GUILTY TX - Christina Morris, 23, Plano, 30 August 2014 - #32 *Arrest*

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@ MIKAYOYO. Honestly, I don't know how premeditated it might have been. Originally I though it was a crime of opportunity. But from his interviews and what we've learned recently I do believe he is a predator. In this case, probably a predator on the lookout for an opportunity. I won't bore anyone with all the "what ifs" I can imagine, but I am thinking he may have had an interest in Christina before the party.

I get it. I was just curious if you thought premeditated way in advance with CM is the target or just premeditated in that he had his eyes on SA'ing anyone he found himself in a position to.

With regards to him having eyes for her specifically, I wonder why her in the sense that did he see her often or how was she in his head to want to harm her? YKWIM? Has he been pining for her since HS since she didn't hang with this group of friends that often?
I am one who thinks it happened suddenly. I do think they were talking on the way to the garage, he was wanting her to find him more rock, she was probably shutting him down. He might have tried to pull her to him, or try to kiss her or something else equally stupid - and she pushed him away, then they fought. She could have cracked her head on the pavement (with or without blood) or he could have hit her hard enough in the temple or something (not trying to go off the rails here, just thinking it wasn't something that left a lot of blood, maybe a little, like a broken nose, and he probably cleaned up what he could). He couldn't just leave her there, so he put her in the trunk. Unless they have proof like a text from him or her to a third party saying they were going to stop by and I can't imagine who that would be. This is all just my scenario, because I do think he flew into a rage after all his rejection and his drug/alcohol fueled state of mind. I feel so confident LE has everything they need and that they will up the charges, now if we could just find her. Bless you, Christina!

Your theory seems quite possible.. I initially thought she left willingly with him, but I'm not so sure now... If there were about 3 minutes form the video to the time he left, that really is more time than it seems (count to 120)... He may have vacuumed his front passenger seat thoroughly because he spilled some weed or something (he did state that he had weed!)... Fact is, I was about to post almost exactly what you said, Happyshoes
I get it. I was just curious if you thought premeditated way in advance with CM is the target or just premeditated in that he had his eyes on SA'ing anyone he found himself in a position to.

With regards to him having eyes for her specifically, I wonder why her in the sense that did he see her often or how was she in his head to want to harm her? YKWIM? Has he been pining for her since HS since she didn't hang with this group of friends that often?

The only reason I think he may have had an interest in Christina prior to the party is based on what a co-worker of EA purportedly said after she was reported missing. I don't have the link, so I don't know if it came from a sanctioned source or is simply rumor. If anyone has the link, please post it. Rumor or truth it involved a picture shown to the co-worker prior to that week-end. Why she may have been a target? Not sure.

The other reason I consider premeditation a possibility is the report of a female neighbor of the Arochi's who felt EA was stalking her. I believe she filed a police report but, again I don't have the link, so consider it MOO.
I do have one more "reason" but won't post it unless I find the link.
I do think he was on the prowl in general.
Agree completely. I'm a newbie to WS and don't follow any other cases, but aside from a couple of posters in the past, I haven't seen anyone be outright hateful or belligerent. If people disagreeing with you hurts your feelings (in general, not directed at anyone here) or causes undue emotion/stress, then perhaps a support group site would be a better option. I'm not being snarky at all here either, rather it is said out of genuine concern. Some people have thicker skin than others. Personally I scroll and roll and have no problem with someone disagreeing with me. We are here to share ideas and facts, not to provide inspiration and emotional support. IMO, 99% of the posters here understand that and can live with it. Skepticism does not equal criticism. Anyway...just my two cents. Feel free to disagree...LOL. :peace:

