TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #13

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rut roh, well if ya don't hear from me for a couple of hours, call LE and tell them to look for a crazy lady running nekkid down the street screaming, and tell them why I wound up like that, K?

don't tell anyone, but I'm actually hiding from them now..I'm snowed in so I think that has slowed them down ;-)
Hollye and walker007....thanks for the detailed maps and the RSO info. You both put a lot of time in your research!

By looking at the maps, there seems to be a lot of open fields. All of the MSM search pic's that I have seen show people walking through lots of underbrush.

My question is...Have the local farmers been asked to look around on their farmland? Isn't this the time of year that they would be plowing under fall crops and getting ready to plant spring crops? Also, do the farmers have irrigation pumps for the larger fields? If so, are these pumps inside isolated sheds? Could some of the RSO's be employed by these farmers?

I any locals know this, please let me know. Thanks.

Dear God...please bring Hailey HOME!
Moms DEFINITELY should "put their lives on hold" if it is causing their young daughter to move out!! FGS....when do the kids come first?? The answer should be ALWAYS!! Go off and date the guy....spend week-ends with him...whatever! But, don't move him into the home where your children are, into your bed, into a probably shared bathroom! Hailey, I am convinced, was uncomfortable around moms lover. So much so, that she moved away. Mom should have chosen her daughter over her lover.....yep, put her life on hold as far as the bf is concerned. But, kids just don't seem to be the priorities in a lot of these cases. Moms wanting what she wants is what drives the bus that eventually runs over the kids. Then? Oh my! How did that happen?? spit
I respect your point, I really do, & I agree...in hindsight. But, my point was, that the things I've read & seen, don't point to a major problem with Shawn. He's young & immature, but that's about it. I also saw the post where Hailey said she hated her dad, & was resentful about him having another baby, so it seems that Hailey had problems, adjusting to her parents being split up. Now, I WOULD put my kids 1st, in that situation, but I'm not even sure that's the right thing to do. You can't let your kids dictate, who you date. The mom's the boss, the kid's the kid, & that's life. Now, if there was another problem with Shawn, that's a different story. Was there another problem? IDK, but I guess LE will get to the bottom of that. If there was an insidious reason, she didn't want to stay home, somebody knows, & it will come out. But, from the information we've been given, there's nothing there. My hinky meter, is off the charts, but Hailey writing that she hated her dad, kind of evens that out, If she was having a real problem with Shawn, wouldn't her dad have taken her in? surely, he didn't say, 'no'. what about a grandparent? I think there's more to this story than we realize.
Question. What is the criteria for taking a case to its own forum? It seems with so many different aspects of this case and a real need to look into possible SAR areas that this might be a good candidate? Ori!ah and I have been talking and would love to work on the SAR aspect, but it's hard to do when the thread is blazing. Thanks for the consideration!
There is a possibility, now how about why she went straight to LE?

I think if she had waited for SA to pick her up and then take her the police station it would have taken more time then her just getting a ride from work. But thats JMO.
Since I am unable to find and actual street # for Weaver Services Inc, I am willing to bet that the companies are one and the same. Anyone know for certain?

not positive but am pretty sure one in the same
Just being curious I just (for the first time) looked up the SO in my town. 41 in a town of 10,700. :eek:hwow:

We've lived here for about a year and I just hadn't even thought to look it up before. My kids are young so they are never out of my sight, but like CCity, the kids around here just roam about town with no parental supervision and nothing is thought of it. I am totally mystified!

Maybe that along with the police situation makes C-City very attractive to pedofiles and other criminals. It seems that it would be very easy to lay low there if you chose your victim carefully.
just a thought
Why would anyone go on national TV and say they 'failed' a LDT????
It's one thing to say you took one, but.....

I'm KINDA starting to think someone told her her boyfriend failed, probably in an attempt to get her to "turn" on him I think it was a LE tactic, i think they thought maybe she knew more than she was telling. I think she wasn't sure if his failure would come out in the media, or get around town, so she told everyone she failed as well.

