GUILTY TX - Christina Morris, 23, Plano, 30 August 2014 - #34 *Arrest*

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JUST MY OPINION but I don't think Jonni was getting Her info from law enforcement .

Me neither and is my point.
Jonni told Dallas what she believed (as told to Jonni by whomever).
Shorty afterward, Dallas flaked out and ran a bogus story (without doing her homework) fed to her by somebody else who didn't have good intentions.

WS said, read VI's info and take it or leave it.
Woe says, hard to do as weeks turn into months and new info is released.
Also there was a lot of push back if and when doubt entered the conversations about info provided by VI.
We were always referred back to VI said this or that.
I don't post on this thread, but I am keeping up as best as I can. First I would like to say, You All Are Very Smart, and very good at this. And Christina is lucky to have such a devoted group as you all are. You all Rock!!
It often turns out on these case that the simplest reason was in fact what happened. I think drugs played a part in that most, if not all of the players were high, or coming down from a high that night. But I really feel that simply SA was the motivation behind her abduction, and most likely murder. Nothing more, nothing less. I don't think EA needs to be very smart, just very lucky that she hasn't been found yet either.
You guys are doing a wonderful job keeping her thread going, and as a lurking member, and a mother of a young woman, I will read every day, because I think some of you are incredibly close to getting this.
A special shout to SteveS. I think your posts rock. They are steady, concise, and informative.

I thought that no one other than EA was to be talked about or hinted to be a suspect/POI...

Anyway, I think LE has this one right...Ea kidnapped and killed Christina. To me it could not be more obvious if he wore a sign. Jmo

That's my understanding too. Times two...(he kidnapped and killed her).
Your a guy right? From a guy's perspective, have you done that before? You know engage a woman that way and feel the sexual rage build up to epic proportions? Since I am a woman it is kinda hard for me to imagine sexual rage in a man. I don't think women get sexual rage, but you never know. I don't, maybe others could chime in as well. Thanks in advance! :)

1 Yes I'm very male LOL
2 "From a guy's perspective, have you done that before?"....If the question is, have I ever been in a situation where I hoped "one thing might lead to another," yes I have.
3 "You know engage a woman that way and feel the sexual rage build up to epic proportions?" ....If the question is, have I ever turned "rejection" into some sort of major expression of anger, nope, never. But I have seen guys who did get majorly irate in that situation. It's not mature and certainly not a good thing, but it happens, no question about it.

As for what leads to that, I can only offer my own amateur-psycho-babble explanation :smile: ...but my belief is that it stems from the guy who sees women as "objects" to serve gratification rather than as individuals whose feelings matter.
Me neither and is my point.
Jonni told Dallas what she believed (as told to Jonni by whomever).
Shorty afterward, Dallas flaked out and ran a bogus story (without doing her homework) fed to her by somebody else who didn't have good intentions.

WS said, read VI's info and take it or leave it.
Woe says, hard to do as weeks turn into months and new info is released.
Also there was a lot of push back if and when doubt entered the conversations about info provided by VI.
We were always referred back to VI said this or that.

Guys I think you are arguing over semantics. "Girls night" to me is anytime it's not "couples night". Doesn't mean guys won't be around.....just means husbands/boyfriends won't. Esp. at that age.
FWIW, I want to know where she is. I have to use the words "imagine" to make it clear that my posts are not facts. You can complain about that, but if I didn't include qualifying words then someone would be sure to ask me for a link.

I know and understand.
I'm still catching up, so excuse me if there is already a response to your query. The idea of a girls night was dismissed a while back. There was never a specific intent to only have girls present. I understand that all the people present knew each other from high school, some going back as far as elementary days. SB is not from Allen, but became friends with PP in college at Texas Tech. EA was there because he was friends with PP and SB.

This is something that has puzzled me from the time we found out that EA was with the group that night and then also SN.

Is the concept of a "girls night out" a rigid one in the US? Here in England I might have a night out with a specific groups of friends who have been invited beforehand and yes, it would be odd if someone else joined during the night or it might be a night that starts with some people (maybe just girls) and others join in along the way as different bars are visited. I'm trying to think of an occassion of the latter type on which a guy would be specifically excluded.

I realise that this is simply my experience but the presence of men at the apartment is one of the few things that I don't find in the least bit odd or difficult to explain but I don't want to overlook the significance if EA and SN being there was really something that breaks a social norm.
I'm starting to think Boots, Eileen, and TYM know something the rest of us don't...but I can totally see the couch scene happening. That's as old as dirt. If there were conflicting stories about that, I think LE would know and wouldn't have gone with the SA theory. I will be so glad to get more information. Not discounting anyone's ideas because anything is believable with the amount of drugs and alcohol involved.
Guys I think you are arguing over semantics. "Girls night" to me is anytime it's not "couple's night". Doesn't mean guys won't be around.....just means husbands/boyfriends won't. Esp. at that age.

