GUILTY TX - Christina Morris, 23, Plano, 30 August 2014 - #35 *Arrest*

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I don't even know if the protesting at EA's is still happening. But the thing is, it certainly is not going to produce the results that Christina's family wants or needs, Imo. No one is going to come out and announce where Christina can be found. EA is not going to suddenly tell LE or his parents where Christina is. Just like Casey was never going to tell where she left Caylee. Maybe it makes them feel better to do this (?) but I hope they are not counting on results. If perps are going to confess, Imo, they do so at once or in the early interrogations, or only when it comes down to final punishment phases in order to help themselves. Imo, not any other time. And his parents certainly are not going to tell, even on the almost non-existent chance they know.

Exactly and from what I've read it is...three times a week. So to me that begs the question, what is the real end game with the protests? Is there one or is there another motivation? I'm not assuming or accusing anyone of anything so please don't go there. But CMs family has to know they aren't coming out to chat. They didn't before and they sure as hell aren't going to now. He's not even there???!!! I can't really argue about protesting at the jail if that's what they want to do, although I don't think it's going to net any desired results. But doing so in a residential area isn't accomplishing anything. Just makes me wonder is all. JMO
Exactly and from what I've read it is...three times a week. So to me that begs the question, what is the real end game with the protests? Is there one or is there another motivation? I'm not assuming or accusing anyone of anything so please don't go there. But CMs family has to know they aren't coming out to chat. They didn't before and they sure as hell aren't going to now. He's not even there???!!! I can't really argue about protesting at the jail if that's what they want to do, although I don't think it's going to net any desired results. But doing so in a residential area isn't accomplishing anything. Just makes me wonder is all. JMO

Perhaps it helps reduce their anguish... to protest at the house that produced their child's killer. To protest at the house that may have more information about the death of their daughter.

It's easy to sit back and say that it isn't going to help or it's not fair... it's easy to say that when it's not your daughter.
I consider myself an honest, law-abiding citizen & I would be reluctant to take a polygraph test....

Oh, me too! I knew someone who was guilty as could be who managed to slide by. A polygraph would make me nervous even if quite innocent. These days most people are pretty canny about protecting their legal position. Fortunately, at least initially, EA didn't seem to be canny.
Something I've been curious about regarding law enforcement searches for Christine. If you followed the Hannah Graham case you know that LE came from miles away and there were searches daily for over a month. Supposedly Plano has a great PD and lots of money so why the difference in the searches for these two girls?
Something I've been curious about regarding law enforcement searches for Christine. If you followed the Hannah Graham case you know that LE came from miles away and there were searches daily for over a month. Supposedly Plano has a great PD and lots of money so why the difference in the searches for these two girls?

It seems that PPD has been relatively secretive about their searches.. We don't really know how often or where the searches are. Last I heard, there have been daily searches, but I don't have a link or proof, so consider that just my opinion..

I haven't followed the Hannah Graham case...
Something I've been curious about regarding law enforcement searches for Christine. If you followed the Hannah Graham case you know that LE came from miles away and there were searches daily for over a month. Supposedly Plano has a great PD and lots of money so why the difference in the searches for these two girls?

I think the difference is the police chief.

Not that LE in this case hasn't done a good job... but it seemed personal for the police chief in charge of Hannah. JMO.

No chips! :scared:

Chips be for dogs. :thinking: :gaah: :facepalm:

Potato chips be for people! :happydance: :happydance: :happydance:

Civil liberties be for all! :tantrum:

Soapbox display over now. :blushing:
It would not ease my anguish to cause someone else anguish.
Something I've been curious about regarding law enforcement searches for Christine. If you followed the Hannah Graham case you know that LE came from miles away and there were searches daily for over a month. Supposedly Plano has a great PD and lots of money so why the difference in the searches for these two girls?

Hannah was only 18, a young college student. Also they knew pretty quickly that she was likely abducted, from video from the mall, etc...Christina is a full-fledged adult, out with friends who could possibly have left on her own. LE knew about her boyfriend and his lifestyle long before we did, which could have been a motive for her to leave. Most cases involving a teen college girl are going to get far more response across the board. Jmo
It would not ease my anguish to cause someone else anguish.

What if they knew what happened to your daughter?

What if they could influence their son to do the right thing?

Wouldn't that ease everyone's anguish? Including EA's family.

If my son killed someone or is accused of kidnapping and there is a lot of evidence, it becomes a moral responsibility to answer to the victim's family. Even if I think he's innocent - I would have a moral responsibility to tell what I know.

Would I think Jonni was going to attack me? No - even if I did, I'd be willing to take on the possibility.

Do I think it would comfort the victim's family to tell them that I share their pain? Yes, if I truly did share their pain.

The only reason I wouldn't want to speak with the victim's family is if they didn't want me to or if I was hiding something or protecting someone.

It is a fundamental question of right and wrong.
IIRC, Christina disappeared from Henry's Tavern Parking Garage and not EA's neighborhood (yes - I know LE believes he took her to his home - waiting on DNA evidence still for the answer to that question). Why not protest at Henry's Tavern Parking Garage about poor camera quality and lack of security at Henry's Tavern Parking Garage? Why not protest the friends at the party that night for not being more forthcoming about all that happened that night and why they sent Christina on her merry way with a PO'd drunk person?

