GUILTY TX - Christina Morris, 23, Plano, 30 August 2014 - #34 *Arrest*

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Maybe police don't want to say how they really know that HF was not in the area, so they said the bit about his phone pings. Maybe he was being watched that night.
I am doubting this because the alleged dealers they pulled in from the sting were all doing business at the one central location where the arrests were made. No reason for them to follow or otherwise put them under extended surveillance individually, imo. They got what they needed to make federal cases against each one...evidently.
...not to mention all the cops that could be out on the side roads.. not a good thing, if you are "holding"
LOL The guy had a clothing line which taunted LE, FBI, and other entities as the sole purpose. It was extremely "in your face" to LE having your gf wear a Molly shirt while you were selling it. So all of the sudden, he would worry about cops on side roads?! Nah.
I don't think, imo, you should feel the need to be so defensive.
The question was innocent because you seem, imo, that you have first-hand knowledge of how a part of the family could be feeling.

But I do not feel at all defensive. I was just surprised. I only know how I feel about my daughter being missing. I think, though, that I can imagine how another mother might feel, but I see Christina's mother as being individual. She has let people know how she feels.
No disrespect intended daisytrail. The only reason I asked was because you seemed to have some very definitive answers and well-informed posts that made me think you may have been a family member or close friend. I do not know anyone involved either, I live in the Midwest. I heard about CM's case from another thread on WS that I follow, that is what brought me here. :)

No problem at all. I am actually a little flattered that you think I am well-informed.
I am doubting this because the alleged dealers they pulled in from the sting were all doing business at the one central location where the arrests were made. No reason for them to follow or otherwise put them under extended surveillance individually, imo. They got what they needed to make federal cases against each one...evidently.

I doubt that it was hard to do business at that location.
But I do not feel at all defensive. I was just surprised. I only know how I feel about my daughter being missing. I think, though, that I can imagine how another mother might feel, but I see Christina's mother as being individual. She has let people know how she feels.
Glad you don't feel defensive, just thought imo that you came across as defensive.
Again, didn't realize you needed our help to find your daughter. Give us more details, and we'll help!
You don't have to help WS with Christina when you clearly need us to start another thread about your daughter!

We've got Jonni's back here. Also, Mark's, Anna's, and Ronnie's.
We've got YOUR back, too! Let us help you by giving us details!
I'm so sorry! No disrespect intended. I'll research more on Daisy's missing daughter! Daisy, please know we'll be behind you and help you bring your daughter home

Go to a closed thread here by searching Daisy Suzanna Hamilton.
Usually tax or drug related. Typically means LE is legally taking (and keeping) the car as the product of illegal acts.
Adding additional color to your thoughts, the program has turned into a mess. The police are able to take assets without convictions on the loose requirement of suspected illegal activity. If someone was carrying cash and they thought THAT was suspicious, some police departments started seizing those funds. Luckily, it is being recognized as a program that turns our police into bandito's and it has been suspended for local and state police (as of last week).
Could be. ~shrug~ That was a long time ago, when no one knew any evidence and LE was keeping all its thoughts close to the vest. Now, we have a lot to work with and evaluate, sworn under oath. So far, it all leads to EA.

Though we probably only know a fraction of what LE knows, I don't see any value in bucking heads with and trying to contradict what LE has sworn to.

LE hasn't sworn to no one else being involved yet.
The transcript, from September 8, contains a lot of questions that haven't been answered still.
On the 8th, Jonni said, LE had not confirmed HF was in Fort Worth when CM disappeared.
Not covered in this transcript (somewhere else), HF told Jonni he was at home sleeping.
I don't know when Jonni heard HF wasn't at home in Fort Worth as he told her previously.
May have been the same time we heard it, just recently.

Doesn't match his original story though and that bothers me as much as EA's lies do.
Recently we found out HF was at the W Hotel, which is a lot closer to Plano than Fort Worth is.
How can we be so sure he remained inside the hotel up until 4:00 a.m.?
HF said he lost track of (or lost) his phone during the time Christina disappeared.

