TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #34

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Did Hailey start wearing her Christmas earrings as a fact?
or did she just have them showing them off?
Did SA buy the earrings for Hailey for Christmas?
Then she only had them for a day or so?
She went missing ...........2 weeks???

Fact, you want fact? LOL
I think the red earring is a red herring,actually to try to take focus off SA,who is the suspect for a reason.If Hailey was seen at noon with this child,SA still said he saw her at 3pm.He still lied about where all he was that day,as evidence with the cellphone pings.
One thing Mark K. said about Hailey possibly being scooped up off of the street and into a truck...of course it is possible, but from her description she is the size of a small adult, about my size in fact, and I can't see that being such a simple thing to do, not an simple as he made it sound. I think Mark may be taking this case a little too personally, I hope he is not being sucked into one side or the other. Personally I think whoever took/hurt Hailey is connected to her thru one or the other of her parents.
CD and his GF had to move out after Hailey went missing, so it was recent. Plus, she had only been wearing the earrings for about two weeks, and SA said she had them on when she left the house.

I thought she got the earrings for Christmas...if so, she would only have had them in a day??? or maybe she hadn't yet put them in??? Or put them in and they hurt so took them out???

Unless they find the other one in her ear, I'm not sure this is really important. We know she was there...there should be a lot of evidence she was in that house.
Would a cell phone ping off the same Chestnut Tower as SA's phone did, if it was located at CD's house?

I think it would, as well as many other locations in town around the tower.

The thing that is so suspicious: SA not telling BD about not being at work that day until later, telling LE he was fired or had a fallen out and quit, and lying about going straight to his mom's.

I think that LE assumes he went back to BD's house where Hailey was alone but can't prove it. They are now having to tie him to the case via other evidence. MOO
I can't let go of the dogs tracking her towards the dads' then turning in the direction of the friends.
Something about this sighting is bothering me - the one with Hailey and the little boy. Either:

1) LE believes it and is keeping a lot more evidence under wraps as far as who they suspect. Even if it's true, it doesn't mean the boy's father had anything to do with it. All if proves is that Hailey was fine/alive at noon on Monday.


It means a little bit more than that imo. Here is why I think it is important.

CD's gf first said HD came by that day, then said NO, she didn't.
But IF the hairdresser is correct, HD was seen walking with her little stepbrother monday morning. So that would tell us that she DID go to her dads that day.

So maybe she did actually go to her dads at 3:15 and met up with some trouble she was not expecting.

The earring could be important because it is not the kind that falls out easily or is taken out at night time.
If she had lost it on Christmas day I think she would have told her mom because you cannot keep one gauge in and one out. She would have said something I think.

So imo it was either planted to frame CD OR it came out when she was jumped on MondAy afternoon.
One thing Mark K. said about Hailey possibly being scooped up off of the street and into a truck...of course it is possible, but from her description she is the size of a small adult, about my size in fact, and I can't see that being such a simple thing to do, not an simple as he made it sound. I think Mark may be taking this case a little too personally, I hope he is not being sucked into one side or the other. Personally I think whoever took/hurt Hailey is connected to her thru one or the other of her parents.

However, there isn't enough evidence to indict anyone. Therefore, I feel is just wise to keep looking at others. To focus on one person may be to the detriment of finding Hailey.
IMO, the hairdresser's story with details completely checked out, except it was on Sunday instead of Monday.

The woman had a client. Her "salon" is in the back of her house. She claims she doesn't do hair on Sunday. Wonder if she has an appointment book or a calendar where she writes in appointments. :waitasec:
Been away all day mostly daughter fell and hit her head and has a mild concussion can someone give me a couple highlights while i go to thread 32 to start catching up?
Well... Billie said she had been wearing them for about two weeks.

Maybe you (or someone) can help me here. Were the earrings a Christmas present or did she have them for 2 weeks? I didn't hear every word BD said tonight because I was trying to keep up with this board at the same time. tia
Yeah, that "witness abduction" criteria has to go. IMO. If a child is lost, call out the guards!!

There does need to be some other sort of ALERT...but Amber Alerts are specifically on the highways and specifically give a description of a VEHICLE to be on the look out for.
I thought she got the earrings for Christmas...if so, she would only have had them in a day??? or maybe she hadn't yet put them in??? Or put them in and they hurt so took them out???

