GUILTY TX - Christina Morris, 23, Plano, 30 August 2014 - #16 *Arrest*

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Does anyone know of any attacks or robberies in the Legacy Shops area or the parking area in recent weeks or months? SOrry if this has been covered. I've read all the threads, but I may have missed something or forgotten something.

Also, is there any way to get out of that garage without driving out the designated exit? Can someone walk out? As in, is there a little perimeter wall that can be stepped over like a curb or is it completely enclosed by walls with no door except the way they entered? They were parked on the ground floor, right? (Don't know if there's another level above.)

13 cameras in the garage and only one caught images? There's one safety issue that could be stepped up right there.

Were there very few cars left parked at that hour? I read here that two other vehicles were seen on video leaving and they were cleared, IIRC. (?) I guess I'm asking was there another car parked beside CM's car or do we not know b/c there's not video of it. TIA.

Also, it seems crucial to me for LE to know what she was wearing. If CM were in a vehicle I don't see how a non-professional person doing a cleaning, no matter how thorough, could remove all traces of her, fibers and all. Fibers could link to what she was wearing, right? Also, hairs are notorious for being trace evidence. Then their are fingerprints that someone may have missed if that is applicable. Even if there's not blood, fingernails, or hair with roots attached, it seems there will be something if she had been in that vehicle (imo). Same for the exterior of the car. There's luminal and all sorts of evidence gathering techniques that pick up clues - clues and traces that are not readily visible to the naked eye of the one doing the cleaning, if that's what happened. IDK. Apologies for the graphic imagery.
Someone kids were robbed at gun point the same weekend at the shops the parent mentioned it on FB I'll try find link but it was earlier on did anyone else see it
Does anyone know of any attacks or robberies in the Legacy Shops area or the parking area in recent weeks or months? SOrry if this has been covered. I've read all the threads, but I may have missed something or forgotten something.

Also, is there any way to get out of that garage without driving out the designated exit? Can someone walk out? As in, is there a little perimeter wall that can be stepped over like a curb or is it completely enclosed by walls with no door except the way they entered? They were parked on the ground floor, right? (Don't know if there's another level above.)

13 cameras in the garage and only one caught images? There's one safety issue that could be stepped up right there.

Were there very few cars left parked at that hour? I read here that two other vehicles were seen on video leaving and they were cleared, IIRC. (?) I guess I'm asking was there another car parked beside CM's car or do we not know b/c there's not video of it. TIA.

Also, it seems crucial to me for LE to know what she was wearing. If CM were in a vehicle I don't see how a non-professional person doing a cleaning, no matter how thorough, could remove all traces of her, fibers and all. Fibers could link to what she was wearing, right? Also, hairs are notorious for being trace evidence. Then their are fingerprints that someone may have missed if that is applicable. Even if there's not blood, fingernails, or hair with roots attached, it seems there will be something if she had been in that vehicle (imo). Same for the exterior of the car. There's luminal and all sorts of evidence gathering techniques that pick up clues - clues and traces that are not readily visible to the naked eye of the one doing the cleaning, if that's what happened. IDK. Apologies for the graphic imagery.

According to a few posters that seem to be very familiar with that has been stated in discussions on here about 6-7 weeks ago that there are potentially a few "blind spots" in that garage area.

Here is also one that would be used for walking/footpath into the garage area -right next to Fireside Pies (next door to Henry's)!1e1!3m2!1sgcxPzM3LyPTvb0lXMCj0Sg!2e0!6m1!1e1
Here are entrances/exits primarily for vehicles
This might least a visual
Entrance where they approached -behind the sign is where the motion activated camera is!4m3!3m2!1s0x0:0x8f21296b5c86a16e!4b1!6m1!1e1

Lois Exit (this is the North side of the garage area) Presumably where Arochi exited at 3:58am!1e1!3m2!1sPPujqgPWzhNH8gOtN0ntzw!2e0!6m1!1e1

Bishop/Lois Exit (Western side of garage -next to Henry's Tavern)!3m4!1e1!3m2!1se50YAmMix3LIx3-SNicbhA!2e0
I wonder if there's any way to do a reverse check on the IME to see if there's been an attempt to activate the phone, and if so, where?

Were you supposed to confiscate the phones if they turned up on that list?
Oh there would definitely be a trail if someone attempted to activate it, the phone would ping and if law enforcement flagged the phone that info would be passed on to them.

