TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #25

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"He used to be really happy inside, and you know that's gone," Floyd said. "I always knew he was a good man, but I never knew the quality of that man until I seen how he's gone through this. Anything he hears, he's trying to find his daughter and bring his daughter home. I'm really amazed at that."

With his girlfriend, NS, driving their deteriorating Mercury Cougar and their 3-month-old daughter in tow, Dunn is determined to continue his search for as long as it takes."


Bellyup - DD is putting on a brave face, but I know he is hurting badly. My daughter is his age, and is trying to look out for him in school, where the kids are brutal - as are the teachers.
My daughter has several times had to tell kids to STFU. I don't condone language like that from my kids, but in this case, I gave her a pass. Kids telling DD that his sister was famous, and asking horrible questions, and sometimes even accusing him of having something to do with it.
I had tried to get some people to set up a rotation of taking casseroles or something each night, so my daughter asked her FCCLA teacher if they could take something. The teacher agreed.
Then the story hit about the affidavits. The next morning, the teacher pulled my daughter aside, and told her that until everything was 'cleared up', they would not be helping the family in any way. The did give DD a $20 Sonic card.
Then, in one of her classes, the teacher took it upon himself to slam Billie, calling her names, accusing her of buying crack, and for several minutes was on a tirade. This was Friday. I will be filing a complaint with the superintendent. How dare the teachers comment on this as the authority figure in the classroom. My daughter said that you could have heard a pin drop.
This is a small town, and anything slightly scandelous always gets a lot of attention. You can imagine how Hailey's disappearance has rocked the town. You cant go anywhere without hearing rumors, speculation, and outright crap talking. So, multiply that 1000x in the high school. I feel so bad for DD. Not only is his sister missing, but he has to hear people calling his mom every name in the book.

This makes me so MAD :furious:
Can Billie or Clint look into DD finishing his studies this year at home or at least until what happened to Hailey is known? Usually the schools have things set up for kids in "special circumstances" (ie ; major illness, broken bones, etc.) I think this would qualify. To be truthful, it would probably be better if his dad (Clint?) looked into it .... if the schools are treating Billie in that way they probably won't be very receptive to her.
The principal should also man/woman up and put a statement out to the kids that says ANYONE found to be attacking the family even verbally will be met with a STRICT no tolerance policy. INCLUDING teachers. :furious:
"He used to be really happy inside, and you know that's gone," Floyd said. "I always knew he was a good man, but I never knew the quality of that man until I seen how he's gone through this. Anything he hears, he's trying to find his daughter and bring his daughter home. I'm really amazed at that."

With his girlfriend, NS, driving their deteriorating Mercury Cougar and their 3-month-old daughter in tow, Dunn is determined to continue his search for as long as it takes."



Thank you for this Kimster. IMO, this is how parents of a missing child are supposed to act.
This makes me so MAD :furious:
Can Billie or Clint look into DD finishing his studies this year at home or at least until what happened to Hailey is known? Usually the schools have things set up for kids in "special circumstances" (ie ; major illness, broken bones, etc.) I think this would qualify. To be truthful, it would probably be better if his dad (Clint?) looked into it .... if the schools are treating Billie in that way they probably won't be very receptive to her.
The principal should also man/woman up and put a statement out to the kids that says ANYONE found to be attacking the family even verbally will be met with a STRICT no tolerance policy. INCLUDING teachers. :furious:

This is completely uncalled for. I know for a fact it would not be tolerated in a second in our small school district. I have friends in administration and on the board and they would throw staff on their ear if they did such things. :furious:
I can't hardly read about Clint.

Let me tell you guys, it doesn't get any better for those who love the missing. My friend Kathy, mom of Jennifer Wix, says it never goes away. The heartache continues



I have a loved one, who innocently enough after an accident, became addicted to narcotic pain meds. He would lie right to your face about it, or about how much he was taking, how much money he spent on it.... He was not the person he had once been. It was hard to tell when he was on them, not so hard when he wasn't due to the irritability, anger, and general withdrawals. There is treatment for this type addiction, and thankfully he got help.
My point: An addict becomes very skilled at lying. They can look you square in the face, not blink an eye, and lie to you. IMHO - I think it is very very possible that both BD and SA are addicted to narcotic pain meds.

brownies, I agree with you 110% on this. Unfortunately, I got to see this very phenomenon up close and personal a few years ago when a close friend became addicted to crack.

