GUILTY TX - Christina Morris, 23, Plano, 30 August 2014 - #21 *Arrest*

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I thought that same thing. I would often have a light jacket at night in N TX...but then again, my husband would not.

Maybe EA is just cold natured.

Ohhhh, I think you just hit on a great description.
IMo bc it involves more than drug use. Like doing something w her.

Like doing something with her because someone was on drugs and not in his or her right mind? Does anyone remember that person who dropped in here many, many threads back with a couple of alleged inside info bombs and mentioned what EA was into? And how that particular drug can make people angry?

I can't remember who it was but don't think he/she has been back.
Unfortunately there have been quite a few of those. I wanted CookieZ to be verified so we could get more insight on that night. Since he/she stated they were there.

Like doing something with her because someone was on drugs and not in his or her right mind? Does anyone remember that person who dropped in here many, many threads back with a couple of alleged inside info bombs and mentioned what EA was into? And how that particular drug can make people angry?

I can't remember who it was but don't think he/she has been back.
I think I started it with that comment so let me put it this way. Christina was going to her friends house and was going to be there overnight and it was planned. Whether she had knowledge that boys were going to be there I have no clue. But Jonni knew this was Christina's plan that weekend prior to her going. Maybe that is better?

Thanks, JMOM. It might help those that take the phrase so literally.
This insistence on the night as a Girls' Night Out is becoming a bit silly I think. No one said it was strictly a Girls'-ONLY night out and we all know that guys often show up or are invited to these get togethers.

I don't think it is so silly, really. If Christina was led to believe it was a girl's night out, but other people invited some guys she wasn't expecting, then that may have been significant. If she was fighting with HF and the girls called her up and said let's have a GNO, she may not have agreed to go if certain other people (guys) were going to be there. Maybe she was misled about the evening. We talked at length about the possibility of her being "set up" somehow. Her mom did say, and it was reported in msm that it was supposed to be a Girl's Night Out, so I think it's something to consider: Was Christina misled about the evening?

I think we are all brainstorming here, and I don't see why bringing up a topic is considered silly.
IMo bc it involves more than drug use. Like doing something w her.

Or, even more simply protecting a friend/boyfriend/dealer who they somehow found out did something to CM either accidentally or intentionally. What I mean is they may have more knowledge after the fact rather than actual involvement. Obviously, IDK.
Interested in this theory. So my earlier question was why would someone want to set her up? And who would it be? A girl there or a boy?

I don't think it is so silly, really. If Christina was led to believe it was a girl's night out, but other people invited some guys she wasn't expecting, then that may have been significant. If she was fighting with HF and the girls called her up and said let's have a GNO, she may not have agreed to go if certain other people (guys) were going to be there. Maybe she was misled about the evening. We talked at length about the possibility of her being "set up" somehow. Her mom did say, and it was reported in msm that it was supposed to be a Girl's Night Out, so I think it's something to consider: Was Christina misled about the evening?

I think we are all brainstorming here, and I don't see why bringing up a topic is considered silly.
Unfortunately there have been quite a few of those. I wanted CookieZ to be verified so we could get more insight on that night. Since he/she stated they were there.

Oh my gosh I scanned this post and thought you meant ME! I was thinking :gasp: because I certainly wasn't there -- then I realized they were a different Cookie!
LOL are just Cookie to me. I knew it wasn't you. Sorry hehehe

Oh my gosh I scanned this post and thought you meant ME! I was thinking :gasp: because I certainly wasn't there -- then I realized they were a different Cookie!
Like doing something with her because someone was on drugs and not in his or her right mind? Does anyone remember that person who dropped in here many, many threads back with a couple of alleged inside info bombs and mentioned what EA was into? And how that particular drug can make people angry?

I can't remember who it was but don't think he/she has been back.

Laidbacksal said he spoke to people from her group and they gave their thoughts on what happened. He was set on it too. Haven't seen him in a while. DONDE esta ?
I don't think it is so silly, really. If Christina was led to believe it was a girl's night out, but other people invited some guys she wasn't expecting, then that may have been significant. If she was fighting with HF and the girls called her up and said let's have a GNO, she may not have agreed to go if certain other people (guys) were going to be there. Maybe she was misled about the evening. We talked at length about the possibility of her being "set up" somehow. Her mom did say, and it was reported in msm that it was supposed to be a Girl's Night Out, so I think it's something to consider: Was Christina misled about the evening?

