GUILTY TX - Christina Morris, 23, Plano, 30 August 2014 - #16 *Arrest*

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Yeah I'm thinking that's a red herring. Nothing to do with whatever happened. MOO

To call the purse questions a "red herring" is a bit harsh. How are we to know that something in the posts to that site poshmark might be connected somehow to Christina's disappearance? We don't but VI's might see something we do not.
To call the purse questions a "red herring" is a bit harsh. How are we to know that something in the posts to that site poshmark might be connected somehow to Christina's disappearance? We don't but VI's might see something we do not.

Fair enough. I guess I don't see this as premeditated; more of a crime of opportunity and/or crime of passion. MOO
To call the purse questions a "red herring" is a bit harsh. How are we to know that something in the posts to that site poshmark might be connected somehow to Christina's disappearance? We don't but VI's might see something we do not.

I wouldn't call it a red herring myself, but I agree with Saintgirl that the purse theory is very far-fetched. If she had disappeared at a different time, under different circumstances, the purse theory might make more sense. But 4-5ish am...from a purse deal? To me, that's unlikely. Can you really put together a logical scenario surrounding a purse deal and the facts we know from the night she went missing? If so, share.
Yeah, that was my next comment as well. We can't really sleuth them I don't think. I'm pretty sure Eileen feels like we ought to look towards ft. worth, but Carlton and yourself both consider that not even a remote consideration. I'm not sure that I know where to go from here then, lol.

I've had dreams about construction sites and hotels the entire time. I wondered if EA headed east as indicated the. Versus heading towards his home he may have gone north on Custer to Irwin Park? Or trails up there that are vacated at night dark and a place to hide someone and/or he headed back west to a construction site or he went to a hotel where others were meeting him and everything happened after that.
I've had dreams about construction sites and hotels the entire time. I wondered if EA headed east as indicated the. Versus heading towards his home he may have gone north on Custer to Irwin Park? Or trails up there that are vacated at night dark and a place to hide someone and/or he headed back west to a construction site or he went to a hotel where others were meeting him and everything happened after that.

Cindy what's the update with the woman from Wylie? Was it an accident, she ran off the road? Thinking of that case, they would have never found her had it not been for the sonar equipment brought in from a PI, right?
I wouldn't call it a red herring myself, but I agree with Saintgirl that the purse theory is very far-fetched. If she had disappeared at a different time, under different circumstances, the purse theory might make more sense. But 4-5ish am...from a purse deal? To me, that's unlikely. Can you really put together a logical scenario surrounding a purse deal and the facts we know from the night she went missing? If so, share.

I wish I had something to lay out for you. Earlier today we were asked for new ideas, so some offered some unexplored information from earlier threads. Maybe EA could be connected, maybe the family/friends would be able to tell. Trying to keep the thread alive for Christina.
I wouldn't call it a red herring myself, but I agree with Saintgirl that the purse theory is very far-fetched. If she had disappeared at a different time, under different circumstances, the purse theory might make more sense. But 4-5ish am...from a purse deal? To me, that's unlikely. Can you really put together a logical scenario surrounding a purse deal and the facts we know from the night she went missing? If so, share.

I don't think it was a purse deal gone bad. But, I think it's important to look at everything. For me, the first thing I thought of was she most have access to a LOT of money to have 5 purses of that price. Those purses total value over $15,000. That is a LOT of money. We're they hers? Was she selling for someone? How did she get that much money to buy these were they gifts? Did someone steal them and then were they selling them? Selling them as real but knockoffs? Some of these ideas may be farfetched, but until she is home everything she be looked at.

I don't think this was premeditated. when I see all of this reg flags go up. I just wonder if there was stuff going on prior to 8/30 that got the ball running into something on the 30th.
I don't think it was a purse deal gone bad. But, I think it's important to look at everything. For me, the first thing I thought of was she most have access to a LOT of money to have 5 purses of that price. Those purses total value over $15,000. That is a LOT of money. We're they hers? Was she selling for someone? How did she get that much money to buy these were they gifts? Did someone steal them and then were they selling them? Selling them as real but knockoffs? Some of these ideas may be farfetched, but until she is home everything she be looked at.

I don't think this was premeditated. when I see all of this reg flags go up. I just wonder if there was stuff going on prior to 8/30 that got the ball running into something on the 30th.