We were not authorized to confiscate phones, but law enforcement did come to us on two separate occasions after we tried to activate phones that were on the list. We always pulled up customers account info any time they came in for any reason so we were handed over that info along with video footage from that time. Both cases were actually out of state matters (missing person and a murder) and the people had purchased them from eBay and were not involved with the criminal acts.
To call the purse questions a "red herring" is a bit harsh. How are we to know that something in the posts to that site poshmark might be connected somehow to Christina's disappearance? We don't but VI's might see something we do not.

I think red herring fits the bill
I believe just about ALL vehicles have some kind of mat or carpet in the trunk. You would think LE would also confiscate that, along with the floor mat & seat belt, UNLESS it was missing... Would seem very odd if a 2010 Camaro didn't have one.
This is late but in reference to JMOM talking about dragonflies and butterflies appearing during the searches, I just wanted to add:

"Dragonflies are reminders that we are light and we can reflect the light in powerful ways if we choose to do so".... reminds me of everyone who has refused to give up and continues to press for answers until Christina is found. :heartluv:

Also, in Japanese culture, dragonflies represent joy and new light. When you see a dragonfly, enjoy its presence and be content knowing it represents good things.
I believe just about ALL vehicles have some kind of mat or carpet in the trunk. You would think LE would also confiscate that, along with the floor mat & seat belt, UNLESS it was missing... Would seem very odd if a 2010 Camaro didn't have one.

My two cars - a 2003 and a 1993 - don't have mats in the trunk. HOWEVER, they do have a carpet that is attached. I would think the Camaro is the same way. IF that is missing, it would really look strange. Kind of like a cell phone that was factory reset.
This is late but in reference to JMOM talking about dragonflies and butterflies appearing during the searches, I just wanted to add:

"Dragonflies are reminders that we are light and we can reflect the light in powerful ways if we choose to do so".... reminds me of everyone who has refused to give up and continues to press for answers until Christina is found. :heartluv:

Also, in Japanese culture, dragonflies represent joy and new light. When you see a dragonfly, enjoy its presence and be content knowing it represents good things.

Beautiful, peaceful post and beautiful outlook. Awesome.
My two cars - a 2003 and a 1993 - don't have mats in the trunk. HOWEVER, they do have a carpet that is attached. I would think the Camaro is the same way. IF that is missing, it would really look strange. Kind of like a cell phone that was factory reset.

Is the carpet missing? if so... odd.

I'm confused about the phone being reset. I thought EA "borrowed/used" (stole? IDK) a phone from his Sprint workplace where he was a manager. Then when it was returned, it had been reset.... which seems normal to erase the usage if he didn't intend to keep it, planned to return it, and it wasn't his to keep. Correct me. I could be wrong. If he were going to do something nefarious on that phone it seems it'd have been easier and safer and more private to go pick up a go phone, [throw-away phone] for a few dollars rather than bring suspicion upon himself.
Is the carpet missing? if so... odd.

I'm confused about the phone being reset. I thought EA "borrowed/used" (stole? IDK) a phone from his Sprint workplace where he was a manager. Then when it was returned, it had been reset.... which seems normal to erase the usage if he didn't intend to keep it, planned to return it, and it wasn't his to keep. Correct me. I could be wrong. If he were going to do something nefarious on that phone it seems it'd have been easier and safer and more private to go pick up a go phone, [throw-away phone] for a few dollars rather than bring suspicion upon himself.

That would require intelligence that he is severely lacking
Is the carpet missing? if so... odd.

I'm confused about the phone being reset. I thought EA "borrowed/used" (stole? IDK) a phone from his Sprint workplace where he was a manager. Then when it was returned, it had been reset.... which seems normal to erase the usage if he didn't intend to keep it, planned to return it, and it wasn't his to keep. Correct me. I could be wrong. If he were going to do something nefarious on that phone it seems it'd have been easier and safer and more private to go pick up a go phone, [throw-away phone] for a few dollars rather than bring suspicion upon himself.

I believe he was arrested around 15 September on the stolen phone issue. But I believe - and one of the VI's might know - he was questioned by LE prior to that and that might have been when they noticed his phone had been wiped.

On that point I spoke with someone who works in the wireless retail industry on that point. A factory reset is used to fix a problem on a phone where you are going to give the phone back to the owner. They told me if a customer buys a phone and then within, say, a week they return the phone. Nothing wrong with it, they just don't like it or it doesn't have the capability they are looking for, or other such issue of preference. Phone is functional. They have to reset the phone and send it back to the company. They said some places it USED to be common to let the store employees buy the phone at very nominal price after it had a factory reset and use it themselves or sell it on EBay. Not anymore. Any phone that has already had an number assigned to it and used cannot go back on the shelf in most, if not all, wireless stores.
She did work at Nordstrom at some point not that long ago. Does Nordstrom in that area carry Chanel?

