GUILTY TX - Christina Morris, 23, Plano, 30 Aug 2014 - Enrique Arochi kidnapping trial #6

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Correct. Everyone is entitled to there own opinions. I respectfully accept your opinion. However, we can now look at the FACT that EA has been kidnapping CM for the last two years.

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From prison

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Sounds like upcoming defense is practicing mock jury at our expense.

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Deviant *advertiser censored* does not = sexual predator. Deviant *advertiser censored* = weird fetish. Last I checked deviant *advertiser censored* was not illegal.

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I'm not sure if you read the link I provided, but it's a known and proven thing that when sexual excitement is linked to that type of *advertiser censored*, sexual gratification through less intense sex becomes harder and harder to achieve. Therefore, constant viewing/participation in those acts often escalates. I liken it to "soft" drug use like marijuana, for some who use they will never end up doing hard drugs, but for some it opens an addiction pathway that escalates to hard drug use. Like that example, for some who view *advertiser censored* of this type, it won't escalate; but for others it opens a very scary door that leads to violent, sexual behavior that becomes their new normal, causing them to go further and further to reach sexual gratification. If you choose to ignore the proven and studied damages that *advertiser censored* can cause, that is your prerogative, but it doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
Sounds like upcoming defense is practicing mock jury at our expense.

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I haven't followed a case post trial before and I have to say I'm quite surprised at some of the new posters.

Of course people may have followed closely without ever commenting or joining up but IMO we have many posters who know the details much better than the jury and probably the judge himself (not being negative about them, it's proper that EA is judged on the evidence presented in trial) is it usual to have new posters challenging after the verdict?
I hope the defence will realise the game is up but if they don't what are the grounds that they could legitimately appeal on.

I've read above that ineffective assistance won't fly so what might?

Any legal views would be much appreciated
I just now started watching the "baby Kate" trial. I have almost zero info in what happened or who people are. So yes I will watch and piece it together but I won't be as educated on it as if I had been there from the days she first went missing. It's a lot of information. You aren't a troll but you don't have as much information as someone who has followed since day one.

Almost zero info and no information are different. I only knew CM missing never found. Nor have I ever proclaimed to have as much information as someone who has followed since day one. Nor was it my intent to. And you will see how different it is going only by what is presented at trial. I don't know if it live stream or not, or if following on a thread. I also don't know if you are or can start it without a preconceived bias. "Baby Kate" not sure if I could but if I were to follow I would have to. Too many true crime threads and all by nature are brutal and heartbreaking. It is hard to go into trial knowing all you know from following each step prior. Knowing evidence that may have gotten thrown out by a legal reason.

I pray that if for some reason you have different opinions than the crowd, that you don't get slammed. Or people that make you go hmm. God gave us each a brain and a heart different and somewhat the same. Lots of great folks here so I have faith. Good luck on your experience. Your smart and resourceful you will do fine. Praying for your heart because it sounds like by name it will be tugged on. Hurts mine thinking about it. I have been thinking about the Cooper case. Just remember when came on news. Was a case in Hot Springs Ar. that same thing happened but was a Judge! He was acquitted - didn't follow but I know my Facebook was full of angry friends. Again I don't know facts other than baby left in Hot car and died, just human nature feelings of not understanding how could happen but did.
I think that the people of frito lay should stop making their greasy salty snacks and go look for her. The same way with the bar and fast food employees. Go look for this woman.
Yes I have lived in Plano since 1975 and the Plano PD are always amazing. I feel like that might be a reason people from other areas find it hard to trust them because they are not as fortunate in that area. I know EA had a fabulous attorney in Keith Gore. I would encourage anyone who thinks otherwise to look him up and call him with any concerns about EA'S defense. I honestly believe they will get a response if they have anything unknown to provide. As big as Collin County has gotten, it still not like Dallas you can call and get a human on the phone to reschedule jury duty if needed. So I don't see the need to argue, if you feel EA was wronged call KG and try to help him out.
THE JUDGE and JURY HAVE need to rehash proven facts...not worth anyone's time to argue...

Agree. Followed trial only and appears defendant had good representation. I do not doubt the ability of PPD being awesome. Most likely are top notch. Jmho their testimony on witnesse stand though was conflicting in theories and yet stated were in agreement among other things. I respect the jury verdict no matter the outcome. I am only talking about the trial. This trial is over, but not over. It is okay to talk about it. Just as it would definitely be talked about if had been different verdict or sentence. People would still be posting their opinions, look at Casey Anthony threads. My only opinion really is charges were not proven to me by the States case. Does not mean I think he is innocent or guilty. Honestly what anyone other than that jury think matter but we still have a right to respectfully talk about it. Jmho
IIRC, she (along with EA) lied to EA's parents about her age; I've never seen a source that says she lied to EA though. Maybe I'm wrong and you can point me in the right direction.
Sentencing testimony did, however, conclusively say EA lied to her about his age, which IMO, shows willful manipulation and deceit of a 16 year old girl. His motivation was driven by a physical/sexual or romantic interest in her. He had sex with her.
I can't speak for her, but I highly doubt she had the same motives in lying to his parents.

