TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #18

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This sure wasn't thought out,the coat,shoes and anything to make it look like she walked out on her own.I'm wondering if she had the flipflops on in the house and we don't know for sure she even had flipflops on,that was just in the media.And if SA,if it was him,might have been trying to gather up some things to make it look like she had left or runaway and DD came home,so he couldn't gather things from her room,that's why SA looked startled.JMO
2008????????? She has to know that is not going to fly. What is she doing?
Was Clint suppose to be on?I hadn't checked her site to see if he was and hadn't heard anyone say.Maybe he just wants to pull back from doing interviews together until this is cleared up more.

Until tonight I hadn't seen a picture of Shawn or Clint. I assumed Clint was the one who said he has known Billie for 20 years and she would not do this. Am I mistaken?
The cell tower that SA's phone pinged on for 1/2 hour on Tuesday morning in Colorado City, as released in the affidavits today, was said to be the tower that a phone would ping off at the Dunn residence.

Would this same cell tower be the tower you would ping off, if you were at the Motel that the bloodhounds picked up Hailey's scent?

Since the motel is only blocks from Hailey's house, I'd say yes. Same tower.

Here's another thought about the pings: SA pinged off the Big Spring tower from 9:38 to 2:40pm - but he said he got back home to Colorado City at 3pm (and Hailey left at 3:15). So he drove from Big Spring to Colorado City in 20 minutes? Really? Hmmmmm.
I feel like an Olympic swimmer trying to keep up :panic:

I can't quote the comments in locked threads about BD discussing birth control with HD. She is wise to do so. The average age these days is 12.77 http://www.news-medical.net/news/20090818/1-in-4-children-between-11-16-report-having-sex.aspx .

I have discussed it with mine and will continue to do so. I won't be there when it happens and she needs to know about pregnancy and diseases. I am an older mother but not a stupid mother.

Please do not bury your head and think by telling them not to do it you will be effective. Tell them what you would prefer they do but don't bury your head. This will make you a grandma quick!

I find it hard to believe that the average age to lose one's virginity is 12.77. That means 50% of kids are having sex before age 12. Come on. I'm finding all different numbers when I search for "average age to lose one's virginity" but there is a survey taken by Durex who does a sex survey every year and it was 17.3 for the entire world. I'm 18 and 16-17 sounds more reasonable to me based on kids I know from high school. I would say that most people lose their virginity in high school; 12 years old is 6th grade. Anyone having sex at 10, 11, even 12 years old has poor self esteem and probably a horrible home life so I feel bad for them.
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I don't think she did. NG asked her if she left around 6:30, and BD just sort of agreed...

I remember BD specifically saying "around 6:30" she said SA left "around 5:30"
I'm 99% sure that is how it went. I'll watch again in 15 minutes though:seeya:
I would love to follow one case where the people surrounding/closest to the victim don't lie to LE. Until LE clears Billie, I'm not either; she has been untruthful in some areas, and that is always troubling. I can't gather as much sympathy as I should when I believe she has shown herself to be at least as concerned about SA as about Hailey at times.
Until tonight I hadn't seen a picture of Shawn or Clint. I assumed Clint was the one who said he has known Billie for 20 years and she would not do this. Am I mistaken?

No, you are correct, but my thoughts on that are maybe CD is having problems thinking she would do something just like BD is having with thinking SA would. Maybe his family convinced him he needs to step back and let all this sink in.
Since the motel is only blocks from Hailey's house, I'd say yes. Same tower.

Here's another thought about the pings: SA pinged off the Big Spring tower from 9:38 to 2:40pm - but he said he got back home to Colorado City at 3pm (and Hailey left at 3:15). So he drove from Big Spring to Colorado City in 20 minutes? Really? Hmmmmm.

Excellent catch.
Affidavits aren't LE's "speculations."

Correct - affidavits are sworn statements signed by the affiant.

Before the affiant signs the statement, they are given the opportunity to review the info in the affidavit, & to correct any mistakes.

By signing the affidavit, the affiant is testifying that all the information set forth in the document is accurate & true, under penalty of perjury, fine, or imprisonment.
I so wish that too. A perfect opportunity blown there.

Or how about what was Hailey wearing at 10pm the night before when she was in her room "watching TV"? Was she wearing something different than when she went missing? Would she have normally slept in the type of clothes that she was reportedly wearing on Monday when she went missing? Were there some PJ's tossed in her room that she wore to bed? Did she shower and change the next day?

I'd like to know what Hailey had on when DD saw her at 9:00. I'm sure he's told LE.
yikes I thought i was going to drown trying to catch up... I am on the teeter - totter again on BD..I really truly do not think she is directly involved..However I do feel she is responsible for the saftey of her children and she chose for him to be there..Someone like that doesnt wake up one day and say I want to be a freak..this is something thats been brewing for years. She had to have known he was a bit off.
I remember BD specifically saying "around 6:30" she said SA left "around 5:30"
I'm 99% sure that is how it went. I'll watch again in 15 minutes though:seeya:

What struck me as odd is Billy made the comment about checking on her before she left stating something along the lines of i checked on her to make sure she was safe........don't quote me but it was something very close to that and it struck me as VERY odd....I will take some Pepto so I can stomach watching NG again.....why would she have to check on her 12 old dtr in her own house to make sure she is safe at 6:30am? :waitasec:
The other thing and this makes me real uncomfortable. BD said she left for work at 6:30 a.m. Monday, cellphone pings put SA there at 6:35, just a few minutes difference.

Yes...Very creepy. Its like he timed it just right. It was his plan.
I'm from the midwest.. Iowa, I'm 30. We had LOTS of pregnant girls in my Jr. High (7th -9th grade). One girl in 8th grade even gave birth to twins. We had even more in HIgh school. We're talking 18 years ago.. things have GOT to be worse now. My almost 10 yr old knows QUITE a bit about the birds and bees at 8 he started asking me questions about things he heard other kids with older siblings talking about. It's never too early to talk about sex.
Since the motel is only blocks from Hailey's house, I'd say yes. Same tower.

Here's another thought about the pings: SA pinged off the Big Spring tower from 9:38 to 2:40pm - but he said he got back home to Colorado City at 3pm (and Hailey left at 3:15). So he drove from Big Spring to Colorado City in 20 minutes? Really? Hmmmmm.

I guess that depends on how far out from Big Spring you can get on the highway before it stops pinging the towers near there.

I'm wondering when it started pinging the tower close to the house again. LE knows his exact timeline I would think and knows if he was at or close to the house at 3pm.

Are there 2 vehicles involved? In the driving to work thing?
If there are 2 vehicles, why was Shawn with Billie after she got off work?
Wasn't it stated that he picked her up after she got off work?
Why, if they each had a vehicle?
What struck me as odd is Billy made the comment about checking on her before she left stating something along the lines of i checked on her to make sure she was safe........don't quote me but it was something very close to that and it struck me as VERY odd....I will take some Pepto so I can stomach watching NG again.....why would she have to check on her 12 old dtr in her own house to make sure she is safe at 6:30am? :waitasec:

I don't know but I do it all the time.
Are there 2 vehicles involved? In the driving to work thing?
If there are 2 vehicles, why was Shawn with Billie after she got off work?
Wasn't it stated that he picked her up after she got off work?
Why, if they each had a vehicle?

The only way this makes sense is if she had someone else give her ride IMO.
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