TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #37

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To me it looked like BD had notes tonight and that getting the message to HD that she didn't have her phone to call 911. She wants HD to know she doesn't have her phone and that she realizes she might not be able to write down or memorize her new number so reminds HD of 911. I honestly believe BD has been worried that HD wouldn't understand her phone always going to voicemail. CZ told us early on she and BD were calling that number and checking to see if anyone was monitoring it in case HD called. I think after telling HD to call 911 BD simply got flustered in her comments and seemed confused towards the end and just hushed without saying the rest of what she probably had prepared to say. moo

Well here I am at midnight watching the reruns of Nancy Grace....

DH is in bed and I will have to creep under the covers so that he will not know how late I am sitting up!

Does Billie give the phone number for her new phone? Guess I will just wait and see.

Question...Can we tag info on a thread that has been closed???

I wanted someone to tag post #82 in the last thread.... that showed the YouTube video of the searchers at the bridge with Clint...It was also interesting to see the info from the Klass searchers giving directions to the searchers. I can't believe that they have to look out for rattlesnakes and wild hogs! OMG

I sure hope I haven't said anything that has upset another poster. I don't even know how to hit the alert button...Where is IT? (not that I would use it because I respect that everyone on here has their own private feelings and opinions!!!)

Well SA had to have locked those doors. He knew BD wasn't coming home - he had to go pick her up. So, the only logical conclusion is that he was locking "the kids" out. Now, according to SA Hailey had left headed off to MB's - so he had to have been locking DD out. Why would SA want to lock DD out?
Still on and off the fence about BD. But I have to say, she's had inconsistencies and if she were lying, she's not a good liar.

I have to wonder about these earrings that have been talked about. If she was involved in Hailey's disappearance, wouldn't that be one lie she could have said to cover up? She says that she's not absolutely sure that Hailey did have those earrings on. She could have said she was positive Hailey was wearing them and let an investigation run that way.

As I said though, I am on and off the fence about her. What I am not impressed by is her caring more about SA's feelings and worried about their relationship then putting all the cards on the table about her home life and Hailey. Unless she really has done this to LE and this is all a game on NG for the sole purpose of hopefully SA spewing to her what he has done.

Nancy should be asking questions about that particular night that Hailey was supposed to be sleeping over at a friend's place. Was SA particularly nervous and different? How about the next day? And wth did go on on that Tuesday? Why has no one asked about if SA upped and went to work as normal when he had actually walked out the day before? Why isn't any of this info about this day coming out? Why is NG not asking about this day? I don't get this.
i missed the last nancy grace, my tv recorded some other show. but if someone could please post the link to it id realy appreciate it.
love the deer :floorlaugh:
IMO The only thing that makes sense to me if she is indeed deceased witht the sightings of the Salon lady...is that She was killed between 12:30 and 3:15 and what DD walked in on was Clean up

I keep wondering what happened much later that night and the next day or two.

What if SA left the phone at the house or at his mother's while he took Hailey somewhere and locked her up? He really didn't need long at all if you consider that, and no clean up yet.

I wonder if he left work abruptly and went to the spot to make sure it was all ready, fantasize, etc. He was excited about his plan, imho.
Wait a minute!! Wasn't there OUTRAGE when LE 1st treated this as a runaway?? Billie INSISTING it couldn't be true?? Well....what changed, Billie?? Failed poly and love of your life named a suspect?? NOW you say no evidence of foul play. What does that leave?? Runaway. How convenient. :innocent::sick:

Isn't it sad that this "run away scenario" is our best hope now?
What was the sulfuric acid mentioned about? I missed that.
Nah, I changed my mind. I really want to know more details about Monday night. I don't think I'd get any real truthful answers about Sunday night from this group. So, I'll narrow it down to Monday night. Hailey (supposedly at MB's); DD home; SA and BD get home probably around 8 - 9 ish. What did DD do while SA left to get BD from work? How did SA and BD act when they got home? Poor kid - he probably didn't come out of his room - I know I wouldn't have. But, what did he hear?

Ok - too many questions that none of us can answer.
I want to know about Tuesday. I want to know where was SA that day. Did BD go to work on time, as usual. What prompted her to finally have DD look for Hailey? Did she happen to look up at the clock and think, "Gee, it's almost lunchtime. I wonder if Hailey made it home?" I want to know the conversation that preceded DD's call/text to the friend. What was her level of concern? Did she speak to SA about Hailey's absence? If so, what was his response. I'd also like to know what goes through the mind of a parent who allows a whole day to pass after a 13 year-old child leaves the house on her own, without confirming that she reached her intended destination.
I checked in earlier today and saw a post written by a local. Her hubby works for the waste collection company, can someone bring that post forward? I'm cross-eyed and still haven't found it.