I know you didn't bring this up, but on a separate thought for anyone who may be wondering, whether or not she took action on ending the releationship after finding out the truth is irrelevant; she was 16. She had the maturity of a 16 year old girl. She cannot and should not be held to adult standards on relationship maturity. EA was 22, he knew better. He should be held to adult standards. And he will.

I see you mentioned the last page of the arrest warrant stats that a friend/coworker said they (EA and minor) had sex, but remember, EA acknowledged having sex with her as well via text message to RA. This was not only testified to during the trial, but was extracted from RA's phone and recorded in evidence. Your reference to friend/coworker may not be an attempt to indicate that this is heresay, but in case anyone reading it assumes it is, I just wanted to clarify.

Possible I incorrectly read tweets. I agree with most of your post. I agree too that he was of adult age and she underage. On maturity I know nothing nor will ever know anything thing about the young lady. I have 2 daughters and different as day and night at that age. Same thing with my boys. No I was no meaning hearsay rather that it was a known fact and appears it was consensual sex. Although I do not understand the choking sexual part - nothing sexy sounding to me but have seen it on news and many true crime shows. I don't know nor does it seem others here know what the hitting means. Hitting as in sexual or fighting? Jmho both are wrong but could have different meaning.

But as far as this case I see no proof that was presented that CM was choked. Or if so was done in sense of trying to kill her. Some present it as a fact yet so far it only a theory, no one knows for sure what happened but one, possibly more but the one that could answer isn't telling publicly. Jmho
I'm failing to understand how that wouldn't be relevant. The last person to be seen with Christina was an administrator of a group that shared pictures of women being raped and tortured and he sexually assaulted his underaged girlfriend. This builds a pattern, and in IMO a progression.. one that led to the kidnapping and murder of Christina Morris.

Not trying to argue I can see both sides of coin here. I wonder as I do not know if they asked RA if their relationship was same as the minors. Did anyone else that was interviewed give same type testimony? I mean of EA having a violent nature/side? Not meaning coworker about being upset at customer - sure that happens to most. Holes in wall doesn't alone mean punched by EA. Adding many thing together yes can mean something if you have something your trying to prove jmho.
Sounds like upcoming defense is practicing mock jury at our expense.

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I hope the defence will realise the game is up but if they don't what are the grounds that they could legitimately appeal on.

I've read above that ineffective assistance won't fly so what might?

Any legal views would be much appreciated

The defense says their main arguments will center on "change of venue" and "lack of evidence." And they put a rosy spin on their chances (just like they did before this trial many times). But if these are truly their main appeal arguments, I think their appeal is more of a hope-against-hope longshot than an actual expectation of any likelihood of success (specifics for my thinking that are explained in some detail in post 508).

That they will appeal even with weak chances is to be expected, as it's fairly routine in a case of this nature and with a life sentence. They always want to try to lessen it.

As I said earlier on this same topic, ya don't know what ya don't know, so I can't say for certain that those are indeed the defense's main angles to try for something better. But I have followed the case closely, including all the pre-trial motions and rulings, and the evidence and motions as presented in both phases of the trial, and I saw no questionable judicial choices of the nature that lead to a successful appeal (I thought Rusch was more than fair to the defense). I truly believe EA was properly convicted on the basis of a mountain of clear and compelling evidence that was obtained via the normal legal avenues that are used by LE investigators.

We can never say there is "no way" that an appeal will succeed until it's denied, and it will take a couple of years to run its course. But personally, I'm really not losing any sleep over the prospects of an appeal. From following the case closely, imo EA was properly convicted/sentenced on the basis of a mountain of clear and compelling evidence that he committed AK against our girl, and I believe he'll be in prison doing hard-time until he dies.
I followed along with the trial via tweets. I realized when they live streamed closing arguments it was much more thorough than just reading tweets....I can't imagine thinking I would be able to base a decision on guilt or innocence based on trial tweets....things are omitted, it's just not a thorough, detailed representation of what is presented in court.

