GUILTY TX - Christina Morris, 23, Plano, 30 August 2014 - #28 *Arrest*

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I haven't seen anything posted by JMOM recently. Did I just miss it? She's such a sweet person and I really admire the way she's been there for Joni through this long ordeal. I pray for all of them every day.

I've been thinking about JMOM also. Hope all is well!
10 shots of rum and beer and Adderall. I don't think he has much memory of that night, but that's JMO IYKWIM.

You think he kidnapped CM, put her in his trunk, maybe killed her, and doesn't know it happened? Nahhhhh. He knows what happened, he's just lying right and left to try to cover his tracks. No reason to trust anything he says, because even if you don't know why he'd lie about this or that, no telling what he's trying to hide.
Why would he lie about this? He said he didn't talk with CM on the way to the garage. She was using his phone to text and send VM's. His cell phone records back him up. Common knowledge CM and HF were fighting/arguing that night, but nothing more than a little spat according to mom.
Why....because that's all he knows...My stepson has a bad case of ADHD mixed with growing up with a mother that lies........its so frustrating because we struggle with his constant lying....we ask the same question you ask....Why lie about that? Problem is something is off in their head when people lie like that....that start believing their own lies...I've experienced eventually learn to check and verify everything they say.....and check again...
It reads to me like EA is going to be in jail locally until the trial. If I read it correctly, whoever pays the bond, whether 100k or 1000k, forfeits the bond when ICE moves him out of state AND EA remains in custody.

Lucky for us, there are eight ICE detention facilities in Texas, so they could easily move EA to Centro de Detención del Condado de Johnson, Johnson County Detention Center, in Cleburne. IMO
You think he kidnapped CM, put her in his trunk, maybe killed her, and doesn't know it happened? Nahhhhh. He knows what happened, he's just lying right and left to try to cover his tracks. No reason to trust anything he says, because even if you don't know why he'd lie about this or that, no telling what he's trying to hide.

I don't anyone KNOWS what happened, yet. We can speculate all day but somehow some speculation gets kicked in the nuts because it doesn't jibe with the majority speculation.
Why....because that's all he knows...My stepson has a bad case of ADHD mixed with growing up with a mother that lies........its so frustrating because we struggle with his constant lying....we ask the same question you ask....Why lie about that? Problem is something is off in their head when people lie like that....that start believing their own lies...I've experienced eventually learn to check and verify everything they say.....and check again...

I'm so sorry you've had to deal with that. I'm not saying EA isn't jacked up in the head, but there's been no previous reports of lies and accusations of "something off in his head."

I'm honestly surprised EA's issues haven't been brought to he forefront prior to ths incident I know there were creeped outt neighbors. Hopefully Christina's story will cause more people to report all the crazies before they're able to abduct and murder someone.
whats off is this account of the information. Per the warrants last contact between CM and HF as 03:55 and EA is scene leaving the garage at 03:58.

Neither you nor I provided a link showing the reported time/s of CM's last text to HF. I'll have to work at finding a link. From what I recall, the text was sent at 3:57 a.m. Keep in mind too, someone else may have sent the final text from Christina's phone. Just as CM supposedly used EA's phone to call and text HF, someone may have used her phone to send a text as well. The timing is so tight, it is difficult to imagine what happened.

Hope this post makes it through before the thread closes.
At some point in the beginning, the info was that Hunter had been in Dallas that night but then later it was said he was home asleep. I don't think LE has ever said anything about his whereabouts but a VI did so the sleeping story was most often thought to be correct.

Sadder yet, it wasn't even HF that was listed as C's emergency contact. It was a female friend, who then contacted her parents, who THEN contacted Hunter and asked where she was. There appears to be at least 5 people who knew Christina was missing before he did.

I think it was a perfect storm of events that led to no one noticing. HF was a selfish jerk; my guess is that he was thinking "fine, if she doesn't answer I'm not chasing her". He did try calling her from what VI's said, but clearly wasn't too distressed that he didn't reach her.

Her Mom knew she had plans with friends and was working part of the weekend, so she didn't expect to hear from her. Other friends may have texted but assumed she was busy when she didn't answer. I forget to reply to texts sometimes.

So at nearly 4 am Sat, she's last seen, on camera. 20 more hours pass on Saturday...then all Sunday and all Monday. I don't know what time the boss called her parents - 2 pm is in my mind but I'm not sure. They start trying to locate her and around 11 pm is when the report was filed.

Unfortunately I don't think reporting it sooner would have changed much, if anything. What do you all think? I think EA assumed HF would notice she didn't make it home and start looking for her early Saturday so I think he got rid of as much evidence as possible before 10:15 when he's seen getting gas.

