TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #16

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If someone calls NG tonight. Please ask about BO's phone call record. Who was Hailey talking to on the phone?
There's an old Spooky Tooth album called "You Broke My Heart So I Busted Your Jaw". In college I worked in a music store and I would cringe every time I saw it. Misogynist and unfunny IMO, but hardly original. Just creepy in context of everything we know.


Speaking of 'misogynistic', SA made some mighty twisted comments on that MM site... Can we post those to the case archive? Or does it need to be in MSM first? Mods? Thanks.
I think they met on myspace. I wonder if SA has had any past relationships with someone who could give insight into SA's sick obsessions, including any sexual fantasies.

Like the one whose jaw he claimed to have broken?
For those asking why CD didn't do anything. Look at how many people she had fooled. She is very good at deception........very. I'm sure she talked a good "game" when dealing with him.

The problem is that he had to have known the police were there and why. She couldn't cover that up. I know I live in a small town and things always get out.
:( After reading the affidavit, my fence has crumbled too. IMHO, HD did not walk out of the home as SA said. The drugs, failed lie detector tests have me convinced that SA either did this alone, or that BD knows in whole or in part what happened to her daughter. This reminds me of the Zahra Baker case in too many ways.


If someone calls NG tonight. Please ask about BO's phone call record. Who was Hailey talking to on the phone?

I doubt that info is available...or even if she was really on the phone that day. Right now, we don't know that she was even there by noon, or where the phone was.
ahh finally caught up...I have been thinking about what SA said about Hailey...and the mask and deep ties to BDSM ..Was he punishing her for being a "bad" girl
keep in mind and I havent read up on it one of the titles she printed was Good girl gone bad. Just a thought.. WHy would he only threaten to kill the 2 girls why now DD too?

Theres no doubt he wears the pants in that house BD barely weighs 100 lbs if that.

I think she does. She smarter and more manipulative.

I think the "fired", "big blow up at work", was the script she had given him to follow. He apparently isn't academy award material because he forgot his lines when it was time for his close up. IMO
Thoughts before I do self imposed time out to deal with RL :)

In respect to the affidavits- things that make me go hmm-

Wish the issue of how BD went to work Mon morning 12/27 are cleared up...
It sounds like BD and SA were in separate vehicles? What time did SA leave 'home' to go to work? IF he LEFT work at 6:10...and then she Went to work at 6:20 ...they could not have been together?

If BD 'worked' until 7pm 12/27- how is it she was using an ATM around 6:20 pm that same evening?

LE believes HD was home alone the morning of 12/27- BUT they do not say alive.... or not...

I am thinking Monday is when she went 'missing'

Beginning to sound like poor HD never really stood a chance....

Wonder if HD was passed over to someone else, to ahhh... dispose of?

Carry on good people of WS- FIND Hailey!!

Is there some kind of secret club these sick folks that commit crimes against children belong to??? I thought I heard it all with poor Zahra and that twisted tale.
Terri Horman's sexting hobby almost seems mundane now...
The problem is that he had to have known the police were there and why. She couldn't cover that up. I know I live in a small town and things always get out.

No doubt he knew, I'm just saying she probably downplayed it to him.
o/t but anyone getting any work done today at the old job??? I'm sure not...but need to be. I just can't believe all this came out. If Billie had anything at all to do with this, participation, cover up, etc. - then give the girl an emmy and academy award. Because you could have knocked me over with a feather.....

I haven't since this case broke...Ack!!!!
I was talking about why Clint moved in so close.............he also said something on NG, about he was always "looking over there".

I thought what he said was really ODD! & I wondered WHY?
I have even stopped associating with a few friends that still do indulge when I became a mom.

I always imagine my name and face splashed across the front page of my newspaper if I were to do anything wrong. If I dropped dead tomorrow, there is nothing in my home that would embarrass my son or my mother! That's just the way I roll:rocker:
When my sister dropped dead, we were shocked at the things found in her home and the secret life she'd been leading. She'd always passed herself off as the prim and proper one. Well she was not.

To add to the woe...the mother of my sister's DIL is the one who found the stuff...and proceeded to tell everyone who would listen what she'd found!!!

So I, too, live by the "if I dropped dead tomorrow" rule, because there is no way, no how I'm putting my family through the embarrassment of being informed by a virtual stranger that they found something "weird" in my home!
Trying to find a link for the presser at 4pm, does anyone know who is carrying it live?
The pings...

I think SA went back to the home, removed Hailey while it was still dark between 6:30-7:00 when the cell phone pinged continuously there. I think the next pings were left out (I'm sure LE has them) b/c they weren't relevant to the search warrants for the house, car, shed, etc. They may have been sealed if part of the ongoing search? Then he took a sleepy or drugged Hailey out of the house and disposed of (murdered...?) her or hid her before going to his mom's. He needed an alibi for the day so he hung out there for awhile. Then went back to the house to clean up and that's when DD came home.
oh no :( Trying hard to catch up, so much information, none of it being good, just infuriating.
& also, & this is where it becomes tricky, she obviously had custody, & the house, etc...there's only so much he could do. take her to court, & say they're 'abusing' his daughter? family judges hear that in almost every custody case, & assume it's said for retaliation purposes, or to get out of paying child support. & it usually is. & I read where a friend of hers, brought up his arrest record & living arrangements, & asked that Billie not be judged for his actions. lordy. Court would've been all about who could make the other look the worst. but, with that said, I'd like to ask people to not judge Clint, for Billie's actions. LE will get to the bottom of why Hailey was in that house. I hope.

Just to toss another perspective in there. On paper BD would certainly show as the more responsible person, and really, there would be a VERY small chance that CD could have gotten custody given his past criminal activities plus the sheer cost of attorneys....
Clint Dunn Says He Thinks Billie Wouldn't Hurt Their Daughter

Clint Dunn responded to questions after a KTXS News story Tuesday night that provided details of law enforcement findings in affidavits that were used to secure search warrants in the case.

“It scares me to death,” he said. “I didn’t sleep last night. I read the KTXS story a half dozen times.”

Connie Jones, Clint Dunn’s mother and Hailey’s grandmother, was asked whether, in her gut, she thought Hailey was alive.

She replied, “No.”

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