On the matter of hurt feelings and thick skin: Nothing wrong with emotional support if someone wants to provide it. As a former victim advocate (long ago) emotional support as well as providing information was part of my training as a volunteer. Victims and their families require it. And it has been emphasized to me that websleuths is a victim friendly site. I see it this way: If you want information from someone, be polite. That is usually the most effective way to do it. If one is rude, then one is less likely to get information. However, as I say, I am new here and am -- in addition to learning a great deal about how missing persons investigations are conducted -- trying to get a sense of the tone and customs of the forum.
Your theory seems quite possible.. I initially thought she left willingly with him, but I'm not so sure now... If there were about 3 minutes form the video to the time he left, that really is more time than it seems (count to 120)... He may have vacuumed his front passenger seat thoroughly because he spilled some weed or something (he did state that he had weed!)... Fact is, I was about to post almost exactly what you said, Happyshoes

I would very much like to know what the dogs hit on, was that ever explained? Could that have been a ruse by LE just to let him think they had more than they did (at that time)?
The only reason I think he may have had an interest in Christina prior to the party is based on what a co-worker of EA purportedly said after she was reported missing. I don't have the link, so I don't know if it came from a sanctioned source or is simply rumor. If anyone has the link, please post it. Rumor or truth it involved a picture shown to the co-worker prior to that week-end. Why she may have been a target? Not sure.

The other reason I consider premeditation a possibility is the report of a female neighbor of the Arochi's who felt EA was stalking her. I believe she filed a police report but, again I don't have the link, so consider it MOO.
I do have one more "reason" but won't post it unless I find the link.
I do think he was on the prowl in general.

I also remember that post on a forum about EA showing a pic of Christina before that weekend. I have looked and looked for that post everywhere and could never find it.
Hopefully LE pulled it down off the web, have found the person who posted it and can be used in court.
The only reason I think he may have had an interest in Christina prior to the party is based on what a co-worker of EA purportedly said after she was reported missing. I don't have the link, so I don't know if it came from a sanctioned source or is simply rumor. If anyone has the link, please post it. Rumor or truth it involved a picture shown to the co-worker prior to that week-end. Why she may have been a target? Not sure.

The other reason I consider premeditation a possibility is the report of a female neighbor of the Arochi's who felt EA was stalking her. I believe she filed a police report but, again I don't have the link, so consider it MOO.
I do have one more "reason" but won't post it unless I find the link.
I do think he was on the prowl in general.

I do recall about showing her picture, but I don't remember where I saw it either. I just pray LE has what they need for justice. Regardless of all the back and forth I know in my heart everyone here has that in common, Justice for Christina.
The only reason I think he may have had an interest in Christina prior to the party is based on what a co-worker of EA purportedly said after she was reported missing. I don't have the link, so I don't know if it came from a sanctioned source or is simply rumor. If anyone has the link, please post it. Rumor or truth it involved a picture shown to the co-worker prior to that week-end. Why she may have been a target? Not sure.

The other reason I consider premeditation a possibility is the report of a female neighbor of the Arochi's who felt EA was stalking her. I believe she filed a police report but, again I don't have the link, so consider it MOO.
I do have one more "reason" but won't post it unless I find the link.
I do think he was on the prowl in general.

If true, that would be extremely interesting. If he was stalking her with an intent to assault her, then it might indicate that he had thought about exactly how he would achieve his goals. The fact that he does not seem to be very smart after-the-fact may merely indicate that he had never been challenged or questioned by people who know how to do it. The ability to plan in advance does not mean that someone is necessarily capable of planning well or executing effectively. Things go wrong.

Or he may have just seized the opportunity, thinking he would not have a better one.
Maybe 2 photo'd keys meant 2 kilos (keys) of cocaine? Jmo
Bumping for Boots.

This is a very good thought IMO. Makes much more sense than the outright text for drugs. The only thing is it seems a coincidence with the lost keys story.
Your theory seems quite possible.. I initially thought she left willingly with him, but I'm not so sure now... If there were about 3 minutes form the video to the time he left, that really is more time than it seems (count to 120)... He may have vacuumed his front passenger seat thoroughly because he spilled some weed or something (he did state that he had weed!)... Fact is, I was about to post almost exactly what you said, Happyshoes

Have I missed a link or something? Or this was the officer's testimony in court? I thought she left willing with EA too. No trace of her DNA in the front passenger seat or seatbelts?
I would very much like to know what the dogs hit on, was that ever explained? Could that have been a ruse by LE just to let him think they had more than they did (at that time)?

