GUILTY TX - Christina Morris, 23, Plano, 30 August 2014 - #35 *Arrest*

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Jesse Matthew Jr. was charged in Albemarle County with the murder of Hannah Graham, a University of Virginia student reported missing before she was found dead on property in the county. WUSA


Matthew is charged with abduction with intent to defile in the disappearance of University of Virginia student Hannah Graham in Charlottesville, Va. The maximum penalty for the murder charge, and the abduction with intent to defile charge, is life in prison, according to Lunsford.

* See the indictment against Matthew here.

* City of Charlottesville nolle prosequi documents in Matthew's pending case

* Additional document

:tyou: FoxFire! I need to get over to Hannah's thread and read. Most excellent link and video BTW! You can explain these kind of deals so well! I was shocked to say the least when I heard this. :yourock:
Same feeling I always had during the Anthony case.
Lots of people wanted me to shut my pie hole.
No one ever acknowledged my unanswered questions (that they felt didn't need answers to prior to trial) when the case was over either.
I'm sticking to my guns and acknowledge when I am wrong.

Oh my! Same thing with the protesters too. At first I felt like yeah protest the "you know what" out of those people. Hindsight is 20/20 and I learned quite a bit from that case.

Off topic sort of: But, I think Roy Kronk did end up collecting some of reward money, or the "Dracula" lawyer gave him $5000 dollars for finding Caylee's remains. That's another can of :worms:
This is certainly not a "legal opinion," but in my personal view, the idea that CM's family is somehow stepping over the legal line in protesting and asking for answers, and at risk of incurring a lawsuit, is incredibly silly.

The law matters. Details matter. The differences in what the Smolinskis did, and what's happening here, are huge.

The Arochi's are not being accused by CM's family of involvement in CM's disappearance, nor any other illegalities. They are simply asking EA's family to get answers from him that he won't provide. From how I see it, they have every right to keep asking within certain general boundaries.

Are they protesting at night and disturbing sleep? Nope. Are they trespassing on private property? Nope. Are they using bullhorns or other obtrusive noise to bother the Arochi's and their neighbors? Nope.

The concept of having a right to protest in a way that makes someone else uncomfortable, to insist on an answer where none is being supplied, is certainly part of the fabric of our society and within legal bounds. The first amendment protects the rights of the Morris family to legally protest and air their issues in public, where they may be seen or heard by the ones they wish to hear them.

We have to remember that this is the CIVILIZED way that "my family" tries to get things made right from someone in "your family." In other societies, and in other times, one family might take up arms against another, or one country against another, to get the scales balanced. Here, it's standing on a sidewalk with signs asking for answers - relatively speaking, this is NOT a big deal in the bigger picture.

While it may be a bother to the Arochi family, the truth is that free speech can indeed be a bother to those who would rather not hear you. But, the law says, to some extent it's too bad. As long as the protests stay within some general bounds (and it appears the Morris family is doing just that), they should be able to continue to "seek redress" from the Arochi's with their signs and presence, and hope it will bring the desired result.
Leave the investigation and the answer getting to LE...that's all I have to say. IMO
Why don't all threads have it, or none? I am sure someone is actively searching for every missing person, jmo.

I just remember seeing Active Search in red every time I would open this thread. Maybe it's just change on the part of the mods..?

I had a thought about the protests, too, so will add my two cents - it seems to me the only thing that has bothered EA about this case is that his family was being harassed (in his MSM interviews, it was all "me, my car, my job") except when he said he was receiving all kinds of threats, he said "They are threatening my family". So maybe the protests that are now bothering his parents will upset him enough to make him slip up and say something, if only to a cell mate.

I honestly don't know. It could backfire as well but I do understand Jonni's position enough to know that if it were me, I would have to be doing something. I couldn't sit at home.
I just remember seeing Active Search in red every time I would open this thread. Maybe it's just change on the part of the mods..?

I had a thought about the protests, too, so will add my two cents - it seems to me the only thing that has bothered EA about this case is that his family was being harassed (in his MSM interviews, it was all "me, my car, my job") except when he said he was receiving all kinds of threats, he said "They are threatening my family". So maybe the protests that are now bothering his parents will upset him enough to make him slip up and say something, if only to a cell mate.

I honestly don't know. It could backfire as well but I do understand Jonni's position enough to know that if it were me, I would have to be doing something. I couldn't sit at home.

Exactly, Happy.. I don't think anyone knows what they would truly do, unless it was happening to them. I can see both sides to the argument, but have no idea what I would do in that situation... JMO
:seeya: Huge fan of free speech! But, the protesting is affecting the entire neighborhood. I agree the first protests did accomplish getting Arochi on tape talking where everything could be dissected and re-dissected. I don't think the protesting is going to get a confession from him. He has a lawyer. His parents have no control over him whatsoever. They can't convince him to tell where the body is. I think he has enough wherewithal to listen to his lawyer and not talk. It's in his best interest not to talk. Personally, I think it would be in Christina's best interest if her family backed off of EA's family and let the justice system take its course.

