TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #21

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IMHO I would HOPE CPS will be coming in soon and if DD isn't already out of the house, I hope he is taken from the home and given to a relative. I don't think IMHO she has to worry about caring for him much longer.

Until these allegations about BD that have been presented are proven to be true her son is probably staying where he is. He is also 16 years old and can make the choice of which parent he wants to live with.
I also noticed that NG said HE cut off contact with HER. I did think that was interesting.
oh carp. I am finally caught up on thread 20. Now I have to go to bed. Gotta get up at 7:00 to watch sick grandson. Doc. said today that he has strep throat. It is horrible! I haven't had it since I retired from teaching first grade. sorry O/T

I am wondering if Child
Protection Services will be involved? In Florida DD would be considered a child until he turns 18.

I am a Guardiam ad Litem. We are considered officers of the court and our job is to listen to and represent the Child. We get appointed to consider anything in the best interest of the child. Right now, my two cases are a 17 (almost 18) year old boy and a 14 year old boy who have both been taken from their moms and are wards of the state.
I attend all family court appearences and the judge always askes my opinion.

Is there a program like this in Texas? If so, someone needs to pay attention to DD. IMHO, he is still a child and someone needs to look out for his best interest.

My prayers go out to DD.

Dear God...Please being Hailey Home Alive!!
Until these allegations about BD that have been presented are proven to be true her son is probably staying where he is. He is also 16 years old and can make the choice of which parent he wants to live with.

Not true in the state of Iowa. I know of several children in the 14-17 age range who did NOT get to choose where they lived. The judge took their thoughts into account, but that was about it.
I don't believe she is under the house.

Sorry if this has been talked about as I am 40 pages behind! But has there been any speculation that SA might have needed something from his work to help dispose of the body? Or what other reasons he may have had for going to work and leaving after the soda other than putting in face time?

It doesn't sound like he was worried that people saw him leave though, that leads me to some other reason for him being there. Did he dump the body somewhere around there, get something he needed from his workplace or was he just out of it after killing her and went through the motions of going to work and then realized he needed to leave, go back and dispose of her?
I agree Gibby...Billie is trying so hard to skirt the drug issues, she comes off even worse, eyes going every which way but forward, etc...and then trying to pin it on LE, they lied in the affadavit, she is not lying now...yeah, right.
I also noticed that NG said HE cut off contact with HER. I did think that was interesting.

so does that translate to she's been calling and texting him and he won't respond?
I have lost my Thanks button...It happens to me every time I post. What's up with that?
IMO of what the grandmother stated that Hailey was scared of SA, I believe that is true and it was a few years ago. I think that the more SA was around the more comfortable she became with him. It does seem that HD never became completly comfortable with him.

I suspect that the getting a little closer to him was part of the grooming, he was getting her to trust him a little at time however making her scared to tell anyone that she was non trusting of him.

There are little girls and boys right now as we speak being molested in their own home, right under the parents nose. The parent doesnt know at time for years and years later. This is the way that these sicko's work. They do not want anyone to know.. IMO he wouldnt just atttempt to have sex with the little girl. It was somthing that had been happening slow and steady for a while. I think that this time she may have fought back or said she would tell on him.
I do not even think that her friends would know this was going on. I have friends years back that later on in out adult years told me of some things that were going on in their home.. i think back to when i was a teen and think.. that was one of my best friends how could i have NOT of known or why didnt she tell me back then.

In his indication that she was a good girl then stating she may have slept around a little.. why would he say that or have reason to say that. IF in fact he thought that he would of mentioned it to BD previous. I think he said that for the fact that in his mind she was sleeping around with him.. that is HIS mind saying sleeping around making her the quilty party.. in reality what he calls sleeping around we call RAPE.

I 100% think that SA did somthing horrible to HD. I think that he knows that he is on borrowed time and that perhaps he may even become scared and depressed and take his own life.. I hope they get him behind bars where he belongs and not give him the chance to take the coward's way out.
Guys, just a question as to what would be considered a pill popper?

See, I have an anxiety/panic disorder and take xanax regularly... half of a 0,25 mg dose a day. It's a very small amount. I also take an anti-depressant for my anxiety. Would I be considered a pill popper because I take prescription medication??
So much time has been wasted trying to get to the bottom of all of her inconsistencies, So much time. If she hadn't wasted all this time defending SA, how much farther would this investigation have been. And because of that it is starting to feel like deliberate stonewalling to me. Stonewalling to let evidence get destroyed.............
I don't believe she is under the house.

