GUILTY TX - Christina Morris, 23, Plano, 30 August 2014 - #28 *Arrest*

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The information from the Uptown Dallas Girl came directly from Jonni McElroy herself:

"I sat down with Jonnie McElroy, Christina’s mother desperate for answers on Wednesday, September 17. Two whole weeks after her daughter went missing. “I am in mission mode, I am going to find my daughter.” her mother stated. “It’s frustrating as a mother to not be given details about my own child’s whereabouts, we need awareness, we need help.” she goes on to say.



-Christina sent a text at 3:36am to her boyfriend who was at home asleep that said “I can’t find the keys to the house.” after no response at 3:58am, 1 minute after the surveillance footage was taken, she sent another text to her boyfriend that said, “Can you please leave the door unlocked?” –As said by her mother “This means she must have gotten a ride with someone.”

Hope that helps.

Nope, it doesn't "help" to have bad info re-quoted as if it's reliable. It' s just a blog, not MSM, and LE swears it's wrong. (ETA - And, from earlier posts provided by others below, the family doesn't even talk to this blogger. So there's that.)

To top it off, the info you quoted with the time came from an "update" added a couple days later to this blog, not from the actual sit-down itself, so her update info could have been derived from something she heard anywhere. But even if it was something Jonni herself said, keep in mind that Jonni was simply relating what little she knew on 9/17, which at that point she didn't even know who was in the video with CM.

In contrast, LE's info is based on months of work, they had the phone of HF in hand, no doubt did a thorough examination of the various time stamps, and so on. It's a sworn statement, not simply someone talking off the cuff.
Maybe she got it from Jonni. Maybe not. The info you quoted with the time came from an "update" added a couple days later, not from the actual sit-down itself, so her update info could have been derived from something she heard anywhere. Keep in mind that Jonni was simply relating what little she knew on 9/17, which at that point she didn't even know who was in the video with CM.

In contrast, LE's info is based on months of work, they had the phone of HF in hand, no doubt did a thorough examination of the various time stamps, and so on. It's a sworn statement, not simply someone talking off the cuff.

Personally, I'll go with LE's account of the time frame..
I am in no way a legal expert, so I have questions about any kind of barter. Right now he is charged with AK, which if I understand correctly, could be up to 99 years. Is there a chance of parole, if he is found guilty? If he confesses to everything & a deceased body is found, wouldn't the charge be upgraded to murder? That could be the death penalty, unless he reveals where the body is now and then maybe life in prison? Is he so confident they won't find a body, would he just be content with a 99 years sentence, with no chance of the death penalty? All this confuses me. It just seems like his only "barter" is to reveal what he did with CM & then he is really screwed.. I guess what I am saying, at this point it seems like a "no win" for the family or him, unless he just has a Come to Jesus moment and confesses to everything.. (and of course it is still going to be a no-win, but at least he would somewhat pay for his actions).. Is there some sort of plea bargain for him? Hope that wasn't too confusing!

Good points as usual, Zip!

The plea bargaining for EA with LE may come into play when an associate or acquaintance gets pressured into talking. I believe that may be happening.

Additionally, I have always theorized that CM's keys were secretly taken from her. This type of ruse for a sociopathic stalker-predator is the only way they get their jollies. They can only appear "normal" for limited amounts of time at a clip. They pride themselves on being tricky or smarter than the rest & at "winning" at all costs. They are self-deluded because to healthy, stable people....they appear pathological. I can only imagine how shocked CM may have been when her keys fell out of EA's pocket while he was driving her & pretending to be a Knight-In-Shining-Armor by helping the damsel in distress CM get home (providing my theory is correct, of course). Sociopaths get angry once the "mask" gets removed & they are seen for what they really are!!
As far as the interview, I wonder how many hours EA was coached by his attny on what to say & how to say it...even still, there were some "hiccups", iykwim? It all looked very well-versed to me but his attny couldn't "coach" emotion---that's tough to accomplish---and consequently we see none in the interview with EA.

