GUILTY TX - Christina Morris, 23, Plano, 30 August 2014 - #10 *Arrest*

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A lot of ppl don't understand that whats found and how its found could mean a killer walking away scott free.

If Christina is out there walking around its obviously not at the shops of legacy!
If they are still focused on this area that to me means she is deceased. LET LE do it right and catch the person responsible and put him away. JMO
Good Morning Folks - just now caught up from posts last night. I am a believer in organization, and I think that there does need to be one person in charge of the searches. I asked some time back if people were working from a grid and if areas checked were marked off, etc. You need some type of coordinator to make sure this is done. I personally don't care who the person is as long as he is efficient at his job and by the profession that has been mentioned, I think that would go without saying. JMO
Re evidence contamination being cited as a reason to limit searchers, imo maybe they have reason to believe a "searcher" was also involved in the impetus/demise, and they are pre-emptively limiting the potential for dual-date cross-contamination.

Stranger things, right?

PS- great pest control analogy earlier.

to clear up another thing, le never said evidence contamination was why the new rules went into effect... that was and never has been an issue. Searchers are thoroughly screened before ever meeting up to search

I'm grateful you posted that, Josh123-- I wanted to go back and edit my post from "cited" to "speculated" but I missed the editing window, I guess. I'm bringing these other quotes along for the ride so that (1) we have them in a central location with Josh's insight, and (2) we can hopefully limit future accidental confusion.

Oh! I'd hoped this would go without saying, but I suppose I should also add that by "searchers" in my original post, I was not implying you nor anyone else contributing to the board had anything to do with CM's disappearance.

This is because of the worry off messing up a crime scene or hurting this case. It just wasn't communicated to us lthat well. I'm over any frustration and all is good.
There's been so much chaos in all this that things got mis communicated to us I believe. It's not that they don't want our helps. They just want these searches done right when they happen
I believe it's more of a legal thing. They worry someone may disturb evidence if we ran across some. Also people weren't sharing maps and stuff. I don't fully understand it but I get their point. Just like PPD
I don't know about the issue anyone had with the searchers, but there could be a valid reason to want it to be more controlled. Maybe they worry about tampering with potential evidence, or alerting POIs to areas searched. Hopefully LE makes a move soon and we all find out the answers to the many questions surrounding what happened to Christina!
A lot of ppl don't understand that whats found and how its found could mean a killer walking away scott free.

If Christina is out there walking around its obviously not at the shops of legacy!
If they are still focused on this area that to me means she is deceased. LET LE do it right and catch the person responsible and put him away. JMO

BBM Are you of the strong opinion that there is only ONE (1) killer??
Has anyone read any new information or a plea to also look for the backpack/purse she was possibly carrying that evening? I only read about it in the beginning. I know they recently gave new info on the phone.
Has anyone read any new information or a plea to also look for the backpack/purse she was possibly carrying that evening? I only read about it in the beginning. I know they recently gave new info on the phone.

The items that have been requested is a backpack style purse
Specific items Plano PD is looking for include the clothing Morris was last seen wearing: a light, peach-colored shirt; multicolored skirt; black or dark-colored fedora; black backpack-type purse; gold rings; an iPhone with a light green case; and a Canon camera.
I think there's more regarding the purse/backpack. I believe I've seen them referenced separately and I've seen the word "string" applied to the backpack, because I remember thinking that the garage vid backpack was NOT what I would consider string-style.

Here's a link to show a picture of what comes to mind with "string" backpacks--
I think there's more regarding the purse/backpack. I believe I've seen them referenced separately and I've seen the word "string" applied to the backpack, because I remember thinking that the garage vid backpack was NOT what I would consider string-style.

Here's a link to show a picture of what comes to mind with "string" backpacks--

Thanks ... OH You mean Like this Description from TES when they spent time in Plano and got the Drones approved???
Original Post: 23 year-old Christina Morris was last seen in Plano, Texas on August 30th 2014. Christina was wearing a light gray T-shirt, shorts, black sandals and a black full-rim hat. Christina also was carrying a black, pull-sting type backpack, and wearing gold-colored rings on her fingers. If you have seen Christina Morris since her disappearance, if you know or her current whereabouts or if you have information on her disappearance; please contact the Plano Police Department at (972) 424-5678 – or call Texas EquuSearch at (281) 309-9500.
Thanks ... OH You mean Like this Description from TES when they spent time in Plano and got the Drones approved???
Original Post: 23 year-old Christina Morris was last seen in Plano, Texas on August 30th 2014. Christina was wearing a light gray T-shirt, shorts, black sandals and a black full-rim hat. Christina also was carrying a black, pull-sting type backpack, and wearing gold-colored rings on her fingers. If you have seen Christina Morris since her disappearance, if you know or her current whereabouts or if you have information on her disappearance; please contact the Plano Police Department at (972) 424-5678 – or call Texas EquuSearch at (281) 309-9500.