Just my opinion as it stands for right now. It could change in an hour LOL
Why do we believe Mb's mom? I tend to believe that she knows a lot more than she is telling. The dogs went to MBs. How would the bloodhounds know to go to MBs? moo

Is it possible that she walked by MB's did not stop. Maybe she ended up seeing Mr. Friendly, the RSO who is friends with CD right up the street? Or perhaps he was driving by, stopped to speak with her and offered her a ride for ice cream?
ANYTHING is possible at this point. He is my FIRST interest as far as RSO's go. Though the list is long of possibles.
Sarx- would it still be productive to bring in any type of tracking/SAR dogs? Other than HRD, at this time?

(still learning your lingo ) but you know what I am asking I hope
Preemptive strike??????????? Damage control, spin????????
yeah, I've thought of that. It would take balz, but if you're guilty of something a lot worse than lying, then I guess the nerve could be mustered. She said that she trusted LE & they trust her. How can that be? Somebody's lying on somebody. If cops lied on me, I'd be done with them. I'd lawyer up, hire a private eye, & demand that somebody else, find my daughter.
I think if she had waited for SA to pick her up and then take her the police station it would have taken more time then her just getting a ride from work. But thats JMO.

What I mean is what made her think that LE was needed, we have kinda figured out that H was pretty much on her own most of the time, what made her think things were urgent and H was not just somewhere else?
I missed this case when it first hit and have been trying to play catch up but I think I have just confused myself more. A couple of questions if anyone has time to answer them:

1. Why is everyone so interested in the iTouch or fake iTouch? What does that have to do with her being missing? Even if it was missing and with her, in this amount of time unless she was somewhere and actively charging it, the battery would be dead.

2. Why is the City Manager the one speaking out on the case? Why is LE (Chief of Police, Sheriff, Public Information Officer) not the one doing the talking?

My thoughts just based on what I have read to date......

If this were my case, I would be looking squarely at the mom's boyfriend. No need to delve into anyone else's past, if I were placing bets.....my bet is with the fact that all the answers will be found by investigating the boyfriend.
Preemptive strike??????????? Damage control, spin????????

Not to mention that knowing someone might be asked to take another one and would be a great reason for refusing. I'd like to see her take another one and pass it so I could start believing again!
You can't let your kids dictate, who you date. The mom's the boss, the kid's the kid, & that's life. Now, if there was another problem with Shawn, that's a different story. Was there another problem? IDK, but I guess LE will get to the bottom of that. If there was an insidious reason, she didn't want to stay home, somebody knows, & it will come out. But, from the information we've been given, there's nothing there. My hinky meter, is off the charts, but Hailey writing that she hated her dad, kind of evens that out, If she was having a real problem with Shawn, wouldn't her dad have taken her in? surely, he didn't say, 'no'. what about a grandparent? I think there's more to this story than we realize.

Yeah but the kid is the kid is what led to my abused as a child by not 1 but a couple of my mom's boyfriends. I was too scared to come right out and say he "hurt me". But I could say I don't like him, he makes me feel weird when he's around. I came up with every excuse possible to get out of the house when he was around or she was even on the phone with them without telling her the truth. Because well I was a kid and a kids mind doesn't work the same as an adults. My mom liked the guy, she had put a lot of other things on hold to give me a good life and while the guys weren't treating me kindly i could see they made my mom happy.

Just my take on it.

