GUILTY TX - Christina Morris, 23, Plano, 30 August 2014 - #34 *Arrest*

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Estoy aqui, amiga!

I just cant say much since the TOS are pretty narrow about who can be sleuthed... at this time. When things change, more can be said without breaking the rules. :)

when do you see that happening?
Very true...except this one is facing the DP. :jail:

Perhaps eventually, anyhow. IMO it may depend on his willingness to talk to get a deal, and how quickly. I think mercy (erasing the agony of CMs family in not knowing where she is) can beget mercy, if offered expeditiously.
JMO .. Just bypass the AK charge and move right in for the Murder -3NO Charge JMO~
They obviously feel there is enough to state that publicly right now. .then bring the charge. JMO
I thought it was an expensive/upscale place?

sorry I was making a joke to bust bootsctrs chops a little bit. Yes, I don't about the one in dallas but they are typical very upscale places.
Big FYI ... Going back thru my personal notes ... IIRC ID DISCOVERY Show Crew & PI arrived/scheduled Sept 11th 2014

Thanks, that is helpful regarding Jonni's statement that everyone was helping (except EA). Sept 11th was only about a week after she was reported missing. So it would make sense that JM said that at that time.
I think the only disagreement some have around here is the cleanliness of the whole affair. I don't think anyone involved the whole evening is clean. In my opinion, if any of them had a lick of conscience beyond where their next high was coming from - if the police and PI are to be believed about what they've discovered about this bunch - then I think someone would have already stepped forward with more helpful information.

Unless of course only one of them have anything to tell.
Thanks, that is helpful regarding Jonni's statement that everyone was helping (except EA). Sept 11th was only about a week after she was reported missing. So it would make sense that JM said that at that time.

That would be correct .. JMO~ now during or after the ID show.... that is where the gap starts.
I think innocent people absolutely need an attorney, especially when they are being viewed as a suspect.

That having been said, years ago I voluntarily went alone for questioning to the police station over the death of a close friend. (I discovered the body, and knew nothing of why he was dead. I found out later that his head had internally exploded from ingesting an illegal drug.) I didn't realize it at the time, but later on realized I had been questioned in one of those rooms where they have the one-way glass to view the person answering questions, and wonder if they had been eying me and expecting me to say something criminally wrong. I dunno.

I understand what your saying and in your story it makes sense. In my opinion in this story unless someone did something that they weren't suppose to there would be no need to have a lawyer. It's all about perspective.
Very true...except this one is facing the DP. :jail:

Yes for the Murder Conviction of a 3No Case.. Prosecution will have some obstacles ..but I think if they believe he killed her then they think they can win it for sure. they have already announced in court that is what it is.
Mom ...What is the main obstacles you see?
Totally agreed.
Nobody - that's the point. People involved with drugs often lie; yes, even to family members.

Both EA and CM being, at the very least, on the edges of the drugs scene, as confirmed at this point by both the police investigating and the PI, I wouldn't take the words - or alleged words - of either of them as solid truth regarding drugs.

I think the only disagreement some have around here is the cleanliness of the whole affair. I don't think anyone involved the whole evening is clean. In my opinion, if any of them had a lick of conscience beyond where their next high was coming from - if the police and PI are to be believed about what they've discovered about this bunch - then I think someone would have already stepped forward with more helpful information.
I have not read anywhere that they were all friends with ALP except in a reference on this site. Would we be talking about SN, PP, and SB? SB is not from Allen, so I do not believe she was friends with Logan. That leaves two people unless there were others at the apt. which is a question I posed earlier. Also, who got a lawyer? I would imagine the friends were helpful at first not realizing this was going to turn into a murder case in which everyone present that night would be scrutinized at which point they each grew worried because they had something to hide like drug use. One already has arrests on her record and one has a child. I would imagine they would be very careful and nervous about what they say even though I believe they really want to help bring CM home.

I was thinking VIs had said they were all friends with ALP. I assumed it was from high school so if SB didn't go to school with them, maybe she didn't know him. I don't have an easy way to verify my thoughts so I won't claim any certainty on their relationship.

It's never been certain how many people were there. I know EA said 9-10 but he lies so that's questionable. Affidavits from LE have only referenced PP, SB, CM, SN, and EA at the after party. From the before party pics we know there was at least one other female.

A VI told us PP had gotten a lawyer, which I don't think is unreasonable. She may have been afraid of having some liability since CM was last known to be at her apartment in the very beginning, and it was a few days later before they had the surveillance video showing CM had definitely left her apartment. I don't know if she's the one with a child and/or any prior legal issues, but if so, that would also be good reason to retain a lawyer.

Back when we had little info, it seemed more possible to think the other friends might be involved. Now that we have more info, it seems pretty unlikely. A plot involving several people for revenge over a breakup more than a year ago? Sounds like a "Lifetime Movie Event" lol.

