TX - Five Yates children drowned, Houston, 20 June 2001 *Insanity*

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[font=arial,helvetica][font=arial,helvetica]Smart Case Witness
More trouble in the Elizabeth Smart kidnapping case. An expert witness on the prosecution's list is the same man who's being blamed for overturning the conviction of Andrea Yates, the Texas mom accused of drowning her kids.

(Jan 7, 2005) --

Another twisting turn of events...
I don't know if anyone has posted this link or not, but http://www.yateskids.org is a site that is maintained by Rusty Yates. There are pictures of the kids, interesting stuff about the case, and there is a section called Media Reviews where Rusty talks about a book written by Suzanne O'Malley. (Are You There Alone?: The Unspeakable Crime of Andrea Yates). The link to the media review page is http://www.yateskids.org/media_reviews.php. On this page Rusty gives some factual corrections to things that are incorrect in the book, and I guess the other info there is his opinion. Interesting to read - made me want to go out and buy the book. Also, on this page, http://www.yateskids.org/artifacts.php, you can read Andrea's medical records. My opinion is that Andrea should be in a mental hospital for some lengthy treatment. I don't believe Rusty should be held responsible for what she did, but I do believe he should have to answer for a lot of things. You would expect a husband to notice the heavy load Andrea was under, and to do a lot more in relieving some of that load. We can't really know how much he did or didn't do, but I think continuing to have babies, knowing that she worsened with each pregnancy, was not the best thing. I do feel sorry for him - we can't expect that he should have known this would happen, and he must be in a great deal of pain over the loss of the children, and is probably sickened by the fact that his children might still be alive if he had taken a more active role in Andrea's health and problems. I have read in some of the posts here that he is looking to remarry to have more children - it is hard to imagine that one could move on that quickly after losing the 5 kids he had. For me I think it would bring back too many memories. I feel sorry for both he and Andrea, but I do hope she gets the help she needs, rather than to be locked away in a prison cell to rot.
Hey Mitty..well i don't feel as sorry for Rusty..watched him on LKL last night and came away thinking...this guy is as dumb as a post...He tried explaining why he's divorcing her yet supporting her...that he can't quite forgive her enough to go back the way they were........He says" I kept asking her if anything was bothering her and she kept saying no"....DUH!!!!!

He seems to understand mental illness up to a point and then conveniently puts aside that when sick one can't be counted on to relay information??? I came away once again thinking of him as suprememly selfish and ignorant of his own complicity in what happened...CLULESS!!
Then he says he's sticking by her because she really doesn't have anyone else in the way of friends....Gee what a suprise!!!! :eek: :D Taking care of all those children and home schooling them and had no time for herself..???..How come??? :confused: DUH:razz:
Scary if he has children again...cuz you know it will be a woman he will have to control....
All of the records on the yateskids site linked by Mitty are stamped to indicate that they are confidential and not to be distributed without the consent of the patient.

I wonder if Rusty got Andrea's permission to put them on the web?

I hope that somebody other than Rusty is looking out for her these days...
Mitty said:
... I don't believe Rusty should be held responsible for what she did, but I do believe he should have to answer for a lot of things. You would expect a husband to notice the heavy load Andrea was under, and to do a lot more in relieving some of that load. We can't really know how much he did or didn't do, but I think continuing to have babies, knowing that she worsened with each pregnancy.

Rusty said once that Andrea had "two hours a week to herself, but she usually chose to do the grocery shopping then and take Mary (the infant) with her."

That gives you a pretty good insight into Rusty's mentality. His former in-laws also quoted him as saying something like "that'll be a first" when they asked him to change one of the kids' diapers during one of Andrea's hospitalizations. The impression he certainly gave to his wife's family was that he wasn't much of a participant in things like that. Also, his wife's family said whenever they would ask Andrea if she planned on having more children she would say, "You'll have to ask Rusty."

Rusty is an engineer, and some of his attitudes are certainly understood by that engineering mindset: Sure, Andrea got sick, but she just took the medicine, and got better. So they could have more children. Just like an antibiotic you take when you have strep throat.

Whatever the doctors said to the contrary about Andrea's mental condition, Rusty just ignored.

That's where I do hold him responsible. As a college graduate, he had the ability to educate himself on mental illness. He could have researched her condition. He could have done so much more and he could have, in light of that information, made decisions that would have averted this tragedy. He should have been researching those drugs on his own and he should never have left her alone. He knew she had tried to kill herself at least once before. Suppose she killed herself with the children there? At the very least that should have been a major consideration with him.