Take note the discussion about the fight Christina and HF had, just before Christina disappeared.
The subject came up and Jonni confirms a fight was in progress. CM was so upset she wanted to go home because of their fight.
This has been glossed over.
Someone told Jonni, right off the bat, that Christina and HF were in the midst of a fight.
It means that HF was a bad, bad boy so LE took his Pontiac away. But have no fear, he didn't have to result to public transport. That's when he got the Scion (that he never had) before the Cruiser.

What? LE confiscated a vehicle HF used? When?

LE hasn't sworn to no one else being involved yet.
The transcript, from September 8, contains a lot of questions that haven't been answered still.
On the 8th, Jonni said, LE had not confirmed HF was in Fort Worth when CM disappeared.
Not covered in this transcript (somewhere else), HF told Jonni he was at home sleeping.
I don't know when Jonni heard HF wasn't at home in Fort Worth as he told her previously.
May have been the same time we heard it, just recently.

Doesn't match his original story though and that bothers me as much as EA's lies do.
Recently we found out HF was at the W Hotel, which is a lot closer to Plano than Fort Worth is.
How can we be so sure he remained inside the hotel up until 4:00 a.m.?
HF said he lost track of (or lost) his phone during the time Christina disappeared.

Take note the discussion about the fight Christina and HF had, just before Christina disappeared.
The subject came up and Jonni confirms a fight was in progress. CM was so upset she wanted to go home because of their fight.
This has been glossed over.
Someone told Jonni, right off the bat, that Christina and HF were in the midst of a fight.
For a few months now, I have felt like Christina's disappearance is a result of one guy snapping. As this case progresses, I realize that as new details become sparse that the minds on this board get creative resulting in more grand reasons. In the past, the grand theories die off as new incriminating evidence comes to light. But, I admit that I have been wrestling lately with adopting thoughts of involvement of more people being involved. HF? ALP? I really don't know.

Then to kick it off, I happened to be at a gathering Saturday evening with a bunch of cops from another local police department. Laughs were good, conversation was easy, they were talking some shop. I brought up Christina's case to one and he turned around and asked his CSI buddy, the CSI cop changed the subject so quick that it was a little awkward. It may not have been anything, but it made me think. It seemed like he was afraid of saying something that he shouldn't. It just made me think that behind the scene, there may be related investigations that includes more than just Plano and Allen PD. IDK, it may have been he wanted to talk about how much he loves his
So, are you saying CM and HF were together in Dallas? That's news to me. And quite interesting if they were both in Dallas. I mean she didn't even have her camera with her. Jonni found the camera when she cleaned out Christina's belongs at Hunter's place around October 1st.

Oh, the infamous camera! At least we found the camera...... Still no keys and still no Christina.

I don't have a link but iirc Jonni said the camera was turned over to LE.
Can't wait to know if the camera is meaningful to the case.
For a few months now, I have felt like Christina's disappearance is a result of one guy snapping. As this case progresses, I realize that as new details become sparse that the minds on this board get creative resulting in more grand reasons. In the past, the grand theories die off as new incriminating evidence comes to light. But, I admit that I have been wrestling lately with adopting thoughts of involvement of more people being involved. HF? ALP? I really don't know.

Then to kick it off, I happened to be at a gathering Saturday evening with a bunch of cops from another local police department. Laughs were good, conversation was easy, they were talking some shop. I brought up Christina's case to one and he turned around and asked his CSI buddy, the CSI cop changed the subject so quick that it was a little awkward. It may not have been anything, but it made me think. It seemed like he was afraid of saying something that he shouldn't. It just made me think that behind the scene, there may be related investigations that includes more than just Plano and Allen PD. IDK, it may have been he wanted to talk about how much he loves his

Dallas Police, maybe?
You either believe LE, and the reliability of what they testified to, or you don't. LE says they believe he was at the W, and cite the cell towers as one reason. It doesn't mean they don't have more (even possible they had eyes on him, given what we know now). They also know that he couldn't have gotten from the W to Shops area in any relatively short time period without being logged on toll roads all the way.

Logged on toll roads.... do they log who is driving the car and who the passengers are? What if someone is not driving his own vehicle? (As SeriouslySearching mentioned above) it just logs the vehicle, correct?

