GUILTY TX - Christina Morris, 23, Plano, 30 August 2014 - #37 *Arrest*

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ITA, the lack of redaction of her name is very odd

I don't see any lack of redaction of her name. In reading the affidavit and arrest warrant, it appears her name is nowhere to be found, and same with media reports. Maybe some are confused, but her name is NOT JENNIFER SMITH. That is only a made-up name for use in the publicly available documents.
I see no blame being placed on her.
They dated for 6 months!

Will you please explain to me what the longevity of their relationship has to do with Texas law? Do you have strong objections to the law itself? It seems to me that the age of consent laws are pretty good in Texas. If I were agitating changing a Texas criminal law, I would be agitating for the legalization of medical marijuana, but I think that might be beyond the scope of this thread.
I don't see any lack of redaction of her name. In reading the affidavit and arrest warrant, it appears her name is nowhere to be found, and same with media reports. Maybe some are confused, but her name is NOT JENNIFER SMITH. That is only a made-up name for use in the publicly available documents.

They are referring to EA's latest girlfriend. EA sent a text to her about the underage victim.
I don't really see it as victim bashing - she didn't correct anybody when "they" bought her a cake for her 18th birthday. She was ok with having his parents (and maybe him?) that she was turning 18. I can see LE going forward with this whether she (or her family) care for it or not. She should consider herself lucky that he didn't go into a rage with her over something. He's very immature as we all know. I would call him a mama's boy. I don't care if it's seen as piling on - that works for me.

Really....there's no mention of her keeping quiet when she realized his parents thought she was turning 18, when she was really turning 17. There's no mention of any of this here. She might have said something, but maybe not. We do not know what the victim knew, said, or if she hid her real age.

We do know that EA lied to her about his age originally, he lied to his parents about her age. But that's all we know about the age/lying situation
I don't see any lack of redaction of her name. In reading the affidavit and arrest warrant, it appears her name is nowhere to be found, and same with media reports. Maybe some are confused, but her name is NOT JENNIFER SMITH. That is only a made-up name for use in the publicly available documents.

Lack of redaction of the name of the recipient of the IM who I know we musn't mention
Maybe it's just me, but I don't think its acceptable to date, be in a relationship with 2 young girls at once. And as a mother of a son, there is no way I would allow him to date 2 girls at the same time, under my roof.

I am old. I guess this idea of automatic exclusiveness when dating is odd to me. When I was 17, I dated no less than 5 boys over one summer. I had a great time and was sexual with none of them beyond kissing. When I was young, dating was not looked at as being sexual. Of course, virginity was "in" then. Dating was just a form of socializing on the way to courtship or possibly marriage. I know I sound like someone from a Jane Austen novel. That is okay; I love Jane Austen. However, I do want to point out that EA is not being charged with dating, or lying, or misleading. He is being charged with sexual assault. Not directing this to you really. I am just thinking about so many posts that seem to be attempting to defend EA.
Very well put. In addition to being illegal, it reveals even more about his character. He lies to a 16-year-old about his age and he lies to his parents about her age. Then he tells his current girlfriend that he's glad he had sex with her. Not only smarmy but also stupid.
I've got two sons. 22 & 19yr. ... It's my moral obligation to teach them the laws... It won't matter in court, but this to me is also a good lesson about instilling morals in our children.... Starting at a young age... So that they have a barometer in their life for knowing right from wrong! Teaching empathy in our children. Morals and character is not about what race we are or what language we speak.
Well it is technically a crime. If we cant count the police (PPD) to report a crime (to Allen PD) when they find one, then who should? Now, I have no idea if this will 'stick', but police reporting a crime they discovered doesn't seem that strange to me. And most likely, if they two are unrelated, then the SA will not come up at his AK trial. JMO.

