GUILTY TX - Christina Morris, 23, Plano, 30 August 2014 - #31 *Arrest*

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My assumption is that they had different cell phone providers so the phones might not have communicated with the towers at the same intervals. Another possibility is if her battery strength was so low maybe her phone would ping less often, but I don't know with certainty about either of those. I am fairly sure the pings can happen during phone calls tho, because the call has to transfer from tower to tower as the phone travels while someone is talking on it.

On page 8 of the Arrest Warrant is states "Cellular phone records for both Christina Morris and Enrique Gutierrez Arochi were obtained from Sprint by Detective Rich."

Based on that statement, I would assume that they are both Sprint customers, although I'm not sure if that will help us to better understand why their cell phones pinged at different times.

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Yesterday, one of the managers from CM's job in Fort Worth posted a photo on the Findchristinamorris Facebook page. It was taken by all the employees in August. It was a bio photo - a headshot of Christina, and she looked so pretty with freshly highlighted hair, a classy black outfit with a pearl necklace and matching earrings & bracelet. She looked like the young professional I believe she was becoming. I just bet she would have eventually left slugs like ALP and HF in the dust, looking at them in her rear view mirror as she drove off to new horizons!

I saw that picture... very nice!
On page 8 of the Arrest Warrant is states "Cellular phone records for both Christina Morris and Enrique Gutierrez Arochi were obtained from Sprint by Detective Rich."

Base in that statement, I would assume that they are both Sprint customers, although I'm not sure if that will help us to better understand why their cell phones pinged at different times.

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Maybe it's simply because one is an iPhone & the other a Galaxy..?
Only thing "he" is equipped with is bars.
I would think his family is nervous and since they have not been arrested, IMO, installing cameras is understandable. There have been hateful and threatening comments directed at the family on SM.

I imagine the family is quite traumatized over all this, not to mention the financial burden their son has put on them.. guessing that attorneys aren't cheap, especially for this type of case.. Of course EA (IMO) probably doesn't even think about that.. only himself... JMO
My assumption is that they had different cell phone providers so the phones might not have communicated with the towers at the same intervals. Another possibility is if her battery strength was so low maybe her phone would ping less often, but I don't know with certainty about either of those. I am fairly sure the pings can happen during phone calls tho, because the call has to transfer from tower to tower as the phone travels while someone is talking on it.

Maybe your answer is as simple as "CM's phone kept pinging until 4:47 when the battery died or it was thrown in a pond by EA. Meanwhile, EA's continued to ping after that." The affidavit does not say EA's phone wasn't pinging at 4:47 and other times, it just noted the LAST time it pinged with that particular tower that morning, almost an hour after he claimed he had left the area and gone straight home for the night.
Intent? Yes. "From the get-go"? If you mean from hours earlier, no. Legally, "intent" does not require an extended period of time.
Agree with your statement . I wanted to add my own thoughts on "intent".We may find out all this was premeditated and planned OR he just decided on that 20 minute walk to the garage he was going to SA her and how he was going to do it. Especially if no one was out that time of night except the two of them. Opportunity to be alone with a female when you have been drinking sometimes is all the intent someone needs to decide to act. He did not get the opportunity with SB to be alone as fR as we know. The trip to whataburger PP was with them. 5 of them at PP's apartment. It sounds like he tried getting her alone on the couch with him but she got up and went into PP's bedroom.

I used to work at a nightclub and I have seen men hit on the girls they find attractive at the beginning of the night(not saying Christina isnt absolutely beautiful) then get shot down. Repeatedly. By the end of the night after drinking beer and taking shots they are looking to go home with anyone. And I mean ANYONE. We would do last call and when we turned the lights on the security guards would call it the "ugly lights" and joke that the guys better leave with those women they picked up while it was still dark in the club before the lights came on.