Sorry if this has been talked about as I am 40 pages behind! But has there been any speculation that SA might have needed something from his work to help dispose of the body? Or what other reasons he may have had for going to work and leaving after the soda other than putting in face time?

It doesn't sound like he was worried that people saw him leave though, that leads me to some other reason for him being there. Did he dump the body somewhere around there, get something he needed from his workplace or was he just out of it after killing her and went through the motions of going to work and then realized he needed to leave, go back and dispose of her?

He needed an alibi, but didn't count on his superviser seeing him is my guess.
so does that translate to she's been calling and texting him and he won't respond?

I think his lawyer clued him in that LE can actually retrieve text messages. I'm sure it was the lawyer who made him stop. I believe he is a little "obsessed" with BD.

Wasn't it her who said she tried to break up with him in Feb and he was harrassing her and saying she could never leave him or something like that? I guess that's what the fight was about and the charge.

So if she tried to break it off last February, could that be because she had heard the allegations that HD was making about SA scaring her? :waitasec:
I agree Gibby...Billie is trying so hard to skirt the drug issues, she comes off even worse, eyes going every which way but forward, etc...and then trying to pin it on LE, they lied in the affadavit, she is not lying now...yeah, right.

I get ooogy every time she talks... but your kitty's on the fence again. LOL

I believe the affidavit. If the affidavit is false, then Texas has some big shizzle up in it's hizzle.
IMHO I would HOPE CPS will be coming in soon and if DD isn't already out of the house, I hope he is taken from the home and given to a relative. I don't think IMHO she has to worry about caring for him much longer.

I don't think she ever did, not if her care for Hailey is an example... I think DD holds a lot of vital information that could lead to uncovering what happened to his sister. He is the only person that was probably at the house with only SA and Hailey on a regular basis. Listen to the bro...
oh carp. I am finally caught up on thread 20. Now I have to go to bed. Gotta get up at 7:00 to watch sick grandson. Doc. said today that he has strep throat. It is horrible! I haven't had it since I retired from teaching first grade. sorry O/T

I am wondering if Child
Protection Services will be involved? In Florida DD would be considered a child until he turns 18.

I am a Guardiam ad Litem. We are considered officers of the court and our job is to listen to and represent the Child. We get appointed to consider anything in the best interest of the child. Right now, my two cases are a 17 (almost 18) year old boy and a 14 year old boy who have both been taken from their moms and are wards of the state.
I attend all family court appearences and the judge always askes my opinion.

Is there a program like this in Texas? If so, someone needs to pay attention to DD. IMHO, he is still a child and someone need to look out for his best interest.

My prayers go out to DD.

Dear God...Please being Hailey Home Alive!!

Yes, there are guardian ad litems, but I don't believe they're used if cps decides to remove a child.
Here are my thoughts....BD is scared to death, so here is a list of some of what I think she is scared of...not in any particular order.

1. Losing her job

2. Losing her Son

3. With #1 in mind...Losing her home

4. Losing her child support for either child if they are living elsewhere or never found

5. The fact is that SA has already been documented with a police report to have said he would kill her and and Hailey, so I think that after living with him for somewhere between 4 months and say 3 years that she is very well aware of the temperament of this man, and I think it has finally sunk into her head that he has followed thru on part of that threat and has killed her Daughter, after all if SA was wanting to hurt CD emotionally then he would be able to kill 2 birds with 1 stone, If he did rape or molest Hailey before killing her, then that was 1 bird for him, and now seeing what this is doing to CD well there is bird 2...

I as many of the others on here for days have been trying to figure out if when BD is answering a question from NG and she is looking all around and playing word gymnastics if this is something she has been doing because she has been involved or if it is because is is trying really hard not to say something the wrong way, as to not bring SA to her own doorstep again and he could just as easily take out DD or BD or both, heck if he is going to prison for 1 and he is really that evil he may as well get the other 2, that may have been the only reason that she was keeping any kind of text going on with him is because then she could keep him at bay as well as show LE what he was saying to her...

6. Losing her freedom and spending time in Prison....

Regardless of which from above you pick I can't help but think that she is Scared to Death.

Please feel free to add to the list if you can think of anything I have missed.
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