With all due respect ....
1 "But, the protesting is affecting the entire neighborhood."...We don't know that. (And, legally, does it matter? What they bring into the neighborhood is part of the price of having neighbors.)
2 "I agree the first protests did accomplish getting Arochi on tape talking where everything could be dissected and re-dissected."...This alone should demonstrate that they aren't pointless.
3 "I don't think the protesting is going to get a confession from him."...We don't know that. What if it does?
4 "He has a lawyer. His parents have no control over him whatsoever."...We don't know that. What if he will do anything - including tell where CM is - to help momma?
5 "Personally, I think it would be in Christina's best interest if her family backed off of EA's family and let the justice system take its course."...I think this is totally wrong, for one very huge reason. The justice system CANNOT guarantee them an answer on where EA put Christina or her body. All it can do is prosecute EA for abducting her and perhaps for murdering her. But "Where is Christina" is something they have to get from EA, telling them to stop trying to get an answer from EA makes no sense imo.
With all due respect ....
1 "But, the protesting is affecting the entire neighborhood."...We don't know that. (And, legally, does it matter? What they bring into the neighborhood is part of the price of having neighbors.)
2 "I agree the first protests did accomplish getting Arochi on tape talking where everything could be dissected and re-dissected."...This alone should demonstrate that they aren't pointless.
3 "I don't think the protesting is going to get a confession from him."...We don't know that. What if it does?
4 "He has a lawyer. His parents have no control over him whatsoever."...We don't know that. What if he will do anything - including tell where CM is - to help momma?
5 "Personally, I think it would be in Christina's best interest if her family backed off of EA's family and let the justice system take its course."...I think this is totally wrong, for one very huge reason. The justice system CANNOT guarantee them an answer on where EA put Christina or her body. All it can do is prosecute EA for abducting her and perhaps for murdering her. But "Where is Christina" is something they have to get from EA, telling them to stop trying to get an answer from EA makes no sense.


We shall have to agree to disagree on the protesting. I do agree that if I was walking in Jonni's shoes, I don't know what I would do. It is frustrating and I know she feels she must do something for her daughter. I know she is angry and she has plenty to be angry about. I've read enough to know that the Arochis' neighborhood is not happy about the protests. Many people may be thinking Christina was a big girl, 23-years-old, and her BF just got busted in a big time DEA drug investigation where a lot of young people have died from the bad drugs they were selling. There are two sides to every story, and not everyone is going to see Christina's side. Again, JMO, Christina's family should let it be at this point. He's in jail. He's not going anywhere. Justice will prevail.

I can't help but to feel sorry for EA's mother too.
I don't know her (if I did I may either feel more or less sorry depending on what I personally felt about her before the crime came to light).
If I were in her shoes though, I'd be on the verge of a nervous breakdown anyway and the protesters might send me over the edge.
Anger could step in to replace my pain and result in me becoming LESS concerned about the feelings of the real victim's family.
Because, you see, I'd be feeling like a victim and a failure whose heart would be breaking along side of yours (but for different reasons).

If you knew me (and the perp was my son), you would know I've done everything in my power already (to find the answers for everyone) unsuccessfully.
By hounding me, you're assuming I've not been trying my best to get to the truth from my grown son.
You don't know me and I don't know you.
After all, he is my son so I'd be holding on to some hope he's not a cold blooded killer who is capable of hiding a corpse.

I don't think I'd be able to hold your hand until I came to grips with what happened myself. People may be asking too much from this mother at this time.

If people are assuming EA's mother knows where EA put Christina, you must know more than I do about the dynamics between this particular mother and son.
I can't help but to feel sorry for EA's mother too.
I don't know her (if I did I may either feel more or less sorry depending on what I personally felt about her before the crime came to light).
If I were in her shoes though, I'd be on the verge of a nervous breakdown anyway and the protesters might send me over the edge.
Anger could step in to replace my pain and result in me becoming LESS concerned about the feelings of the real victim's family.
Because, you see, I'd be feeling like a victim and a failure whose heart would be breaking along side of yours (but for different reasons).

If you knew me (and the perp was my son), you would know I've done everything in my power already (to find the answers for everyone) unsuccessfully.
By hounding me, you're assuming I've not been trying my best to get to the truth from my grown son.
You don't know me and I don't know you.
After all, he is my son so I'd be holding on to some hope he's not a cold blooded killer who is capable of hiding a corpse.

I don't think I'd be able to hold your hand until I came to grips with what happened myself. People may be asking too much from this mother at this time.

If people are assuming EA's mother knows where EA put Christina, you must know more than I do about the dynamics between this particular mother and son.

