TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #13

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An aha moment for me....can't/don't they message people on these through xbox live? My 9yo is messaging his friends on it, I didn't realize that you could.
I'd like to know who's XBox that was. I thought it could have been HD or DD, but in all reality it could be one that was bought for the family entertainment. I also had thoughts that it could belong to SA.
I didn't know that you could message on it, either, until my 13 year old nephew did it.
Do I understand this correctly?

The moms boyfriend was a new boyfriend of 4 months?
He lost his job the same day the girl went missing and he was the last to see her leave to stay over her friends house - but her friend says they NEVER made plans for her to come over?

The mother does not notice anything for at least 24 hours?
This child just wandered around half the time from home to home?

Her mother didn't check to see if she was at the friend's house? She just took her new live in boyfriend's word for it?

IS this correct?

IIRC they've been dating for 2 years, SA and BD. He moved in 4 1/2 months ago. He lost his job the 27th, his gf BD didn't know until they were at the police station on the 29th. Yes, the friend says she wasn't spending the night. The mother of the friend MB says BD doesn't keep tabs on her daughter and she runs the streets so MB isn't allowed to stay over Hailey's house. BD texted the brother to contact Hailey the next day around lunch to come home. The brother did so and found out Hailey never spent the night. BD had zero communication with Hailey while she was supposedly spending the night. This is from what I recall from spending half my life on this thread LOL.
Did the mom say he moved in 4 months ago or did the MSM or LE tell us that? I don't think BD said that, but I could be wrong. MOO
yes, mom said it. Check the NG transcripts for last Thurs. 1/6 IIRC that is the show she said it - NG asked her about it.
I'd like to know who's XBox that was. I thought it could have been HD or DD, but in all reality it could be one that was bought for the family entertainment. I also had thoughts that it could belong to SA.
I didn't know that you could message on it, either, until my 13 year old nephew did it.

I am of the opinion that it could have been SA's that the kids used. I have nothing to base that on other than intuition.
There's "only" four sex offenders in my entire town of 40,000 people. It creeps me out whenever I hear about small towns like Colorado City with their dozens of sex offenders. There's a website that lists crime statistics and whether a town's crime is above or below the national average. The national average for crime is 319.2 and in 2009, Colorado City was at 383.3. New York City was at 227.9. Just because a town has a small population and in the middle of nowhere, it doesn't mean that it's Mayberry.
yes but you have to have an account with XBox Live and an internet connection. We know there was no internet in the house.
Which leaves me wondering again. lol I live in the boonies and use an air card for faster than dial up service. I wonder if SA had brought one of those into the home, but sure BD would know. It's hard for me to realize there are kids out there without internet. My kids would have thought the world was ending. lol
IIRC, SA has been Billie's Boyfriend for several years. They met online (M?S??). He has only been living full time at her house for 4 months!

Everything else is correct!

What made her mother think she was missing? How did she make the leap from not calling the friend's house to make sure she was there to then the next day suddenly realizing she was missing?

Does anyone know? Was Hailey scheduled to do something?

I ask because it seems like the mother's MO is not really noticing Hailey's comings and goings so what triggered the urgency that she was missing?

Very. At the risk of sounding redundant.....

What's up with the shed?

It's been searched, before. Maybe they decided to bring in cadaver dogs this time....:(
Authorities said Monday that leads in the case are in the triple digits and reach beyond the state of Texas.

"Some of them, most of them, might even be on the criminal side," said Colorado City Manager Pete Kampfer.

On the criminal side, KTXS confirmed Monday that DNA was collected from people close to the case.

It's not clear how many people have given DNA samples, but Hailey's father, Clint Dunn, confirmed that he gave a sample.

"We need to be working two angles," Kampfer said. "One of them is that she's a missing person and is alive. Another part of the investigation is criminal that something has occurred where Hailey is deceased."

Someone please tell me .... oh nevermind. :banghead::banghead: Two WEEKS .... Two WEEKS. Seriously. GAH.
Very. At the risk of sounding redundant.....

What's up with the shed?

Just the thoughts I have about what could have gone in that shed make me sick to my stomach. I hope it's not what I think it is. Where are you Hailey?
Is reporternews MSM .does anyone know?

Not that it really makes a difference in this case apparently, but this article is very interesting if it's true. After reading this it makes sense to me why LE may appear to be chasing their tales..because they are being led on a wild goose chase imho. ..and if true I totally see why Clint has not been asked to take a poly..but I still don't understand why Billie is holding back (and I do believe that she is..JMHO).. I NEVER thought she had anything to do with Hailey's disappearance, but something's bad wonky here and now I can't close my mind to any possibility..

eta~To clarify, I believe that she is at least holding back to the public and was to LE..my hope is that that's changed..

