TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #40

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I looked at that first link by Unknown in Auburn IN. There is also another poster listed for Auburn IN, just a couple posts above that posting as Tiffany, that says BD is her cousin, and what a stellar mom she is

And that cousin says

has anyone checked into his house there saying shawn has between coloado city and snyder, its abadon and not livable....

I was over on the Elizabeth Ennen thread, wondering about her baby sitting deal...and I wondered....did Hailey ever babysit for her little sister ( and I reckon the that little ones half sib too)

But mostly I wonder did she babysit for any OTHER people there in Ccty?? Anyone know or heard of that??

Reason I ask, is once upon a time, there was one really creepy dad in a family I sat for...and would not let him drive me home....

Le has said other POI's , so it makes me wonder.
I do a lot of that LOL
I suppose if we had the answer to that, we might have more answers to the ultimate question - WHERE IS HAILEY?

Frustrating, so frustrating...

That's the million dollar question. From the stories I read that they BA/SA collected and printed out...I'd say check SA's grandmas farm first.
Why haven't they searched it? Or have they already and we haven't been informed?
NG clip re: Nancy asking Billie about the fact that LE does not consider her credible due to drug use ..notice Billie takes great offense to not being considered credible, but never once addresses the drug use :waitasec:.skips right over it, lol..starting @6 min mark..
interesting commentary re: SA as well..

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/user/Sierra1947#p/u/71/svIbWEuyfLk"]YouTube - Sierra1947's Channel[/ame]
Hi all...
I had to take a day away from this case after BD told Hailey to call 911....
I feel a serious disconnect of feelings coming from BD towards her daughter..
I think BD has much stronger feelings for SA.
It sickens me that Hailey was called permiscous and BD shrugged it off...
Anything bad mentioned about SA and BD "US" and she flips out.. she doesn't what the public to think bad of "them".
I haven't and can't watch anymore of BD's interview's because they remind me of my children when they where around 13 yrs. old and would try and dodge, duck and tell half truths when asked a direct question.. or the convienent.. I don't know/I don't remember, when cornered with a question that would prove my point..
I really think that BD thinks that this is all going to blow over if she can get the media off of her back, especially NG who is asking the tough questions..
Since I doubt that DB will be going back on NG, I hope that Clint will, to keep Hailey out there in the public eye and keep people looking and searching..
I had to skim through alot of post, but I guess that the 2 search teams are leaving..
If that is true, I'm hoping that is because they are ready to solve this case.. and maybe make an arrest or two or more..
I believe BD is involved, at what point of her disappearance, I'm not sure.. But I do believe it happened sometime after DD left and SA went to work..
I really hope that Clint steps up and advocates for Hailey instead of DB on NG.. because DB is only making things worse..
I wonder if SA was on any other sites and might have left clues? We know about the MM site - are there others like it??? I mean, if we were sleuthing a perp that liked WS, we might naturally check the In Session boards too, KWIM?

If he was into true crime then chances are that he would have been reading this site as well. Likewise with BD.

We don't know if he was into true crime. The material printed out was found in the house, and according to BD it belonged to both of them, but we only have her word for that. After all, she was the one who printed it out, and without an internet connection at the house she would have been the only one to look for stories and decide what to download, not SA. It implies that it was her collection, not his. SA might have been a slasher fan but I think it much more likely that the true crime interest was BDs.
Something jumped out at me while listening to this clip..Billie says that they were all home on Sunday so that she didn't believe it was Hailey out walking with the 2 little girls on that Sunday..possibly if it was on Monday...BUT.. we know for a FACT that the video shows Hailey @ the Dollar Store on Sunday, don't we?..If so..why didn't Billie mention that Hailey went somewhere right then when she was directly asked?..Instead she was quite adamant that they all spent Sunday at home..which obviously Hailey was not home all day if these places have video of her on Sunday...It may not have been with the 2 girls but Hailey DID leave her house on Sunday...Somebody else listen to this please..I know I'm biased at this point..watch from the 7 min mark on..

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/user/Sierra1947#p/u/70/_u1Zo0ybDu8"]YouTube - Sierra1947's Channel[/ame]
ok, this reminds me of the Robert Leroy Anderson, where he sought out other friends to help in the abduction/rape/murder of women.
I don't think he was joking. I think he was fishing to see if others really thought about it, rather than just watching the movie. Maybe lokig for friends that shared his fantasies.
Many of the true crimes stories BD/SA collected were themed around two or more people who wanted to commit crimes from unorganized killing/crime sprees Alton Coleman and Debra Brown (think Natural Born Killers).

ETA:"Brunner told the authorities that Anderson admitted he was a serial killer and that he kept trophies of his victims at his grandmothers house." http://www.trutv.com/library/crime/serial_killers/predators/robert_anderson/6.html

ok this gave me the shivers. They need to search SA's family properties.

In the unlikely event that that was their plan, they would not have used HD, they would have gotten another girl. So any suggestion of that IMO is wrong. The only argument along those lines that would have any sort of plausibility would be some sort of grifting plot to have HD dissappear, raise money to find her (or through telling their story) and then have her reappear at some later point claiming to have run away.

I don't think that is what happened here though. The most likely scenarios are either that SA did something to her when he returned home on Monday, or she died accidently as a result of fight at the hands of one of the occupants of the home on Sunday and the rest of them are covering it up.
And that cousin says

has anyone checked into his house there saying shawn has between coloado city and snyder, its abadon and not livable....