Is this it? TexasGiGi's brother does - I remembered the post as well and who it was... I think my migraine fog is lifting. :rocker:

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=6037093&postcount=228"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - TX TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #35[/ame]
Alrighty then... Now that LE is actually calling SA a suspect... 'Billie thought about it for a little bit, but she doesn't really believe that'.....What's next?..when he is arrested will she tell us she is absolutely convinced of his innocence? ....and Shawn has her new cell # but she doesn't talk to him since his attorney advised against it...uh huh..riiight....

Personally can not imagine having a BF on my mind in that manner when I had NO CLUE where my daughter was on this cold January night..how may days has it been now? I feel like I just exited the Twilight Zone..I wonder, has she always been like this?

to clarify..that was NOT Billies response to LE naming SA a suspect...just a comparison of 2 statements...
IMO you nailed this...in that DD was a such an important witness, what happened next? Obviously he is talking...my heart goes out to him.

What I've been asking the entire time! Good that he's somewhere safe. Hope he feels free to speak about all. There IS more after the "deer in headlights". Even if it implicates those close to him.

Other thing on my mind--I do not, for one moment, think that Marc Klaas would sit next to, or aid someone he even suspects is guilty. (yes I know that was proven wrong 1 time) With what he's been through, and for future cases I simply don't believe it plausible, or remotely possible. He does believe BD is innocent. Some have speculated concerning any LE info he is privy to...while this is only MY speculation I believe he gets/knows more at times simply through osmosis by those around who have respect for him. BD had the same monotone voice when reporting death threats (Buehler?) Could be just her. Do I feel she is misguided? YES Did she really play a part in her own daughter's death or circumstances leading up to her missing? NO Who is the lesser of minds of that pair...that would be same. JMO, of course. Hope that is OK to state.
While Billie Dunn was suspicious of her live-in boyfriend Shawn Adkins at one point, she's now not sure if he had anything to do with her disappearance."It's something I thought about a little bit," said Dunn. "I don't really believe that."


I knew this was coming...Billie was NOT sure that he threatened her and that was crystal clear...
Well here I am at midnight watching the reruns of Nancy Grace....

DH is in bed and I will have to creep under the covers so that he will not know how late I am sitting up!

Does Billie give the phone number for her new phone? Guess I will just wait and see.

Question...Can we tag info on a thread that has been closed???

I wanted someone to tag post #82 in the last thread.... that showed the YouTube video of the searchers at the bridge with Clint...It was also interesting to see the info from the Klass searchers giving directions to the searchers. I can't believe that they have to look out for rattlesnakes and wild hogs! OMG

I sure hope I haven't said anything that has upset another poster. I don't even know how to hit the alert button...Where is IT? (not that I would use it because I respect that everyone on here has their own private feelings and opinions!!!)

Not unless it's 911. ;)

I think I accidentally alerted on a post when I fell asleep with my laptop the other night. Hope it wasn't Teh. :floorlaugh:
I cant get this out of my head


Me neither!..When will we possibly know more about this do you think? I wish NG would ask Billie about that since Billie is said to have confirmed it...I wouldn't believe her, but would love to hear how she tries to explain it away..
Ok - NG said that LE has said (I know I know) but LE has said we are not releasing the forensic evidence found in the car until they make an arrest. Well, the only two that we know of that had access to that car is SA and BD. And IMO that is LE confirming there was forensic evidence found in the car.
I knew this was coming...Billie was NOT sure that he threatened her and that was crystal clear...

Billie is not sure about anything it appears and seems to care about even less imo...
Loved the deer pic!
Can someone help me out - why was Hailey staying with other folks that year? Four schools in one year? I think that is what I read. Why was she living in different places? What was going on?
IMO, MK has his own opinion of this case and it appears to go against the direction the investigation is going. And it certainly doesn't appear that he is helping BD come to grips with any reality.

Reality is that stranger danger is rare compared to cases where kids come to harm by the hands of their caregivers and significant others.

At 13 the harm is more likey to be from someones she knows or a stanger than from her parents.

I have tried to find a case that compares to this case for statistical value (if there is such a thing ) I can only think of 1 where the mothers B/F killed the teen daughter.

I am not comparing small children as those happen often but the motive is different.

I also can only think of one case where the step mother and father killed a teen.
on the other hand there are tons of cases where friends of the family or neighbors or stangers have kidnapped a child of ths age.
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