As for hailey living with dad, dad wasn't even supposed to be living with girlfriend in her HUD/Section 8 housing. So no way Hailey could live there. I do agree grandparents should have been an option. But do we know their ages, if they were physically healthy enough to deal with a preteen??
theres two ways to get to the entry, you can go from chestnut south to E2ND street and go straight it turns into 163 follow it to 2183, and the other is from cestnut to hickory and west on I 20 to exit 210 witch is the same road but comming from a different direction.
sorry this is to answer a question for some reason i didnt quote it but its to oriah"s question.
i want to fix a mess up i had in this post its not 2183 sorry it is 2836 same 210 exit off the I20 tho. sorry for the comfusion ill change post.
As soon as I saw that Mike Myers stuff on MySpace last night, and it totally creeped me out! Not only is it connected to movies about a serial killer, but Haleigh's mother said on Nancy Grace that she met this guy on MySpace!!!


No wonder the police are looking at him if he was the last person to see this girl alive, plus he was the one who gave them the story about the sleepover.

Lots of people have fan pages about movie, tv, and book characters. But why anyone would glorify the mask of a serial killer on their MySpace is creepy in the extreme!

What I have read about his My Space page is very disturbing. My question is why would BD not been concerned about this, and why would she be attracted to a man like that? (I am on her side and trust that she is a good mother) Also, most likely HD has been to his social network sites and this could be one reason she has never liked him and has been afraid of him. After learning this about him, I am afraid of him!
Another question.......... inconsistency.

GRACE: Tell me what happened the day she went missing, Miss Dunn.

DUNN: She went missing on Monday while I was at work. My boyfriend - - he came home from work about 3:00 -- or he got to my house about 3:00. And he`s seen Hailey. Hailey was there. She told him, I`m running across the street to my dad`s house for a few minutes but I`m going Mary Beth`s, and I`m staying the night there. Let my mom know.

So that evening when he picked me up from work, we got home, we were getting ready for bed. I didn`t get worried when I hadn`t heard from Hailey. I thought she was at Mary Beth`s. I was kind of upset that she didn`t call and confirm it with me, but not worried at that point.

Tuesday, I was at work again, I left my cell phone at home for my kids to use when I`m working. So Tuesday, I called my son. I said tell Hailey text the little girl, her friend, tell Hailey she needs to go ahead and get home. This was around lunch. My son called me back within a few minutes and she said, mom, she said Hailey never made it over there. She never spent the night.

So at that point I called Hailey`s dad and found out she didn`t over there and she didn`t stay the night with him. I left from work and went to the police station in Colorado City and reported her missing.


BUT THEN>>>>>>>>>>>>

GRACE: When did you first learn she was missing?

CLINT DUNN: I seen her the day before. Later on that night, D came over -- my son came over and asked me...


CLINT DUNN: ... or Tuesday, he came over asking me if I had seen her, if she`d came over that day. And I hadn`t.


CLINT DUNN: So it was the next day.

GRACE: Let me think just a moment. You told me you saw her the day before?

CLINT DUNN: Yes. She spent the night with me Christmas night.

GRACE: So Saturday night, she spent the night with you?

CLINT DUNN: Yes. And Sunday, she was there at the house with me.

GRACE: Who first told you that she was missing?

CLINT DUNN: My son, D.


That one sure seems easy enough......I think she would remember if she called the dad or not and I think he would remember who told him H was missing, so who's not telling the truth?
Question. What is the criteria for taking a case to its own forum? It seems with so many different aspects of this case and a real need to look into possible SAR areas that this might be a good candidate? Ori!ah and I have been talking and would love to work on the SAR aspect, but it's hard to do when the thread is blazing. Thanks for the consideration!

The mods have it under discussion.

yeah, I've thought of that. It would take balz, but if you're guilty of something a lot worse than lying, then I guess the nerve could be mustered. She said that she trusted LE & they trust her. How can that be? Somebody's lying on somebody. If cops lied on me, I'd be done with them. I'd lawyer up, hire a private eye, & demand that somebody else, find my daughter.
I've also wondered what the reaction of LE would be, to being lied on...& what they're doing, is exactly what I'd expect. make a short statement denying it, & then try to maintain a working relationship with the mother, before she lawyered up. But, with that said...if Billie failed the test, there could be reasons besides being guity, to explain that failure.
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