Just wanted to give a shout out to this post in particular! You managed to say so much so clearly and with a minimum of words. I wish I could be as succinct.
I've got two sons. 22 & 19yr. ... It's my moral obligation to teach them the laws... It won't matter in court, but this to me is also a good lesson about instilling morals in our children.... Starting at a young age... So that they have a barometer in their life for knowing right from wrong! Teaching empathy in our children. Morals and character is not about what race we are or what language we speak.

I agree with this. Great post.
Please don't think for a second that I think it's appropriate for this relationship to have happened. I haven't seen a single time in this whole case where EA understands the rules of dating. I started off this morning more relieved that the latest charge was (EEK, can't figure out another way to say this) not against a non-consensual minor. I know that came out different than what I'm trying to say.
I have 2 boys, 18&16. Girls are allowed upstairs, with the doors open and they know I pop up occasionally. And my husband and I have spoken with each girlfriends' parents so there is no question about what goes on if our sons are at their homes.
Not sure what I'm trying to say here. Some will attack be now for blaming the parents. I'm not.

I understand exactly what you're saying and I completely agree. Oh boy! Brings back some memories. As a mother of a son and an aunt with plenty of nephews, I can only say young ladies can become quite aggressive and quite manipulative when pursuing a young man, and vice versa. Not blaming the parents, not blaming the young ladies, nor the young men. It's life. It's sex. It's hormones. It is not 100 percent possible to prevent your teenager from having premarital sex short of locking them in a room and throwing away the key because where there's a will there's a way.

Police had been looking for 18-year-old Dalton Hayes and his 13-year-old girlfriend Cheyenne Phillips after they allegedly stole at least two vehicles and cashed stolen checks.

US media outlets had described the couple as a modern-day Bonnie and Clyde, the Depression-era lovebird outlaws.

modern day bonnie and clyde.jpg
Please don't think for a second that I think it's appropriate for this relationship to have happened. I haven't seen a single time in this whole case where EA understands the rules of dating. I started off this morning more relieved that the latest charge was (EEK, can't figure out another way to say this) not against a non-consensual minor. I know that came out different than what I'm trying to say.
I have 2 boys, 18&16. Girls are allowed upstairs, with the doors open and they know I pop up occasionally. And my husband and I have spoken with each girlfriends' parents so there is no question about what goes on if our sons are at their homes.
Not sure what I'm trying to say here. Some will attack be now for blaming the parents. I'm not.

I've got two sons. 22 & 19yr. ... It's my moral obligation to teach them the laws... It won't matter in court, but this to me is also a good lesson about instilling morals in our children.... Starting at a young age... So that they have a barometer in their life for knowing right from wrong! Teaching empathy in our children. Morals and character is not about what race we are or what language we speak.

I'd like to thank both of you on behalf of parents of girls. I hope my daughters' boyfriends have parents like you.
Checking my understanding here: It appears that EA's illegal sexual relations with an underage girl is being referred to as sexual assault, correct? Or did he assault her in addition to the consensual (albeit illegal, due to her age) sex?
With this latest EA development, I see a huge lack of respect for his parents, their home & obviously the young girl involved. It seems that EA had free rein at home & could come & go as he pleased. He lies about his age! There's a chance this girl would not have had anything to do with him, if she knew how old he really was (19 just "sounds better" than 22).

I'm starting to think CM was possibly at his house, but not for the reason HE wanted her there... and things didn't work out.

Hello all, based on the affidavit, they found out about the SA victim from a text message discovered in his phone. As I read, the 2 seemingly had a relationship despite it being illegal. If the text message hadn't been discovered, I'm not confident the SA victim would've come forward. JMO.

She's probably mortified. I agree about her not coming forward too if the text hadn't been discovered.

P.S.: Thank you for the simplified version of the story. Cut and dry. I think LE is trying to make EA look like a zebra by having salacious sex with a minor. Trying to see those stripes, but failing to do so at this point.
Please forgive me if similar thoughts have been shared, I haven't caught up yet but wanted to post:
Whew, last night's news had me a little short circuited and I had to step away from the computer. In the clarity of day, I'm glad to know it wasn't quite bad as it could've been, although I really can’t say my opinion of him has risen any with that reassurance.

