TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #40

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I wonder about SA's grandmother's house. How old is she? Is she in good health? Does she get out and work in the yard? How long since she was in that cellar in those creepy videos? Did she know he was filming those creepy videos at her house, or some anyway?

I just thought of something I want to throw into the mix. I don't think that (AFAIK) SA attended college, but am not certain that is relevant...

When I was in college in the 80s, I studied film. One assignment was simply "shock me". The films that resulted from that assignment ranged from near-pornographic to bloody gore-fests. My parents knew I was making a film that involved filiming in a local graveyard, fake blood, and broken glass, but not much else. They even kind of laughed about it "I'm not sure I ever want to use that carving knife again - ha ha."

It was fun making the movie, to be honest, but I've never had any desire to kill, maim, torture, mutilate, fold or spindle another human being.
I hate to keep beating a dead (sorry!) horse but I refuse to believe the audio doesn't get CUT to the parents when that topic with the "experts" is being discussed.

It's possible BD honestly can't handle the TRUTH! If she feels her b/f may have or did do something to Hailey that would mean she'd have to admit to herself it's on her too for bringing him into their lives (& home) in the first place..For allowing him back after the threats last year..For knowing Hailey didn't like him & doing nothing about it..There's probably more we don't even know about..Denial, whether she realizes she's in it or not, is a common defense mechanism.

I'm not 100% sure, but I believe I have heard Nancy say "Billie, what do you think about that?" or "Billie, how does that make you feel?" and she answers that it scares her, she doesn't want to hear those theories, and that she is focusing on finding Hailey alive.
You heard correctly. Billie said she didn't "believe" she went out on Sunday, they were all home.

The problem with this from the beginning was NG and Jean C put great stock into what BD and SA told everyone: SA saw Hailey on Monday, there were other Hailey sightings - on the phone, with other children, and SA claiming she told him she would be spending the night out. So NG and JC are trying to piece it together with untrue sightings and stories. The girls said they weren't with Hailey, someone else changes the story to saying she was with a young boy, there's the video sighting from Sunday, not Monday, and unreliable neighbor sightings of her in the backyard.

And it boils down to Billie not saying her daughter was out on Sunday.

Geez. I'm glad I'm not LE. I would have exploded by now. It turns out all the "facts" discussed in that clip have been discounted. If the mother doesn't know the answers, why not just say, "I don't know"? :dunno: Better still, why not say her daughter WAS out walking on Sunday? :pullhair:

I noticed when she said HD was with her on Sunday, so the sighting must have been on Monday, CD strokes his mustache, and beard. Since we know HD was at his house, we know he knows BD's statement is inaccurate, but he doesn't correct her. The stroke is like he is covering his mouth subconsciencely. I saw him do this one other time, at the moment can't remember what it was.
In any case though, it's a tell.
I agree with the sentiment expressed here, but... answer these questions for me...

What did you eat for dinner last Tuesday?

What color underpants did you have on 4 days ago?

What socks did you wear New Years Day? (Surely you remember New Years Day!)

If you asked me these questions, I would really have to think to try to remember the answers. It's not because I am lying.

1. Fat Free cottage cheese and Progresso chicken and rice soup;
2. Black;
3. The red white and green Christmas fuzzy ones I got as a Christmas gift.

I get your point - and most people would not remember these questions. However, having a good memory is not really BD's problem. I think she suffers from selective memory. When it comes to those pesky questions concerning her missing 13-year old daughter or her "awesome" boyfriend, things get cloudy. She has repeatedly skirted answers to questions; changed the subject; played dumb; or just has not answered questions posed to her. I don't believe a word that comes out of her mouth.

Of course people don't remember mundane things in their lives, but I can tell you this: If my daughter had disappeared, I think I would remember every single detail of what I had been doing in the days surrounding her disappearance. I would also remember what my SO had been doing, and If I didn't know, I damn sure would be asking him what the heck he had been doing AND I wouldn't stop until I got the answers. Period. He would be saying "y'all quit" because I cannot imagine being more furious with someone who would not give me answers related to my missing daughter. All IMO of course.
In the NG transcripts for Jan.18th it says:

"Police say they're convinced text messages deleted off of Hailey's phone..."