SB could have been leading him on and he thought he was going to get lucky with her. When he didnt I can imagine he was pissed at the least (by his reported actions), if not sexually frustrated. Here he spent (or wasted as some men see it) all night hanging with females and has to be to work early in the morning and he gets shot down. Could have been a big shot to his ego. What will he have to go brag about at work to his employees? All just my opinions. I am a female and dont mean to stereotype men. I hope some men on here can add to this from a male perspective.
Agree with your statement . I wanted to add my own thoughts on "intent".We may find out all this was premeditated and planned OR he just decided on that 20 minute walk to the garage he was going to SA her and how he was going to do it. Especially if no one was out that time of night except the two of them. Opportunity to be alone with a female when you have been drinking sometimes is all the intent someone needs to decide to act. He did not get the opportunity with SB to be alone as fR as we know. The trip to whataburger PP was with them. 5 of them at PP's apartment. It sounds like he tried getting her alone on the couch with him but she got up and went into PP's bedroom.

I used to work at a nightclub and I have seen men hit on the girls they find attractive at the beginning of the night(not saying Christina isnt absolutely beautiful) then get shot down. Repeatedly. By the end of the night after drinking beer and taking shots they are looking to go home with anyone. And I mean ANYONE. We would do last call and when we turned the lights on the security guards would call it the "ugly lights" and joke that the guys better leave with those women they picked up while it was still dark in the club before the lights came on.

SB could have been leading him on and he thought he was going to get lucky with her. When he didnt I can imagine he was pissed at the least (by his reported actions), if not sexually frustrated. Here he spent (or wasted as some men see it) all night hanging with females and has to be to work early in the morning and he gets shot down. Could have been a big shot to his ego. What will he have to go brag about at work to his employees? All just my opinions. I am a female and dont mean to stereotype men. I hope some men on here can add to this from a male perspective.

I think he was sorely pissed and embarrassed by SB reaction to his invitation to be on the couch, especially in front of those people. I wasn't there but people who were interviewed by PPD described the situation, it wasn't like it was while they were alone together or no one else would have known except those two. Above what you mention about him spending all this time & money, etc when he has to be up ealy, makes sense...
Agree with your statement . I wanted to add my own thoughts on "intent".We may find out all this was premeditated and planned OR he just decided on that 20 minute walk to the garage he was going to SA her and how he was going to do it. Especially if no one was out that time of night except the two of them. Opportunity to be alone with a female when you have been drinking sometimes is all the intent someone needs to decide to act. He did not get the opportunity with SB to be alone as fR as we know. The trip to whataburger PP was with them. 5 of them at PP's apartment. It sounds like he tried getting her alone on the couch with him but she got up and went into PP's bedroom.

I used to work at a nightclub and I have seen men hit on the girls they find attractive at the beginning of the night(not saying Christina isnt absolutely beautiful) then get shot down. Repeatedly. By the end of the night after drinking beer and taking shots they are looking to go home with anyone. And I mean ANYONE. We would do last call and when we turned the lights on the security guards would call it the "ugly lights" and joke that the guys better leave with those women they picked up while it was still dark in the club before the lights came on.

SB could have been leading him on and he thought he was going to get lucky with her. When he didnt I can imagine he was pissed at the least (by his reported actions), if not sexually frustrated. Here he spent (or wasted as some men see it) all night hanging with females and has to be to work early in the morning and he gets shot down. Could have been a big shot to his ego. What will he have to go brag about at work to his employees? All just my opinions. I am a female and dont mean to stereotype men. I hope some men on here can add to this from a male perspective.

I agree Faith.. when I was single, I had my share of "bar life" & all that is involved. Plus if you add in the fact that CM may have been at odds with her BF, EA could have figured this was his only chance to salvage the evening... JMO
Hey there! Been off on a business trip for over a week. Anything new? I last was on pg 28 of thread #29. No way I can read 2 whole threads of 2,000 posts right now. Yikes!!
Welcome back :) not really any new information since nothing new has been released in a few weeks. There is a hearing tomorrow and Christina's family and friends are going to be there for it. I do not know what media coverage there will be. The family and friends from HFCM page are all praying he speaks and tells them something. I am praying too but I have a feeling he is just going to sit there and let his attorney do the talking. IMO

Here is a link explaining the way felony cases move through the court system.
In anticipation of tomorrow, and confusion over the order of EA's court proceedings,
the steps may help.