I have two thoughts (which very quickly became 4):
1) IMO, the theft arrest (phone) was probably not the result of clandestine police work, it was probably just coincidental. Looking at the arrest and release dates of the stolen phone charge has always given me a giggle though. He sat in jail for 7 days, 1 hour, and 44 minutes in the midst of heavy scrutiny for being involved with someone’s disappearance; I’ve always been curious as to what date his bail was set. I just smile and shake my head at that question.

2) It sounds very much like the relationship with the minor was a consensual one, but per the affidavit, he lied about his age which indicates inherent knowledge of wrongdoing or inappropriateness. What sticks out to me is the age he stated puts him right in the window of legality. Correct me if I’m wrong, but as written, the law does not seem to interfere with consensual sexual relationships where a max 3 year age difference exists between the age of the minor/child and the “adult” (14 and older). He selected 19 either unknowingly and through sheer dumb luck (for lack of a better phrase) OR because he knew the nature of their relationship would be considered criminal and he was hoping to minimize legal risk through verbal fraud.

3) Some people have made statements about PPD grasping at straws in charging EA with this and that sounds fairly disparaging. For starters, we don’t know the nature of how PPD found out, we just know they did. Secondly, we don’t know the nature of how this girl came forward; maybe she has only recently found out his true age through the course of him being arrested for AK and has felt violated due to the knowledge of having been lied to. Maybe she came forward in hopes that it helps police. Maybe PPD sought her out and has asked her to help them out as they continue to build their case against him. It is what is now.

4) IMO, even if EA is acquitted of AK, it is unlikely he will escape the charges of SA against a child, first degree felony, 5-99 years. His defense may try to claim it being “consensual”, but the prosecutor will cite EA’s predatory deceit in regards to age. Even if he only gets 5 years and has early release due to good behavior + time already served, he will be required to be registered as a known sex offender, and of a child at that. This means police are going to keep tabs on his whereabouts, his employment opportunities will be severely handicapped, and it will be difficult for him to do something even as simple as rent an apartment. I would not classify this as Plano grasping at straws, I would classify this as a pretty bold strategic chess move.

Side-note: This is not an issue of relevance, more of a just a human interest factor, but in looking at the affidavit it would appear as though the message “I’m glad I. . .”--(fill in the blank) was sent to his girlfriend (name in parenthesis) which seems incredibly cavalier of him, given what all had been shaking around in his life at that point (November, 2014). I don’t know what kind of dynamic existed between them, but he seems like such an arrogant jerk. I mean, after my diatribe I guess I’m not really surprised by this.
Well I am not an EA fan.

But I had boyfriends who were older than 18 when I was 16. I am sure now with texting and Internet its easier to pick up a statutory rape or sex assault w a child charge than it was before texting and Internet was so popular with communication. There was noway anyone could prove I was doing anything with anyone except hanging out back then.

Of course, the law is the law. He knew she was too young and he didn't care because he doesn't care about the law just like he doesn't mind using his parents house a love shack. Gross. My boys better have more respect for me than to ever bring home an underage girl and have sex with her in their room. This girls mom probably had her come forward.

of course they are piling on charges at this point

That's what he gets.

This charge will put him in a whole new danger level in prison
And what a <mod snip> to text his girlfriend he enjoyed having sex w the other chick. <mod snip>

Lol sorry.
What a meanie. Is meanie ok?
Is the affidavit available somewhere other than the tweet of it from Brittany? Thanks in advance.
HF sells party drugs at a night club = Drug lord, Cartel, Gangster

An adult sexually assaults a 16 year old = It's okay because she liked him and accepted a birthday cake


The entire situation is sad and there's nothing funny about, but can I say this literally made me LOL.
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