It's sickening to think he's still living for what Rusty wants. He takes no responsibility for what happened, he puts it all back on Andrea or the medical profession. He wanted a "baseball team" of children, and nothing was going to get in the way of what HE wanted.
Rusty Yates is one of the most disgusting examples of human life I've ever heard or seen.

Someone should tie him down and remove his testicles before he breeds again. Feel free to use a rusty knife (sorry) and skip the anesthetic. Rusty should suffer exactly as long as his children did when they died at the hands of the woman he drove to insanity.

He is 100% responsible for what happened to his children and his wife. He's an *advertiser censored*.

If Andrea Yates were my daughter, that monster would never get near her again.
GatorMom said:
Rusty Yates is one of the most disgusting examples of human life I've ever heard or seen.

Someone should tie him down and remove his testicles before he breeds again. Feel free to use a rusty knife (sorry) and skip the anesthetic. Rusty should suffer exactly as long as his children did when they died at the hands of the woman he drove to insanity.

He is 100% responsible for what happened to his children and his wife. He's an *advertiser censored*.

If Andrea Yates were my daughter, that monster would never get near her again.
he mentioned something on LKl about criticism he had gotten from the public...apparently he rejects it as dead wrong...yeah well most people find him partly responsible......
~Andrea Kennedy was her class Valedictorian and is a registered nurse and until 1994 worked at The MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston. She is 40 years old. The Kennedy family has a history of mental illness that affects several members. Time magazine reported that Andrea's brother and sister both suffer from depression, another brother has bipolar disorder, and the father who died of Alzheimer's may have had depression.
~Rusty Yates was an Eagle Scout and has a degree in engineering, He works at Johnson Space Center for NASA.
~Rusty And Andrea Yates married in April 1993. At their wedding Rusty announced that they planned to have as many children as God would give them.Over a six year period their 5 children were born in quick succession: 2/26/94, 12/12/95, 9/13/97, 2/15/99 and 11/30/00 - Andrea also had at least one miscarriage.
~All of the children were home-schooled by Andrea and Andrea did all the cooking, housekeeping and child care. They did not attend church but had home bible study 3 nights a week. From 1996 till 1998 the family lived in a 38' travel trailer because Rusty wanted to live a "simpler life". In 1998 they purchased a 350 sq. ft bus and lived in that until they purchased the Houston house in early 2000.
~Michael Woroniecki was a traveling minister from whom Rusty purchased their bus and whose religious views had influenced both Rusty and Andrea. He preached, "the role of women is derived from the sin of Eve and that bad mothers who are going to hell create bad children who will go to hell." The minister teaches a very conservative form of Christianity that says that women should have a very subservient position in the home, and that Satan is constantly trying to drive people wrong. In correspondence, Woroniecki and his wife Rachel bombarded the troubled and isolated Andrea with talk of Satan, and the idea that God can see people's wickedness. In one letter, Rachel Woroniecki writes, ''Life is so short. It is so very cruel. It is so lonely and empty. You must accept the reality that this life is under the curse of sin and death.''
~Andrea attempted suicide twice following the birth of her 4th child - June 1999 and July 1999 and was hospitalized both times. The 1st time once home, Andrea did not take her medication and began to self mutilate and would not to feed the children because she thought they ate too much. She thought there were video cameras in the ceiling and heard characters on television talking to her and the children. She told Rusty about this, but neither of them told Andrea's psychiatrist. On July 20, Andrea put a knife to her neck and begged Rusty to let her die. She was hospitalized the 2nd time and was catatonic for 10 days. She was diagnosed with a major depressive disorder. She also had the beginning signs of Schizophrenia, but these warning signs were never disclosed to the Drs. She was prescribed Haldol and her mental state improved. She was put on out-patient care and at that time the Dr. advised her and Rusty that she could worsen with the birth of future children and should not have any more children. Andrea had difficulty communicating with her Drs and was reluctant to reveal any of her symptoms, she often relied on Rusty to speak for her.
~At the urging of Andrea's family, Rusty decided it would help Andrea to buy a home and move the family out of the cramped bus. They bought a home in a nice family neighborhood but Rusty exhibited a sense of arrogance as he explained to his new neighbors why his children had to be home-schooled: "The social integration that the world claims is so essential is exactly what we need to protect our children from." So the Yates didn't integrate with their neighbors, who didn't agree with Rusty's beliefs.
~Once in the new house Andrea seemed improved and stable so in March of 2000, Andrea, with Rusty's encouragement, was again pregnant and stopped taking her Haldol. November 30, 2000, Mary was born. In addition to caring for the 4 boys and newborn Mary, Andrea also did the majority of the daily care for her Father, who had Alzheimers. On March 12, 2001 Andrea's father died and almost immediately her mental state deteriorated. She stopped talking, refused liquids, mutilated herself, and would not feed Mary. She also frantically read the Bible. She again attempted suicide with her father's medications.
~The end of March 2001 Randy took a worsening Andrea to a different hospital. Her psychiatrist, Dr. Saeed, treated her briefly with Haldol but discontinued it, saying that she did not did not seem psychotic. Andrea was released only to return again in May. She was released after 10 days of hospitalization and in her last follow-up visit with Saeed, she was told to think positive thoughts and to see a psychologist.
~Two days later Andrea drowned her 5 children - During her confession she explained her actions by saying that she wasn't a good mother and that the children were "not developing correctly" and she needed to be punished. Found guilty Andrea was sentenced to life in prison.
~Rusty Yates filed for divorce in June 2004. He wishes to remarry and have a family, he said.
Combined with the website Jeana put up with a photo of Andres when she was younger, highly functioning, beautiful, an RN, a lovely young lady.