Could BD just not want it to be SA that is involved so badly that she is trying to present things in another light or is just unable to come to terms with it being him who is involved and therefore has a skewed perception of things? I imagine that IF it is SA who is involved, it could create a lot of guilt in a mother, especially if BD didn't listen to her daughter's feelings regarding SA. Hmmm....for example...it's kinda like the parents of some of the accused killers such as the Anthony's or Peterson's....no matter how much evidence was presented, they just could not see it the same way that everyone else did. Blinded by love?
do we know how Hailey was able to access the internet? If she had her own myspace or facebook - which I thought they said in the beginning, she would update her status... where/who did she go to use the internet??? father, friends, public library???
This may be important as to having discussions with others not from around there!
Leaving for several hours. Please type very SLOOOOOWWWWLLLLY until later this evening. Otherwise, when I return we will be up to Thread #17 and I will never catch up!

Hoping, truthfully, that I will log in and see the notice next to the thread that says FOUND ALIVE.

Happy sleuthing...
There seems to be a lot of information coming out, that points to Hailey not being happy with her living arrangements. I can see why cops think she might've run away, but those same problems, could be the reason she's gone, involuntarily. IDK, but a lot of this information, seems like muddy water. Is it even important? I didn't deal with divorce, growing up, but my husband has a daughter from his 1st marraige, & she most definitely used it for manipulation...still does, & she's 25 years old. My point? I think that's normal. Also, I don't see that any of these people have issues-drugs, or violence, or otherwise-that raise any red flags. They all seem like normal people, with ordinary problems. Now, is somebody, keeping a secret? possibly. but the mom meeting the bf on the internet, or him being so young, doesn't bother me. It seems that she knew him well enough to trust him around her kids. Parents shouldn't be expected to put their lives on hold, to satisfy their kids. That's unfair & unrealistic. the same thing with Clint's arrest record. I just don't see much there. So, what's the problem? I think it might be something different. It seems that Billie gave her kids a lot of leeway, & there's some confusion about where she was, what she was doing, what was allowed, how much Billie checked in with her, etc...that doesn't make her or Shawn guilty of a crime. If those 2 failed their tests, & that's a big IF, maybe it's because they haven't been up front about their laxness, & they lied about when they last saw Hailey? She was out for the holidays, & I'm seriously wondering if anybody really knows when she came up missing. With school starting, they had to get her home, & when they couldn't round her up, they finally realized something was amiss?
yes, mom said it. Check the NG transcripts for last Thurs. 1/6 IIRC that is the show she said it - NG asked her about it.

TY! I've been asking to hear that out of her mouth and I must have missed it..going to see if Patty has it up and listen again! Where did we hear in the beginning that he did not, do you know? I can't remember if that was media or mom..
yes, mom said it. Check the NG transcripts for last Thurs. 1/6 IIRC that is the show she said it - NG asked her about it.

Thanks. I think I was confused because on the first NG, BD said something like "he came home or he came to my house" and that made me think he wasn't living with her and then a few days later she said he was. Confusing!
What made her mother think she was missing? How did she make the leap from not calling the friend's house to make sure she was there to then the next day suddenly realizing she was missing?

Does anyone know? Was Hailey scheduled to do something?

I ask because it seems like the mother's MO is not really noticing Hailey's comings and goings so what triggered the urgency that she was missing?

mom went to work the next morning. Afternoon she called her son - hailey's brother at the house and told him to call over to the friend's house and tell Hailey to come home. He did and was told that Hailey had never been there. He called mom back and she left work and went straight to the police station.
All of what you said is correct EXCEPT boyfriend had been boyfriend for 2 1/2 years - mom said that he just moved in 4 months ago.

Not sure about "loosing his job" - it has been alleged that we just walked out and also that there was a blow-up with either a co-worker or his boss.

Mom did not call the friend's house to see if Hailey was there that night. Yes, she took his word for it.

Hey just a THOUGHT - one of the PP mentioned or asked what is the name of the location that SA worked.

On MOST of those RSO profiles, it shows their employment, IF they are employed... Most are NOT.
However, if SA had an ISSUE with a co-worker, could one be an RSO or an unregistered SO who went looking for SA and took HD for some type of revenge?
Just saying..

Would like to be able to compare these if someone can provide me the info. Thank you!
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