I agree. All buildings and land associated with this family should be searched and checked for cellars, underground bunkers, etc. Remember, these could be "movie sets" for filming real horror events - apparently SA and Co. enjoy acting and filming themselves doing goulish things. Perhaps they took it a little too far using human victims, and shooting their own "fantasy" movie.
Abandoned buildings must be searched.
Do we know what roots he has in that county? Sorry if I'm way behind you guys but I haven't seen many posts about his past history. Is that where he was raised and went to school?

He must know something about the area, he was born in Taylor County which is nearby.
Something jumped out at me while listening to this clip..Billie says that they were all home on Sunday so that she didn't believe it was Hailey out walking with the 2 little girls on that Sunday..possibly if it was on Monday...BUT.. we know for a FACT that the video shows Hailey @ the Dollar Store on Sunday, don't we?..If so..why didn't Billie mention that Hailey went somewhere right then when she was directly asked?..Instead she was quite adamant that they all spent Sunday at home..which obviously Hailey was not home all day if these places have video of her on Sunday...It may not have been with the 2 girls but Hailey DID leave her house on Sunday...Somebody else listen to this please..I know I'm biased at this point..watch from the 7 min mark on..

YouTube - Sierra1947's Channel

That is a good point but I given the lack of parental supervision in general I suspect that it was more a case of "as far as I know". But it appears to suit her interests (whatever they are) for HD to have been seen on Monday, not Sunday.
IMO Billie seems to be doing most things the EXACT OPPOSITE OF what would be the best direction to bring Hailey home.. This seems to be the case time and time again.. IMO she is attempting to manipulate some of the ppl involved as well as attempting to definitely manipulate situations involved in Hailey's INVESTIGATION..

Here Billie is dramatizing the NG situation..Embellishing{IMO} whats occurred in and around the live broadcasts that we've all seen with our own eyes..

She is again attempting to manipulate the situation because she doesn't like that the focus is on SA{as it should be..along with the focus should still be on her as she has yet been able to have her self ruled out by being honest and passing a poly}.. So because she doesn't "like" the focus she is attempting to demonize NG..her staff..and her program.. now we see her use LE to her benefit{where as earlier she was angry at them but now will turn around and use them FOR HER BENEFIT}..she says that after the NG shows that LE has to soothe and calm her down.. so they now are "good" to her and helping to comfort her from the big bad NG..

IMO it is just another example of Billie making it all about Billie..
The honest truth of the matter is that she is not in frequent contact with LE...like LE would very much like her to be.. She is not working daily with LE to do EVERYTHING WITHIN HER POWER TO HELP GET HAILEY HOME..
The following snip further shows what I believe to be the case..

So IMO Billie needs to quit deflecting..and that is what shes doing..trying her damnedst to not have the focus on lover SA{and her as well}..she needs to get with LE and pass a poly..don't take the meds.. be 100% honest and pass the poly..have herself ruled out and then sit down and make out an accurate as humanly possible detailed timeline beginning on Dec.26th{Im quite sure Clint would be more than willing to do his part by filling in all details that he and GF can when Hailey was with them during those times}..

That IMO would be doing everything she could to get Hailey home..

But sadly instead we see Billie time and time again manipulate ppl and situations to serve her self..to serve her lover..to keep them and their "hobbies" off the hot seat..

Guess what? you reap what you sow...You sowed all this fun and "awesome" love of horror..masks.. murder..throw in drug use..admitted illegal narcotics used..and admitted lies.. you sowed all of that and now you're reaping what you sowed with your butt on the hot seat.. Take it..its the consequence to your poor choices.. Take it...Because in the grand scheme of what your daughter most likely faced..IT DOESN'T EVEN COMPARE..AND THAT LITTLE GIRL DESERVES TO HAVE HER MOM "TAKE IT" SO THAT LITTLE GIRL CAN BE BROUGHT HOME AND JUSTICE SERVED!!!!!!!!

Do you know when she started calling LE after the NG show, as was it after the 911 calls in Feb. came out? Your link didn't work for me.
Imo, if it was after, then she might be trying to make those calls have little value, as though she always calls LE when she doesn't need to, and brings drama into her relationships, ie, it's her fault, not his, that she made those calls in Feb.
She very well may be an enabler. I know, duh.....
FINALLY! I have listened to more Nancy Grace back to back tonight than I EVER care to do again! But I finally found what I was looking for! Now that I have ..and since I was cleaning rather than reading while listening to NG...it was probably posted pages back, lol! I wanted to re-listen to the "EASE MY MIND" thing again...and it's just as odd sounding as it was the first 15 or so times I listened to it..:crazy:..

from 3:20..
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/user/Sierra1947#p/u/64/MpyWjF9QNdM"]YouTube - Sierra1947's Channel[/ame]

If that doesn't work just click on any of the previous videos and it will take you to PattyG's channel ...its Nancy Grace 1/12/11 part 1..Sorry about that!...It IS A MUST SEE OR RE-SEE!
The funny thing is it's BD's inconsistencies and avoiding questions,on NG that has caused people's opinion of her to be negative.Mainly her non appeal to anyone who might have Hailey and her lack of emotion in talking to Hailey while she's holidng her head down looking at a card.It's not how NG has treated her,actually she's been easy on BD.
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