There are liars, there are d@mned liars...and then there are addicts.
I can't hardly read about Clint.

Let me tell you guys, it doesn't get any better for those who love the missing. My friend Kathy, mom of Jennifer Wix, says it never goes away. The heartache continues




I cannot imagine the anguish of not knowing.

Watching my husband process the murder of his mother it is such a life altering and painful thing. While we know who killed her there have been no charges nor conviction.

Just the passing of anniversaries, birthdates that come and go, life milestones, stumbling across photos.... when we decorate the tree I know seeing the ornaments she sent us before she died may completely change the tone of the night. May bring the whole event to a screeching halt. It is always looming in the shadows.

Imagining what he would deal with if he didn't know where she was or how long he would have searched the woods for her body. I honestly think it would have destroyed him.
I just want to say that could also be part of the trust issue between Billie and LE. She knows for sure she told the truth to the public when she said that she flunked the poly and essentially LE called her a liar to MSM.

This doesn't excuse anything but I would now wonder if things in the affidavit are lies by LE if i remembered things differently.

just a thought..and why there is such tension between them even if she has nothing to do with it. And lets be honest, they did make quite a point of how they never told her the results of the LDT and actually were angry with her in my view..its how it came across.

They lied about the poly. And they know they lied about the poly. Lay people generally don't know about the phrase "deception detected". Law enforcement gave Dunn that term. She's not that saavy and she wouldn't have known it otherwise. Remember how she kept saying she'd failed and then a few days later when pressed on NG she used that phrase. That's when the expert on NG knew she'd been told. That's when I knew she'd been told. (I've been boxed many times)

And don't make me tear the affidavits apart. Nobody here wants Dunn and Adkins coming across as victims. You were correct in your original post. Local law enforcement has some serious problems. I can only hope that the Texas Rangers and the FBI can clean this up and find this child.

I can't hardly read about Clint.

Let me tell you guys, it doesn't get any better for those who love the missing. My friend Kathy, mom of Jennifer Wix, says it never goes away. The heartache continues




I can attest to that. Even though I'm not related, I lost two good friends to the hands of a murderer when we were teenagers decades ago. I have not forgotten them, nor have I failed to think of their families often. It still hurts that the murderer of these two lovely girls has gone free all these years.

To be a loved one of a missing person, a missing child, must be a terrible burden. Always looking, always wondering..... Their lives must be so burdened.

As the mother of a deceased child (not murdered), the loss is great, and all one can do is learn to live with the absence. At least I know where my child is. I can't begin to imagine the pain of the ones who've lost their family members to abduction or murder and the bodies never recovered. That's why I come to this website, hoping to find justice for every family member and victim who has been destroyed by the actions of _________ (fill in the blank).

Many thanks to Tricia and the moderators for this wonderful website.
thank you! But what about the XBox?

I find it highly unlikely that ANY MEDIA outlet anywhere would edit out a missing child's mother's pleas for her to come home or if she directly speaks to the child. They just don't do that. For one reason, if the parents/ extended family / friends of the family know there was a plea for the child - they would be FURIOUS that it wasn't shown.

Maybe if she would talk more about Hailey and how much she loves her and the little things she misses about her daughter and what they would do together or how it upset her last night because she made one of Hailey's favorite dinners, SOMETHING instead of "she's not in my house", then I might try to understand. But for now, I'm sorry, BD is not getting any kind of "pass" from me on anything. Not until LE announces that she has been completely cleared.

