GUILTY TX - Christina Morris, 23, Plano, 30 August 2014 - #37 *Arrest*

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1. We have no idea what this girl has gone through, what she feels, etc. To insinuate that she is not the victim of a crime is the true injustice. The law could not be any more black and white about age of consent and the legal definition of a child.

2. BBM, Per affidavit: ..."Arochi began dating Jennifer, who was 16 years old of age at the time. Arochi was 22 years of age although he initially told Jennifer he was 19 years of age". Nowhere does it say she turned 18 during the course of a relationship.

You are correct - I mistyped. My sentiment is the same though - she was not a child as people usually think of when they use that term. JMO
I understand! I guess I misunderstood the initial question/statement about what businesses, if any, would have been present during that commute and recording. I then responded to another poster, echoing their sentiment, that regardless of what business(es) it was, the fact is a girl is missing, still, and I am of the belief that it has been satisfactorily verified that it was CM in the video, per LE and family affirmation. Hope I wasn't snarky, my hope was to meet two poster's needs by answering a question of local businesses while also acknowledging another posters point not seeing the relevance of it.

BBM - not at all! Sometimes questions and posts go off in different directions and I was trying to help clarify also lol.
Recognizing someone by a walk? I recognize people by their face. But that's me.

In theory that person, as txyorkiemom, said, could plenty of people. (imo too) And frankly I'd say kudos to CM if she did indeed make a run for it. Good for her. She was surrounded by.... oh I cant even say it, but you get it. If she took off I'd think good for her for getting gone....far, far... away from HF and etc.

The fact is there is, as far as the public knows (been released to the public) thus far until trial if there is one, only the back of a female looking person walking in that garage in clothes that have been described as various outfits for CM. What was the woman wearing? Is that so hard? Is there any video from the other bars? However bar or restaurant vids would not address what other clothes she may have changed into at the apt later in the evening/morning for whatever reason - that remains to be seen. (imo)

Why would it be kudos for CM if she just ran off? Putting the pain of her family aside, then that would mean an innocent person is sitting in jail for her kidnapping.
Excellent post catpatrol! I think one thing that is forgotten in disputes like this is the truly ugly nature of sex crimes. From what some posters have stated, they have either suffered abuse like this, have dear family members who have suffered abuse such as this, and we've all heard enough horrors that occur in the world that makes us acutely aware of the damaging nature of sexual abuse of child victims. This has become a very polarizing topic on this board and I hope we can get to a place where we agree to disagree because at the end of the day, a) some people feel very strongly that this is an alarming reach and reaching attempt by LE, b) some acknowledge it could've been worse and feel as though if this is what it takes to put pressure on EA to start giving answers for CM, then they're all for it, and c) there are some who wholeheartedly agree with the merit of the charge. I, personally, sit somewhere in the middle of b & c.
There are children, true children, who consent to sexual relationships with adults due to being intimidated, threatened, bribed, and/or manipulation and that's a terrible, terrible thing. We do not know what occurred between this girl and EA and we don't know anything about this girl. Maybe it was a consensual relationship and she does not feel as though she was preyed upon. Maybe she feels as though he pressured her and felt in order to maintain the relationship, she complied to do things she didn't want to do. There's a whole host of guesses that we can all take as to what may and/or may not have happened and there are certainly countless discussions we can have in regards to whether we personally agree or disagree with the merits of the charge, but at the end of the day, IMO, it keeps us from progressing in other discussions that would be more productive; CM and where she may be. I truly hope we can agree to disagree and respect CM, which is who this is really about anyway, enough to table personal disagreements on a charge that, while probably found out in the course of investigating her case, truly just does not have to do with this case and what may have happened to her. That entire sentiment is just my opinion, so take it for what it's worth!

Nicely said. I think people will be divided on this issue and as I have stated before, I feel it is a distraction to finding Christina. Agree to disagree. (BBM)
Thanks for contributing! IMO, this forum, while a great tool in brainstorming and learning new things about the CJ system (at least I have, I don't know about ya'll), essentially operates like much more sophisticated court of public opinion, thankfully with parameters to eliminate inflammatory, threatening, and/or insensitive comments you usually find in the typical court of public opinion.
IMO, once he goes to jury, we will, undoubtedly get much more information that we have not yet been made privy to. We are two different people and to me, I feel like I've read a lot of posts citing positive reasons they feel as though the prosecution is strong in achieving a guilty verdict of the AK charge, and I've also read a lot of points that a defense side may bring up. To me, the DNA evidence, including blood in the trunk of his car, and the subsequent disappearance of a young lady who has yet to be found indicates there was a crime committed.
I ask my next question because I sincerely want to know your thoughts on this; do you think those two facts are not solid enough in evidence to show positive proof of a crime. If you do believe they're not, do you mind sharing why?

