GUILTY TX - Christina Morris, 23, Plano, 30 August 2014 - #31 *Arrest*

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......maybe EA went back the next night to party and got in a fight at bar. Maybe he was in the fight he said he was but on another night and got confused. Maybe the coworkers got confused on what day they saw the limp and him looking like crap. Just saying there may just be more to this then we see. It's possible. Not saying I believe it , yet but just saying I am open minded and willing to look outside the box. Not mention what can be argued in court. I honestly hope LE is holding way more cards than there showing.

he said he was in a fight before that fight happened (he told co-workers during the day on 8/30/2014). This is a location, as i understand it, that has several bars and lots of young people go out, if its anything like it is where I live I'm sure fist fights are a pretty regular occurrence
he said he was in a fight before that fight happened (he told co-workers during the day on 8/30/2014). This is a location, as i understand it, that has several bars and lots of young people go out, if its anything like it is where I live I'm sure fist fights are a pretty regular occurrence

Possible but I don't think so. It's more of an upscale mixed use development ... Higher end restaurants and bars, no clubs that I'm aware of.
just jumping off your post i'd also like to add it could have been sex from whoever, but it also could have been "I hate women, and right now I especially hate women and I'm going to restore my power and dominance over them by violently sexually attacking this target of opportunity"

To me, kind of a "I did all this tonight (party favors, paid for food?) to get treated like this?" Being told to "MOVE" was like being kicked off the couch IMO. When SB went to PP's room, there must have been tension. He was quoted so it must have been weird. I'm thinking Christina was uncomfortable with the whole situation there, angry at HF and ALP having had words earlier, trying to get HF's new buddy's phone number from SN, was ready to call it a night. IMO, EA looked at Christina like she was the the one he'd rather be with, anyway (little voice keeps going back to coworkers (?) statements about him having a picture of her way prior to this), just maybe he thought he'd be next in line from ALP, not HF. His chance? I just don't think it got sexual, I think it was verbally ugly, until he put his hands on her. She was so busy texting pix of keys, leaving texts, he caught her off guard for a minute and that's all it took. I don't see him driving around with her alive in the trunk. I think he was looking for a dumpster close to the SOL. He kept saying things to distance himself from her from the minute they entered that garage when he talked to LE. His car was wrecked with no explanation that made sense. Who was he to be offering a ride, Mr. 10 Shots/beers/Adderall dude? She was going to her car IMO. They got into a argument about HF/ALP and who knows what others. EA just wanted to end up with a girl. Somebody new was in HF's world making new and bigger deals, maybe whoever he was with that night selling molly and Xanax.
I'd say he ignored Christina and what he thought were petty problems.
I know the sentiment expressed in your last paragraph is common, but I find it confusing. How is it better for a sociopathic killer to walk freely down the street in another country? I just think prison is the best option to keep a killer from killing again, as imperfect as it is. And if it turns out that EA does have a penchant for rape & murder, then I hope they throw away the key. All JMO.

he was just saying if they can't prove AK and he does and few year and he is about to get out it would be better to deport him then let him out here. he was not saying it would be better to dump him off in mexico than to keep him in jail here.
Hmmmm ok

"We all lie"
" Everybody lies, big and small people"

and then theres Felon Casey Anthony.

Altho I agree about lies, it doesn't always sway a jury.

jmo jme

its not just random lying its statements that are clearly proven to be lies about the events that occurred THAT night. The Casey Anthony trail was an aberration in the millions of other criminal trials tried in this country every years the juries typically look very dimly on suspect who are caught dead-to-right lying repeatedly about what happened.
Of course not, but I wouldn't find it more reassuring to know he was walking down the street with the sisters, mothers, daughters, etc of people in another country, either. Steve, I think we're going to need to agree to disagree on this one. [emoji6]

i don't think you understand what he is saying ....
he said he was in a fight before that fight happened (he told co-workers during the day on 8/30/2014).

If EA said he was in a fight to explain his injuries when he came to work on Saturday after CM went missing, he must have been in a fight! He never lies!

Pretty odd that he would get in a fight (as he told co-workers) and then have a tire bite him (as he told LE) all in the same day and both causing noticeable injuries - how unlucky can one person be?!?!?
Where are we getting the idea she was trying to get another person's number from SN who is new to HF? I don't understand.
If I were on the jury, that would be enough for me. And if I were on the Casey Anthony jury, she'd be on death row.

