GUILTY TX - Christina Morris, 23, Plano, 30 August 2014 - #35 *Arrest*

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Very thoughtful post. When I try to think if I would do a sit down in this situation, I always end up at the word "why". CM's family has maintained all along that all they wanted with the first round of protests was for EA to come out an talk to them. I'm not defending EA, but think about it for a second. If you are EA or his family and people are standing in front of your house blatantly accusing you of lying and asking you what you did with their daughter, even without legal counsel it doesn't seem like a good idea. I firmly believe he knows something but what if he really has no idea what ultimately happened to her or where she is? What is he or his family going to say to CM's family? "I'm sorry for what happened to Christina, but we don't know where your daughter is". With what we have seen so far in this case, does anyone honestly feel that would satisfy CM's family? There are signs out there calling him a murderer and he hasn't even been formally charged much less convicted for AK. There is NO WAY his attorney is going to allow EA to talk with them or will he be sharing any information he knows. That's his job. I cannot imagine the frustration CM's family must feel and I'm not sure I'd have much patience for the system if I were in their shoes to be honest. That said, IMO, CM's family is already sure they know what happened and who did it. Nothing the Arochi's are going to say to them privately is going to change their mind or alter the course of this case. Further, if some silver bullet information was shared behind closed doors, there is no guarantee it wouldn't be on the 6:00 news that evening or released with the desired spin. Stuff like that can actually hurt a case in a BIG way.

I have so much empathy for CM and her family, I really do. But they need to be smart about their approach. Yes, it is legal and all of that, but the bottom line is this is the second round of protests and they are no closer to knowing where CM is or what happened to her. Eventually you hit a point of diminishing returns. Sadly, I think they are there and no amount of picketing is going to change that. Again, JMO.

If I were EA's family, I'd invite Christina's family in and tell them that I'm so sorry for what happened to Christina and if EA is involved, that is something that will torment me every day. It would be heartfelt and true.

And if I were Christina's family and EA's family did that - I wouldn't be protesting anymore.

I think that's what people with a conscience would do.
If I were EA's family, I'd invite Christina's family in and tell them that I'm so sorry for what happened to Christina and if EA is involved, that is something that will torment me every day. It would be heartfelt and true.

And if I were Christina's family and EA's family did that - I wouldn't be protesting anymore.

I think that's what people with a conscience would do.

I think if these ppl knew each other before this all happened yes they might be able to do this.
But as strangers no way.
I don't think they are advised to talk to one another.

I don't think these are ppl without a conscience!
I think when Christina went missing Law Enforcement felt it had something to do with her boyfriend HF and the drugs...Maybe they thought
she decided to take off. Or maybe they thought HF tlold her to....since he was the one to not report her missing and for letting it go on for so long....I think this is where their focus was.
Re: Lie Detector Tests

Polygraph tests are voluntary. Based on the behavior of the friends, I don't see them taking any tests.
If I were EA's family, I'd invite Christina's family in and tell them that I'm so sorry for what happened to Christina and if EA is involved, that is something that will torment me every day. It would be heartfelt and true.

And if I were Christina's family and EA's family did that - I wouldn't be protesting anymore.

I think that's what people with a conscience would do.

Well, we'll have to agree to disagree. If I was EA's family and I read some of the stuff on social media, I'd have a safety concern about inviting anyone in. But...JMO. And I don't think I can personally and fairly make the assumption that his family has no conscience without knowing them. Unfortunately, and I'll just be blunt here, even if they did invite CM's family in to chat, unless EA's mother told them that she was sorry for what her son did, thus admiting to them that he did something, CM's family would not believe what they were being told. If his mother believes in his innocence, there is nothing that can be said, heartfelt or not, that will help. But, again...JMO.
Jonni wants to know where her daughter is. Not heart felt sympathy from his parents.
I don't know if I could be all that understanding if it were my daughter.
Nor feel any compassion for them.