I think many on here agree that a crime was committed & EA is the major component, but seem to question the involvement of other people. I think the idea that more are involved seems to stem from the 4 day delay of reporting her missing & what some consider a lack of concern, plus the fact she hasn't been found. Personally, all I see is a stoned boyfriend that didn't care much about her & some party friends that she didn't see that often... along with a very lucky hiding spot for EA. JMO
No one even knows what happened to her, do they? Quite a leap to a predatory serial criminal, IMO.

I'd like positive proof a crime was committed against CM, as is required for a conviction at trial, versus a
lack of proof by the defendant that he did not do it, which IMO, is what the state seems to have at this point.

We have a girl missing. Her DNA was found in the trunk of the person last seen with her. This person lied that she was ever in his car. 1+1= EA.....
While I generally agree with that statement, in this case I'm working the other direction from EA's behavior. We already have the evidence telling us he did something bad to Christina, and in looking at what he did to Christina imo we see neon signs saying there is very likely a history of predatory behavior and criminal acts in his past, that previously went unnoticed.

I know some want to argue that this was just an otherwise-innocent kid who veered out of control one night, but I'm not buying that's who he was in Aug 2014. Not at all. If it was simply an accident then a person who wasn't like that would tell what happened, explain it was an accident, and so on, and hope to make things right if he possibly could. That wasn't what happened here in ANY way.

Instead we have a guy who coldly abducts, (probably) kills, hides the victim, and then starts a coverup and misdirection campaign. That doesn't make sense to me as a first foray into criminally self-focused acts.

And as that coverup unfolded, imo EA was too casual in his lies, too practiced, and most telling was that he clearly thought he would simply be believed. To me, that indicates he had covered up evils in the past where deception allowed him to skate, because in this case as he told one lie after another, he clearly assumed his words would be taken at face value. As always. Worked before, right?

So based on his reaction to the crime, and how he interacted, I begin with the belief that he's done the coverup act before and hadn't been caught before. Time to start looking closely at his past, under a microscope.

Second, the crimes against Christina look to be predatory - the mindset that "I'm doing whatever it takes to try to get what I want, because I'm entitled to get it and willing to " - and predatory behavior tends to be repeated behavior.

Sure enough, when LE looked closely, there was a sexual assault of a child that began almost 2 years prior. I know some want to minimize that sexual assault (sex without consent) as some act of love, but that's nonsense - he was taking sex from one who was too young to be involved with sexually, who wasn't considered old enough to have wise judgment in saying yes or no, and he didn't care. He was an adult and this was a 16 YEAR OLD CHILD, I'm guessing still only a sophomore in high school. What is an adult of 22 doing chasing after an early high-schooler, a 16 year old? That's predatory, strong preying on the weak.

If he only wanted an actual dating relationship, and he's really there for the long haul, he could have treated her with respect, dated her, and waited. Maybe it was even about crossing those forbidden lines because not long after she was legal, he discarded her. (Did they even date, or was it just him getting laid from a wide-eyed kid? Haven't we been told his most-recent gf RA had been his gf for years?) In fact, he was so self-focused aka predatory that he made his parents unwitting accomplices to his crimes against her, as they provided the bedroom and encouragement (invitations to their home, eventually a birthday cake as continued enticement) to allow him to sexually assault that child 15-20 times.

I see multiple predatory acts already. I suspect more looking will turn up even more, and I hope they keep examining his past under a microscope, because I think there's much more to be found.

BBM, that sentence, IMO, elegantly and simply breaks down exactly what IMO occurred here. I support and echo your other thoughts and sentiments. If there are other instances that showcase predatory behavior, and I would be willing to bet there is, it will hopefully see the light of day!
I don't think EA is innocent either and I wouldn't call it a witch hunt either. But it is unsettling to me that these charges are being stacked. A consensual relationship with an underage girlfriend that could have been love? Him using a phone from a Sprint store of which he manages and arguably should be using the latest technology so he can speak with knowledge and conviction to potential buyers?

I hope and pray that LE is 100% sure of what happened and not going on intuition. I hope and pray that LE isn't in part making him pay for speaking to them through his lawyer. I tell my own kids that if they are stopped or questioned by LE, that they courteously decline to speak. There are consequences to taking that approach, but if these charges are those consequences, I think it's wrong.