Nordstrom would have these missing purses documented. The authentication cards are pulled when they are sold, and it is documented they were purchased. If one goes missing, I am sure there is a paper trail on them.

Which, listing stolen purses on Poshmark would be a traceable mistake.

I am saying this assuming people at the register even bother with doing the paperwork required on large ticket sales. Maybe they don't in this area of the world, but they have for my purchases (and returns) at every Nordstrom and Bloomingdales.
I wouldn't call it a red herring myself, but I agree with Saintgirl that the purse theory is very far-fetched. If she had disappeared at a different time, under different circumstances, the purse theory might make more sense. But 4-5ish am...from a purse deal? To me, that's unlikely. Can you really put together a logical scenario surrounding a purse deal and the facts we know from the night she went missing? If so, share.

I definitely wasn't saying she actually made a "purse deal" at 4 am. What I mean was that it is possible that she had sold a purse earlier that Friday -- maybe after work, and someone knew she had a bunch of cash on her. The PoshMark site shows that she did not sell anything through their website, but in the comments she was giving a phone number, so it must have been customary to do her sales separate from the site. Those purses aren't cheap and if word was out that she had a side business of selling very high dollar purses, someone might have decided that she was a good target. People are crazy and will do a lot of insane things for money.

If she didn't sell any of the bags, I would guess that they were still at her house and her mom would have taken them when they packed up all her belongings several weeks ago.
I definitely wasn't saying she actually made a "purse deal" at 4 am. What I mean was that it is possible that she had sold a purse earlier that Friday -- maybe after work, and someone knew she had a bunch of cash on her. The PoshMark site shows that she did not sell anything through their website, but in the comments she was giving a phone number, so it must have been customary to do her sales separate from the site. Those purses aren't cheap and if word was out that she had a side business of selling very high dollar purses, someone might have decided that she was a good target. People are crazy and will do a lot of insane things for money.

If she didn't sell any of the bags, I would guess that they were still at her house and her mom would have taken them when they packed up all her belongings several weeks ago.

I agree Cookie, people are crazy and will target anything for money. I do not think for a minute she was making a purse deal at 4am. How scary it is giving out that phone number ..wonder if she had arranged exchanges like that? Perhaps she was followed? IDK
I completely see where you are coming from and your road of logic in the explanation...very clear.
Respectively snipped

Also, it seems crucial to me for LE to know what she was wearing. If CM were in a vehicle I don't see how a non-professional person doing a cleaning, no matter how thorough, could remove all traces of her, fibers and all. Fibers could link to what she was wearing, right? Also, hairs are notorious for being trace evidence. Then their are fingerprints that someone may have missed if that is applicable. Even if there's not blood, fingernails, or hair with roots attached, it seems there will be something if she had been in that vehicle (imo). Same for the exterior of the car. There's luminal and all sorts of evidence gathering techniques that pick up clues - clues and traces that are not readily visible to the naked eye of the one doing the cleaning, if that's what happened. IDK. Apologies for the graphic imagery.

Does anyone remember how long LE kept EA's car to do a search? I tried to go back to find the posts about his car but with this many posts I haven't had any luck. I think I do remember they kept the passenger side seat belt and something else (maybe mats).

Jumping off frisson's post I agree that it would be very hard, even impossible to clean every trace of evidence that would show that Christina had been in his car. I know LE can find minute trace evidence in cars but it's a process that would take longer than just a quick search. Even if there is blood (which I really don't think there is) and EA tried bleaching it and LE didn't find any blood or hairs on the seats or doors then IMO they should be removing seats and inside door panels, dashboards, carpet in the trunk and even search underneath the car (which may give a clue to where EA might have taken Christina). If EA had her in his car I really believe there is something she left behind. Of course, JMO.

Praying for Christina to be brought home and strength for her family and friends to get through this nightmare.
Does anyone remember how long LE kept EA's car to do a search? I tried to go back to find the posts about his car but with this many posts I haven't had any luck. I think I do remember they kept the passenger side seat belt and something else (maybe mats).

Jumping off frisson's post I agree that it would be very hard, even impossible to clean every trace of evidence that would show that Christina had been in his car. I know LE can find minute trace evidence in cars but it's a process that would take longer than just a quick search. Even if there is blood (which I really don't think there is) and EA tried bleaching it and LE didn't find any blood or hairs on the seats or doors then IMO they should be removing seats and inside door panels, dashboards, carpet in the trunk and even search underneath the car (which may give a clue to where EA might have taken Christina). If EA had her in his car I really believe there is something she left behind. Of course, JMO.