MVP award goes to you, TYM! Thank you!
Thanks for everything that you have done One. It is really awful that it has turned into an ugly drama where people like you
have to turn away from the searches. IF I lived closer , I would help search too. I am so sorry that it has turned into a drama fest.
Who needs more drama in their life especially when trying to go an outstanding good deed.

o/T what's up with the avatars - I see a carrot, cucumber and looks like a hot red pepper.

Lol I'm from Texas! He's a chile pepper! (And quite cute!)
How can u be manipulated on a search?
You go sign up and show your id.
they give you an area to search.
they tell you what to do if u find something and who to notify if you do.
I think all the volunteers are good caring people. So why not work together.
Many times you have issues with private property ect...
I'm sure working with each other and police and the evidence.just make sense and you have one grid to work off and no duplication.
Jmo and definitely very proud of all who volunteered.

I think things get taken out.of context if you did not hear something directly from the source.
You need police to come if you find something so better they know what areas are.being searched.
I didn't get the impression that ONE wanted to praise. I get the impression that he/she wanted to help. I would feel totally used if I volunteered my time only to be manipulated and given the run around, when all I wanted to do was help. I don't think ONE was sharing their frustration with the board, but their frustration with the case and the seeming non caring friends, etc. I would feel used if i was searching this whole time, then was told by a lawyer, not LE, that I couldn't do it anymore without said lawyer present. I would feel that things were very fishy.
BBM- in this case LE hasn't publicly said they don't want public searches, they've said please keep quite about it. Someone please correct me if I am wrong if LE has changed their stance on the searches. It seems to me, that ONE feels as though others are manipulating the searches in various ways.

This is all my opinion BTW.

I don't know ONE so can't say if they were looking for praise. Just wanted to say, when you volunteer for anything, or sign up for anything, or work with others,...if there are other people involved you can't expect things to go your way, and if you have expectations they probably won't be met. People spend a lot of time complaining and don't realize they are bringing the drama they say they don't want. JMO
Since the thread seems to have gone off topic, I thought I'd bring up our timeline from several threads ago. We can't really talk about much on here because we have no POIs from LE and we can't rely on rumors as fact, but this is what we had as a timeline. Unfortunately I don't think we have much to add, but maybe by bringing it forward again we can get back on topic.

Asterisks by facts, unsure/rumors without asterisks -- just to keep it straight.


CM was reported to have been at Lewisville Lake with bf and other friends on Wednesday, 27 August.

**CM was at work at Great Expectations on Friday, 29 Aug sometime between the business hours of 11am and 7pm (we don't know exact hours she would have worked but this should be easily proven so we'll call it fact)

Boss says CM was crying at work because she found out that bf was cheating

**At 8pm Friday a photo of bf skateboarding at the Holocaust Museum in Dallas is uploaded to CM's Instagram

**CM went to Shops of Legacy that evening
for a girl's night out

**Her Toyota Celica was (later found) parked on the 1st level NE corner of the parking garage behind Dunkin Donuts

She was seen by witness to be walking through the parking garage toward Henry's just after 11pm

She was seen by witness to be wearing a flowy, colorful kimono top

**A photo later posted on sm with the comment "From the night she went missing" shows CM to be wearing a black hat, light beige strapless top, beige cardi-type coverup, and grey and white pattern bottoms. (We can't tell if it is skirt, shorts or pants in the photo)

She was seen by witness to have entered Henry's with two girlfriends

CM went to get something to eat after leaving Henry's

CM went to an apartment at 5700 Scruggs Way and was with 4-5 friends

**According to dad's phone records the last 15 calls were to bf

**A text was sent to bf's phone from the phone of CM at 3:36 "I can't find the keys to house"

**A video from camera 13 in the parking garage at 3:57 am shows what appears to be CM (wearing a black hat, black backpack, and long skirt) and an unnamed male hs friend walking just inside the garage

