GUILTY TX - Christina Morris, 23, Plano, 30 August 2014 - #27 *Arrest*

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[quote name="Agent.Veritas" post=11325497]Oh! CookieM, have you added the LV purse to the mega-list? Meant to ask you about that today, but kept getting side tracked.
<br />
<br />
Here ya go!<br />
<br />
Here is the list of all the items/clothing she was said to have on or in her possession (thus far.) I kept a running list so we could see the inconsistencies.<br />
<br />
Flowy bright kimono<br />
Skirt with grey chevron stripes<br />
strapless beige/cream top<br />
black bra top<br />
beige/cream colored coverup<br />
white/light grey tshirt that went down to her knees<br />
black shorts<br />
sheer skirt<br />
black sandals<br />
black flip flops<br />
small black pull-string type backpack purse<br />
wallet with strap<br />
Louis Vuitton clutch with leopard interior<br />
Canon Rebel camera* (later found at her house)<br />
full-brim black hat/Oakley fedora<br />
white iphone with green case<br />
metallic blue iPhone with no case and teddy bear sticker on back<br />
black iPhone<br />
iphone with metallic blue case and teddy bear sticker on the back<br/>

This is a list CookieM made of everything said to be with Christina that night.[/QUOTE]

Awesome! CookieM, can you tell me how you came about adding the clutch to the list? This is the first i am hearing of it.
Just thinking out loud.... the cleaning bottles were found in the trash pickup of 9/10 and 9/24. The initial review of the car when it was noted as being recently vacuumed was on 9/3.

I don't think those bottles from 9/10 are from the weekend of 8/30.... and definitely not the ones from 9/24. So, he was STILL cleaning 20 days later? Or was he spreading out the garbage? (Hard for me to think he thought that much about it if he bothered to throw away the stuff at home to begin with.)

So, while we definitely KNOW that CM was in his trunk. Is it possible that she was transferred to another that morning - and THAT one needed the heavy duty cleaning? Or was he cleaning something else??

It really bugs me that he's STILL trying to clean up almost a month later.

Thanks! I had a made a post earlier with the same thoughts.
Awesome! CookieM, can you tell me how you came about adding the clutch to the list? This is the first i am hearing of it.

Brittney F (reporter) tweeted about the clutch purse.

ETA: I'm looking at the tweet now but I don't know how to copy it over.
hmmm.. no we don't know so many things.. but LE did make a point of saying the bottles looked new.. (no dust..) + an industrial size bottle of Odo-ban..

they said cleaning supply containers appeared to be in good condition, lacked dust and appeared to be recently purchased
Awesome! CookieM, can you tell me how you came about adding the clutch to the list? This is the first i am hearing of it.

I've kept a list from when she first went missing until now. Feagans just tweeted about the clutch and someone asked me to add it and the black iPhone to the already gigantic list.
This should be the link to the tweet (hopefully)

Louis Vuitton clutch w leopard interior also being looked for in search for #ChristinaMorris
9:24am - 20 Dec 14
It would seem from the list the shirt was the major concern. For some reason it seems like people would forget about their shoes though.

Speaking of shoes - in the warrant paperwork EA's shoes were mentioned (I believe) because I remember when I read it that it may have been pointing to what LE thinks he did to Christina - anyone else think that or am I just reading into it too much?

Also, didn't it say somewhere regarding her DNA, that there was a "significant" amount (I don't have access to the warrant paperwork right now).
We dont know that he was the ones who discarded those cleaning items, correct? As I was cleaning my pantry today, I was condensing and throwing out boxes that only had a small amount in them. It made me think maybe someone else in the house just happened to clean under the sink or something.

I believed this theory at first. Then I noticed how they conducted a trash pull 9/24 (assuming early AM) and found all those empty cleaning bottles. The same day, 9/24 was when they "obtained the video" of him feuling at Kroger the morning CM disappeared.
So my inclination would be after they saw all the "appeared recently purchased" empty bottles they took a thorough look at his financial records to document and get video from the stores of his purchases. That may have been when they headed to Kroger for the gas pump video after seeing he got gas that morning among other stores videos & transaction copies.

Just seems odd the same day IMO.
Speaking of shoes - in the warrant paperwork EA's shoes were mentioned (I believe) because I remember when I read it that it may have been pointing to what LE thinks he did to Christina - anyone else think that or am I just reading into it too much?

Also, didn't it say somewhere regarding her DNA, that there was a "significant" amount (I don't have access to the warrant paperwork right now).
It said there was enough to determine it was not just from touch. It was enough to be determined either blood or saliva. I am going to go read about EA's shoes.
You sound like you know the girls. I may have missed an earlier post where you explained your connection. If you are from the same area as this group, can you tell us how well EA knew CM. Who invited him that night? Earlier info indicated that the friends thought EA was acting fine and now the affidavit says he was angry and frustrated.

Oddily enough I was thinking that maybe EA was a set-up date for CM. Everyone has said they were acquainted, but not really friends. The girls knew CM was upset with HF. How better to get back at boyfriend than hanging with another guy?

So they invited EA and as it turned out CM did not care for him and showed more attention to the other guy. Thus AEs anger when she did not want to sleep on the couch with him and it would explain why CM wanted to leave party early. She may have left the party alone and he caught up with her outside. Maybe explains all the phone calls even to make him think she was connected to someone on the phone. The girls could have innocently taken her keys in hopes she would stay and she and AE would eventually hook-up.

Just another opinion, but I can easily see this scenario happening.
Oddily enough I was thinking that maybe EA was a set-up date for CM. Everyone has said they were acquainted, but not really friends. The girls knew CM was upset with HF. How better to get back at boyfriend than hanging with another guy?

So they invited EA and as it turned out CM did not care for him and showed more attention to the other guy. Thus AEs anger when she did not want to sleep on the couch with him and it would explain why CM wanted to leave party early. She may have left the party alone and he caught up with her outside. Maybe explains all the phone calls even to make him think she was connected to someone on the phone. The girls could have innocently taken her keys in hopes she would stay and she and AE would eventually hook-up.

Just another opinion, but I can easily see this scenario happening.

I thought EA already had a "gf"..
Brittany reported the details on the LV clutch based on what Jonni told the searchers to look for yesterday morning. I was there and heard Jonni talk about it.
To further clarify - yesterday morning when Jonni was giving the searchers the information on what to look for she specifically said the Black Oakley Fedora, the LV clutch, the black strappy bra, and the large grey t-shirt that she borrowed. Other items weren't mentioned that I can remember. DFWmom and catpatrol were standing right next to me. They might remember if she said anything else.
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