Semantics, I agree. If I told my husband I was going on a girls night out, he would ask me are there going to be any men there. If I said I don't know or yes, he would say I'm going with you. A girls night out respectively and ideally should be a girls night out and not involve members of the opposite sex if you are married and/or otherwise in a monogamous relationship, but that's just me. In fact, alcohol can bring out the amorous side in lots of folks and in the proper setting could lead people to think you're interested in them when in fact it's just the alcohol.
Guys I think you are arguing over semantics. "Girls night" to me is anytime it's not "couple's night". Doesn't mean guys won't be around.....just means husbands/boyfriends won't. Esp. at that age.

and husband or BF would expect me home.
She lived with this man not just seeing him on weekends.
I don't think men or women like their sig others going out without them , but that's JMO.
Girls night: Jonni says "what ya doin this weekend?" CM answers "gonna hang out with the girls, we're gonna go to the Shops and then I'll stay with P, she has a place there." CM may not have known or cared to mention to her Mom that SN and EA would be there.

Sexual frustration: guys get upset frequently about being turned down. See also: Date Rape; Domestic Violence.
This is something that has puzzled me from the time we found out that EA was with the group that night and then also SN.

Is the concept of a "girls night out" a rigid one in the US? Here in England I might have a night out with a specific groups of friends who have been invited beforehand and yes, it would be odd if someone else joined during the night or it might be a night that starts with some people (maybe just girls) and others join in along the way as different bars are visited. I'm trying to think of an occassion of the latter type on which a guy would be specifically excluded.

I realise that this is simply my experience but the presence of men at the apartment is one of the few things that I don't find in the least bit odd or difficult to explain but I don't want to overlook the significance if EA and SN being there was really something that breaks a social norm.

EA had a girlfriend. SN has a GF or is married? CM has a BF. SB and PP ? The rest of the group - as many as 8 to 9 or 10 ? No clue!
Girls night: Jonni says "what ya doin this weekend?" CM answers "gonna hang out with the girls, we're gonna go to the Shops and then I'll stay with P, she has a place there." CM may not have known or cared to mention to her Mom that SN and EA would be there.

Sexual frustration: guys get upset frequently about being turned down. See also: Date Rape; Domestic Violence.

I wonder If Jonni asked her if hunter was going and if not what were his plans?
... the presence of men at the apartment is one of the few things that I don't find in the least bit odd or difficult to explain but I don't want to overlook the significance if EA and SN being there was really something that breaks a social norm.

You have it right. IMO it would have been odd if the bar-scene evening didn't result in a guy or three joining the group for the after-party. Flirting, romance (or the one-night variation), and all the other types of male-female interaction are virtually always part of that kind of outing somehow.
I wonder If Jonni asked her if hunter was going and if not what were his plans?

See I don't even think Jonni knew it was a girls night out - she got this information from hunter. It started out as a shopping trip from thread 1 and evolved there. It has always been a work in progress as has the clothes she was wearing and whether her keys were lost and found and what keys were lost and found, etc., etc., etc. I don't think CM was one to call her mother every day and inform her of her daily plans. She was a big girl, 23-years-old. IIRC, none of Christina's immediate family was on the call list to call if she didn't show for work.
But where was Christina when this couch stuff was going on?
she didn't do Whataburger did she leave? go somewhere else?

I don't know that it matters. Maybe she was going to the bathroom..
Wherever she was won't make a difference with the point LE is trying to make with SB claim.
The entire couch thing is confusing.
I see nothing at all that says attraction to SB...
She wants to lie down he says no she goes into the bedroom then says if yur not sleeping on the couch im going home.... I mean that just makes no sense at all.

I agree! It's not like he said, "if you're not sleeping with ME on the couch, I'm going home."
I don't know that it matters. Maybe she was going to the bathroom..
Wherever she was won't make a difference with the point LE is trying to make with SB claim.

<mod snip>
I don't think she was there but that's just my thoughts on the matter.
I don't believe SB either...
I don't know that it matters. Maybe she was going to the bathroom..
Wherever she was won't make a difference with the point LE is trying to make with SB claim.

At this point, without a body, I agree. However, if we had found her body and someone's DNA besides SO and EA was found, that somebody might be sitting in jail right now.
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