Also, to me, "we believe" and " we know for sure and can prove it " are two different things.
There's nothing much to post. No one has been indicted for anything and no one is talking. And, no one has found Christina.

Most people are set in believing what they believe based on the little that is known. So, until anything new happens, there's not much to say.

All any of it does for me, personally, is reinforce that drugs are bad and bad things tend to happen to people who mess around with them. Sad.

IMHO: the most dangerous thing about drugs is that they are illegal. Do some people get addicted, have trouble and OD? Yes. But the same could be said for alcohol. If drugs were not illegal we'd have a tenth of the problems they cause.
LE hasn't sworn to no one else being involved yet.

But LE has indeed sworn that it is their belief (not rumor, misdirection, or a question for which they don't have an answer or haven't investigated) that HF was at the W when this stuff went down. As you note, we don't know what all LE has as far as evidence, but we have been provided the bottom line of what it says, and they did cite one piece of evidence they have that has supported that belief.

We can reject their evidence and beliefs, as if we know better than they do. We can ignore the fact they have more evidence that we haven't even seen, and second-guess their ability to accurately assess the value of what they know and any possible blind spots. Or we can say, "Okay, LE has evidence that convinces them that HF was at the W when all this went down, and they swear that's what they believe based on everything they have uncovered so far. Got it."

<mod snip>
IMHO: the most dangerous thing about drugs is that they are illegal. Do some people get addicted, have trouble and OD? Yes. But the same could be said for alcohol. If drugs were not illegal we'd have a tenth of the problems they cause.

Yikes. Meth causes people to do some crazy awful horrendous things. Meth being illegal is a great thing IMO. Pot, a different story. If EA was on meth that night it could be part of the reason this whole nightmare happened. I've seen firsthand the weird and nasty things drug addicts do.

When I had my older son, an acquaintance of his dad came over spun out of his mind on drugs (crank) banging on my door. When I opened it, he had a used, empty fish tank that he told me was a congratulations gift for the baby. When I laughed (bc how could I not?) he flipped out to the point of me having to call the cops.

Just an example and I was only 19, so looking back now I never would open the door but I'm thankful meth is illegal.
IMHO: the most dangerous thing about drugs is that they are illegal. Do some people get addicted, have trouble and OD? Yes. But the same could be said for alcohol. If drugs were not illegal we'd have a tenth of the problems they cause.

IMO Not all drugs fall under this category, especially, not the drugs HF and his associates were busted for.
I hope Molly, Meth, Coke and the likes are never ever legalized. JMO
Yikes. Meth causes people to do some crazy awful horrendous things. Meth being illegal is a great thing IMO. Pot, a different story. If EA was on meth that night it could be part of the reason this whole nightmare happened. I've seen firsthand the weird and nasty things drug addicts do.

When I had my older son, an acquaintance of his dad came over spun out of his mind on drugs (crank) banging on my door. When I opened it, he had a used, empty fish tank that he told me was a congratulations gift for the baby. When I laughed (bc how could I not?) he flipped out to the point of me having to call the cops.

Just an example and I was only 19, so looking back now I never would open the door but I'm thankful meth is illegal.

Just when I think I Have this case somewhat in order in my brain... an order of having it figured out to some gets all messed up ... now, it seems... actually... not anything I really believed before... but now it seems its very very plausible others were involved...could of even been somewhat planned...I can't really fathom it because I've never lived in the mysterious land of drug induced behavoir... but, actually, people could of been mad at her... annoyed, wanted her gone... I mean this happens in the that bizarre preppy yuppy drug people... right? Is this correct...plausible...?
IMHO: the most dangerous thing about drugs is that they are illegal. Do some people get addicted, have trouble and OD? Yes. But the same could be said for alcohol. If drugs were not illegal we'd have a tenth of the problems they cause.
I would agree with this with weed, and that's about all. In my experience, it's not just some people that get addicted, it's almost everyone that tries it. I've never known anyone to "try" coke, meth, heroin and not go back for more. Over and over. Drugs ruin lives. It starts out fun, taking and using drugs but before you know it the drugs have taken you. I honestly feel sorry for anyone that is caught up in an addiction as I think it could absolutely happen to anyone. Legalizing these drugs and you'd have so many more people in their own living hell eventually.
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