All of the above is moo & conjecture.

I would like to wish CM's family & supporters a year ahead that brings them some peace, justice, love, warmth, and serenity.

And to all my fellow hard-working WS-ers.... Happy New Year 2015! Buon Ano!
LE's sworn account of the facts says:

CM to HF (1 call, 2 texts) using EA phone at 3:50, 3:43, 3:55 (page 4 of sworn affadavit)
CM and EA enter the garage at about 3:55 (both page 3 and page 4 of sworn affadavit)
EA Camaro exits the garage at about 3:58 (page 4)
I think they are detailing the texts/call and times from EA's phone to indicate he initially lied by saying he did not talk to CM while they were walking. When they presented him with that info he stated he must have let her use his phone.

Do you think CM last text message for HF to leave the door open was from EA's phone? I am really getting confused on all this.

I know Jonni has stated several times CM's last text message to HF was to leave the door open that is how she knew she left with someone. So logically I thought they were referring to the records they had access to since CM was on her dads cell phone plan. MOO

I agree the time of 3:58 is most definitely questionable considering it did not come from LE directly. IMO
Personally, I'll go with LE's account of the time frame..

:ditto: The two affidavits come directly from PPD's investigation. That's what I will base my beliefs upon regarding the case.
Good points as usual, Zip!

The plea bargaining for EA with LE may come into play when an associate or acquaintance gets pressured into talking. I believe that may be happening.

Additionally, I have always theorized that CM's keys were secretly taken from her. This type of ruse for a sociopathic stalker-predator is the only way they get their jollies. They can only appear "normal" for limited amounts of time at a clip. They pride themselves on being tricky or smarter than the rest & at "winning" at all costs. They are self-deluded because to healthy, stable people....they appear pathological. I can only imagine how shocked CM may have been when her keys fell out of EA's pocket while he was driving her & pretending to be a Knight-In-Shining-Armor by helping the damsel in distress CM get home (providing my theory is correct, of course). Sociopaths get angry once the "mask" gets removed & they are seen for what they really are!!
As far as the interview, I wonder how many hours EA was coached by his attny on what to say & how to say it...even still, there were some "hiccups", iykwim? It all looked very well-versed to me but his attny couldn't "coach" emotion---that's tough to accomplish---and consequently we see none in the interview with EA.

All of the above is moo & conjecture.

I would like to wish CM's family & supporters a year ahead that brings them some peace, justice, love, warmth, and serenity.

And to all my fellow hard-working WS-ers.... Happy New Year 2015! Buon Ano!

I like your "keys fell out of EA's pocket" scenario, as a neat tie-together of various conjectures here.

But I don't think she lacked her car keys. IMO. She was walking to her car to drive home, remember? And even the others knew that was the intent. So even if, at the last minute, she hopped in EA's car for a ride somewhere, it stands to reason she must have had her car keys with her.

So what about the story she wrote of a missing house key, as she walked to her car? Maybe it was on a different key ring. Maybe it was a ruse to use EA's phone, so that someone later would know who she had walked with and when. (It worked, if that was the case.) Or maybe she was just using the pretense of a lost house key - one not really lost - to give herself a plausible excuse to try to get a response from HF again. IMO.
I like your "keys fell out of EA's pocket" scenario, as a neat tie-together of various conjectures here.

But I don't think she lacked her car keys. IMO. She was walking to her car to drive home, remember? And even the others knew that was the intent. So even if, at the last minute, she hopped in EA's car for a ride somewhere, it stands to reason she must have had her car keys with her.

So what about the story she wrote of a missing house key, as she walked to her car? Maybe it was on a different key ring. Maybe it was a ruse to use EA's phone, so that someone later would know who she had walked with and when. (It worked, if that was the case.) Or maybe she was just using the pretense of a lost house key - one not really lost - to give herself a plausible excuse to try to get a response from HF again. IMO.