Praying for Christina to be brought home and strength for her family and friends to get through this nightmare.
11 days
I don't think it matters much if he did scrub the phone, because if he used the same phone number it should all still be traceable. They should be able to determine exactly who was called or texted, and from where. I have swapped out many phones, and the phone company still has records of the calls and texts, because you have to call in the IMEI number to activate the phone on the network which automatically ties it to your phone number. The only thing I can think of that would be lost would be any pictures taken, and saved to the internal phone memory, and not an sd card. There could be dna evidence on the old phone, or it could have been broken in a struggle.

The real question is where could he take her, because she grew up in that area, that she wouldn't be suspicious of? We don't know if she knew exactly where he lived, so he could have taken her to a house he knew was empty. I thought I read someone in his family was into real estate, but I am not sure, if so he could have known of many empty homes in the area. He could have said hey you want to come inside.

I read an article that said they searched along 121 for any place a person could pull off, and that makes me think the last time her phone pinged was on that road, because his phone would have also pinged the whole way home.

I am surprised that I we have not heard the color of the car he was driving. In the Hannah Graham case they showed us a picture of the car and asked if anyone saw it anywhere to please call LE. So if they do find something in that car I hope they will at least do that, because then someone might remember seeing a car like that pulling off the road, or doing something else suspicious.
Does anyone remember how long LE kept EA's car to do a search? I tried to go back to find the posts about his car but with this many posts I haven't had any luck. I think I do remember they kept the passenger side seat belt and something else (maybe mats).

Jumping off frisson's post I agree that it would be very hard, even impossible to clean every trace of evidence that would show that Christina had been in his car. I know LE can find minute trace evidence in cars but it's a process that would take longer than just a quick search. Even if there is blood (which I really don't think there is) and EA tried bleaching it and LE didn't find any blood or hairs on the seats or doors then IMO they should be removing seats and inside door panels, dashboards, carpet in the trunk and even search underneath the car (which may give a clue to where EA might have taken Christina). If EA had her in his car I really believe there is something she left behind. Of course, JMO.

Praying for Christina to be brought home and strength for her family and friends to get through this nightmare.
They had his car for 11 days as I recall.
I don't think it matters much if he did scrub the phone, because if he used the same phone number it should all still be traceable. They should be able to determine exactly who was called or texted, and from where. I have swapped out many phones, and the phone company still has records of the calls and texts, because you have to call in the IMEI number to activate the phone on the network which automatically ties it to your phone number. The only thing I can think of that would be lost would be any pictures taken, and saved to the internal phone memory, and not an sd card. There could be dna evidence on the old phone, or it could have been broken in a struggle.

The real question is where could he take her, because she grew up in that area, that she wouldn't be suspicious of? We don't know if she knew exactly where he lived, so he could have taken her to a house he knew was empty. I thought I read someone in his family was into real estate, but I am not sure, if so he could have known of many empty homes in the area. He could have said hey you want to come inside.

I read an article that said they searched along 121 for any place a person could pull off, and that makes me think the last time her phone pinged was on that road, because his phone would have also pinged the whole way home.

I am surprised that I we have not heard the color of the car he was driving. In the Hannah Graham case they showed us a picture of the car and asked if anyone saw it anywhere to please call LE. So if they do find something in that car I hope they will at least do that, because then someone might remember seeing a car like that pulling off the road, or doing something else suspicious.

A lot of 'depends' here. Yes, the phone company keeps the data (and I believe the pings as well), BUT only Verizon (3-5 days) and Virgin Mobile (up to 90 days) retain the content of text messages. Otherwise, they can tell you what number was called or texted, but not the content of the text. There could have been other data on there such internet searches or GPS if the phone is equipped and EA used it for directions that morning.

Someone in the industry told me that LE can still pull data off a phone that has been factory reset once or twice. After that, maybe the phone holder completely erases it and maybe not. They weren't too sure on that one. Also, there is software available that works on the same principal as LE's forensic software except that instead of retreiving the data, it permanently erases it making it difficult if not impossible for LE to retrieve it. They also stated that most wireless store sales staff and some technicians are not aware of this software. I don't believe EA was in the business long enough to know about it.

On Christina's phone the last activity was in the area of the Shops (per one of the VI's). However, we haven't heard about EA's phone activity. If he did something, he may have turned his phone off at some point.
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