.)

Bottom line is there hasn't been any proof released to the public that Brandon Lawson was ever out on 277 that night. His brother was. His brother's girlfriend was. But where was Brandon?

*All statements are that of my own opinion unless otherwise specified.*
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