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I'm not sure if you read the link I provided, but it's a known and proven thing that when sexual excitement is linked to that type of *advertiser censored*, sexual gratification through less intense sex becomes harder and harder to achieve. Therefore, constant viewing/participation in those acts often escalates. I liken it to "soft" drug use like marijuana, for some who use they will never end up doing hard drugs, but for some it opens an addiction pathway that escalates to hard drug use. Like that example, for some who view *advertiser censored* of this type, it won't escalate; but for others it opens a very scary door that leads to violent, sexual behavior that becomes their new normal, causing them to go further and further to reach sexual gratification. If you choose to ignore the proven and studied damages that *advertiser censored* can cause, that is your prerogative, but it doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

In this case it appears drugs some hard were definitely in play by most if not possibly all. Would not surprise me if others were not into kinky sex. (Don't really want to know but we can't say if or not victim was into that mess) praying she is located and more questions answered. But I honestly do not see EA saying anything. It not in his best interest. Although that is a fact doesn't make one wish he would. Jmho
However, we can now look at the FACT that EA has been kidnapping CM for the last two years.

True. Until she is returned by EA or declared dead, the kidnapping is legally considered to be ongoing. I don't think this point was lost on the prosecution, the judge, or the jury, and EA's sentence was determined accordingly. It wouldn't be justice to release him to walk freely before his kidnapping of CM has stopped.
I followed along with the trial via tweets. I realized when they live streamed closing arguments it was much more thorough than just reading tweets....I can't imagine thinking I would be able to base a decision on guilt or innocence based on trial tweets....things are omitted, it's just not a thorough, detailed representation of what is presented in court.

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Agree but all we had except for 1day we were blessed to have 2 WS members give their notes. Otherwise if reporters had not been able to tweet from courtroom live we would only get possible spotty evening media reports. Jmho love live streaming
I think that th:shame:e people of frito lay should stop making their greasy salty snacks and go look for her. The same way with the bar and fast food employees. Go look for this woman.

Maybe rotate shifts :shame: But in all seriousness I pray that just because a verdict that people don't think it done. I think at this point if/when she found will be by chance. Those 3 kidnapping victims found years later an Jaycee Duggard give me a glimmer if small, but some hope. Jmho
His actions on the morning of Aug 30, 2014, IS sufficient to label him a monster imo. If you watched or read the interviews with Juror #1 you know the jury was leaning towards giving him the maximum sentence. And that was without hearing anything about the SA charges.

That said, I almost threw up my breakfast reading the tweets about the deviant *advertiser censored* found on his phone. Nothing about the description of those images and film links is anywhere near the realm of the typical type of *advertiser censored* that might interest a 24-year-old male.

Serious question and not meaning to be snarky, but what is typical type of *advertiser censored* that might interest a 24year old male? Or female for that matter? Not that I want to see it but evidently there are those that do. Hope that photos were checked out for possible identification.

:facepalm: For him mostlikly, what in his future where he going. (Although it is illegal there)
:thinking: is it possible that CM could have been taken to Mexico? Was that ever thought of as a possibility?
We will have to agree to disagree but the people who matter in this case (the judge) saw the relevance. *advertiser censored* involving rape, torture, and mutilation is more than just a weird fetish IMO. With that being said, you seem to be very adamant in not giving any weight to the evidence presented against the guilty party so I don't think anything I saw will change your mind.

You are correct. Some seem confused or misinformed about the nature of what is allowable evidence in the punishment phase of a trial.

When it comes time for deciding how long an AK sentence is to run, there is a wide range of possibles, from 5 years to 99 years. So how is it decided? The largest part of that will be determined by the details of the totality of the crime itself, and the perp's actions. Did he mitigate his crime, or did he exacerbate it? What sort of ramifications did it have, and what did he do (or not do) to make it better or worse? All of such items are things clearly relevant to the case itself, and many of them are in the testimony in the case-in-chief rather than in the punishment phase.

But beyond that, both sides are allowed to present "irrelevant to THIS case" testimony that bears on the character of this defendant.

From the state, what other things of an illegal nature is he doing, or has he done? Those may be completely different types of crime, but the presence or absence of such things shows an attitude towards following the law. Is he a moral upstanding person, or a pervy sleazeball who is obsessed with illegal and deviant things and perhaps likely to play them out? Some of those may not even be criminal, but it reveals mindset and likely propensity to do this crime or that in the future.

In this case, the state wanted to show some linkage between the "otherwise irrelevant acts" and the actions of EA to CM, which would further bolster an argument over how heinous this crime was. But the acts themselves were allowable, relevant or not, and it's up to the judge or jury to decide if you can connect the dots further.

On the other hand, the defense is allowed to show things that might excuse the perp somewhat, even if not relevant to the crime. Is he charitable to others, was he a victim of abuse when young, did he have a hard time with this or that and have to overcome it in life, is he the type of person that would make a positive impact on the community if he was released and out on the streets, are there people who would be positively benefited by him serving a shorter sentence (say, for example, a family member or friend that he generously supports and cares for)? Does his life pattern show a propensity to follow the law, where it's unlikely that he would get out and do something bad and force the state to do another trial and lock him up again?

Much evidence against him, None in his favor. With a life sentence possible, no reason to ever want to let him out again, where he can be free to do something again, or worse.

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