The reporters edit their own tapes, and if they personally don't "like" a family member, or believe they had something to do with the crime then YES, it is possible they would edit out a mother's plea to her child. Don't put anything past the media, they are as sly and cunning as you could ever imagine.
My son has been with LE for 20 years. He recently told me that for LE, the media can be your best friend, or your worst enemy, depending on how the wind blows. He told me about a case they were working on a few years back, when the media released some info that they were not supposed to, and it eventually got the whole case thrown out and the perp walked. And that is one reason why LE sometimes keeps their information private.
Believe it or not, the media does not care about missing kids, all they care about is ratings and getting their stories out there first. Some reporters still have some integrity, but many do not.
Regarding potential eye witnesses, I’m sure others on here have a lot more examples of this, but I think of a case I followed where a teenage girl was abducted. Two separate parents who knew her and knew what she looked like, came forward and said they saw her the morning she went missing, walking near her school (with some additional details). It was in a police affidavit and repeated by media as the case went on. When the man who abducted and murdered her was finally apprehended, he confessed to investigators and showed them where he abducted her from. It turned out she never made it anywhere near her school that morning. The eye witnesses, who had good intentions, were simply mistaken about seeing her that day.

So I always keep this in mind now when I hear about eye witnesses.

So many eye witnesses have good intentions but like you I do not put a lot of stock into them. Whenever there is a missing person on the news or something of the sort the police get tons of calls from people saying they saw so-n-so here-there-and-everywhere. Even when the missing person has been located they will still get sightings. People want to help but sometimes their memory invents things.
I cannot imagine the anguish of not knowing.

Watching my husband process the murder of his mother it is such a life altering and painful thing. While we know who killed her there have been no charges nor conviction.

Just the passing of anniversaries, birthdates that come and go, life milestones, stumbling across photos.... when we decorate the tree I know seeing the ornaments she sent us before she died may completely change the tone of the night. May bring the whole event to a screeching halt. It is always looming in the shadows.

Imagining what he would deal with if he didn't know where she was or how long he would have searched the woods for her body. I honestly think it would have destroyed him.

I am so sorry.
This is not directed toward CZ or salvarenga, I just chose this post as a jumping off point...

The affidavits that were released, although they are "sworn statements" are NOT the sworn statements of BD or SA. They are the sworn statement of the LEO whose name appears on the first page.

This is an outstanding point. Not to mention, the person whose "sworn statements" are in one of the affidavits, was never present for any of the interviews. As is pointed out, this is not the sworn statement of Dunn or Adkins and if it was, you would see their signatures affixed to it. I would also like to point out that what Adkins might consider "boy crazy", officer A may call "promiscuous". And what the police label a "party", Dunn might consider "a family visit".

It's all about interpretation...

The reporters edit their own tapes, and if they personally don't "like" a family member, or believe they had something to do with the crime then YES, it is possible they would edit out a mother's plea to her child. Don't put anything past the media, they are as sly and cunning as you could ever imagine.
My son has been with LE for 20 years. He recently told me that for LE, the media can be your best friend, or your worst enemy, depending on how the wind blows. He told me about a case they were working on a few years back, when the media released some info that they were not supposed to, and it eventually got the whole case thrown out and the perp walked. And that is one reason why LE sometimes keeps their information private.
Believe it or not, the media does not care about missing kids, all they care about is ratings and getting their stories out there first. Some reporters still have some integrity, but many do not.

BBM-I think this statement is true of any profession.
Originally Posted by Kimster
I read that they do lie to the media at times in order to help their case. I know I've read that in at least one book by Ann Rule. Hold on and I'll go see if I can find an instance.
Lying to the media and lying in a sworn statement..apples and oranges. One is perfectly legal, the other is not.

Not to push anyone's buttons here, but hasn't there been an awful lot of condemnation of BD for lying to the media (and US! How dare she lie to US!) even if she is being honest with LE (hence, inconsistencies).

Why doesn't "One is perfectly legal, the other is not." excuse her as well?
Not to push anyone's buttons here, but hasn't there been an awful lot of condemnation of BD for lying to the media (and US! How dare she lie to US!) even if she is being honest with LE (hence, inconsistencies).

Why doesn't "One is perfectly legal, the other is not." excuse her as well?

I don't think Dunn owes us or the public at large a darn thing. All she's doing is asking for help finding her daughter. That doesn't equate to us digging into her private life or passing judgement on her. I know people will disagree with me, but it doesn't. That's for the police to deal with. Our job is just to look for that child.

