GUILTY TX - Christina Morris, 23, Plano, 30 August 2014 - #28 *Arrest*

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Wouldn't that be awesome if he did. I mean talk in his sleep.

Yes, but I'm thinking he may speak in his childhood language if he mumbles in his sleep. For heaven's sake, I wish they would bunk him with a guy whose first language is Spanish, just in case. I don't see anything in common with between EA and his current cell mate. Come on LE, take advantage of this opportunity.
Neither you nor I provided a link showing the reported time/s of CM's last texJCt to HF. I'll have to work at finding a link. From what I recall, the text was sent at 3:57 a.m. Keep in mind too, someone else may have sent the final text from Christina's phone. Just as CM supposedly used EA's phone to call and text HF, someone may have used her phone to send a text as well. The timing is so tight, it is difficult to imagine what happened.

Hope this post makes it through before the thread closes.

If I recall on the last thread there is the link and the times
Didn't EA have numerous phones in his car?
Even if the phone is not active it can connect to wifi.
Lucky for us, there are eight ICE detention facilities in Texas, so they could easily move EA to Centro de Detención del Condado de Johnson, Johnson County Detention Center, in Cleburne. IMO
Good info! I assume that a bail bondsman would be provided some courtesy from ICE and be told where they would send EA so that the bail bond company could determine their risk of forfeiture. However, if EA would simply be incarcerated in another facility, I'm unsure that his parents (or whoever the payer would be) is motivated to pay their portion.
but how do you know which part is true?

Who knows? What I mean is when he's telling his stories, there may be some half truth. Lots of liars do that in order to keep their stories somewhat straight in their own head.
There was a text at 3:58 sent from Christina's phone to HF for him to leave the door open per this article. It was sent after she used EA's phone to send 2 texts and make a call to HF which you have noted the times. 3:58 is also the time EA's camaro exited the garage.

I also watched this video which gave me a better understanding of how close they were to where their cars were parked from the last surveillance footage of them walking.
I'm not sure that the uptowndallasgirl piece is totally reliable, for example it says Christina went to Whataburger. It may also have the time a little off, it was written in the early days so understandably wouldn't have the full details we have now.
I'm not sure that the uptowndallasgirl piece is totally reliable, for example it says Christina went to Whataburger. It may also have the time a little off, it was written in the early days so understandably wouldn't have the full details we have now.

I've been thinking the same thing (JMO). Is Uptown Girl the only one that has reported about the texts at 3:36 and 3:58? Are we sure that is reliable? Didn't she spell Jonni wrong? And JMOM also said that Jonni doesn't even talk to her?
The Collin County court website has Benjamin Smith listed as the judge for EA's Jan 15th hearing. Apparently, he is formerly the assistant DA for Kaufman County.
I found his blog which gives some idea of his experience and viewpoints. He is a conservative republican.
"-Christina sent a text at 3:36am to her boyfriend who was at home asleep that said “I can’t find the keys to the house.” after no response at 3:58am, 1 minute after the surveillance footage was taken, she sent another text to her boyfriend that said, “Can you please leave the door unlocked?” –As said by her mother “This means she must have gotten a ride with someone.”

I stand corrected. However it is still my opinion that the detail are getting mix up and the time stamp sync etc. as well and they are really talking about the same text and the last one was at 0355 BUT thats just my opinion and the article states otherwise obviously.
I don't think EA will get out of jail anytime soon.
His goose is cooked anyway ya look at it.
He is saving all the important info to barter with!
I stand corrected. However it is still my opinion that the detail are getting mix up and the time stamp sync etc. as well and they are really talking about the same text and the last one was at 0355 BUT thats just my opinion and the article states otherwise obviously.
You are right about details getting mixed up. Doesnt seem like LE even brought up the text messages specifically only the picture of the keys sent to HF. They have her phone records. Her parents had them and are able to see what the text messages said so we at least know they are aware of what and who Christina was talking to that night. Maybe it will be of significance and finally confirmed by LE once this goes to trial. Maybe it is irrelevant. JMO
You are right about details getting mixed up. Doesnt seem like LE even brought up the text messages specifically only the picture of the keys sent to HF. They have her phone records. Her parents had them and are able to see what the text messages said so we at least know they are aware of what and who Christina was talking to that night. Maybe it will be of significance and finally confirmed by LE once this goes to trial. Maybe it is irrelevant. JMO

With all due respect to "uptown Dallas girl" (whoever that may be) and her blog with its 1147 readers/likes, I don't believe her 3rd-hand web account of what's happening with the CM case is more reliable than the sworn affadavit of LE submitted in court offering details based on first-hand knowledge after months of investigation.

Uptown girl - using what someone else reported or before 9/18, what someone thought, her own guess, or maybe just making an error - tells us in her third-hand account of things that the last text was at 3:58.