You forget about the picture of the keys from CM to HF, so he knew she had the keys (I guess - they were arguing at that time - according to the affidavit and why EA didn't converse with CM on the way to the garage) - thus he didn't respond to seeing the picture of the keys. He just forgot to report her missing for four days.... :banghead:
You are right about details getting mixed up. Doesnt seem like LE even brought up the text messages specifically only the picture of the keys sent to HF. They have her phone records. Her parents had them and are able to see what the text messages said so we at least know they are aware of what and who Christina was talking to that night. Maybe it will be of significance and finally confirmed by LE once this goes to trial. Maybe it is irrelevant. JMO

I think you make the the most important point, which is whatever the situation is i'm sure LE knows and is acting on that information. I agree 100%
With all due respect to "uptown Dallas girl" (whoever that may be) and her blog with its 1147 readers/likes, I don't believe her 3rd-hand web account of what's happening with the CM case is more reliable than the sworn affadavit of LE submitted in court offering details based on first-hand knowledge after months of investigation.

Uptown girl - using what someone else reported or before 9/18, what someone thought, her own guess, or maybe just making an error - tells us in her third-hand account of things that the last text was at 3:58.

LE swears the same last text was at 3:55. They have seen and examined HF's phone first-hand, talked to the people involved, compared clocks, and so on.

Who do you think got it right, someone that is investigating and would know, or some outsider writing from afar? Easy answer.


I agree with you but in the other posters defense i think they are trying to say that the 0355 times is correct for the last contact between CM and HF on EAs phone BUT then after that CM once again contacted him using her phone.
I agree with you but in the other posters defense i think they are trying to say that the 0355 times is correct for the last contact between CM and HF on EAs phone BUT then after that CM once again contacted him using her phone.

I assume their source for this is nothing more than what's written in this update to a very iffy blog. (If you go through the other "facts" in the blog, they also don't line up time-wise with LE, and not much is known. It's really sketchy stuff at best, not MSM reporting.)

B Feagans MSM-caliber timeline has no such 3:58 text. Last text, she reports, was at 3:55.

I can understand how that iffy blog can cause some confusion, if it's taken as gospel. Maybe that's why WS wants sources to be LE and MSM, because anyone can write a blog without worrying about fact-checking, editors, and libel laws forcing details to be checked and triple-checked. Who knows, sometimes whoever writes a blog can even have an agenda that you don't know about, or is the sloppiest person in the world with details. Ya never know.

Since LE says 3:55, I'm taking that as definitive. As the saying goes, you have to "consider the source."
I assume their source for this is nothing more than what's written in this update to a very iffy blog. (If you go through the other "facts" in the blog, they also don't line up time-wise with LE, and not much is known. It's really sketchy stuff at best, not MSM reporting.)

B Feagans MSM-caliber timeline has no such 3:58 text. Last text, she reports, was at 3:55.

I'll go with what LE says. 3:55.

Nothing against Brittany, but she also reported in this article ( that Christina went to Whataburger in SB's car. However, in her timeline, she says Christina stayed at PP's apartment while the others went to Whataburger. (

This is someone that is close to the family and even she is confusing the facts of the night.
Not that this helps to settle the text debate...
You forget about the picture of the keys from CM to HF, so he knew she had the keys (I guess - they were arguing at that time - according to the affidavit and why EA didn't converse with CM on the way to the garage) - thus he didn't respond to seeing the picture of the keys. He just forgot to report her missing for four days.... :banghead:

Yep. There was all sorts of conflicting info that flowed from CM to HF about the keys, right? Given the mix of alcohol, her conflict with HF, and questions about her walking with EA (if that altered her actions in some way), there are all kinds of factors that could have altered things.

From my experience, when a woman is mad at a man, it isn't always logical what she chooses to do. And if she was scared, who knows if that factored in?

We'd probably have to be able to read the mind of CM to know what she was thinking and intending as she did each of those. I suspect it's going to be impossible for us, from afar, and with such limited access to sift hard fact from rumor from guesses from mistaken beliefs.

