GUILTY TX - Christina Morris, 23, Plano, 30 August 2014 - #10 *Arrest*

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Yes. EA sr..put out a tweet on the 6th of Oct..Lil over a week a MX reporter who tweet concerning cartel activity. He has tweeted before directly concerning his boys to a college for his younger. I see...maybe.. a father that tries to cover for his kids but doesn't know proper route. EA sr...said..what is your I can send you regarding a delicate situation...Jr gets approached in parking garage by cartel. Associates..he knows them..but won't say anything. He lawyers knows cause he tells a thought..

So CM is just at the wrong place and time?
I'm thinking totally different now.

FWIW, Many have been thinking out of the box. There are somethings that the general public is not going to be informed about because of the nature and I suppose all that is in play
I have been approaching this different ways. Until I saw a recent post on twitter..dormant for a few months..I have another idea..but will wait..I'm not feeling the love
I'm sure we all would love to hear.
It's a big deal when the lawyer is friends with ppl who may not have Christina's best interests in mind, and when willing able searchers are flat out turned away suddenly after having helped search all this time...

All I'm saying is that I'm considering it rumor because I haven't seen the family saying they have hired an attorney to assist them. I've read so much he said, she said, I heard it from a friend who heard it from someone else, that it doesn't hold a lot of water to me. I've noticed that this entire group of people are friends with many of the same people -- actually the lawyer is friends with some of my friends on fb, but that doesn't mean much.

I don't know about the issue anyone had with the searchers, but there could be a valid reason to want it to be more controlled. Maybe they worry about tampering with potential evidence, or alerting POIs to areas searched. Hopefully LE makes a move soon and we all find out the answers to the many questions surrounding what happened to Christina!
Re evidence contamination being cited as a reason to limit searchers, imo maybe they have reason to believe a "searcher" was also involved in the impetus/demise, and they are pre-emptively limiting the potential for dual-date cross-contamination.

Stranger things, right?

PS- great pest control analogy earlier.
At this point anything is possible but I just hope we bring Her home soon.

Swede, if we're thinking same thing, I too wonder why no love for months then all the sudden bam!

I was planning to help more with searches and was told directly by another searcher that PPD stated to another searcher we could no longer search without lawyer present. However considering from my perspective it was not that many people and it wasn't really organized just those wanting to help do something to facilitate looking and I doubt those looking would touch/tamper or hinder anything because that would defeat the purpose but I wasn't at all searches so it's possible someone wanting to help may have had ulterior motives
to clear up another thing, le never said evidence contamination was why the new rules went into effect... that was and never has been an issue. Searchers are thoroughly screened before ever meeting up to search
to clear up another thing, le never said evidence contamination was why the new rules went into effect... that was and never has been an issue. Searchers are thoroughly screened before ever meeting up to search

So law enforcement was the one who told you that no further searching could take place without the family's lawyer present and organizing the search?
I don't think either who were helping thought the other were somehow responsible and ONE I understand how you may feel but considering you were doing for the right reasons trust that and we can pray she'll come home. I honest didn't meet either of you guys and I wholeheartedly think you put finding her as priority because you wanted to help. I believe a lot is lack of communication, lack of knowing what to do in a situation like this unless you are in LE and been doing it for years and see a pattern and have a real clue so cut yourself some slack and know you tried and I really believe the family truly does appreciate and care that people were trying. Until it's all said and done with we may never know the reasonings of how or why And all the theories without REAL evidence is just that.
Ps as most can see I'm as REAL and transparent as you get. What you see is what you get. I don't hide who I am here or Facebook and what I post on opinions are mine. What I post others told me are just that - as much as the truth as I know it to be and the last thing I would ever do would as a professional and one of the most loving/caring aunts ever is put Christina in harms way or do something to jeopardize the search. I don't care what people think of me because I'm not involved to gain friends. I got involved to help find a missing person. Sure maybe I say a few things that others might not like but others say things I don't care to hear but I value their opinion and openness and respect them for having an opinion even if it's not the same as mine. Let's have hope and lose the trust no one theory and pray for Christina and her family. That's what they need the most now and I care so I'll respect the wishes of searches being done with the lawyer in charge or whoever they do choose to do so.
I'm still searching this weekend. Don't care what they say, it's going to require a court order to get me to stop looking. I'm a mother that feels for another mother in need even though we don't know each other.
Did any additional news come out about the young woman that was kidnapped and drugged near UT Arlington?
I don't think either who were helping thought the other were somehow responsible and ONE I understand how you may feel but considering you were doing for the right reasons trust that and we can pray she'll come home. I honest didn't meet either of you guys and I wholeheartedly think you put finding her as priority because you wanted to help. I believe a lot is lack of communication, lack of knowing what to do in a situation like this unless you are in LE and been doing it for years and see a pattern and have a real clue so cut yourself some slack and know you tried and I really believe the family truly does appreciate and care that people were trying. Until it's all said and done with we may never know the reasonings of how or why And all the theories without REAL evidence is just that.

I agree wholeheartedly with Cindy and that you should cut yourself some slack. You've clearly put a lot of effort into this and while it may not have directly led to a resolution, your time spent was valuable in ways you may not realize now. Karma has been an ongoing theme, and putting positive energy and effort out there brought comfort to a family in need. Even though you may feel discouraged now, positive things will find you.

Wild theory meaning the searchers had something to do with this. Maybe this has happened before. Dunno. The ones I met seemed like regular people. Then again I had no clue other searches were going on

I don't think anyone here was implying that you nor Josh123 nor any of the other participants on this board nor the searchers you interacted with had something to do with her disappearance. I cannot speak for others, but I know that the observation I'd made earlier was in regard to the original word received (paraphrasing here) about informal/independent searches and folks notifying LE as to what areas they'd searched.

In my opinion, this could open up a host of problems (not just surrounding the integrity/chain of custody of evidence itself) but with regard to defenses argued and ultimately burden of proof and reasonable doubt. Many of the working theories on here speculate that foul play among her known social community was a contributing factor. With the "gate open" for searching, an involved party (not you, not anyone on here) could say "of course my footprints were in that area, I was helping with the searching, I just forgot to phone it in." With that option open, the person wouldn't even have ever had to have helped with the searching nor had a presence or interaction with any of the others legitimately searching.

Bad example, but I think you know what I mean.



It's going to take a village to find Christina.
We have a young woman missing.
she walks off into the night and is never seen again.

what makes this soooo different then the others?

Search when asked LE knows what they are doing! And they know a lot more then we do. Heck most of the info is coming from FB and IMO this is the reason this case has gone off track.

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