TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #29

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Do we know the contents of the text or just what time it was sent??? TIA!! I really am trying to keep up. LOL
We don't know IF that text has been confirmed - BUT, more importantly WHERE did that phone ping when that text was sent!

SA could very well have had BD/HD's cell with him and that text is pinging out in Big Spring. We just don't know.
I wonder if they have checked out all guests that were staying in the motel around the time of HD's disappearance. I am thinking that one of SA's little mask buddy's might have been staying there to be part of the plan.
Representatives from two private missing children's organizations have arrived in Colorado City to help in the search for 13-year-old Hailey Dunn – KlaasKids and the Laura Recovery Center.

Brad Dennis, the Director of Search Operations for KlaasKids Foundation’s National Search Center for Missing Children said he would be meeting with law enforcement throughout the day as well as Hailey's mother, Billie Dunn. Dennis said he hoped to formulate a plan for how his group can assist in the search by the end of the day.
The Laura Recovery Center, based outside Houston in Friendswood, Texas, organizes community-based searches using very specific mapping and communication techniques.


FINALLY! And Thank God. I hope this helps to move things forward!
Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, and I respect that. So, IMO, when SA brought sex and possible drug use in a further description of Hailey to LE, pretty much sealed my opinion. Correct me if my information is wrong, but from everything I have read about those who sexually abuse children, they will basically "put the child down" so to speak - make the child look imperfect - make it look like the child was "promiscuous", "wanted it". AND.....for a man to state "she loved me with all her heart" really threw up red flags for me. Sounds to me like he lived in his own little fantasy when it came to HD. I mean seriously think about that: Hailey loved her moms boyfriend with all her heart? SMH! Ive seen photos of HD posing with brother, mom and SA; Ive also seen photos of her posing with dad, and with dads girlfriend. The contrast in her facial expressions appears so drastic! I can see the happiness in one, the "ok, Ill smile for your picture" in the other. And of course.... this all just my opinion.
epresentatives from two private missing children's organizations have arrived in Colorado City to help in the search for 13-year-old Hailey Dunn – KlaasKids and the Laura Recovery Center.

An organized search party will head out Wednesday, meeting at the Colorado City Civic Center in the morning. Volunteers must be 18 years or older, in good health, and dressed properly for the weather and terrain.

Brad Dennis, the Director of Search Operations for KlaasKids Foundation’s National Search Center for Missing Children said met with law enforcement throughout the day to formulate the search plan.
The Laura Recovery Center, based outside Houston in Friendswood, Texas, organizes community-based searches using very specific mapping and communication techniques.


I got caught giving my favorite boots..er...reporter toooo much info and they made me take it back. :floorlaugh:


That just not a smilies!! I was really on the floor :floorlaugh:
you guys... not speculating too too much.. but I think NG's bombshell may be the "nacho platter" we were talking about earlier...
you guys... not speculating too too much.. but I think NG's bombshell may be the "nacho platter" we were talking about earlier...

Ya, I'm thinking so too. Nothing she has deemed 'BOMBSHELL' in the past has ever really ended up being BOMBSHELL by the time the show comes on...
O/T but everytime I see this guy - he looks so much like the ex-director of the National Hurricane Center (Max Mayfield) I can't help but think its Max. Max is a god down here. He's taken us through so many storms and he's now a weather consultant for a local news channel. Just google Max to see a pic and tell me these two don't look like brothers.
So all of these new sightings and texts made me rethink my theories. I am trying to think of how else she could have goner missing other than SA nabbing her early Monday morning.

I discount the runaway theory, sadly. She took nothing and wasn't old enough and savvy enough to stay so hidden for so long.

I don't think she went to meet a new bf or internet friend because a 13 yr old girl would not have gone for such a meeting in sweat pants and a t and flip flops. She wasn't dressed for meetin up with a guy imo. Not even dressed for a sleepover because before the sleepover I am sure the plans included meeting up with other kids somewhere and she would want to be 'cuter' than sweats and a plain t. That is my experience with girls , especially 'boy crazy' ones.

If in fact she was home at 3 and left for her Dad's at 3;15 then what happened?
The gf said she never arrived at CD's --correct?
So either she was nabbed while crossing the way to his home or she lied to SA about going over there.

People have said she did usually go over there every day so why didn't she?
We don't know enough about what went on there that day. Perhaps no one was home and one of CD's acquaintances was there instead, like the RSO, and took her someplace quickly. I would hope LE already checked out that possibility. But I feel that the fathers house, even with the pot smoking, was more of a haven for her than a dangerous place.

I think it is more likely that it comes back to SA,just later than I first thought.

for those late coming in my definition of the "nacho platter" is Kamfer saying

1)nothing found at landfill
2)we cannot disclose the results of the search
3)evidence has been found
4)no.. nothing has been found
5) nothing has been found YET...

epresentatives from two private missing children's organizations have arrived in colorado city to help in the search for 13-year-old hailey dunn – klaaskids and the laura recovery center.

an organized search party will head out wednesday, meeting at the colorado city civic center in the morning. volunteers must be 18 years or older, in good health, and dressed properly for the weather and terrain.

Brad dennis, the director of search operations for klaaskids foundation’s national search center for missing children said met with law enforcement throughout the day to formulate the search plan.
the laura recovery center, based outside houston in friendswood, texas, organizes community-based searches using very specific mapping and communication techniques.

for those late coming in my definition of the "nacho platter" is Kamfer saying

1)nothing found at landfill
2)we cannot disclose the results of the search
3)evidence has been found
4)no.. nothing has been found
5) nothing has been found YET...


SNORT!:floorlaugh: I've GOT to start going to the bathroom BEFORE I read your posts.
O/T but everytime I see this guy - he looks so much like the ex-director of the National Hurricane Center (Max Mayfield) I can't help but think its Max. Max is a god down here. He's taken us through so many storms and he's now a weather consultant for a local news channel. Just google Max to see a pic and tell me these two don't look like brothers.
Max is from OKC originally. Is K originally from Texas? They could be related in some form or fashion. (Not trying to sleuth either one of 'em...this is just the "suthun way," i.e., "oh, is so-and-so so-and-so's third cousin from down in Podunk County?")
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