I hope you mean enough to convict him of aggravated Kidnapping but not her death. I have not heard enough evidence to believe he killed her.
Where are we getting the idea she was trying to get another person's number from SN who is new to HF? I don't understand.

I'm glad you asked that question, I was wondering the same thing. Was it mentioned on the ID programme and I missed it?

Does anyone else think CM left the parking garage with EA willingly and got in the front seat of his car?
From the evidence that I have read I think the altercation between them happened after they left the shops and when they were both in the car. I actually had a really scary incident happen to me about 10 years ago on a first date with a guy I barely knew. I made the mistake of leaving my car at the restaurant we had met at and let him drive us to a bar up the road. BIG mistake when your on a first date with someone you don't really know. Progressively through the night at the bar he became drunk and was being very arrogant and hitting on me big time. I told him I needed to go home and needed to get my car. I tried calling a friend at first to come get me but they didn't answer. He agreed to take me back to my car and I knew he had too much to drink but it wasn't far and honestly I was picking my battles cause I was scared of him at that point. He kept trying to touch my leg and asking me to kiss him in the car and I tried to play it cool at first and say I don't kiss on the first date and stuff like that but he was drunk and acting like a different person then he was early that night. Suddenly he turned a left and got on the freeway two blocks before we got to my car. I was immediately terrified but trying to act like I wasn't. He was saying that he wanted to show me his house and some other stuff that I didn't even hear cause all I was thinking of was how am I going to get out of this vehicle. Somehow I ended up telling him that my friend would be waiting at the restaurant by now for me and I said she had texted asking where I was. Thank God, for whatever reason he changed his mind and agreed that I could see his place next time (yeah right) and that if my friend was already there he better take me back to the restaurant. I was just agreeing and trying to keep him calm cause we were on the freeway and I had no clue if he was telling the truth. We got off the freeway and he came to a stop at a stoplight on a corner. I immediately opened the door and jumped out and ran right inside the gas station right there. It was just a split second decision and I don't even remember consciously making the decision. Happy ending in my case though.

I can see how an altercation could happen in the car and she bites him and he either swerves and hits something with his right end of his car or even more awful she bites him and somehow managed to get out of the car and he hit her with his vehicle. God I hope that is not what happened but it was his right arm that was bit and his right end that was damaged. Whatever happened seem to happen fast cause he was home in 40 mins. I keep going back to how he first lied to police about the route he took home. He didn't want to draw attention to the route he took for a reason. There is a clue within that route.
Does anyone else think CM left the parking garage with EA willingly and got in the front seat of his car?

From the evidence that I have read I think the altercation between them happened after they left the shops and when they were both in the car.


FWIW, it looks like LE believes that as well, as they leave several clues in the affidavits that would seemingly point in that direction.

My (always adjusting) outline for what happened has settled for a few weeks on the scenario that (a) she willingly got in his car to ride "somewhere" (lots of possibilities) and then return to her car in maybe 45 minutes to drive home, (b) all went as expected until they got near the Shops area again, when (c) he decided to make his "move" so to speak and she rebuffed him, and (d) things got ugly and she ended up in his trunk.

Re your personal date experience: yikes. Very eerie to even read that. Makes me shudder.
its not just random lying its statements that are clearly proven to be lies about the events that occurred THAT night. The Casey Anthony trail was an aberration in the millions of other criminal trials tried in this country every years the juries typically look very dimly on suspect who are caught dead-to-right lying repeatedly about what happened.

Are there statistics that can be quoted to support your statement? Not being snarky just wondering, because right off the bat I thought of OJ's trial. Now in Jodi Arias' trial clearly her lies did not sit well with the jury. I think a lot depends on the jury and of course a very good defense attorney or a "dream team."

FWIW, it looks like LE believes that as well, as they leave several clues in the affidavits that would seemingly point in that direction.

My (always adjusting) outline for what happened has settled for a few weeks on the scenario that (a) she willingly got in his car to ride "somewhere" (lots of possibilities) and then return to her car in maybe 45 minutes to drive home, (b) all went as expected until they got near the Shops area again, when (c) he decided to make his "move" so to speak and she rebuffed him, and (d) things got ugly and she ended up in his trunk.

Re your personal date experience: yikes. Very eerie to even read that. Makes me shudder.