My thoughts at this point are probably that the friends' unusual behavior was related to drug use and being afraid of legal consequences or losing their jobs if it was known they used drugs. But in the beginning it seemed more like they were possibly involved.

Hopefully this helps clarify some of the background related to the friends, to the best of my understanding of things.
I know it has been discussed that EA had about 3 minutes to abduct Christina (timed from when she was shown on video to the time when EA was seen exiting the garage). But it would have been less than that, taking into account the walk to his vehicle and the time taken to get ready to exit.

Has it been reported, how long it took to walk from where Christina was last seen on video to where their vehicles were parked? Afterwards, how long would it take for him to get into his car, put his seat belt on, turn on ignition and back of the parking space, drive out of the garage and be caught on video exiting the garage? If all these actions, took (for arguments sake) about 1.5 minutes, then it would only leave about 1.5 minutes for the actual abduction to take place.

So what could he have done in such a short timeframe?
- Did he somehow persuade Christina to get into his car, as a passenger?
- did he catch her unawares from behind, by either aiming a blow to her head, or squeezing her throat, causing her to lose
consciousness, then place her in his passenger seat or trunk?
- Did they have an argument leading to a fight where both sustained injuries?
- did he hit her with his vehicle? I've almost ruled this one out because they were parked close to each other, and by the time he
reached his car, and driven out of his spot, she would have reached her vehicle.

Whatever happened, it must have been with lightening speed.
Was there even time for a violent struggle where they caused injury to each other, resulting in him forcing an unwilling Christina into his trunk (or if unconscious, lifting her dead weight into his vehicle), then picking up any dropped items, before leaving.

Originally, I thought that he would only have time for himself and Christina to get into his vehicle and leave. But LE believe an altercation took place in the garage, so I'm trying to fit that into the timeline.

Did he knock Christina out, as soon as they reached their vehicles? If so, it would probably have been easier to put her inside the car, so, if by chance anyone saw them, it would look as if he was helping his drunk girlfriend into his car - there is no way to explain putting someone into a trunk.

Did she later regain consciousness, leading to a second altercation where both were injured?
Maybe they need to bring in "Mr S", who found Hae Min Lee's body, as a consultant. He managed to find her in the woods, in the dark, when he went to pee. She was in a spot so hard to find the CSI team couldn't see it right at first even when they knew what they were looking for.
I got myself into a situation many many years ago, and had to hire a top notch, much more than I could afford attorney to go to the police station and answer questions. My reason for not wanting to reveal more than I had to was I was trying to protect my reputation, and I didn't want to admit to some things that wouldn't have helped the case but could have gotten me into trouble. Long story short, the only reason I hired an attorney was because I DID SOMETHING WRONG!!! Innocent people do not need attorneys IMHO. Nothing wrong with having one, but the only time I ever needed one with me at the police station was because I wanted to answer questions selectively while not getting into trouble.

I think whether or not someone might hire an attorney would depend to some extent upon that person's financial resources. I can imagine a situation where someone did nothing wrong but would still want the cushion of having legal advice.
I haven't seen any attacks on the family, I'm assuming they aren't on here and I'm not saying anything is their fault, I was continuing the line of thought about whether EA might be innocent. I don't believe he is and I don't believe anyone else is involved and part of the evidence for me drawing these conclusions is the silence from the whole family


Oh, there's plenty of the attacking posts on social media. Tweets are sent regularly to the brother demanding he speak up. At one point, someone even posted EA's girlfriend's linked in profile and talked about visiting her at work to get her to talk. Early in the investigation, family Christmas photos were taken from one of the Arochi facebook pages and posted on a public page. That was even before we saw the first warrant and I believe during the picketing phase. That's one of the reasons I moved over to web sleuths. I needed more objectivity.
There are still hateful posts on those other sites because the TEAM Christina members strongly feel his parents are covering for their son and many feel they are covering for both sons. I have wondered what other evidence they perhaps know about that has them convinced the brother helped EA.
JMO~ I am not convinced Arochi put CM in his trunk . JMO~
We have been told that DNA matching CM were found in 2 spots in the trunk and swab match from the edge of the trunk in the court bond hearing.
JMO~I see NO real motive for EA to harm CM JMO~

If EA didn't put her in his trunk, then who did? And what was their motive?

There were significant amounts of DNA in the trunk as well as two spots that luminesced (spelling?) indicating blood.

Edited because I fail at bold formatting.
I think innocent people absolutely need an attorney, especially when they are being viewed as a suspect.

That having been said, years ago I voluntarily went alone for questioning to the police station over the death of a close friend. (I discovered the body, and knew nothing of why he was dead. I found out later that his head had internally exploded from ingesting an illegal drug.) I didn't realize it at the time, but later on realized I had been questioned in one of those rooms where they have the one-way glass to view the person answering questions, and wonder if they had been eying me and expecting me to say something criminally wrong. I dunno.

I am so sorry you lost your friend in this way. Discovering his body -- that must have been hard.
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