GUILTY TX - Christina Morris, 23, Plano, 30 August 2014 - #32 *Arrest*

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It happens all the time I agree but every time my mind goes to that I think then how did he end up injured.
Depending on the drug, it's possible to sort of wig out to the point you'd need to be restrained. I'm too old/out of the party scene for over 15 years now (thankfully!) to know for sure, but I think Molly is similar to X. IME, it's possible to injure someone while on it and having an episode. Embarrassed to say, but I've experienced that as well as unexpected hallucinations before from drugs that required some intervention. Not saying that's the case or the drug here but it's possible.

I can't remember which poster (maybe dfwmom) suggested injuries were from walking around to hide the body and I'm leaning more towards that. The thumb injury - maybe when closing the trunk? Or was someone else there that slammed the trunk when EA wasn't expecting it?
So I'm thinking because HF didn't answer the text from EA, that's why he said if he had been there, this wouldn't have happened. He knew but ignored the text, and I personally think it's because he didn't want to bother with such a small amount for just EA after he had such a big night. So now EA is mad as hell at both of them...

Well, considering your theory he would have been rebuffed 4x (maybe more) within a 12-18hr period. So ya he might have been mad as hell.

Rebuffed- his tire, SB on the couch, SB at PP bed, HF no reply. :furious:
You know it's crazy...but my mind keeps going to this scenario.

It's very coincidence how 3 ppl who know CM (involved with this trio thing) have been in jail or are currently in jail from dates Sept 1-now. I wonder if EA didn't TRY to implicate others in order to spare his involvement which lead to an urgency or further in depth investigation of those other ppl. I don't believe for one millisecond anyone else is involved but it's his MO (so far within this case) to immediately shift blame to get ppl looking elsewhere.
No, they're not going to bible study but seems like a lot of jail time in the span of 4 months.
I'm not a big believer in coincidences, are you? :)

Also I think the sting operation at Eden was started before Christina disappeared. So that would be even more coincidental IMO.
Does it prove anything if it is? I admit that I can be dense at times, but why does ANYONE care if his DNA is in his car? Especially if the DNA could have been left at different times?

If the DNA is from semen and mixed with CM's DNA, it proves sex happened, and supports the sexual assault theory. Pretty sure there's not usually a lot of semen in a trunk.
That's not where I was going....wiseguy!! LOL
Haha, now that we know that it is blood and was on the same swab, it makes more sense since EA had injuries. If the same swab gets blood DNA from both of them, that seems more incriminating.
Rick Staub, Plano PD Crime Scene Investigation manager, testified that criminalists used a forensic tool called Blue Star to test for blood in Arochi’s vehicle. When the substance was sprayed in the trunk, two spots “luminesced faintly,” which Staub said indicated the presence of blood.

Well then.

oh, good catch! Two spots luminescent faintly & TWO spots PPD admitted they found DNA, hmm odd?! DNA= Blood? Maybe. Blood=Inflict bodily harm? Maybe?

Oh but of course-maybe not! Can't forget about that too!
1 Detective did NOT say they have no evidence of pt 4. Review your notes and the elements of the crime.
2 The fact they arrested for AK does NOT put them in some sort of legal box. In the legal procedure, when they indict for AK, they will also have "lesser included" charges (and in this case, probably quite a few), all of which are crimes and for which the accused may be convicted. Kidnapping is absolutely a crime, whether aggravated or not.
...Side point: I think they are going to "run up the score" when it comes to indictments, and ask for convictions on everything they can specify, to make sure he gets locked away forever, no matter what.
3 IMO The pivot point is that EA took her, put her in his trunk, and she has never been seen again. Based on that, combined with the fact that everything he's said about it has been lies on top of lies, I'm not going to assume the court will look favorably on him to let him roam the streets, but we'll see what they say.

ETA - I see, now that I've caught up, that the bond was not reduced. Not surprising at all. EA put her IN HIS TRUNK, and lied his *advertiser censored* off to LE trying to find her (and the judge is not stupid LOL or distracted by relative minutia).

Bravo.. well said SteveS :goodpost:
I suppose male DNA could have come from a family member, prior owner if any, or someone who worked on the car, depending if it is skin cells, etc...jmo

Also LE had said they were watching HF since 8/1/14, I believe. On a Friday night, maybe they had someone "on him", as that is probably a good night to sell drugs in bars. I am comfortable with LE saying that his alibi checked out. I am going to trust LE on this one. There would be no reason not to add charges to current ones on HF, if anything turned up indicating his involvement. It is not like he could go on the run.

Also...I am guessing LE has not shared nearly as much as some might think, with Christina's family. LE is not interested in letting the details of this case out, even in court. I hope they don't have to hear any surprises at trial, but it is possible, Imo.
I suppose that LE could wonder if EA has ever had another victim in his TRUNK.
He did state that he blacks out "ALL the time" when drinking.

He said (randomly IMO) earlier on that he took adderal that day and it came up again. Wonder if they couldn't get a hold of anyone for rock so decided to take a couple more adderal?
So at this point I guess we wait for more forensics to come back and then does an official trial start?
I'm guessing it could take a year for trial though?
Any pictures of EA in court today? Just curious as to if he had any teeth missing (as had been mentioned may have occurred since being incarcerated). No, I do not have a link, but thought I had read it in the thread that's what was heard as a rumor.
Any pictures of EA in court today? Just curious as to if he had any teeth missing (as had been mentioned may have occurred since being incarcerated). No, I do not have a link, but thought I had read it in the thread that's what was heard as a rumor.

Weird rumor.
I think LE was able to retrieve the texts from EA's phone? Because he said he had not had any and I think they said he actually had a certain number during that time. If I am not mistaken.
If EA was not smart enough to know the server kept texts and logs, he also wasn't aware of pings or how they could show where he traveled. He honestly thought when he erased the texts, they were gone (remember the note mentioning it, too). Not the brightest cell phone manager. Thank goodness.
So at this point I guess we wait for more forensics to come back and then does an official trial start?
I'm guessing it could take a year for trial though?

I think he still has to be formally indicted, right?
Just because a VI or Jonni said it to be the truth does not make it so. There have been several things today dispelled the mother, step-mother, and VIs told us and were adamant about being true. Not saying they are lying, but it does leave me a bit bewildered about some things. Did HF show them the texts? Did he let them listen to the call? They acted like they were so certain and come to find out...they should have been questioning the one text at least.
I just have to say Jonni, et al, were told by LE that HF was not a suspect. That's all she had to go on initially. We can't go by everything that she thought she knew at the very beginning. HF may have been a stinky bf but he had no reason to want Christina dead. "If I had been there, this wouldn't have happened" is probably the most true thing we've heard so far.
I can't help but think the family's effort to insure no one looked at HF twice came at a very high price. We shouldn't trust anything the VIs or fam said about him because they have no clue what is true and what is not concerning him. We have to alter our views because we have new information to change what is factual.

I hope LE re-examines the fight at the pier because it is another HF denial. I want to know for a fact if CM was afraid of what he may do to her 2 days before she went missing. I want to know if HF would go off on her in public and how bad the abuse could have escalated during that time.
This would assume there was a conspiracy, wouldn't it?
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