Unless they find the other one in her ear, I'm not sure this is really important. We know she was there...there should be a lot of evidence she was in that house.

I have no idea when she got them, but Billie said she had been wearing them for about two weeks. I agree - Hailey was there all the time. As far as where this 'earring' is leading to, it is yet TBD. It could take the case everywhere or nowhere.
Maybe you (or someone) can help me here. Were the earrings a Christmas present or did she have them for 2 weeks? I didn't hear every word BD said tonight because I was trying to keep up with this board at the same time. tia

I can't rewatch NG until Patty puts up the video. I swear she said two weeks... Anyone else?
except for CD's house was searched,if there was any sign of something happening there,they would have found it.
I think it's all getting to the literal part again with the explanation that the state hasn't taken custody. If I understand it all correctly, the state doesn't actually "take custody" just by placing a child with a relative. They always try to find a relative to take them first, and will take custody if they are going to have to do another placement. If they stay over a certain amount of time with the relative and parents are unfit, they will help the relatives to obtain custody.

Also...so, SA says what type earrings Haylie was wearing when she left the house? I think it's hogwash for anyone to cast suspicion on this other guy just because SA is so above suspicion in some people's eyes.
I am glad that BD found a safe place for her son to stay. If there are threats and/or people driving by calling and yelling names that is no place for a child to be and from what I gather LE does not like to respond to her calls... they acted as if she was a major nuisence on the Feb. 14th call.. Why should BD feel protected when there is no one that seemed to take her serious.

The LE in this little town seems to be like Mayberry USA... good ole' boys taking care of their own. It seems to me that a female calling in regards to a male threat is nothing more to them as somthing to chuckle at and disturb their time that the tax payers are paying for.

I wouldnt doubt it if the same officer annoyed on the dispatch call could be the same one who told her SA failed the poly.
The dispatch call proves that they are not in tip top shape in the LE there.
IMO I think this is a "red hearrin" iffen ya ask me.

These gauge earrings do fit tight - after all you are stretching a hole you put in your skin. As for taking them out - you're not supposed to..............but

My daughter wanted her lip pierced. We told her no - when you're 18 then you can stick holes anywhere you want them - lol. So...............she did it herself, on the sly, in her bedroom! :eek: She got away with it for about a week because she had been wearing a "fake" one and I caught it when she was talking.

Anyway,,,,,after that I made sure she took care of it (and she was grounded for quite a while). Her gf's had given her the "studs" or whatever they're called so she could move from hole to hole to get to the size she wanted.

She even has "hoops" that looked just like they showed.

Point I'm trying to make. She took it out - occasionally - to clean it, to eat certain things, etc.

It very well could be that while Hailey was at CD's on Xmas day and night that she took them out to play with the baby. Babies pull hair and especially like earrings. Her ears might have been a little sore and she just took them out while she played with the baby.

One got knocked under the couch and Hailey didn't realize that she lost one until later after she got home and went to put them back in. She probably tore that house apart. BD and SA would have known that one of those earrings were missing and it sure wasn't at THAT house. That's probably why Hailey was going over to CD's on Monday - to look for that earring.

While CD and DD are lifting the couch to move it out - POOF - there's the earring.

Mystery solved. But that's just my humble opinion on what could have happened and living with a teen with a piercing. I find these things ALL OVER THE HOUSE now. In the washing machine where they come out of a pocket that she forgot she put it in. On the dining room table. In the kitchen - EVERYWHERE. So, I just think all this earring talk is actually red hearring talk - KWIM?
My opinion about the earrings.......IF...SA was going to "plant" something at CD's house....It would be MORE significant/more DAMNING..... than an earring....(BTW..I am NOT defending SA)

The earring could be there at CD's house.....for many reasons....

She had been at her Dad'd....after she got them..
She could have playing with the baby and took it/removed it/got caught in her hair/
She could have taken it out herself...for a reason..perhaps put it in her hoody/pocket and it fell out...

SA's word...is not reliable
BD's MEMORY...is not reliable...

The fact that she had gotten them for Christmas....and as someone here mentioned..she would be anxious to find them...

We are only hearing this story ....by one side...by B and S...
There may be more to it...and just tossed out there...to derail ongoing suspicion
I believe the LE......and they are working HARD to solve this case...

But...this may lead in another direction...if additional facts...are discovered...IMO
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