It makes them look like they are distracting from the big picture surrounding Christina's disappearance. . .

They need to step back and think about Christina for a moment. I'm sorry they haven't found her. It is sad. But, it is also obvious that protesting is not working. Even if EA knows where he put her, the protesting is not producing any positive results. He's not going anywhere any time soon, and I think there is more to the story than meets the eye.

Sorry I am so behind! AHH!

BBM- Again, how do we know the friends are not forthcoming with LE? As far as we know, due to the DNA evidence, EA is the ONLY one (at this point that we know of) who knows where CM is. The family is searching I don't see how they are distracting to the big picture of her being missing. EA is the only one who knows. Protesting (at the jail) seems to be the most polite thing to do.

Also- isn't the 'big picture surrounding Christina's disappearance" is that in fact Christina has disappeared? And at least one person knows where she is (EA)? wouldn't everything else be small potatoes compared to finding her?
I guess I don't understand the use of the word "protesting". What are they protesting? Usually the word means "against" something, Imo. Most accused criminals do not confess details of their crime, unless they confess when arrested. Are they "protesting" EA not confessing? That is his right. He cannot say where Christina is without incrimination, obviously. Just confused about the whole idea of being outside EA's house, or the jail, for that matter and what anyone would get out of it. I can see protesting if charges were dropped, or if he were to be released on bail, for instance, but just not sure what the purpose is of standing around with signs in this case and what expectations might be. But jmo.
It would not ease my anguish to cause someone else anguish.

Somehow, I don't think Jonni protesting at the jail is the only cause of EA's mother's anguish. I really do feel for all the mothers involved.I do not think his parents are involved in anyway at this point.

One person can end this and start the road to healing....
I guess I don't understand the use of the word "protesting". What are they protesting? Usually the word means "against" something, Imo. Most accused criminals do not confess details of their crime, unless they confess when arrested. Are they "protesting" EA not confessing? That is his right. He cannot say where Christina is without incrimination, obviously. Just confused about the whole idea of being outside EA's house, or the jail, for that matter and what anyone would get out of it. I can see protesting if charges were dropped, or if he were to be released on bail, for instance, but just not sure what the purpose is of standing around with signs in this case and what expectations might be. But jmo.

Perhaps it helps reduce their anguish... to protest at the house that produced their child's killer. To protest at the house that may have more information about the death of their daughter.

Perhaps they believe someone else helped.

It's easy to sit back and say that it isn't going to help or it's not fair... it's easy to say that when it's not your daughter.

If your daughter was dead and you believed someone was not telling everything they knew, what would you do?
Watch the video again. The attorney didn't ask for that interview....just saying. This was well choreographed IMO.

Yes. They are giving the defense attorney a platform. Not good.

They are frustrated, yes. And, probably at themselves as well. They'll always be haunted that it took someone four days to notice she was missing and then bother to report it to the police. Doesn't sound, in my opinion, like a close knit group of friends and family to begin with.

So, maybe there's an element of that in bothering the Arochis, regret. But, it's not the Arochis fault that CM's friends and family took four days to notice she was missing.

The Arochis go out of town on a holiday weekend, come back home, and a few days later police show up at their door asking about their oldest son's actions that weekend. They only know what their son has told them. If he's told them the same thing he's told investigators, then there's nothing more to say. His attorney, getting free air time thanks to be protests, is able to go ahead a tell the public the Arochi say they don't know anything.

Waste of time. Potential lawsuit. Making muddy waters muddier. In my opinion.
Perhaps it helps reduce their anguish... to protest at the house that produced their child's killer. To protest at the house that may have more information about the death of their daughter.

Perhaps they believe someone else helped.

It's easy to sit back and say that it isn't going to help or it's not fair... it's easy to say that when it's not your daughter.

If your daughter was dead and you believed someone was not telling everything they knew, what would you do?

When did a murder trial for EA commence?
I consider myself an honest, law-abiding citizen & I would be reluctant to take a polygraph test....

I can see that. The machine is built by humans, the test is administered by humans and results analyzed by humans. Humans do make mistakes. I'd be hesitant to take a polygraph test.
Exactly and from what I've read it is...three times a week. So to me that begs the question, what is the real end game with the protests? Is there one or is there another motivation? I'm not assuming or accusing anyone of anything so please don't go there. But CMs family has to know they aren't coming out to chat. They didn't before and they sure as hell aren't going to now. He's not even there???!!! I can't really argue about protesting at the jail if that's what they want to do, although I don't think it's going to net any desired results. But doing so in a residential area isn't accomplishing anything. Just makes me wonder is all. JMO

JMO but maybe the Morris family hope that the Arochi family bonds might mean that EA would start to talk to stop the protests.

If Mrs Arochi goes to the jail every time upset because of the protests and begs EA to tel what he knows for her sake maybe that would work when appealing to his better nature hasn't.

I'm not sure whether I agree with the protests, I can see the arguements on both sides, but I totally understand the need the family have to be doing something and keeping the public profile high. They might also hope to crack someone else into talking to avoid similar scrutiny.

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