Id request a visit with EA every day of my life till I found her.
And the detective would get sick and tired of me.
I think when Christina went missing Law Enforcement felt it had something to do with her boyfriend HF and the drugs...Maybe they thought
she decided to take off. Or maybe they thought HF tlold her to....since he was the one to not report her missing and for letting it go on for so long....I think this is where their focus was.

That could be, but...they found her car in the parking garage. They looked at surveillance video and saw her walking with someone. They identified that someone as EA. How long did that take to identify EA? From the 1st day she was reported missing to the moment they identified EA would be the time they would have been focused on the boyfriend. After that, the focus was on EA.

Re: Lie Detector Tests

Polygraph tests are voluntary. Based on the behavior of the friends, I don't see them taking any tests.

I know all about polygraphs!
but I wonder if LE asked any of them to take one and who refused.

Just asking the question might raise a few brows!

IMO there are many things being covered up in this case!
Jonni wants to know where her daughter is. Not heart felt sympathy from his parents.
I don't know if I could be all that understanding if it were my daughter.
Nor feel any compassion for them.

Id request a visit with EA every day of my life till I found her.
And the detective would get sick and tired of me.

BBM - and that is precisely where their focus should be. Well, bolding didn't work...I attempted the last two sentences.
That could be, but...they found her car in the parking garage. They looked at surveillance video and saw her walking with someone. They identified that someone as EA. How long did that take to identify EA? From the 1st day she was reported missing to the moment they identified EA would be the time they would have been focused on the boyfriend. After that, the focus was on EA.


I think by Aug 29th there was a huge investigation going on RE HF and his drug dealing friends.
I do believe LE felt her being missing tied into that somehow!
I'm thinking EA is dumb in the way the world works - that, and he thinks he is smarter than most. If he cleaned up, there is no body, he's thrown everything away, IN HIS MIND, he can't be accused of anything. Thank goodness for that video of them walking into the garage. There was no one else with them. I think once LE got the story from the girls that EA was creeping them out, wouldn't go home, trying to get with SB, they looked at it from that angle and it made sense. His anger only increased on the way to the garage because if not SB, then he was going to try to get Christina to get them more rock and party with him. She wasn't having any, most likely told him where he could go, and things went so so wrong for her after that. He has to know by now that the whole world thinks he did it. I think he just can't admit it to his parents. If there was someone else, I think he would have blabbed like a baby. JMO - I do think a lot went on that night with connections to a lot of parties, but in the end, it was just an act of rage.
Im not even talking about Court!
Im just talking about maybe LE can rule some things out.
Its an investigative tool.
If I were her mom id want every single one of them to take one.
Its a practice still used every day in the USA.
whats the harm?

I don't believe you can force someone to take a polygraph. I know that is not what you are saying, but I am at a loss as to how that would be accomplished, even assuming the usefulness of a polygraph in this particular instance. I think that they are often used as instruments of intimidation. Ways to fake-pass a polygraph are readily available by means of a google or bing search.

As for the EA's parents, right now -- and I think some people may lose sight of this -- they are probably most concerned with saving their child's life. If they are accessories after the fact, I sincerely hope they will be prosecuted. If they are not, if they have no knowledge of the crime or any cover-up of the crime, then they are also victims of a lying and most probably murderous child.

At the heart of the matter: One family needs their missing child in order give to that child, alive or dead, the care, love, and dignity that child deserves. The other family wants not to suffer the ultimate loss as well. A horrible tragedy all around, created by a monstrosity of a human being, EA.
I don't believe you can force someone to take a polygraph. I know that is not what you are saying, but I am at a loss as to how that would be accomplished, even assuming the usefulness of a polygraph in this particular instance. I think that they are often used as instruments of intimidation. Ways to fake-pass a polygraph are readily available by means of a google or bing search.