**and btw, Mikayoyo, I'm agreeing with your post, not challenging it, lol

Didn't he have about 3 or 4 interview with LE without the lawyer or prior to getting one? For me, based on the bond hearing, I believe LE has actual evidence that leads them to this train of thought, not that EA is not cooperating so they are going to charge him. I would bet PPD would say that EA has been most helpful in getting himself where he is now. Im pretty sure right now, his lawyer wishes he had been with EA since the begging. It sure would have stopped a lot of lies being told.
You are right - I mistyped. My point is that when the term "child" is used, she was not a toddler or even a very young girl. JMO

I do understand what you mean, but the law either classifies someone as able to give informed consent or not. The fact that the age range varies according the ages of both the victim and the perp is understandably troubling to some. I believe these laws are an attempt at an imperfect solution to some young teens being manipulated. I know that many have said that they dated and were sexual with older people and that it presented no problem for them. However, just as human development varies greatly from one age to another as a whole, as individuals, one sixteen year old child's sexual sophistication may be quite unlike another sixteen year old child's.

As an example -- and this may seem like a great reach in comparison, but it is just off the top of my head -- marijuana compared to nicotine may not be as harmful of a drug to most people and for most people. However, it has a greater impact on the brain development of a 14 year old than a 24 year old just because of the stage of brain development. And even for adults, recent Japanese studies indicate that people with a genetic family history of schizophrenia may be tipped over into psychosis by using it whereas the average person would have no such reaction.

All laws are merely a human construct overlaying each person's reality.

(I just know people are going to think I am being too complicated. :blushing: )
Nicely said. I think people will be divided on this issue and as I have stated before, I feel it is a distraction to finding Christina. Agree to disagree. (BBM)

I have a question that is not intended as snarky. I have seen this statement several times (not from you) and I really legitimately curious as to what leads one to think this way. I am asking because I have no idea. I know no players in this case. I have not seen on way or the other about this as distraction the investigation...actually it makes me lean more to the side that they are not letting up and looking into every single detail they possibly can. I am just curious if you have observed something different.

I know that if I was Jonni and learned of this new charge... I would have more resolve than ever to find Christina, though I do think she will never stop no matter what.
what ever happen to nothing is insignificant until Christina is found just like in ALL other cases? People have such great ideas on this board, it is a shame the sharing is stopping bc Christina is still not home.

Edit to clarify: from some people
Regarding the surveillance footage from other businesses:

Benzick pulled video from two businesses, nothing unusual about walk to parking garage.

Stamm estimates it’s about a 10-minute walk from Paulina Petrosky’s apartment to the parking garage. It’s believed they walked down Parkwood Boulevard and turned left onto Legacy Drive.

Arochi initially tells Stamm he and Morris parted ways when they reached the end of the apartment complexes near Legacy Drive. He said they did not cross Legacy together.

From the Find Christina Map, the alleged route:

Businesses on north side of Legacy Drive along that route:


Businesses on south side of Legacy along that route:

Catpatrol, first of all, thanks for all of your help on this case! Now, I need help understanding your map: the businesses on the route map are completely different from the businesses listed on the south side map. Example: what happened to Bob's Steak & Chop House? Maybe it depends on what the scale of the map is.
Catpatrol, first of all, thanks for all of your help on this case! Now, I need help understanding your map: the businesses on the route map are completely different from the businesses listed on the south side map. Example: what happened to Bob's Steak & Chop House? Maybe it depends on what the scale of the map is.

You're right, I think it does depend on the scale. I am not very familiar with SAL, I've only been there once. The Bobs Steak/Chop House appears to be just west of where I have cropped the image. Here is a link to the map if you want to explore

ETA: Here's a zoomed out image that might help. The text might be a little hard to read
what ever happen to nothing is insignificant until Christina is found just like in ALL other cases? People have such great ideas on this board, it is a shame the sharing is stopping bc Christina is still not home.

There have been nearly 900 posts on Christina's thread in the past week -- I'm not sure what you mean that the sharing is stopping?
I have not seen one way or the other about this [sexual assault charge] as distracting the investigation...actually it makes me lean more to the side that they are not letting up and looking into every single detail they possibly can.

I think this is incredibly insightful. While some are concerned that LE might be relaxing, we have evidence (from the "sexual assault of a child" charges) that the exact opposite is true.