I just watched Christina's Dissapeared episode.
I have seen how her Mom has said a few times now that being abducted or taken was Christina's biggest fear. My heart is just broken for her family.
Please Lord help us find Christina.
If EA said he was in a fight to explain his injuries when he came to work on Saturday after CM went missing, he must have been in a fight! He never lies!

Pretty odd that he would get in a fight (as he told co-workers) and then have a tire bite him (as he told LE) all in the same day and both causing noticeable injuries - how unlucky can one person be?!?!?
If he was in a fight, it couldn't have been with a guy, imo. I don't think his face would have been unscathed. Imo, guys usually go to punch an opponent's face. Ribs, yes. Bite? Uh, no.
Based on what LE has released, am I right in concluding that they think CM was in EA's trunk when his phone last pinged at 5:32(?) a.m. near his house?

Again, just because her cell phone pinged near his house doesn't mean CM was still with EA. He simply could have still had her cell phone with him in the car. Just a theory...
No, with the evidence that we (WS/the public) know, there is no way he'd be convicted of AK.

BUT per PPD & the nature of the legal system, we won't know what they have until trial. They would be foolish to reveal the evidence to us, to EA and to the defense. I think that's the suspense and anxiety we have to live with until then :tantrum:

I hate to keep bringing this up, but doesn't he have to be indicted first? the hearing tomorrow is for a bond reduction. Then, he still needs to be indicted. Am I wrong about this?
Interesting how differently individual minds work.
I watched the same show.
The aspect of the case that impressed me the most was how close they came to arresting the wrong man (Pete was actually accused and tried by public opinion and was LE's main suspect. Through divine intervention, the case took a new direction after a long time had passed).

In the meantime, Pete suffered tremendously knowing he was innocent of murder but had no way to prove it.
He could hardly function.
And, as pointed out, some people still refuse to accept Pete is innocent.
His personality is more caustic or difficult than Paul's.
Yet Pete doesn't have a criminal record while Paul is a felon who has been in prison.
Paul is a sheep in wolves clothing while Pete was just himself tending to voice his disagreements and opinions.
The best trait Pete had going for him was that he wasn't considered brainy enough to dream up the clues someone was feeding LE.
Paul thought he was smarter than LE and was having fun toying with them.
Too big for his britches, he screwed up. Psychopathy at play.

The moral of the case imo, is how close LE came to pinning a murder on an innocent man based on his personality and public opinion.
The guilty party seems as if he would have lived happily despite knowing he setup and ruined his cousin's life.
In a way, Paul killed two men.
Hopefully, Pete will find a way to release the fear he felt, anger, hurt and ideation of plots for retaliation
(I imagine one would fantasize anyway) so he doesn't remain a prisoner of Paul.

The case didn't fall under Occam's Razor theory.
In most cases, I prefer to look at the case from several angles.
Especially when a victim seems to be surrounded by iffy people and circumstances.
After LE is satisfied there is still the trial.

In CM's case, it seems LE has not closed the doors.
Officer Tilley stated EA's arrest is Phase 1.
Now LE is investigating Phase 2. Good.
The jury is still out as far as I'm concerned.

As far as EA is concerned, yes, he's been arrested and is a primary suspect.
LE isn't finished investigating Christina's case. Tilley said so himself.
Another interesting case can be found on Netflix or even YouTube from the series, Forensic Files. It's called Wheel of Fortune and offers very similar facts to the CM case. A young woman disappears after playing cards at a casino. Everyone including the parents are sure it's the live in boyfriend until the casino videotape shows the woman leaving the casino with an unknown male. He is eventually found guilty of murder even though he never confessed nor was her body ever found. The father of the girl, a retired policeman, says they would have continued to believe the boyfriend was guilty if DNA and phone records hadn't proved otherwise.
I hate to keep bringing this up, but doesn't he have to be indicted first? the hearing tomorrow is for a bond reduction. Then, he still needs to be indicted. Am I wrong about this?

Correct. He's charged with AK. I believe LE is desperately looking for CM's body to charge him with First Degree Murder. I think PPD really wants CM's body to move ahead with murder charges and an indictment. Tomorrow's hearing will definitely be interesting. I hope we get to know what new information comes to light. I assume everyone was successfully subpoenaed and no one invokes their fifth amendment right in order to avoid incriminating their self.
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