GUILTY TX - Christina Morris, 23, Plano, 30 August 2014 - #10 *Arrest*

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Well I think it's natural for people to hold on to hope and believe that their loved one is still alive. You hear crazy stories all the time of people who went missing and were found years later. Just the other day that elderly lady was found in a cabin in Maine. Left there by her abductors for years. You just never know. So while we may feel that it is more realistic that Christina is no longer alive, I can see why her mom would still be thinking otherwise and hoping that they will be reunited and life will go on with them together.

Of course! I totally agree with you. I was just saying that may be why they are discouraging searches, etc. They may know that she is alive and being held somewhere. JMO
Of course! I totally agree with you. I was just saying that may be why they are discouraging searches, etc. They may know that she is alive and being held somewhere. JMO

IMO All search info is kept confidential.
The problem here is that the attorney does not appear to be organizing any searches whatsoever. So it's now a missing persons case with no one allowed to look for her. Very. Bizarre.

Are we sure they aren't searching? If it were me, I'd be getting searches organized but I'd be keeping it VERY quiet. The general public doesn't need to know where and when they are searching, in my opinion. I think that could be detrimental to the case. So maybe they are searching but not divulging that info to the general public.
Are we sure they aren't searching? If it were me, I'd be getting searches organized but I'd be keeping it VERY quiet. The general public doesn't need to know where and when they are searching, in my opinion. I think that could be detrimental to the case. So maybe they are searching but not divulging that info to the general public.

Yes Exactly !!!!

I have been saying this for weeks .... the best chance they have now IMHO is to cut all and any ties with anyone for now. This is a must as to not leak out any info to any one to get a better grip on the situation.
Can anyone provide a link that searching is discouraged by the family?
If we are to believe that CM decided at the last minute to drive home do you think she told someone of her change of plan and they managed to get to the garage before she did which must mean they are pretty nearby or do you think someone within the group that were there on the night ran from the apartment to get there before her?

I do not think it was anyone in the group she was with that night!
OT - Is there a cricket emoticon?
OT - IMO that will work just fine! Thanks Cookie!
I've been loosely following this case from early on. Like most cases I follow, I generally don't post unless/until there's something I have a strong opinion on, or a topic that may not have been broached. I'll preface by saying I don't know anything about the lawyer, their involvement, nor any of the known or speculated motives.
From my professional experience, as well as casual observation of cases I've followed here, having a lawyer on board is commonplace. In today's litigious society, most people are aware that having legal expert available, regardless of one's involvement, is akin to having car insurance before operating a vehicle.

Again, having no idea the specific motive in this instance, I can offer a strong reasoning (simply MOO from my 17 yrs in LE) why a lawyer may be involved w/ regards to searches. I'm not aware of the exact areas that are being searched, but SOMEBODY owns land/property that's being searched. If there's strong evidence found, that can be used to tie into a suspect, assist in obtaining warrants, or ultimately lead to an arrest, etc., this evidence is now exposed to the rest of the judicial process. If evidence is obtained from an area where there's been no search warrant issued, and events following this discovery lead to an arrest, the evidence now becomes "fruits of the poisonous tree". I'll try to give a seemingly innocuous example --

A group of searches are organized to perform a grid search of an open field belonging to the county of ________. Directly adjacent to this field is private property. The exact line of property is not specifically drawn out. (Keeping in mind, these volunteer searchers are under the direction of LE.) A searcher, unknowingly, is a few feet into property that is privately owned. On that property an item belonging to a victim is found, and that item happens to contain fingerprints. Those fingerprints belong to the owner of the said property it's found on. After further investigation, the property owner is determined to be the suspect, and eventually the defendant in the disappearance, death, etc. of the victim. According to the courts, LE did not have a search warrant for defendant's property. The defense argues that the searcher, under the direction of LE, was searching the defendant's property w/out a search warrant issued by the courts. The evidentiary item was seized illegally. Furthermore, anything else obtained due to the discovery of this initial evidence (search warrant, arrest warrant, confession, etc.) is "fruits of the poisonous tree".

This is just my take on why a lawyer may involve themselves in a search.


Thanks for reading.

There's a TON of great work being done by you guys/gals, and some very strong theories.

In my opinion it seems LE is trying to make sure they can proscecute IF Cristina is found. I think LE should first worry about finding Christina and deal with arrest or no arrest later. Arent they here to serve and protect? It seems they are treating this case backwards. Just get Christina home for goodness sakes. The family actually said they would not prosecute. They just want Christina. Time to quit the bs and find her. This makes PPD look really bad.
With all of the texts and calls (15?) between her and her bf, I would love to know if any of them included her whereabouts for the night. She could have told him beforehand, but maybe if any texts were involved, they included, hey, I am staying at so and so's apartment tonight or we're hanging out at this bar/restaurant in the Shops...

I'm just wondering how aware he was of where she was that night. And if police can verify through texts that he DID know. If he was in the dark, though, it would have been very difficult for him to guess she'd be in that parking garage which would make me eye someone else. I waffle back and forth between two options right now.
-not having a text obviously does not mean he did not know where she was, but having such a text would be pretty significant.
Just Praying For New Information & Credible Leads On The Location and Whereabouts of CHRISTINA !!!

In my opinion it seems LE is trying to make sure they can proscecute IF Cristina is found. I think LE should first worry about finding Christina and deal with arrest or no arrest later. Arent they here to serve and protect? It seems they are treating this case backwards. Just get Christina home for goodness sakes. The family actually said they would not prosecute. They just want Christina. Time to quit the bs and find her. This makes PPD look really bad.
And they find her, but cannot put the person behind bars so he/she is free to roam the streets at 4:00am to find another young female victim. What do you say to those parents?
With all of the texts and calls (15?) between her and her bf, I would love to know if any of them included her whereabouts for the night. She could have told him beforehand, but maybe if any texts were involved, they included, hey, I am staying at so and so's apartment tonight or we're hanging out at this bar/restaurant in the Shops...

I'm just wondering how aware he was of where she was that night. And if police can verify through texts that he DID know. If he was in the dark, though, it would have been very difficult for him to guess she'd be in that parking garage which would make me eye someone else. I waffle back and forth between two options right now.
-not having a text obviously does not mean he did not know where she was, but having such a text would be pretty significant.
If they had friends in common I am guessing one could have found out quickly where the party was taking place that night without her texting the location. ;)
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