GUILTY TX - Christina Morris, 23, Plano, 30 August 2014 - #21 *Arrest*

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OMG. Stop! lol I don't have ttime for backspace.

IMI If EA is guilty, he didn'tt do it alone (meaning didn't cover it up alone). It wasn't pre-meditated (IMO)

I agree with you. Don't think it was pre-meditated. And if some of the people there that night have indeed hired attorneys, that's very odd.

I'm still struggling with the timeline. Let's say EA did something to Christina and got rid of evidence in pre-dawn hours. That's before 7, probably closer to 6. What did he do for next 4.5 hours before squeeging his passenger side door and trunk at Kroger at 10:15 a.m?
OMG. Stop! lol I don't have ttime for backspace.

IMI If EA is guilty, he didn'tt do it alone (meaning didn't cover it up alone). It wasn't pre-meditated (IMO)

Agreed.. which leads to the question.. WHY?? would someone help him cover-up murder, abduction, kidnapping... (whatever the official charge might be).. What in the world would they gain by covering it up.. They have a heckuva lot more to lose!
I think EA is very clever. Remember when he had that arrogant pic of himself on FB, wearing sunglasses and had his Camero prominently displayed?? Now he has pic of him kissing a puppy.....I think he is much smarter than some are giving him credit for....Don't let his baby face and stupid lies persuade you otherwise. That is just what he wants you to think.

My thoughts exactly - like the photos of a politician kissing a baby! :)
Agreed.. which leads to the question.. WHY?? would someone help him cover-up murder, abduction, kidnapping... (whatever the official charge might be).. What in the world would they gain by covering it up.. They have a heckuva lot more to lose!

I don't know but IF ea is guilty, he had to have help. IMO He's been so sloppy otherwise. Based on how much he's been caught in lies, how has she not been found?
I don't know but IF ea is guilty, he had to have help. IMO He's been so sloppy otherwise. Based on how much he's been caught in lies, how has she not been found?

Million dollar question ...
Agreed.. which leads to the question.. WHY?? would someone help him cover-up murder, abduction, kidnapping... (whatever the official charge might be).. What in the world would they gain by covering it up.. They have a heckuva lot more to lose!

people cover for people all the time. They cover for friends and loved ones, sometimes for hours, days, months and years. That clearly is happening here. It is not clear to me who is responsible for her being missing. But, I do not feel he is 100% to blame. Getting a lawyer that specializes in DP doesn't even make me think he is 1% responsible. The limping, bit marks, and everything else doesn't make him him guilty either. It makes it questionable. But those could be caused by someone else during this whole thing, as explained yesterday.

I grew up with a family and one of the guys was involved in a drunk driving accident where he killed a guy, clear as day, about six months ago. There was a passanger in the vehicle and after the accident, they left him and went to a house where more people were sitting. Hours go by as they sleep it off and decide to do nothing about it. That is until, they get a phone call from a reliable source that has seen the police report and has put two and two together and figured out who was responsible. Reluctantly, he turns himself in, but had it not been for the phone call, all these people would have been protecting this fool (the doll I know) who killed an innocent man. I know my story isn't as drastic, but it was very fresh and personal.
Thanks for clarifying. All of thi though, wouldn't be concluded within less than 10 hours, right? Because that is the timeline of how it went today. The scent was picked up and then one news station said it was blood, around 10 hours or so later.

I think the blood comment came from the PI's visual observation, but needs to be definitively confirmed by lab analysis, which is why other news sources backed off saying blood specifically.

BBM. I thought VIs had indicated that it was Christina borrowing EA's phone, not EA calling HF. They said they had reviewed texts and voicemails and they were from Christina. Probably impossible to find that post now in all of these threads.

This came from the warrant. EA originally told PPD he had no contact with HF. When confronted with phone records, he said CM had used his phone & it must have been her.

I figured it was because luminol showed blood traces so they had to keep the seat belt for testing. I can't think of another scenario of why they would keep the seat belt.

^^^ This. If they can pull large amounts of blood evidence, and DNA match it to CM, they could make an arrest.
Wow. Is EA the only 20-something male to have a pic with shades and a car that he may be proud of? Also, is he the only person to change a pic on FB? I'm not sure how that reads as arrogant. It seems fairly common. (imo)

IMO: EA is in the unfortunate position of being the last person seen with CM, and his alibi doesn't check out. Out of respect for a member/friend/classmate of his peer group, it would be more appropriate (IMO) to put a missing poster as his profile pic.
This came from the warrant. EA originally told PPD he had no contact with HF. When confronted with phone records, he said CM had used his phone & it must have been her.

Right, well... I'm not taking EA's word for anything. The VIs indicated that Jonni had gone through all voicemails and texts and verified that it was Christina who called HF, not EA.
I think the blood comment came from the PI's visual observation, but needs to be definitively confirmed by lab analysis, which is why other news sources backed off saying blood specifically.

This came from the warrant. EA originally told PPD he had no contact with HF. When confronted with phone records, he said CM had used his phone & it must have been her.

^^^ This. If they can pull large amounts of blood evidence, and DNA match it to CM, they could make an arrest.

HF would confirm the call actually came from Christina, right?