**The released video ends at 3:57 am, with the two still walking side by side

**As per missing person info released by LE: Last seen entering a parking garage near the 5700 block of Legacy Dr in Plano,TX. Missing person is known to carry her iPhone, which is white with a green back cover. She also may have her Cannon Rebel digital camera on her. Video of her entering a parking garage indicates she may have been carrying a dark colored back pack at the time of her disappearance. Missing person has a tattoo on her left hip that states, " Dream as if you will live forever, live as if you will die tomorrow", a healed belly button piercing scar, a nose piercing and a cherry birth mark on the back of her neck.

**A text was sent to bf from the phone of CM at 3:58 am "Can you please leave the front door unlocked?"

**Parents file missing person's report 2 Sept after boss contacts CM's friend about her missing work and friend contacts mother

**On 3 Sept Bf (logged into CM's page) posts on her page asking for friends to help give info/find CM
Since the thread seems to have gone off topic, I thought I'd bring up our timeline from several threads ago. We can't really talk about much on here because we have no POIs from LE and we can't rely on rumors as fact, but this is what we had as a timeline. Unfortunately I don't think we have much to add, but maybe by bringing it forward again we can get back on topic.

Asterisks by facts, unsure/rumors without asterisks -- just to keep it straight.


CM was reported to have been at Lewisville Lake with bf and other friends on Wednesday, 27 August.

**CM was at work at Great Expectations on Friday, 29 Aug sometime between the business hours of 11am and 7pm (we don't know exact hours she would have worked but this should be easily proven so we'll call it fact)

Boss says CM was crying at work because she found out that bf was cheating

**At 8pm Friday a photo of bf skateboarding at the Holocaust Museum in Dallas is uploaded to CM's Instagram

**CM went to Shops of Legacy that evening
for a girl's night out

**Her Toyota Celica was (later found) parked on the 1st level NE corner of the parking garage behind Dunkin Donuts

She was seen by witness to be walking through the parking garage toward Henry's just after 11pm

She was seen by witness to be wearing a flowy, colorful kimono top

**A photo later posted on sm with the comment "From the night she went missing" shows CM to be wearing a black hat, light beige strapless top, beige cardi-type coverup, and grey and white pattern bottoms. (We can't tell if it is skirt, shorts or pants in the photo)

She was seen by witness to have entered Henry's with two girlfriends

CM went to get something to eat after leaving Henry's

CM went to an apartment at 5700 Scruggs Way and was with 4-5 friends

**According to dad's phone records the last 15 calls were to bf

**A text was sent to bf's phone from the phone of CM at 3:36 "I can't find the keys to house"

**A video from camera 13 in the parking garage at 3:57 am shows what appears to be CM (wearing a black hat, black backpack, and long skirt) and an unnamed male hs friend walking just inside the garage

**The released video ends at 3:57 am, with the two still walking side by side

**As per missing person info released by LE: Last seen entering a parking garage near the 5700 block of Legacy Dr in Plano,TX. Missing person is known to carry her iPhone, which is white with a green back cover. She also may have her Cannon Rebel digital camera on her. Video of her entering a parking garage indicates she may have been carrying a dark colored back pack at the time of her disappearance. Missing person has a tattoo on her left hip that states, " Dream as if you will live forever, live as if you will die tomorrow", a healed belly button piercing scar, a nose piercing and a cherry birth mark on the back of her neck.

**A text was sent to bf from the phone of CM at 3:58 am "Can you please leave the front door unlocked?"

**Parents file missing person's report 2 Sept after boss contacts CM's friend about her missing work and friend contacts mother

**On 3 Sept Bf (logged into CM's page) posts on her page asking for friends to help give info/find CM
Thanks do you want to correct the phone which was changed?
By mom.
Thanks do you want to correct the phone which was changed?
By mom.

If someone can dig up dates that the phone info was changed I'll add that, as well as the date the family reported the camera was in Christina's house. I don't want to change what was originally reported because I think it is important to document that there were inconsistencies from the get-go. I just cant dig through to find the dates right now, but if someone let's me know I will add to and repost the updated version!
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