Rusty Yates tore her life apart and used her like a slave was used. No wonder her mind broke. I'm surprised her body survived.

I wonder if she was ever beaten? We know she was deprived of normal living conditions, probably while pregnant- living in a stupid travel trailer and a school bus when he made a good salary- like I said before, close to $100,000 a year!!!

I wish she had had a strong family support system in her birth family, someone who could have rescued a woman who was nothing but a brood mare in a stall.

I hope and pray that she is sent to a mental hospital for the criminally insane, or a state locked institution. Like John Hinkley, the guy who shot Reagan. The facilites are secure, they are inspected, they provide medication and a safe environment.

ANDREA YATES IS NOT SAFE IN PRISON!!! Other women inmates to not take kindly to women who have killed children.. I am VERY surprised that she has lived this long among the prison population.

cynder said:
~Andrea Kennedy was her class Valedictorian and is a registered nurse and until 1994 worked at The MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston. She is 40 years old. The Kennedy family has a history of mental illness that affects several members. Time magazine reported that Andrea's brother and sister both suffer from depression, another brother has bipolar disorder, and the father who died of Alzheimer's may have had depression.
~Rusty Yates was an Eagle Scout and has a degree in engineering, He works at Johnson Space Center for NASA.
~Rusty And Andrea Yates married in April 1993. At their wedding Rusty announced that they planned to have as many children as God would give them.Over a six year period their 5 children were born in quick succession: 2/26/94, 12/12/95, 9/13/97, 2/15/99 and 11/30/00 - Andrea also had at least one miscarriage.
~All of the children were home-schooled by Andrea and Andrea did all the cooking, housekeeping and child care. They did not attend church but had home bible study 3 nights a week. From 1996 till 1998 the family lived in a 38' travel trailer because Rusty wanted to live a "simpler life". In 1998 they purchased a 350 sq. ft bus and lived in that until they purchased the Houston house in early 2000.
~Michael Woroniecki was a traveling minister from whom Rusty purchased their bus and whose religious views had influenced both Rusty and Andrea. He preached, "the role of women is derived from the sin of Eve and that bad mothers who are going to hell create bad children who will go to hell." The minister teaches a very conservative form of Christianity that says that women should have a very subservient position in the home, and that Satan is constantly trying to drive people wrong. In correspondence, Woroniecki and his wife Rachel bombarded the troubled and isolated Andrea with talk of Satan, and the idea that God can see people's wickedness. In one letter, Rachel Woroniecki writes, ''Life is so short. It is so very cruel. It is so lonely and empty. You must accept the reality that this life is under the curse of sin and death.''
~Andrea attempted suicide twice following the birth of her 4th child - June 1999 and July 1999 and was hospitalized both times. The 1st time once home, Andrea did not take her medication and began to self mutilate and would not to feed the children because she thought they ate too much. She thought there were video cameras in the ceiling and heard characters on television talking to her and the children. She told Rusty about this, but neither of them told Andrea's psychiatrist. On July 20, Andrea put a knife to her neck and begged Rusty to let her die. She was hospitalized the 2nd time and was catatonic for 10 days. She was diagnosed with a major depressive disorder. She also had the beginning signs of Schizophrenia, but these warning signs were never disclosed to the Drs. She was prescribed Haldol and her mental state improved. She was put on out-patient care and at that time the Dr. advised her and Rusty that she could worsen with the birth of future children and should not have any more children. Andrea had difficulty communicating with her Drs and was reluctant to reveal any of her symptoms, she often relied on Rusty to speak for her.
~At the urging of Andrea's family, Rusty decided it would help Andrea to buy a home and move the family out of the cramped bus. They bought a home in a nice family neighborhood but Rusty exhibited a sense of arrogance as he explained to his new neighbors why his children had to be home-schooled: "The social integration that the world claims is so essential is exactly what we need to protect our children from." So the Yates didn't integrate with their neighbors, who didn't agree with Rusty's beliefs.
