GUILTY TX - Christina Morris, 23, Plano, 30 August 2014 - #34 *Arrest*

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But U always go home yes?
You would never worry your husband and not go home?
Even call him? Im staying over marys tonight don't worry.

Her flurry of calls and texts are a problem! JMO
When she didn't come home or he couldn't reach her you would think hed start calling her friends. Or drive there knock on doors.

You don't have to be Siamese twins but... they live together. 4 days is a long time.

Or, 4 days can be a big blur to a user/dealer.
Well duh. HF is a dumbass for not reporting her. That's been established.
I just don't think being away from each other out, like you were pointing out, Is an indicator of problems.

What im saying is this was more then what it was made to seem.
Ea showed up for a certain reason IMO along with some others!
Reading back the last couple of pages, has just made me think about something. But I might be mistaken with my facts.

EA, CM and SB all drive there cars, one car each, into the garage?
Then they go for drinks and back to PP apartment,

EA and CM leave. EA car leaves garage. SB car doesn't leave, as she is still in PP appartment?

So why did SB not notice CM car still in the garage?
It's very true who said that If SN had been at all concerned he could have checked the garage?!
I guess hindsight is a wonderful thing :( these people didn't think any of this was going to happen.

I don't see how they could have been so concerned about EA's behaviour that night, or possible previous with females if they let her go with him.

We don't know where SB parked after the return from Whataburger. Maybe she parked in the Blue Martini garage, but I understand that is not much closer to PP's apartment than Henry's Tavern parking garage.

And where did SN park? Did he ride with someone else to the girls night out (hey - I'm thinking we just need to call this thing what it is - a PARTY)?
Reading back the last couple of pages, has just made me think about something. But I might be mistaken with my facts.

EA, CM and SB all drive there cars, one car each, into the garage?
Then they go for drinks and back to PP apartment,

EA and CM leave. EA car leaves garage. SB car doesn't leave, as she is still in PP appartment?

So why did SB not notice CM car still in the garage?
It's very true who said that If SN had been at all concerned he could have checked the garage?!
I guess hindsight is a wonderful thing :( these people didn't think any of this was going to happen.

I don't see how they could have been so concerned about EA's behaviour that night, or possible previous with females if they let her go with him.

Well good point

Either not very bright and observant people there that night, crappy friends or something more.
At this point, without a body, I agree. However, if we had found her body and someone's DNA besides SO and EA was found, that somebody might be sitting in jail right now.

I think that would depend upon the nature of the DNA. A defense attorney would poke holes in that fairly quickly with a body found so long after the fact.
Well good point

Either not very bright and observant people there that night, crappy friends or something more.

Well, maybe they're just not kiss and tell kind of people, or use drugs and tell kind of people.
Idk. I'm a married woman and I go out for my girlfriends birthday or for happy hour without him and he does the same. But maybe it's my generation? I just hate the Siamese twin thing. I'm an individual and so is he. We can be apart.
Maybe that's how they felt.

Or they were fighting.

Yes but (don't you love "yes buts"?), there is a rumored history surrounding members of the group (against TOS to discuss).
My ears can't unhear the history though.
People may have had bad blood between them.
Not exactly a normal 'old home' visit if all players were present or showed up.
I'm starting to think Boots, Eileen, and TYM know something the rest of us don't...but I can totally see the couch scene happening. That's as old as dirt. If there were conflicting stories about that, I think LE would know and wouldn't have gone with the SA theory. I will be so glad to get more information. Not discounting anyone's ideas because anything is believable with the amount of drugs and alcohol involved.

Totally agree, I've been reading today wondering, "oooohkay… what's come through on the SM rumor mill that I don't know about?" Clearly they are awfully certain, eh?

IMO it's to deflect attention away from EA. You know, the one with a significant amount of Christina's DNA IN HIS TRUNK, the one sitting in jail on aggravated kidnapping charges with a $1 million bond, the one who IMO knows where she is but continues to put a whole lot of people through the worst kind of hell imaginable. That guy.
Yes but (don't you love "yes buts"?), there is a rumored history surrounding members of the group (against TOS to discuss).
My ears can't unhear the history though.
People may have had bad blood between them.
Not exactly a normal 'old home' visit if all players were present or showed up.

Ah ha, so there is something some of you know and some of us don't. So all the arguing and hinting and beating around the bush is based on something not found in MSM.

Is this old news? Something you've known for a long time? Or a recent development.
Ah ha, so there is something some of you know and some of us don't. So all the arguing and hinting and beating around the bush is based on something not found in MSM.

