GUILTY TX - Christina Morris, 23, Plano, 30 August 2014 - #35 *Arrest*

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Wiping down his car door? There is no way that I can buy an EA-is-innocent theory.

ETA: To me, believing that EA was not involved is too convoluted.

Im not saying he is not involved!
Im not sure he was the one hat killed her!
The "good rock" text throws me off. That just seems really weird for someone who wants to get away with murder to send to the victim's boyfriend. I just don't get it.

I also think he seems clueless. Or something.mwhich makes me think he isn't a sociopath--that's giving him a lot of credit. Sociopaths are charming, intelligent, good liars... And EA is not any of those things.

Something about this case makes me feel like whatever happened, happened out of fear. His cover up is out of fear. I feel like someone else was at the controls. If it were up to EA, we would have found her by now. He's just not that savvy.

So, could there be another perpetrator? A mastermind? Someone who used EA? Someone who threatened him? I think it stands to reason that there could be. Someone who holds power over EA. someone he would never expose. I'm still curious about the other DNA in his car.

I THINK the GJ is happening at the end of this month, at least according to Jonni. I hope so.

BBM - that would only be relevant though if he had either already killed her when the text was sent or he had a definite pre-meditated plan to do so.

IMO this was a unplanned event so the text doesn't raise a red flag from that POV for me but I'm still unsure as to who sent it and what it means

I believe you can be involved in drug use and even the drug trade and still care about people. (Not saying here that that is what you actually meant.) I am not saying this to play devil's advocate or weigh in on the drugs/not drugs debate. I just wanted to say that as stand alone statement. A person can be fighting addiction or deep into addiction and still have a conscience. I just never like, just my own point of view here and no attack intended, to divide people in the categories of good or bad based upon their habits. People can be just so very very complicated.

ITA with you on this, we touched on it a while back when discussing whether HF cared for Christina, I don't think that being a drug dealer is mutually exclusive with loving your partner.

LOL steve u don't toss them in your own trash! Hello!

If I'm EA: "Why wouldn't I put them in my own trash!? No one is there to see me when, in the privacy of my own home, I slide this or that into a hefty bag and seal it up. Put the trash bag on my curb, and it goes to a landfill and is never seen again. Easy peasy, and it gets rid of any blood stained clothes in the unlikely event the cops ever want to look closer."
I seem to recall an interview with Jonni in which she states that CM's friends had told her that EA had a habit of just showing up at their gatherings. I've been searching for it for days and can't find it. Maybe it was in the transcript of her appearance on HLN. Does this ring a bell with anyone?

I've just re-listened to the radio interview and Jonni very specifically says that EA was there because he was good friends with one of the party goers (I'd guess PP or SB). Now that interview was broadcast in mid December so it's quite possible that earlier on she had been told something different.

I think any normal person would think they were about to be scrutinized. You really do have to be dumb to throw away a list, your clothes, tons of cleaning products, etc...from your OWN home. Seriously.
Do we have the dates of the trash pulls handy?

Seems like you would get rid of that stuff in those first few days...when no one knew she was missing.
If I'm EA: "Why wouldn't I put them in my own trash!? No one is there to see me when, in the privacy of my own home, I slide this or that into a hefty bag and seal it up. Put the trash bag on my curb, and it goes to a landfill and is never seen again. Easy peasy, and it gets rid of any blood stained clothes in the unlikely event the cops ever want to look closer."

Especially when you have no reason to think that LE will be searching your trash.

I'm a bit puzzled by the timing of this though, I can't remember whether LE did the first trash pull between 30 August and the first collection after that date or whether there was a collection between the two.

If he was to have put the clothes in the trash immediately LE were pretty quick off the mark to get the necessary paperwork that I assume you need to do a trash pull. If it was later, why the delay in disposing of them?

Do we have the dates of the trash pulls handy?

Seems like you would get rid of that stuff in those first few days...when no one knew she was missing.
OMG! I imagine that happening... But... How would EA know to park in one of the spots reserved with a cone in the garage?

He knew where to park in the "Henry's garage" because he had been with all of them partying at PP's apartment right before that. First they partied at PP's apartment (shots of rum etc) then drove over to the Henry's garage to go to Henry's and Scruffy Duffy's. He didn't just appear at Henry's. He'd been hanging out with them already that night.
Do we have the dates of the trash pulls handy?

Seems like you would get rid of that stuff in those first few days...when no one knew she was missing.

Checked the date 10 and 24 September which means that he would have put the clothes out in between the first collection post 30 August and 10 September. I know we've been round in circles about the collection dates but if Jonni is right that LE got the clothes from the trash he must have hidden them somewhere else before finally throwing them out.

Do we have the dates of the trash pulls handy?

Seems like you would get rid of that stuff in those first few days...when no one knew she was missing.

1 "Do we have the dates of the trash pulls handy?"

Yes and no. LE made mention of two specific trash pulls, because there were items found that LE wanted to mention in the affidavit. But for all we know, they have grabbed every bit of trash from the Arochi curb from day one, ie the day they found CM was missing and EA was the last person seen with her.

2 "Seems like you would get rid of that stuff in those first few days"

Maybe someone else would have, but EA didn't. We know there were suspicious (and perhaps incriminating) items that were grabbed well after the first few days. So EA didn't seem to be in any hurry - and, since he had lied and didn't think anyone was the wiser, why would he have been in any particular rush? In his mind, they had talked to him as a witness, not as a suspect.

Dates mentioned - 9/10, 9/24
I can not find the dates of when he was in jail for stealing the phone. I'm pretty sure it was a week in September.

The trash pulls were the 10th and the 24th.
Have y'all ever read The Tell Tale Heart by Poe? Enrique is most likely a regular Ol' dumb human being. When human beings do something evil, they get paranoid. I do not believe he was that relaxed. Seriously, that would suggest that he has some sort of brain injury or severe mental illness.
If he was to have put the clothes in the trash immediately LE were pretty quick off the mark to get the necessary paperwork that I assume you need to do a trash pull.

It doesn't take any approval to take and sift through someone's trash. Once on the curb and out of the house, it is considered abandoned property and free for anyone to claim and use as they wish. In fact, when LE wants a search warrant and hasn't the grounds to get one, they may do trash pulls in hopes of finding something that will give them grounds for a warrant to enter and search inside.
EA had 4 to 5 days to rethink whatever was done and then improvise his concealment steps. This is why I still blame the boyfriend for not reporting her missing earlier. He knew she was coming back home to him that night. So why not report her missing the next evening. I hate EA plus the boyfriend right now.
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