Not to push anyone's buttons here, but hasn't there been an awful lot of condemnation of BD for lying to the media (and US! How dare she lie to US!) even if she is being honest with LE (hence, inconsistencies).

Why doesn't "One is perfectly legal, the other is not." excuse her as well?

And btw, well said!
Well, I guess I lied about stepping away....

Concerning Billie's emotions - IMHO, she is struggling to hold it together, stone faced both because she is nervous about being on TV (I know I would be) and if she lets go of her emotions, she will be a bawling mess. I can see the toll it takes on her to get through the interviews, but then again, I know her and how she is. Plus, you have to take into consideration that she is on RX ativan - although I do not know for sure if she is taking it during the day or only for sleep.

I completely understand what you all are saying, and I can see how a lot of you may think that she is just unemotional period.

I have thought about telling her to just let go of her emotions, but I don't, for several reasons - including the fact that if she did now, then everyone would just think that she has decided to 'put on a show'. It's like she just can't win.

As far as pleading for Hailey's return, she has - over and over and over. Some of it is just not played by the media.... I don't know why, unless they, like some of you, have decided that she is guilty, and just dont.

After the last NG show, I did finally tell her that I felt like she was given an opportunity to just run with whatever she wanted.... but she froze up. I told her that maybe she should write out everything she wanted to say, to be able to get it all out, and that I was sure that people would understand that she had trouble collecting her thoughts while under such stress.

We have also talked about a press conference, but have gone back and forth on it. I know that a very nice woman from the local radio station interviewed her yesterday, and was going to give her an opportunity to make a statement, but I haven't heard it - if y'all can believe it, the only radio I have is in my vehicle. I guess I need to ask when it is running next and go sit out there and listen to it.

I guess I wish that with everything else going on, all the accusations, everyone could at least give her a pass on this. I know that if I was in Billie's situation, and I went on a national TV show, I would either have to have no emotion or would be a hot mess, and unintelligible. No in between.

BBM. In addition to the possibility of Ativan causing the flat affect, I can speak from my experience that as an introvert (in the true Myers-Briggs sense) it is nearly impossible for me to summon emotion when I am in the middle of a stressful event, as my brain processes things differently.

Introverts make up about 1/4 of the general population, and are often perceived by extroverts as being emotionless, when the reality is that our emotions are running too deeply for us to express. If I were on the spot on national tv as Billie is, trying to make sense of something so huge, my choices would be to under-react or over-react, and since over-reacting would get me nowhere, you would all probably think I was feeling nothing at all.
Extroverts can think while they speak, whereas an introvert needs to process a thought completely before speaking, so sometimes it looks like we are trying to concoct a story, when actually we are mentally reviewing all relevant factors to make sure we aren't mis-speaking.

I have no knowledge of BD's personality type, but I want to put this out there as I know if I were in her situation it's entirely possible that I would come across in the media as strangely as Billie seems to, while being entirely innocent of any wrong-doing and desperate to have my daughter back.
In reference to discussion on the polygraphs:
From what I have read (years ago) about lie detector tests, they work something like this-
Three types of questions are asked.
1) questions that LE already knows the answer to, such as "is your name John Smith."
2) questions that ask about crimes unrelated to the crime they are questioning about, such as "have you ever lied on your taxes" or "have you ever stolen anything?"- a person innocent of the crime related to questioning would probably be nervous about these questions and may show signs of deception, where a person who has committed the crime would probably not respond as nervously to these statements, knowing that the real trouble is yet to come.
3)questions directly related to the crime. "do you know what happened to so-and-so?" An innocent person may also be nervous during these questions, feeling guilt that maybe they DO know something, but would have probably also responded similarly to the other questions about unrelated wrongdoings. A guilty person may only respond nervously about the major crime.
This is only what I have read in the past.
Based on that, I have wondered if LE told BD that her polygraph showed deception which led her to believe that she failed, hoping that she would start giving them more info on SA.
LE lies to people all the time to try to get a confession out of them. I don't think BD has any idea where Hailey is. JMO.
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