I think we are all brainstorming here, and I don't see why bringing up a topic is considered silly.

Right, I see your point. I should have said that taking the phrase GNO so literally was silly.
I personally don't believe Christina was set up by a premeditated pretense of a GONO.
Oh my gosh I scanned this post and thought you meant ME! I was thinking :gasp: because I certainly wasn't there -- then I realized they were a different Cookie!

:hilarious: that emoji got me hahaha
I don't think it is so silly, really. If Christina was led to believe it was a girl's night out, but other people invited some guys she wasn't expecting, then that may have been significant. If she was fighting with HF and the girls called her up and said let's have a GNO, she may not have agreed to go if certain other people (guys) were going to be there. Maybe she was misled about the evening. We talked at length about the possibility of her being "set up" somehow. Her mom did say, and it was reported in msm that it was supposed to be a Girl's Night Out, so I think it's something to consider: Was Christina misled about the evening?

I think we are all brainstorming here, and I don't see why bringing up a topic is considered silly.

Exactly.. The GNO is what was reported in MSM .. Was CM mislead about the purpose and intent from the party planner??

I would be very interested in seeing the interviews or reading the transcripts from ALL the others at that Apartment from Friday and into Saturday.
Interested in this theory. So my earlier question was why would someone want to set her up? And who would it be? A girl there or a boy?

Yeah, I don't know. The set up theory isn't mine, so I have no ideas for how or why that would have happened. I'll be honest, someone harming her accidentally is less scary to me than some sort of planned out group set up. That is so horrifying because in that theory a group of people may be involved and it would have been premeditated. (Not that being harmed in the heat of anger or whatever is not scary, don't read that wrong!)

Maybe people who think it could have been a set up can elaborate on their ideas. I was just bringing it up because of the possibility of her being misled about the GNO and how that would make sense if it WERE a set up.
JMOM do you know if Brittany has reached out to anyone who was there that night for an interview? She would have the two names from the warrant - SB and PP - and SN from his MSM interview (that was a TV station, right?). Would be interested to know if all three have declined interviews and why.
Ok thanks.

So set up theory folks please help me here......why, how, and who? Please

Yeah, I don't know. The set up theory isn't mine, so I have no ideas for how or why that would have happened. I'll be honest, someone harming her accidentally is less scary to me than some sort of planned out group set up. That is so horrifying because in that theory a group of people may be involved and it would have been premeditated. (Not that being harmed in the heat of anger or whatever is not scary, don't read that wrong!)

Maybe people who think it could have been a set up can elaborate on their ideas. I was just bringing it up because of the possibility of her being misled about the GNO and how that would make sense if it WERE a set up.
Ok thanks.

So set up theory folks please help me here......why, how, and who? Please

Not my theory either.... I think there could be more players but not a set up.
Anyone who implies there was a set up etc doesn't seem to want to explain their theory for whatever reason.
Did she do one of people who where there that night? Or just her friends (not necessarily there that night)?

Nah just a group of girls but I couldn't tell if one was her. They all looked alike.
I am really trying to hear everyone out and be open minded but I feel like some just won't help me.

Cookie And Yorkie thanks for helping me today.

Just not getting much help here on this theory that seems to be coming up thread after thread. Everyone wants to be heard out, and I am really trying, but I can't just take random comments that you are right when you don't tell me why you think what you do?

Not my theory either.... I think there could be more players but not a set up.
Anyone who implies there was a set up etc doesn't seem to want to explain their theory for whatever reason.
Now that's an interesting thought. He said that his friend lived somewhere over by Blue Martini and that's why he claimed to have parked there. Something about parking there when he has visited his friend. and that's why he supposedly "forgot" where he had parked. So if the friend lives over there, it would be close to the garage they were parked in. Could he have dropped her off and then continued on, getting on 121, and still making it to the Custer Road gantry by 4:08? He was already leaving the garage at 3:58. AND if it his friend, is that why he is covering for them?? I wish we knew who this person was. Could they have been there that night and out with them earlier??

Interesting theory... Of course, consider the source where this "friend" came from..
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