I see what you are saying, and yes ideas are needed. You never know what little tidbit might be the key to finding Christina. I think what Hibiscus was getting at is the same thing I feel....someone who wanted to do something to her would have been real lucky for her to insist on leaving. At 4 a.m. JMO
I don't think it was a purse deal gone bad. But, I think it's important to look at everything. For me, the first thing I thought of was she most have access to a LOT of money to have 5 purses of that price. Those purses total value over $15,000. That is a LOT of money. We're they hers? Was she selling for someone? How did she get that much money to buy these were they gifts? Did someone steal them and then were they selling them? Selling them as real but knockoffs? Some of these ideas may be farfetched, but until she is home everything she be looked at.

I don't think this was premeditated. when I see all of this reg flags go up. I just wonder if there was stuff going on prior to 8/30 that got the ball running into something on the 30th.

She did work at Nordstrom at some point not that long ago. Does Nordstrom in that area carry Chanel?
Cindy what's the update with the woman from Wylie? Was it an accident, she ran off the road? Thinking of that case, they would have never found her had it not been for the sonar equipment brought in from a PI, right?

The news stated that from the black box they do not believe foul play and it was consistent with a vehicle accident. I'll try a d find post and put in that forum If it's not there. However I believe I saw another article they were planning to do an autopsy which I'm sure would finalize their decision but I haven't heard anything past Tuesday on that case.
Cindy what's the update with the woman from Wylie? Was it an accident, she ran off the road? Thinking of that case, they would have never found her had it not been for the sonar equipment brought in from a PI, right?

Oh and my husband said had she not been in the car or had there not been a car sonar may not have detected. A man went missing from his boat that was found on lake Washington a year or so ago and the family were quite wealthy spent a bunch of money and sonar never found him and then his body resurfaced much later so a lot of money spent with no success. Thinks that search team just got super lucky
She did work at Nordstrom at some point not that long ago. Does Nordstrom in that area carry Chanel?

Oh...that is a thought. I see SHE left in June 2013. I know JMOM was going to ask Jonni as well. I wonder if she may have been selling for someone else. Jmo, she didn't seem like the type to use these purses, but I could be wrong. I will do some sleuthing this weekend.
Here is another case where sonar was used at time person went missing and it was NOT successful.

I believe this team searching for Almaz got lucky they had the equipment but also that she was close to the vehicle in a small pond. Otherwise sonar may not detect a body so not sure this would prove beneficial for finding Christina.

Saint - I posted the links for Almaz in the threads on her missing case.
Noticed this post on Texas Equusearch website while looking for reference to sonar
FOUND DECEASED (Pending ID): Almaz Gebremedhin – Wylie, Texas (10/2/14).
It's say the sonar searchers Dennis and Tammy Watters are long time Equusearch members.
I often forget they have members all over! It's good to know the resources are available should Texas Equusearch be called back.
If EA's home was near where some of us think he may have been taking her to pick up spare keys, do we know if anyone was home at his home that night?

Instead of some secluded place, he could have easily said...."Oh, I forgot, I gotta run by my place first to grab something. Wont take a minute." (OR) "Hey, I got a spare doobie at my place if your interested".

While there, and depending on how secluded his neighborhood is, and depending on whether he forcefully got her inside or maybe she even voluntarily came in with him, the attack could have been right inside his place.

That would sure explain how he could clean up well enough before getting back in his car.

But for that to happen, it would have to be known that nobody was home at his place that night because i doubt he would do anything if anyone else was there.

Christina may not have known whether it was really his home or not, he could have picked any known empty house to pull up to.
EA says she was never in his car.
LE feels that is the only way she could leave.

Did Christina only loose her house Key or both her house and Car keys?

Was this discussed at the apt before she left. Did she ask her friends if they saw her Keys and did EA verbally
tell her he would drive her to her parents?
Id think her call would be to her parent to tell them she was coming there because she lost her keys.
But she didn't she tries to contact HF

Where are those forensic reports?

Once those reports come in if she was in that car EA will talk.
If there is nothing to be found silence will prevail.
I see the discussion regarding the use of sonar. I don't believe that would be used until they had a specific location to search. When I saw it used, a witness had said I saw someone dumping something in this general area. Then sonar was brought it. IMO it wouldn't be used until they had a better idea of where she and her belongings might be.
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