~Once in the new house Andrea seemed improved and stable so in March of 2000, Andrea, with Rusty's encouragement, was again pregnant and stopped taking her Haldol. November 30, 2000, Mary was born. In addition to caring for the 4 boys and newborn Mary, Andrea also did the majority of the daily care for her Father, who had Alzheimers. On March 12, 2001 Andrea's father died and almost immediately her mental state deteriorated. She stopped talking, refused liquids, mutilated herself, and would not feed Mary. She also frantically read the Bible. She again attempted suicide with her father's medications.
~The end of March 2001 Randy took a worsening Andrea to a different hospital. Her psychiatrist, Dr. Saeed, treated her briefly with Haldol but discontinued it, saying that she did not did not seem psychotic. Andrea was released only to return again in May. She was released after 10 days of hospitalization and in her last follow-up visit with Saeed, she was told to think positive thoughts and to see a psychologist.
~Two days later Andrea drowned her 5 children - During her confession she explained her actions by saying that she wasn't a good mother and that the children were "not developing correctly" and she needed to be punished. Found guilty Andrea was sentenced to life in prison.
~Rusty Yates filed for divorce in June 2004. He wishes to remarry and have a family, he said.
Candlelight, from all accounts her family did try. However, her mother appears quite elderly, and her father was suffering from dementia. I think her siblings felt quite helpless to help her and she refused of course to go against Rusty. From their comments in interviews there is clearly no love lost for Rusty. I think they are probably consumed with guilt or anger or both for not being able to help her.

Rusty did an excellent job of isolating Andrea. Even with a plethora of conservative churches around that would have supported her homeschooling, the desire to have a large family, and the emphasis upon a subservient wife, Rusty just couldn't find "one he agreed with."

I don't believe he ever beat her. It was much more emotional abuse and manipulation. In one interview, he said that he had "offered" to get Andrea helpf for the house, like a maid or housekeeper. It's so inexpensive here to get such help and with his salary and the price of the house they bought, it would have been a no brainer. He said she said no.

I've always thought that he couched it in terms of, "Well, if you can't handle this, Andrea," or worse yet, 'Looks like we should get some illegal immigrant to clean this house better." Something along those lines. Something that put Andrea down and made her perfectionistic character refuse. Maybe he said, 'But the money will have to come from somewhere so we'll have to cut back on something like the groceries." Something along those lines.

I've never known a woman in her right mind who refused a maid.

The fact that he could make the comment, 'You won't find a clean glass in that house," when he had just left an hour or two before--says it all, doesn't it? What the hell was HE doing?

At least those children are where Rusty can't get to them anymore either.
I can't get over watching Greta (I think) last week when Rusty was on and they kept showing 2 photographs of Andrea - like a before and after a makeover. One photo was her mugshot and the other this glamorous rendition.

Did anyone see this?? I didn't see the beginning of the show and was just wondering what this was all about.

I've been reading all these threads and haven't seen anyone mention it & I'd think that I dreamed it except they showed the comparison photos about 4 times!!
I think we talked about the photos here briefly earlier in this thread. One is the "glamor shot" style photo of Andrea, taken either just before she was married or right around that time. The other is the mug shot when she was of course very very mentally ill.

A picture is worth a thousand words, isn't it?
Texana said:
I think we talked about the photos here briefly earlier in this thread. One is the "glamor shot" style photo of Andrea, taken either just before she was married or right around that time. The other is the mug shot when she was of course very very mentally ill.