JMO - outstanding post.
I respect the opinions of all those who feel if their daughter was missing they would not picket and find it disrespectful because honestly I realize it is a very hard thing to do. You could see the pain in eyes of CM'S family and they just looked exhausted, yet remained respectful and kind and certainly didn't enjoy it or want to be there...every bit is hard but if my child was missing I certainly would want answers and EA did live at home. Everything is on record for those who have kept up with the details so no need to rehash but I just don't get how anyone can argue with them wanting answers from Ground Zero? His own family he lived with at the time she disappeared and months after? I understand sadly very few families will help right or wrong, but does it hurt to ask for basic human decency? Don't want to argue, just my opinion only...
Yes. And, if EA's parents have already said they were out of town, don't know where CM is, and their son has told them he doesn't know where CM is, they and their neighbors deserve peace in their homes.

And, eventually, the law will give them the peace in their homes, just as the law stepped in before about the constant hanging of the posters. It would just be unfortunate, given the totality of the whole situation, if it came to the law stepping in again, and especially if there were lawsuits over it. It's messy enough already.

The neighbors and EA's parents already know CM is missing. EA's parent have already said they don't know where she is. The neighbors likely don't know either. So, they should be left alone, and their neighbors should be allowed peace in their homes.

When and where did EA's parents say they didn't know where she is? I've missed a lot the past few weeks, did they do an interview?
I don't buy into EA not knowing what he done with CM even slightly.
He knows fine well what happened that night.
He's been using the drink, drugs, I black out, get confused easily from the start because this is probably in my opinion what his defence is going to be. He doesn't know how her DNA ended up in the car, he can't remeber anything about that night.

But he remebered how to drive, and go home, and clean his car! I don't buy it at all.

I really really hope for there own sake that his family don't know anything. But I 100% understand why her family are doing what they are doing. If this really was so upsetting, and distressing on his family, and he cared so much, then he should realise he is the only one that can put an end to it. His family need to realise that. And if they believe him that he doesn't remember then he needs to speak up what he does know.

I have a son myself, and I hope to never be in the position of Mrs Arochi, I would like to think I would stand by my son 100% but only if he told the truth. A mother can handle the worst truth but not a lie. Deal with the situation and the concequences.
OK so where are the results of the unknown male DNA?
Lets see if its EA's or someone elses.

Id love to see everyone involved take a polygraph just to rule things out.

I also think no matter what age when a person is reported missing (no matter how old they are) it should be taken as serious and a crime
has been committed and action taken immediately... Better to err on the side of caution even if that person took off. Evidence is lost, washed away, stories change, Cars driven away by parents. ...
My concern here is LE had EA's car so many times and found nothing then all of a sudden they find something. They had to use the luminol the first time that's one of the first things they do...
Now im sure his lawyer can claim contamination of some kind...
This entire case seems in slow motion!

I just remember seeing Active Search in red every time I would open this thread. Maybe it's just change on the part of the mods..?

I had a thought about the protests, too, so will add my two cents - it seems to me the only thing that has bothered EA about this case is that his family was being harassed (in his MSM interviews, it was all "me, my car, my job") except when he said he was receiving all kinds of threats, he said "They are threatening my family". So maybe the protests that are now bothering his parents will upset him enough to make him slip up and say something, if only to a cell mate.

I honestly don't know. It could backfire as well but I do understand Jonni's position enough to know that if it were me, I would have to be doing something. I couldn't sit at home.

I would be at that jail every day!
Id be a shadow to the detective that has my case!
Id be looking in every crevice. Under every tree!

Where is the PI?
For some reason I don't think she is near the Shops or EA's house!
I can't help but to feel sorry for EA's mother too.
I don't know her (if I did I may either feel more or less sorry depending on what I personally felt about her before the crime came to light).
If I were in her shoes though, I'd be on the verge of a nervous breakdown anyway and the protesters might send me over the edge.
Anger could step in to replace my pain and result in me becoming LESS concerned about the feelings of the real victim's family.
Because, you see, I'd be feeling like a victim and a failure whose heart would be breaking along side of yours (but for different reasons).

If you knew me (and the perp was my son), you would know I've done everything in my power already (to find the answers for everyone) unsuccessfully.
By hounding me, you're assuming I've not been trying my best to get to the truth from my grown son.
You don't know me and I don't know you.
After all, he is my son so I'd be holding on to some hope he's not a cold blooded killer who is capable of hiding a corpse.

I don't think I'd be able to hold your hand until I came to grips with what happened myself. People may be asking too much from this mother at this time.

If people are assuming EA's mother knows where EA put Christina, you must know more than I do about the dynamics between this particular mother and son.

Woe - you are such a kind person. This post is so well thought out and is exactly how I feel. I was not/am not a fan of the protests from the very beginning. My biggest fear is that it would turn into a Cindy and George Anthony spectacle. Thankfully, at least at this point, the family has not come out with water hoses or it would turn into just that. When things like that begin to happen, the victim is lost in the fray and is why I don't condone it. JMO
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