It's confusing, at best.
I think you make the the most important point, which is whatever the situation is i'm sure LE knows and is acting on that information. I agree 100%
Thank you. I have just now come to the conclusion (as I was searching for the upteenth time for a news source of Jonni making the statement about the last text, keys, etc) this is futile. Why am I going round and round and :beating a dead horse:

FIRST New Years Resolution. Go with what is in the arrest/search warrants that were unsealed and information from LE. Period. Its not like I am trying to poke holes in their investigation. Thats EA's defense attorney's job. MOO

With that being said. LE states EA returned home with Christina in the trunk of his car. Ping from EA's phone at 5:32 am from the cell phone tower at 1500 Bethany. Surveillance shows him at the Krogers Gas station at 10:15 am. So my only speculations are going to be focused on the time between 5:32 am and 10:15 am and what EA did when he arrived home with Christina in his trunk. Who was home? Who was up or was woken up? Just the brother as EA stated? Does LE have any more pings that they have not released that would indicate he left again to take Christina somewhere? Did he bring her in his house? Did he just go to sleep and leave her in his trunk? What happened within those 4 hours and 43 minutes?
The information from the Uptown Dallas Girl came directly from Jonni McElroy herself:

"I sat down with Jonnie McElroy, Christina’s mother desperate for answers on Wednesday, September 17. Two whole weeks after her daughter went missing. “I am in mission mode, I am going to find my daughter.” her mother stated. “It’s frustrating as a mother to not be given details about my own child’s whereabouts, we need awareness, we need help.” she goes on to say.



-Christina sent a text at 3:36am to her boyfriend who was at home asleep that said “I can’t find the keys to the house.” after no response at 3:58am, 1 minute after the surveillance footage was taken, she sent another text to her boyfriend that said, “Can you please leave the door unlocked?” –As said by her mother “This means she must have gotten a ride with someone.”

Hope that helps.

This also says BF was at home asleep. Um, I don't think so. Not at all.
Nothing against Brittany, but she also reported in this article ( that Christina went to Whataburger in SB's car. However, in her timeline, she says Christina stayed at PP's apartment while the others went to Whataburger. (

This is someone that is close to the family and even she is confusing the facts of the night.
Not that this helps to settle the text debate...

The article says "Through an interview with Boss on Sept. 6, a detective learned that after the group left Scruffy Duffies, Petrosky, Arochi and Morris got in her car and drove to a nearby Whataburger, then back to Petrosky’s apartment at The Shops at Legacy." That would not have CM in the car, or going to Whataburger.

Am I missing something?

(ETA 2 - Clearly I did. It says "Morris" was one who went to Wahataburger, in that article. Duh. Thanks, catpatrol.)

My sense is that the article is simply an attempt to distill the info contained in the affidavits into a narrative, and that info comes almost verbatim from them.

ETA - We know that BF edited her timeline to add the info that CM did not go to W. Originally it didn't specify. Perhaps, as we discussed things here, she re-checked the affidavits and edited both her timeline AND her article to reflect a better understanding of what LE had offered in their sworn statement.
The article says "Through an interview with Boss on Sept. 6, a detective learned that after the group left Scruffy Duffies, Petrosky, Arochi and Morris got in her car and drove to a nearby Whataburger, then back to Petrosky’s apartment at The Shops at Legacy." That would not have CM in the car, or going to Whataburger.

Am I missing something?

My sense is that the article is simply an attempt to distill the info contained in the affidavits into a narrative, and that info comes almost verbatim from them.

ETA - We know that BF edited her timeline to add the info that CM did not go to W. Originally it didn't specify. Perhaps, as we discussed things here, she re-checked the affidavits and edited both her timeline AND her article to reflect a better understanding of what LE had offered in their sworn statement.

Originally the timeline said that Christina went to Whataburger. Then she edited to say that Christina didn't go to Whataburger. The other article has not been edited, it has said that Christina went to Whataburger since it was published. I think that's basically the point I was attempting to make - that even someone close to the family is somewhat confused with what is fact at this point.
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