A picture is worth a thousand words, isn't it?

Thanks Texana :) I always read the entire thread before I post - I don't know how I missed the previous page - probably resorted to scanning this one after reading the threads in the jury room and parking lot.

Gawd, this Rusty is the real nut imo. Couldn't he just look at her and see what this was all doing to her - she went from Beauty to Beast for goodness sake.

I agree with all the other posters, this guy was a sarcastic control freak. Why would she say she killed them because she wasn't a good mother otherwise. Probably because of his subtle derogatory comments to her on a daily basis.

This is simply heart breaking.
Exactly, Jilly. And you really can't make a big enough deal about the photos. They are speak volumes.

One is Andrea, beautiful and healthy. Maybe not the most well adjusted and healthiest emotionally, but certainly a functioning person.

The other photo is just unspeakable.

And Rusty Yates had a big part in that. I do believe that day by day he helped that change, but even if he was the kindest, gentlest man on earth, he had to be the world's biggest fool to not notice the decline in her! She was scratching her head BALD, for pete's sake! She wasn't eating or bathing.

There was an article in the Houston Chronicle today (I'll try and add it in a minute, I usually don't succeed but I'll try) in which her friend talked, the one who tried to get help for Andrea and begged Rusty to do something just a few days before the killings. She visits Andrea still. The article mentioned that the children--especially John, I think the oldest, and Mary, the baby--were very well aware of her condition by their actions--John "shielded his eyes" when he looked at her, and Mary cried.

As sick as she was, Andrea noticed that.

It also said that Andrea said she asked Rusty, "What was I like when I was sick" and Rusty would say, "Like you are now, only quieter."

Rusty is one of the few people on earth that the more he says, the less you can feel any sympathy or liking for him.

smellsarat said:
Anyone have those pictures..I've never seen her before pics???

Check the website referenced earlier in the thread. It's the one maintained oddly enough by Rusty. He'll probably shut it down soon, so check it out.

If you go to the Houst Chronicle story it probably has a side bar referencing the earlier stories and may have the photos as well.

You HAVE to see the before photo. It's unreal.

Even the photos of her after Mary's birth, when she was on the meds, is unbelievably different.
Her situation reminds me of my sister who is schizophrenic...in the early years she hooked up with a guy she met in the hospital...and he would always insist that she go off her meds...inevitably she would end up back in the state hospital!!! GGGRRRR..turned out he was taking her disability checks ..stacking them up and when he left for Portugal (his homeland) he took his own state funded monies and hers!!!
I have a friend who is on Paxil for extremem anxiety, HER boyfriend wants her to go off it....What is wrong with these people that they would wish ill health on someone...I guess it's all about control and keeping them weak...barefoot and pregnant sure applies to Andrea doesn't it???
smellsarat said:
Her situation reminds me of my sister who is schizophrenic...in the early years she hooked up with a guy she met in the hospital...and he would always insist that she go off her meds...inevitably she would end up back in the state hospital!!! GGGRRRR..turned out he was taking her disability checks ..stacking them up and when he left for Portugal (his homeland) he took his own state funded monies and hers!!!
I have a friend who is on Paxil for extremem anxiety, HER boyfriend wants her to go off it....What is wrong with these people that they would wish ill health on someone...I guess it's all about control and keeping them weak...barefoot and pregnant sure applies to Andrea doesn't it???

I take Paxil and I would do without my blood pressure medicine before my paxil
Friend: Yates is calmer, optimistic

HOUSTON – Andrea Yates, whose capital murder convictions for drowning her children in the family bathtub were overturned last week, is calmer and in better spirits at the prison psychiatric ward where she has been serving a life sentence, a friend said.

Instead of sobbing uncontrollably or slipping into a psychotic state, Mrs. Yates was cheerful and optimistic during prison visits in December, said her best friend, Debbie Holmes.

"Her hands used to tremble and shake, and she used to move the phone from ear to ear, back and forth," Ms. Holmes told the Houston Chronicle in Sunday's online edition, describing the visits. "She is much more calm now."

Ms. Holmes said that she and Mrs. Yates reminisced about past Christmas holidays spent together and that Mrs. Yates asked whether she had used glass ornaments that the Yates children made for her.

"I told her I had and that I would put them up every year until the day I die," Ms. Holmes said.

She said that Mrs. Yates, separated by glass and listening to her through a telephone, paused, then smiled.

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