As for the EA's parents, right now -- and I think some people may lose sight of this -- they are probably most concerned with saving their child's life. If they are accessories after the fact, I sincerely hope they will be prosecuted. If they are not, if they have no knowledge of the crime or any cover-up of the crime, then they are also victims of a lying and most probably murderous child.

At the heart of the matter: One family needs their missing child in order give to that child, alive or dead, the care, love, and dignity that child deserves. The other family wants not to suffer the ultimate loss as well. A horrible tragedy all around, created by a monstrosity of a human being, EA.

Well as to the poly!
All Ya have to is ask! See the reaction u get!
Just see if they are willing or see who is not so willing.
whats the big deal? LE uses em.... and it does help them in many cases.
Its there why not use it.

I feel bad for his parents!
worse for hers!
but these ppl should remain apart. JMO

maybe we all need a chip implanted so we can be found when we go missing!
I think by Aug 29th there was a huge investigation going on RE HF and his drug dealing friends.
I do believe LE felt her being missing tied into that somehow!

On September 3rd, PPD interviewed EA 2 times. On September 4th, PPD searched EA's Camaro with his consent. On September 6th, PPD interviewed EA again, and so on.

So, maybe for 3 or 4 days investigators could have been focused on HF. That focus quickly shifted to EA, and has remained there since.

I don't believe you can force someone to take a polygraph. I know that is not what you are saying, but I am at a loss as to how that would be accomplished, even assuming the usefulness of a polygraph in this particular instance. I think that they are often used as instruments of intimidation. Ways to fake-pass a polygraph are readily available by means of a google or bing search.

As for the EA's parents, right now -- and I think some people may lose sight of this -- they are probably most concerned with saving their child's life. If they are accessories after the fact, I sincerely hope they will be prosecuted. If they are not, if they have no knowledge of the crime or any cover-up of the crime, then they are also victims of a lying and most probably murderous child.

At the heart of the matter: One family needs their missing child in order give to that child, alive or dead, the care, love, and dignity that child deserves. The other family wants not to suffer the ultimate loss as well. A horrible tragedy all around, created by a monstrosity of a human being, EA.

I consider myself an honest, law-abiding citizen & I would be reluctant to take a polygraph test....
Well as to the poly!
All Ya have to is ask! See the reaction u get!
Just see if they are willing or see who is not so willing.

maybe we all need a chip implanted so we can be found when we go missing!


How do we know LE hasn't asked CM's friends to take polygraphs?!?!?!?!?

Implanted chips! Bad guys would locate the chip and cut it out of the person. Probably toss it in the bed of a pickup just for fun!
I don't even know if the protesting at EA's is still happening. But the thing is, it certainly is not going to produce the results that Christina's family wants or needs, Imo. No one is going to come out and announce where Christina can be found. EA is not going to suddenly tell LE or his parents where Christina is. Just like Casey was never going to tell where she left Caylee. Maybe it makes them feel better to do this (?) but I hope they are not counting on results. If perps are going to confess, Imo, they do so at once or in the early interrogations, or only when it comes down to final punishment phases in order to help themselves. Imo, not any other time. And his parents certainly are not going to tell, even on the almost non-existent chance they know.

How do we know LE hasn't asked CM's friends to take polygraphs?!?!?!?!?

Implanted chips! Bad guys would locate the chip and cut it out of the person. Probably toss it in the bed of a pickup just for fun!

We don't!
I said that in a previous post!
I said I wonder if any one took or was asked to take one!

I knew the chip would get a rise out of someone!
On September 3rd, PPD interviewed EA 2 times. On September 4th, PPD searched EA's Camaro with his consent. On September 6th, PPD interviewed EA again, and so on.

So, maybe for 3 or 4 days investigators could have been focused on HF. That focus quickly shifted to EA, and has remained there since.


didn't they ask to take his car and he said he needed it for work it was not a good time
and they wanted his phones and he said no work stuff was on em... he needed time to dump his calls!

all the red Flags were there.....A warrant should have been had ASAP
Forensics done not months later!
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