LE swears the same last text was at 3:55. They have seen and examined HF's phone first-hand, talked to the people involved, compared clocks, and so on.

Who do you think got it right, someone that is investigating and would know, or some outsider writing from afar? Easy answer.

I don't think EA will get out of jail anytime soon.
His goose is cooked anyway ya look at it.
He is saving all the important info to barter with!

I am in no way a legal expert, so I have questions about any kind of barter. Right now he is charged with AK, which if I understand correctly, could be up to 99 years. Is there a chance of parole, if he is found guilty? If he confesses to everything & a deceased body is found, wouldn't the charge be upgraded to murder? That could be the death penalty, unless he reveals where the body is now and then maybe life in prison? Is he so confident they won't find a body, would he just be content with a 99 years sentence, with no chance of the death penalty? All this confuses me. It just seems like his only "barter" is to reveal what he did with CM & then he is really screwed.. I guess what I am saying, at this point it seems like a "no win" for the family or him, unless he just has a Come to Jesus moment and confesses to everything.. (and of course it is still going to be a no-win, but at least he would somewhat pay for his actions).. Is there some sort of plea bargain for him? Hope that wasn't too confusing!
With all due respect to "uptown Dallas girl" (whoever that may be) and her blog with its 1147 readers/likes, I don't believe her 3rd-hand web account of what's happening with the CM case is more reliable than the sworn affadavit of LE submitted in court offering details based on first-hand knowledge after months of investigation.

Uptown girl - using what someone else reported or before 9/18, what someone thought, her own guess, or maybe just making an error - tells us in her third-hand account of things that the last text was at 3:58.

LE swears the same last text was at 3:55. They have seen and examined HF's phone first-hand, talked to the people involved, compared clocks, and so on.

Who do you think got it right, someone that is investigating and would know, or some outsider writing from afar? Easy answer.


The information from the Uptown Dallas Girl came directly from Jonni McElroy herself:

"I sat down with Jonnie McElroy, Christina’s mother desperate for answers on Wednesday, September 17. Two whole weeks after her daughter went missing. “I am in mission mode, I am going to find my daughter.” her mother stated. “It’s frustrating as a mother to not be given details about my own child’s whereabouts, we need awareness, we need help.” she goes on to say.



-Christina sent a text at 3:36am to her boyfriend who was at home asleep that said “I can’t find the keys to the house.” after no response at 3:58am, 1 minute after the surveillance footage was taken, she sent another text to her boyfriend that said, “Can you please leave the door unlocked?” –As said by her mother “This means she must have gotten a ride with someone.”

Hope that helps.
LE's sworn account of the facts says:

CM to HF (1 call, 2 texts) using EA phone at 3:50, 3:43, 3:55 (page 4 of sworn affadavit)
CM and EA enter the garage at about 3:55 (both page 3 and page 4 of sworn affadavit)
EA Camaro exits the garage at about 3:58 (page 4)
I thought it was a guarantee he would not be released without ICE dealing with the situation...whatever it is. I could be mistaken.

I looked it up to be certain and it appears correct he would go to them instead of being released on bond because of the serious nature of his crime. This explains it much better.:

The hold notifies the facility to not release the person, but instead to transfer him or her to federal custody at the end of the jail term. An immigration hold may be placed after either a random check by ICE officers (who sometimes visit jails and interview inmates_ or after being notified by the law enforcement agency detaining the person. When DHS places a hold, state law enforcement agencies are obligated to comply.


Mandatory Detention for Certain Crimes

For certain crimes, detention in a federal institution is mandatory. You will not be released before the completion of removal proceedings or the carrying out of a deportation order if your record shows:

aggravated felony charges

Seems like he'd be a dumbass (and his lawyer) to post bond knowing immigration will take him. Doesn't sound right to me.
I am in no way a legal expert, so I have questions about any kind of barter. Right now he is charged with AK, which if I understand correctly, could be up to 99 years. Is there a chance of parole, if he is found guilty? If he confesses to everything & a deceased body is found, wouldn't the charge be upgraded to murder? That could be the death penalty, unless he reveals where the body is now and then maybe life in prison? Is he so confident they won't find a body, would he just be content with a 99 years sentence, with no chance of the death penalty? All this confuses me. It just seems like his only "barter" is to reveal what he did with CM & then he is really screwed.. I guess what I am saying, at this point it seems like a "no win" for the family or him, unless he just has a Come to Jesus moment and confesses to everything.. (and of course it is still going to be a no-win, but at least he would somewhat pay for his actions).. Is there some sort of plea bargain for him? Hope that wasn't too confusing!
I have only read up on the AK charge. I sadly think this is going to be another Casey Anthony case. Lie about everything. Deny everything. Lead LE and everyone else on a wild goose chase. Then in the end reveal it was an accident and you freaked out and someone helped you with the cover up. IMO.
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