I think it's odd BF didn't start to wonder (everyone else I think is understandable). I agree 100% that in the end it won't matter.
IMO, in the grand scheme of things, HF and her so called friends didn't matter. I'm leaning now more towards EA being the culprit with maybe some help after the fact. I think she's close by. Perhaps placed on private property that has not been searched yet or a shallow grave. I believe she got in his car willingly for whatever reason and things wentt sideways later. I think HF is just another loser in her sad life. Prayers they find her soon.
Neither you nor I provided a link showing the reported time/s of CM's last text to HF. I'll have to work at finding a link. From what I recall, the text was sent at 3:57 a.m. Keep in mind too, someone else may have sent the final text from Christina's phone. Just as CM supposedly used EA's phone to call and text HF, someone may have used her phone to send a text as well. The timing is so tight, it is difficult to imagine what happened.

Hope this post makes it through before the thread closes.

I reference the warrant I didn't feel necessary to link it again b/c it was linked a million times already and everyone knows what document i am talking about its not like i'm coming out of left field with this.

it states in the affidavit when the three texts were i think thats as close to a confirmed fact as you are going to get it this point. 3:57 was the time on the video but we don't know about sync issues.

.... Affiant later obtain information from Arochi's cell phone records showing text messages and a phone call were made from his cell phone to hunter foster, Morris' boyfriend, on 08/30/2014 at 0350, 0353, and 0355

I promise you there has never been a report of a phone call at 0358.
Not even the affidavit? He told them CM used his phone and his phone verified that calls were made to HF. Do you think he was calling HF? Did he send the picture of the keys to HF? That's kinda creepy. That does sound like he might have been sending a message. I have your girl and your keys! Meet me here and we can make a deal sort of thing????

he didn't tell them that he told them she didn't use his phone then THEY showed him the records proving it was a LIE then he changed his story.

The texts and phone calls to HF using EA's phone were 3:50, 3:53 and 3:55 a.m.

Christina was last seen on camera at 3:57:06. EA's car was captured on video leaving the garage at 3:58 a.m.

The text I'm referring to is one that was sent using Christina's phone after she had used EA's phone to contact (3x) HF. She used her own phone at 3:36 a.m. and ________ to text "leave the door unlocked".
Darn, can't find the source now - Jonni offered the info when she stated CM's dad had access to CM's phone records.
Jonni explained the last 15 calls/texts from CM's phone were made to HF.
She also mentioned a couple exact times, one which was after 3:55 a.m.

Guess I'll have to go back within the threads to see if I can find the original source.
The call info in question was given out before we heard anything about Christina using EA's phone to contact HF.
Come on peeps - Christina used her phone to text HF at 3:36 a.m. and ??? time, "leave the door unlocked".
Oh, I know, it was suggested Jonni got this info directly from HF's phone when he showed her the texts he received from Christina. Times WERE given.

The texts and phone calls to HF using EA's phone were 3:50, 3:53 and 3:55 a.m.

Christina was last seen on camera at 3:57:06. EA's car was captured on video leaving the garage at 3:58 a.m.

The text I'm referring to is one that was sent using Christina's phone after she had used EA's phone to contact (3x) HF. She used her own phone at 3:36 a.m. and ________ to text "leave the door unlocked".
Darn, can't find the source now - Jonni offered the info when she stated CM's dad had access to CM's phone records.
Jonni explained the last 15 calls/texts from CM's phone were made to HF.
She also mentioned a couple exact times, one which was after 3:55 a.m.

Guess I'll have to go back within the threads to see if I can find the original source.
The call info in question was given out before we heard anything about Christina using EA's phone to contact HF.

"-Christina sent a text at 3:36am to her boyfriend who was at home asleep that said “I can’t find the keys to the house.” after no response at 3:58am, 1 minute after the surveillance footage was taken, she sent another text to her boyfriend that said, “Can you please leave the door unlocked?” –As said by her mother “This means she must have gotten a ride with someone.”
Any info coming from him to LE or anyone else is not trustworthy.

Why didn't he throw HF under the bus with LE? Talk about sending a message.

He may have thrown him under the bus. PPD may not have wanted to arrest EA until PPD felt they got all the information about HF out of EA. Bait and switch tactic.
I reference the warrant I didn't feel necessary to link it again b/c it was linked a million times already and everyone knows what document i am talking about its not like i'm coming out of left field with this.

it states in the affidavit when the three texts were i think thats as close to a confirmed fact as you are going to get it this point. 3:57 was the time on the video but we don't know about sync issues.

I promise you there has never been a report of a phone call at 0358.
There was a text at 3:58 sent from Christina's phone to HF for him to leave the door open per this article. It was sent after she used EA's phone to send 2 texts and make a call to HF which you have noted the times. 3:58 is also the time EA's camaro exited the garage.

I also watched this video which gave me a better understanding of how close they were to where their cars were parked from the last surveillance footage of them walking.
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