Is this old news? Something you've known for a long time? Or a recent development.

I think it's called waiting for the trial. I think there are two sides to every story. It's just scary to think if we lived back in the 1800s or hell even the 1940s..... that there wouldn't even be a trial - just a public hanging. Convicted by the court of public opinion.
We don't know where SB parked after the return from Whataburger. Maybe she parked in the Blue Martini garage, but I understand that is not much closer to PP's apartment than Henry's Tavern parking garage.

And where did SN park? Did he ride with someone else to the girls night out (hey - I'm thinking we just need to call this thing what it is - a PARTY)?

Thanks for providing the link reminding SB drove her car, with PP and EA as passengers, to Whataburger.
For some reason, I thought PP drove the three of them to Whataburger in her car.
SB must have parked near Henry's too because she is the person who told LE the configuration of how CM and EA's cars were parked.
SB also provided the detail that someone else had saved spaces close together for all of them in the lot.
Therefore, she must have pulled into the garage when EA did. We know CM followed close behind EA.
Did SB enter the garage after or before EA and CM did?

If SB drove to Whataburger, it does explain how her car was relocated (between the time EA left and SB leaving at a later time) and provides a reason why SB didn't notice Christina's car had not moved from its spot in the lot near Henry's.
Because, since SB left in the morning after EA and CM did, I wondered why she didn't notice CM's car was still there.
EA, CM and SB all drive there cars, one car each, into the garage?
Then they go for drinks and back to PP apartment,

EA and CM leave. EA car leaves garage. SB car doesn't leave, as she is still in PP appartment?

So why did SB not notice CM car still in the garage?

SB's car left when they went to Whataburger. Obviously she must have parked elsewhere when they returned to the apt with the food.
Oh, maybe I've missed something crucial then.

LOL you haven't. The gist of the situation is still the same:
1 EA was the last person CM was with
2 he put her IN HIS TRUNK
3 she has never been seen or heard from ever again
4 EA has lied about every detail of what he did and where he was that night
Ah ha, so there is something some of you know and some of us don't. So all the arguing and hinting and beating around the bush is based on something not found in MSM.

Is this old news? Something you've known for a long time? Or a recent development.

A link:

"Anna Morris, said her stepdaughter would have told her if she was going to take a spontaneous trip.

“She didn’t hide things,” she said. “She would have let us know for this exact reason.”

Anna Morris said she has helped raise her stepdaughter since she was 3.

Read more here:
SB's car left when they went to Whataburger. Obviously she must have parked elsewhere when they returned to the apt with the food.

Yes but, per my post above, it is good to point this out.
As I said, somehow I was under the impression PP drove to Whataburger. Therefore, SB's car would have still been near Henry's. Since SB drove, it explains when and why her car ended up somewhere else.

Now, I need to hear from LE that they've confirmed (verified) the trip to Whataburger took place and its location.
Thanks for providing the link reminding SB drove her car, with PP and EA as passengers, to Whataburger.
For some reason, I thought PP drove the three of them to Whataburger in her car.
SB must have parked near Henry's too because she is the person who told LE the configuration of how CM and EA's cars were parked.
SB also provided the detail that someone else had saved spaces close together for all of them in the lot.
Therefore, she must have pulled into the garage when EA did. We know CM followed close behind EA.
Did SB enter the garage after or before EA and CM did?

If SB drove to Whataburger, it does explain how her car was relocated (between the time EA left and SB leaving at a later time) and provides a reason why SB didn't notice Christina's car had not moved from its spot in the lot near Henry's.
Because, since SB left in the morning after EA and CM did, I wondered why she didn't notice CM's car was still there.

You're most welcome. And no we don't know when SB entered the garage - before CM and EA or after. But, from the affidavit it sounds like the entire group arrived and parked in the same area. Who drove to Scruffy Duffy's?
Not much is "obvious" and it is difficult to remember/nail down the facts we do have.
LOL you haven't. The gist of the situation is still the same:
1 EA was the last person CM was with
2 he put her IN HIS TRUNK
3 she has never been seen or heard from ever again
4 EA has lied about every detail of what he did and where he was that night

I'm looking for the link where Officer Tilley says they are investigating somebody having a grudge against Christina.... In the meantime, I think you will like this link:

Prendergast and Morris moved in together in August 2013 after dating for a year, Prendergast said. But they broke up in October when Morris started dating his best friend, who is her current boyfriend.

“They started dating while we were still living together,” Prendergast said.

Plano police have said the current boyfriend is not a suspect."

Read more here:
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