IIRC that came from the PI. I don't recall (but not sure so MOO) LE mentioning the hit.
The only reason I think he may have had an interest in Christina prior to the party is based on what a co-worker of EA purportedly said after she was reported missing. I don't have the link, so I don't know if it came from a sanctioned source or is simply rumor. If anyone has the link, please post it. Rumor or truth it involved a picture shown to the co-worker prior to that week-end. Why she may have been a target? Not sure.

The other reason I consider premeditation a possibility is the report of a female neighbor of the Arochi's who felt EA was stalking her. I believe she filed a police report but, again I don't have the link, so consider it MOO.
I do have one more "reason" but won't post it unless I find the link.
I do think he was on the prowl in general.

I tend to believe it was "indirect" premeditation.. had it not happened to CM, somebody else would have been the victim eventually. With his drug/alcohol fueled brain, he was a time bomb.. No clue what the dude was like sober (other than an obsessive liar)... JMO & IMO!
Bumping for Boots.

This is a very good thought IMO. Makes much more sense than the outright text for drugs. The only thing is it seems a coincidence with the lost keys story.

Regarding the lost keys, IIRC the discussion on the keys was getting tiresome for some and VI squished the discussion, so maybe there really weren't lost keys?? MOO Coupled with not hearing anything lately from anyone about the "can't find house key" "leave door open" texts, I'm wondering if those were unverified? IDK, I get so lost and confused with everything. MOO
The only reason I think he may have had an interest in Christina prior to the party is based on what a co-worker of EA purportedly said after she was reported missing. I don't have the link, so I don't know if it came from a sanctioned source or is simply rumor. If anyone has the link, please post it. Rumor or truth it involved a picture shown to the co-worker prior to that week-end. Why she may have been a target? Not sure.

The other reason I consider premeditation a possibility is the report of a female neighbor of the Arochi's who felt EA was stalking her. I believe she filed a police report but, again I don't have the link, so consider it MOO.
I do have one more "reason" but won't post it unless I find the link.

I do think he was on the prowl in general.

Great point. It also has to be remembered that he had lied to his GF about going out - so the idea he was "on the prowl" makes even more sense. And from what we know, he lied about almost everything, very accomplished and persistent inability to tell the truth at all, which also makes you wonder if he has way more history than we have yet discovered.
Bumping for Boots.

This is a very good thought IMO. Makes much more sense than the outright text for drugs. The only thing is it seems a coincidence with the lost keys story.

Thank you MissLu!! Yes, odd coincidence considering....... And all the friends were in agreement about "lost keys". How convenient. Maybe the friends thought about splitting the cost of a whole pie and everyone getting a slice.
Thank you MissLu!! Yes, odd coincidence considering....... And all the friends were in agreement about "lost keys". How convenient. Maybe the friends thought about splitting the cost of a whole pie and everyone getting a slice.
Thought about that as well. Especially if desserts were had already. When you run out of dessert, it's not a good feeling. I can see a you fly, I'll buy scenario.
I was reading Jonni's twitter earlier. I just want to say that she is very strong, and is not putting up with ugly people's posts who are challenging her. Go Jonni!
I would very much like to know what the dogs hit on, was that ever explained? Could that have been a ruse by LE just to let him think they had more than they did (at that time)?

It was the PI that stated the "hit" & not LE, IIRC.. (BTW, what happened with the PI?)
Bumping for Boots.

This is a very good thought IMO. Makes much more sense than the outright text for drugs. The only thing is it seems a coincidence with the lost keys story.

By outright text for drugs, are we talking about the text made by EA's phone to a person EA claims he knows, and the only "proof" anyone else sent it is that [modsnip] says so?
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