Some of the steps include witness testimony, some may or may not, while others do not.

Step 1, Initiating charges by complaints, the complaint (brought forth by LE) is a statement, under oath,
of facts sufficient to support probable cause to believe an offense against the laws of the United States has been committed by a defendant.
If the Magistrate accepts the complaint, . . .
Sometimes the Assistant S.A. Attorney may wish to interview the witness in person.

Step 2, Initial appearance, is the first hearing after arrest and usually takes place the same day.
The defendant is informed of their rights and charges are explained, legal assistance is provided if needed,
and issues surrounding bail are decided.
No witnesses are needed to testify.

Step 3, Preliminary hearing, to determine whether there is evidence to find probable cause a crime has been committed.
The burden is on the States Attorney to produce enough evidence to show there is good reason to proceed with the charges against the defendant.
The date of the PH is usually decided during Step 2.
Witnesses may be subpoenaed to testify.

Step 4, Grand jury hearings, 23 people examine the evidence.
The work of the grand jury is not made available to the public or, in most cases, to the defendant.
Grand jury charges against the defendant are called indictments.
Witnesses are usually subpoenaed to testify but gj can decide based on an Officer's testimony alone.

Step 5, Arraignment on the indictment, the defendant is formally advised of the charges,
which are contained in the indictment, and his or her bail conditions are reviewed.
At this time, a trial date is usually set.
Witnesses are not usually needed at this hearing.

Step 6, Hearings on motions, motions to suppress evidence or to compel discovery,
and other legal issues are covered.
Witnesses usually aren't involved. If needed, a witness will receive a note from the SA's office.

Step 7, The witness conference

Step 8, Trial

Step 9, Sentencing

Full descriptions of each step are within the link.

At what step is EA's kidnapping case, step three?
Welcome back :) not really any new information since nothing new has been released in a few weeks. There is a hearing tomorrow and Christina's family and friends are going to be there for it. I do not know what media coverage there will be. The family and friends from HFCM page are all praying he speaks and tells them something. I am praying too but I have a feeling he is just going to sit there and let his attorney do the talking. IMO

Is this a bail reduction hearing?
Jmo, no way is EA going to speak, whatever type of hearing it is, and no way will he confess. Imo, to tell the truth, he would have to confess to murder, and he has not even been charged with that yet.
WBG, the process can be a little more fluid than that list would seem to indicate. Tomorrow is somewhat parenthetical, as it somewhat will re-address things from steps 1-2. We'll probably also find out tomorrow whether the defense wants to waive the prelim and forward it straight to the GJ to consider an indictment. If they decide they do want a prelim first, when it happens the public will get a peek at some of the evidence, although perhaps not a lot more than we've already seen in the affidavits.

Tomorrow can unfold in several ways, but most likely all we'll learn is whether the bail amount gets reduced to a much smaller number (one that would allow EA back out on the streets) or not, and that issue might be clouded by the ICE retainer.
Does the majority feel Christina ended up in his trunk while IN the garage? Because I'm not sure I believe that. I think Christina took a ride with him, hence the reason his seat belt was removed from the vehicle per EA. I would imagine the DNA in the trunk is bodily fluids/blood from whatever happened to her from where she was killed, to where he left her body. Just my floating theory at this point, until I hear or see more from investigators to change my mind.
3:58 - left the garage
3:58 to 4:08 - must be traveling from garage, onto 121 going E/NE
at 4:08 - he is recorded on 121 just past Custer by toll device, going to "somewhere" E/NE up 121 (not necessarily home, but home can't be ruled out)
4:08 until no later than 4:47 - he's gone to somewhere and then started making his way back towards the Shops area but (by inference) not using 121
by 4:47 and at least until 4:56 - he's in the general Shops area (based on pings we know of)
sometime at or after 4:56 - he leaves the Shops area
sometime at or before 5:32 - he gets to the area near his home
at 5:32 - pings near his home