LE has been able to pull multiple search warrants, and is inspecting everything they found for evidence of criminal activity. They found just a hint of "sexual assault of a child" and handed it to APD who found more details to prove it was a criminal, and went from there. (If I was in his world, and had something to hide, I'd be very concerned, because there's a good chance they may run across it while they're looking so closely for stuff he did.)

And while I may be the loudest voice here talking about predatory behavior, I don't think for a second that LE has overlooked that likelihood at all. They KNOW what a predator looks like, they aren't naive. I bet that's why they are being so thorough in the way they are investigating all of it, because it may lead them to more predatory crimes in his past.

These guys are super smart, and tenacious, and I don't think they'll stop diligently and thoroughly investigating him and everything he touched until he's locked away for good for what he did to Christina - - unless he talks, to call off the dogs.
I have a question that is not intended as snarky. I have seen this statement several times (not from you) and I really legitimately curious as to what leads one to think this way. I am asking because I have no idea. I know no players in this case. I have not seen on way or the other about this as distraction the investigation...actually it makes me lean more to the side that they are not letting up and looking into every single detail they possibly can. I am just curious if you have observed something different.

I know that if I was Jonni and learned of this new charge... I would have more resolve than ever to find Christina, though I do think she will never stop no matter what.

Oh I agree with you. LE is definitely not letting up and are looking into every detail. A good example of distraction is the division on this board regarding the SA charge. I understand we are not on the GJ nor will we likely be on the jury, but there will be people just like us on those juries. I am afraid it will become distracting to the looming heinous crime of AK. I feel that should be THE focus and they should proceed with that rather than getting caught up in the weeds, so to speak. (speaking of distracting, I'm babysitting one of the grandbabies who is talking to me right now lol so don't know if this makes sense or helps to clarify). No snark taken by the way.
I do understand what you mean, but the law either classifies someone as able to give informed consent or not. The fact that the age range varies according the ages of both the victim and the perp is understandably troubling to some. I believe these laws are an attempt at an imperfect solution to some young teens being manipulated. I know that many have said that they dated and were sexual with older people and that it presented no problem for them. However, just as human development varies greatly from one age to another as a whole, as individuals, one sixteen year old child's sexual sophistication may be quite unlike another sixteen year old child's.

As an example -- and this may seem like a great reach in comparison, but it is just off the top of my head -- marijuana compared to nicotine may not be as harmful of a drug to most people and for most people. However, it has a greater impact on the brain development of a 14 year old than a 24 year old just because of the stage of brain development. And even for adults, recent Japanese studies indicate that people with a genetic family history of schizophrenia may be tipped over into psychosis by using it whereas the average person would have no such reaction.

All laws are merely a human construct overlaying each person's reality.

(I just know people are going to think I am being too complicated. :blushing: )

As always daisytrail you make a good point but at this stage we don't have enough information to judge where on that scale Jennifer's sophistication lay, while she may have been at the naive end and have been taken advantage of by EA it's just as likely that she was a willing participant.

Yes, the law in TX is as it is but without looking at the individuals involved imo I don't think it's valid to make the leap to actual predatory behaviour from legal predatory behaviour. The law isn't real life and imp it's too simplistic to assume it it is, I totally agree with you, it's complicated but that complication can work both ways.

No need to tell me again that it's illegal, I know that :smile:
You're right, I think it does depend on the scale. I am not very familiar with SAL, I've only been there once. The Bobs Steak/Chop House appears to be just west of where I have cropped the image. Here is a link to the map if you want to explore

ETA: Here's a zoomed out image that might help. The text might be a little hard to read

I didn't realize the walk from the apt to the garage is that far.. thanks for posting the map!
As always daisytrail you make a good point but at this stage we don't have enough information to judge where on that scale Jennifer's sophistication lay, while she may have been at the naive end and have been taken advantage of by EA it's just as likely that she was a willing participant.

Yes, the law in TX is as it is but without looking at the individuals involved imo I don't think it's valid to make the leap to actual predatory behaviour from legal predatory behaviour. The law isn't real life and imp it's too simplistic to assume it it is, I totally agree with you, it's complicated but that complication can work both ways.

No need to tell me again that it's illegal, I know that :smile:

Well, actually I have not taken that leap from the standpoint of the current SA charges. More like Steve, I am extrapolating by looking at the present circumstance of Christina's abduction backward. I am curious about his history. I did compare him to a predatory animal based on his body language on the walk to the garage, but that is not the same as being ready to declare him a "sexual predator." The words sexual predator have a specific understanding in the laws of many states in the U.S. It has been used more as a way to keep dangerous people incarcerated in hospitals for the criminally insane, or at least that was the original purpose of the language.
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