TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #19

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In the beginning, we had no evidence that BD was anything but a caring mom. A good sleuth follows where the evidence takes them. And for the 609769405 time, discussing evidence is not JUDGING. And speaking of hypocrites, talking about people judging others, is a form of judging others in itself eh?

Not to mention if you tell the truth the first time, there isn't anything to remember right?
As far as narrowing down where to search...didn't SA say HD could be found in Scurry County and the poly found that he was indeed telling the truth? I think I am remembering that correctly. If so, shouldn't Scurry County be the focus?

Do with think SA is telling the entire truth? If so, yeah - gung-ho.
But if he isn't.... wouldn't that be a bunch of people searching where she isn't at that time?
So many twists and so many questions. I hope they can bring Hailey home soon.

Regardless of her mother's poor judgment or choices in men she still is Hailey's Mom. So from that perspective I'll say this-if one of my kids went missing, I would need some heavy duty drugs to cope. I'd prolly have a few crazy skeletons in my closet (not literally of course) and many would look at my skills as a parent with a microscope. But I wouldn't give a *****. I would simply just want my baby back, because regardless of them being 20 or 15 they are still my babies.

I hope CD and BD get Hailey back. I wish I had resources that knew no bounds and could make this happen today. Just knowing this young lady is not comfortable at home makes my heart hurt.
I am wondering if SA's job posts the schedules on the wall as to who works what hours? If you find your hours are cut to part time, you might get disgusted and just walk off the job.
So here's my theory. Just my thinking out loud.

DEC 27, 2010
5:30am SA leaves for work
6:00am'ish SA snaps and leaves work
6:20 BD leaves for work
6:35 SA arrives back in Colorado City. Assumes that HD is still asleep. Goes to the home. Proceeds to abuse (however sick it was) HD. Can't assume how long.
9:30am SA leaves Colorado City to go to Big Spring to mom's house.
Sometime between 10:00-11:00am HD leaves the home to go do dad's house. Then for some reason comes straight back home. (based on a tip not followed up by LE)
2:30pm SA leaves Big Spring.
3:15pm SA goes to the home. HD is mad. Gonna tell. SA is mad. Doesn't want her to. SA subdues HD. Manages to hide her in the car.
4:00pm CD comes home to a locked house (probably not normal). Makes his way into the window where he sees SA ("deer in the headlights") probably cleaning up the mess from the scuffle. In order to not draw attention to himself from SA, CD acts like nothing ever happened.
AFTER 4:00pm SA leaves the home with HD bound in the vehicle. Now has 2 hours to hide or dispose of HD.
6:00pm SA picks BD up from work. SA most likely needs a "fix". They withdraw the money from the ATM to buy whatever is needed.
Return home as if nothing is wrong.

DEC 28, 2010
HD discovered to have not stayed at friends house and is nowhere to be found.

Any argument, deductions of conclusions are welcome. Again, just thinking out loud.
DD showed up to a locked house not CD....
Do with think SA is telling the entire truth? If so, yeah - gung-ho.
But if he isn't.... wouldn't that be a bunch of people searching where she isn't at that time?

Good point, maybe LE should send TES out on that area and then they can concentrate their efforts on other things. Just a thought!
Are there sex offenders in the area? If so have they all been checked out? tia
I know that we know they took his Mom's computer... but that might have been the only thing they had a warrant for.

Have his Mom and Grandma's houses been thoroughly searched and do they have cellars?

He wouldn't have to be leaving to go anywhere... or worry about leading them to her... and most importantly, he could be keeping her alive.

Ok, the Mask he bought was from the movie The Collector.

movie plot

"Clegg decides to add her to his 'collection' of pretty, petrified objects, in hopes that if he keeps her captive long enough, she will grow to love him. After careful preparations, he kidnaps Miranda by drugging her with chloroform and locks her up in the cellar of his house."


IMO The FACT he ordered & that MASK before she disappeared and the FACT he was THRILLED with it so much he had to leave detailed feedback about it on Jan7th. I can't help but think he maybe following that Movie PLOT....and following that plot....she's locked away somewhere.
I am working if SA's job posts the schedules on the wall as to who works what hours? If you find your hours are cut to part time, you might get disgusted and just walk off the job.

I've said it before and I'll say it again. It seems so weird they would watch him leave without saying "um where ya going" etc. I want his job if you can just roll out when ya want. Did he wear a uniform? Was he wearing it in the morning when he left the home? Was he wearing it when he got to his mothers? If no uniform then was he wearing the same clothes all day?
Are there sex offenders in the area? If so have they all been checked out? tia

There is a plethora of RSOs in the area where HD lives. LE has checked out many of them. I don't know about all.
Is there still the time frame between 7 & 9:30 am? I think they should also search between the Big Spring area and Odessa. Lots of shutdown oil properties over there and job losses due to the economy and plenty of time for SA to have driven that way from CC, and then get back to his mom's in Big Spring

The only problem is that that is all interstate and one would assume the cellphone would ping up and down that freeway with towers every few miles.

I think that LE is assuming that since SA pinged the cell in CC from 6:35 - 6:56 a.m. and then it pinged again in Big Spring that he wasn't smart enough to actually turn off the cell and actually went off the grid, which makes the area he indicates (Scurry CO, TX) or rougly the triangle between Snyder, CC, and Big Spring the more likely area to search. If he does go out of cell tower range at 7:00 a.m AND it takes about 35-45 minutes to get to Big Spring from either Snyder or CC, then he really only has about 100 minutes to do something if it was done in the morning. Add time to clean up and dispose, etc. You are really talking about 75-90 minutes or at most a 45 minute trip each way.

If this scenario is correct, Hailey would be found within 45 minutes from CC, IMO. I suspect the area from Dunn over to the highway from Snyder to Big Spring is a better area to search. If he didn't ping the cell phone during this time, assuming there are no towers along that highway, he probably returned, if he did something that other highway.
If the photos have been texted to another phone, yes, all data is stored on the phone vendors servers.

If the photos just remained on the phone, not sure. If they configured the phone to save to the SIM card, more than likley yes, if not, than I am not sure.

Like sherbetjello explained, I believe they can get them off the SIM card or off the hard drive: it's not 'erased' until something is saved on top of the physical space, just like a computer hard drive.
I am wondering if SA's job posts the schedules on the wall as to who works what hours? If you find your hours are cut to part time, you might get disgusted and just walk off the job.

Has this been stated that his hours were cut to part time?
Is there still the time frame between 7 & 9:30 am? I think they should also search between the Big Spring area and Odessa. Lots of shutdown oil properties over there and job losses due to the economy and plenty of time for SA to have driven that way from CC, and then get back to his mom's in Big Spring.

I still think LE knows where the cell phone pinged between that time. If not, then I think he turned it off for a reason, obviously, and just forgot to until he was headed for his destination with H in the vehicle... then he thought of turning off his phone or even removing the battery. Although, with the whole 'deleting calls' thing in front of LE, doesn't seem to me that he'd be smart enough to think of that. MOO
Pings Pings Pings Lots of talk nowdays about pings. Seems pretty strange that SA wouldn't be aware of that if he had gone home to do something illegal.

IDK you would think! but we see it over and over again, Kyron, Zahra and even in Haleigh Cummings.

I didn't even know what a sims card was until Caylee's case.
I've said it before and I'll say it again. It seems so weird they would watch him leave without saying "um where ya going" etc. I want his job if you can just roll out when ya want. Did he wear a uniform? Was he wearing it in the morning when he left the home? Was he wearing it when he got to his mothers? If no uniform then was he wearing the same clothes all day?
Did they take his clothing from that day?
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