If (using my personal scenario) he pretended to go to "work as usual at 8," then what came next may look like this:
5:30 woke brother for alibi that he's home [we are told he did this at sometime, don't know when]
5:30 - 7:00 or so - quick sleep? round up some "stuff" he needs in his car?
7:00 - 7:30 - wake up, shower, breakfast, dress
7:30 - [guess, but not in evidence] leaves home, saying he's going to work and perhaps dressed accordingly
7:30-10:15 ???????????? [could have stopped by work for show, or maybe he didn't go anywhere near work at all][and ultimately, to who knows where]
10:15 - on video, getting gas near his home
about 11:00 - shows up at work, looking like crap, limping, bruised, and with bite marks from where a tire fell on him (maybe it was a tire shark - dangerous critters)

Wondering if he stayed at home after that ping, or just went to pick up something, maybe work uniform, or cleaning products, or whatever, and left soon after? I guess we won't know until the trial.
Hopefully EA'S bond remains the same after today's hearing..... hopefully
Does the majority feel Christina ended up in his trunk while IN the garage? Because I'm not sure I believe that. I think Christina took a ride with him, hence the reason his seat belt was removed from the vehicle per EA. I would imagine the DNA in the trunk is bodily fluids/blood from whatever happened to her from where she was killed, to where he left her body. Just my floating theory at this point, until I hear or see more from investigators to change my mind.

After watching 'Wheel of Misfortune' and seeing the video of the lady that grabbed off the streets of Philadelphia (I don't have a link to the video, but it was on one of the earlier posts) I can certainly see something happening in the garage. But with the gaps in the affidavit, I can also see her leaving voluntarily in the front seat. Either to go to family's place in Allen or just for a cup of coffee. There are still several scenarios here. From reading the affidavit I don't see how LE theorizes she was in the trunk near his house, for example. From the information provided she would just as likely have left the car earlier. But the affidavit is not the entire case from the prosecution's position.
Does the majority feel Christina ended up in his trunk while IN the garage? Because I'm not sure I believe that. I think Christina took a ride with him, hence the reason his seat belt was removed from the vehicle per EA. I would imagine the DNA in the trunk is bodily fluids/blood from whatever happened to her from where she was killed, to where he left her body. Just my floating theory at this point, until I hear or see more from investigators to change my mind.

I can't speak for the majority but I just don't see any way that Christina left the garage in the trunk, the very short window of time isn't enough for any scenario that I can think of that would involve something catastrophic happening and EA having the presence of mind to put Christina in the trunk and drivig out in just 3 minutes.

After watching 'Wheel of Misfortune' and seeing the video of the lady that grabbed off the streets of Philadelphia (I don't have a link to the video, but it was on one of the earlier posts) I can certainly see something happening in the garage. But with the gaps in the affidavit, I can also see her leaving voluntarily in the front seat. Either to go to family's place in Allen or just for a cup of coffee. There are still several scenarios here. From reading the affidavit I don't see how LE theorizes she was in the trunk near his house, for example. From the information provided she would just as likely have left the car earlier. But the affidavit is not the entire case from the prosecution's position.

I've seen the video to which you refer, my take on it is that in that case it was a pre-planned abduction, the attacker knew what he was going to do and how he was going to do it and so was able to do the whole thing very quickly.

I don't see pre-meditation here so I need to factor in some build up to whatever happened after the relaxed looking garage CCTV film and some "OMG what I have done time" and some time to physically manipulate a prone body into a trunk, make sure no belongings were left behind (I know we don't know if this was the case but it seems to me a perp would check that he hadn't left any eveidence)

IMO not enough time elapsed for this to be the case.

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