Tried to quote regarding EA having a pic of Christina's missing pic, but didn't work. Anywho, if he's guilty because of that, then again most of the peeps she was witth that night are guilty (based on not having pic MOOOOOO).
I think the blood comment came from the PI's visual observation, but needs to be definitively confirmed by lab analysis, which is why other news sources backed off saying blood specifically.

A news station last night, reported that it was blood. The link was posted in the thread last night. I don't believe at that time it was known if it was blood or not.
people cover for people all the time. They cover for friends and loved ones, sometimes for hours, days, months and years. That clearly is happening here. It is not clear to me who is responsible for her being missing. But, I do not feel he is 100% to blame. Getting a lawyer that specializes in DP doesn't even make me think he is 1% responsible. The limping, bit marks, and everything else doesn't make him him guilty either. It makes it questionable. But those could be caused by someone else during this whole thing, as explained yesterday.

I grew up with a family and one of the guys was involved in a drunk driving accident where he killed a guy, clear as day, about six months ago. There was a passanger in the vehicle and after the accident, they left him and went to a house where more people were sitting. Hours go by as they sleep it off and decide to do nothing about it. That is until, they get a phone call from a reliable source that has seen the police report and has put two and two together and figured out who was responsible. Reluctantly, he turns himself in, but had it not been for the phone call, all these people would have been protecting this fool (the doll I know) who killed an innocent man. I know my story isn't as drastic, but it was very fresh and personal.

I see your points. I guess I'm just not that kind of person.. I'm more of a "tough love" type of guy & made that very clear with my kids when they were growing up. I'm more apt to distance myself... as far away as possible & I would in no way help someone with illegal activities.. including my kids.
Just was 4am when cm told HF to leave the door unlocked so she could get in since she lost her keys.... I got the feeling that he wasn't responding to her on the walk to her would she go all the way to her house at 4am if she didn't even know if HF was home to leave the door open? I would think she would go home later that day after she knew he was home and the door was open for her. Did she think he would just awake from his sleep and open the door for her? Either ea or whoever did this disposed of her so well to not leave a trace of her scent anywhere or she is Alive somewhere. Also it just boggles my mind that we are just hearing about dogs being used. I pray they were used days after her dissapearance also. All IMO.
Jmom can u tell us why everyone was so quiet in the beginning?? If not I understand. Still so confused over that.
I see your points. I guess I'm just not that kind of person.. I'm more of a "tough love" type of guy & made that very clear with my kids when they were growing up. I'm more apt to distance myself... as far away as possible & I would in no way help someone with illegal activities.. including my kids.

Just because you are, doesnt mean that everyone is that way. That is the point. I would never break the law in this way or cover for someone. That doesn't mean that I don't understand why people do because I 100% understand why people do it. Understanding and agreeing with it are two different things.
HF would confirm the call actually came from Christina, right?

Tried to quote regarding EA having a pic of Christina's missing pic, but didn't work. Anywho, if he's guilty because of that, then again most of the peeps she was witth that night are guilty (based on not having pic MOOOOOO).

I'm not sure what your last sentence was getting at but...
In regards to the phone call being from christina for sure. VI said it was def her. Common sense told me that means she left a voicemail (or a few)
I agree with you. Don't think it was pre-meditated. And if some of the people there that night have indeed hired attorneys, that's very odd.

I'm still struggling with the timeline. Let's say EA did something to Christina and got rid of evidence in pre-dawn hours. That's before 7, probably closer to 6. What did he do for next 4.5 hours before squeeging his passenger side door and trunk at Kroger at 10:15 a.m?

I imagine he tried to calm down.. maybe showered.. cleaned up...thought about what he was gonna say.. Possibly that is the time he got rid of the evidence.. (her belongings). Had to get a trash bag maybe, find a dumpster.. assess the damage to his car. I guess he found plenty to do in those hours.
My point that if my home was picketed and my family was threatened, I would find that upsetting.... especially if I did not kidnap a person, but was being accused of such (or worse) by picketers. If it was legal, then fine. Doesn't mean it wasn't unsettling.
Well that sucks for "poor" Enrique doesn't it? So why did he lie on tv interviews accusing CM's family of making him loose his job on just about every local news station when it was because he stole a $600 phone from the Sprint store he was manager at? Then try to act as if the facts in the search warrant didn't exist? Of course the public had not seen the search warrant nor knew he had been jailed for a week because of the phone so I guess he thinks he can just say whatever he wants and nobody will know facts? He has told sooo many well documented untruths but to try and accuse her family of making him loose his job is unbelievable. I would say that is just about as low as anyone could go but he has done many worse more well documented things also. Plus his "family spokesperson" at the time said on tv they didn't know he was in jail for a week although he lives at home? Something is very wrong with this picture. He put himself out there telling lies on the local stations and that is what has upset people the most. The picketing barely got any coverage until he did interviews acting like a victim then the search warrant info came out along with several very disturbing interviews with his Sprint coworkers...i do feel bad for his family and respect your opinion but I don't know that I could be as kind as Christina's family has been if I was in that position.
I'm catching up reading, so apologize if this was answered, but I haven't thought this at all up until now. I listened to the radio show but was also working, so could have missed something. This would be really interesting.

When Jonni gave the interview she said Christina and HF had a arguement and she just really wanted to go home and deal w it and she wanted her dog and that was her intention more or less. Like to figure it out with HF.
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