I've also considered that maybe Hailey deleted the texts to hide where she was going and who with but I think we would have seen different activity from LE if that were the case.

If I was a teen, sharing a phone with mom and brother, I'd delete all my texts (maybe not calls) to keep them from reading them, even if there was nothing "bad" there.

Furthermore, if I was sharing a phone, I would not text very often. Sometimes it takes hours before someone replies to a text, and it would be confusing to everyone to have texts coming in while they had the phone, that were not for them (as well as not getting to the intended recipient). I can see sending the occasional text, but not using it the way a teen with her OWN cell would.
When you tell the truth you don't have to *remember*!!!

Not always. Sometimes a story changes due to stress.

I get confused when I am very tired, in a hurry , stressed or depressed. I have actually addressed this with my doctor because it is so frustrating to me! My kids notice it, my husband notices it. My doc says there is nothing wrong with my brain, the problem is depression and anxiety.

I can't imagine a more depressing, anxiety-ridden state than having a child in danger or missing, possibly sufferring and waiting to be rescued. I would sound like a blithering idiot, and you what? I wouldn't care! I would go on whatever national TV show would have me and act a fool, if there was a tiny chance that it would keep LE and the public actively looking for my child.:crazy::maddening::crazy:
JMO, but I don't think BD was all that worried about Hailey being supervised by an adult. This is based on the information of Hailey was walking everywhere at all times of the day. Safety was not a priority in this household by BD's own admission on 911 calls that she leaves her doors and windows unlocked. Why make Hailey come home? Dishes, laundry needed to be done? Clean her room. Who knows?????

Truth, what truly saddens me is, what you've described is our BEST case scenario. :(

It's also possible that she wasn't worried because she already knew Hailey never went to MB's in the first place.

BD might have called first but not on the 911 line and LE told her to come down to fill out a report.

Possible. But I wonder if she in fact called 911 before calling Hailey's family and friends, WHY would BD immediately call police? As freely as Hailey came and went, wouldn't you first think she could have gone to grandma's, or perhaps to another friend's house instead? I'd probably call all over in the hopes that it was just a misunderstanding before I let myself dare to think something terrible happened.
And just how did BD know the girls even HAD adult supervision? Supposedly, Hailey had never spent the night at MB's house before. Wouldn't you check to see what the situation was before allowing your child to stay all night?

I don't know if they would have had adult supervision but we do know the child has a mother, so....maybe, maybe not.

I would definitely want to know who was going to be there that night before letting my child stay, but I can honestly say, if my child had left a message through someone else TELLING me she was sleeping over, I would have marched myself to that friend's house and dragged my little angel all the way home. My kids knew not to put a stunt like that because Mom wouldn't stand for it. They would have known it would be an embarrassing scene, Mom dragging them home by their ears, or in my daughter's case, being dragged by her lovely long hair that always begged for tugging.

My kids wouldn't have been allowed to stay at someone's house whom I didn't know.

But Billie just let it slide, didn't even call to see what was happening at that house...
I know I read this weeks ago and can't find a trace of it now. That's one problem with articles online... the writers can continue to revise them after they are published. I don't know if that is what happened in this case, but I have been Googling and tried everything I could think of but the articles that mention her are only about the search, and about Baby C. Every time I think I have it, it leads me back to us!

Do an Advanced Search on Billie's friend czgtz's posts. It's in her very first post.

I've never seen it in an article, and neither Billie nor Clint nor Clint's gf have ever said it in an video or on NG.
As I said..we can agree to disagree..and I do disagree with your whole post..we see things differently and that's fine by me. I'm not trying to change your mind in any way...but let me say, I do know extreme stress and what it can do..I've experienced it firsthand in my life, many times..I walked into my baby son's room one morning in 1974 and found him in his crib having died in the wee hours of the morning of SIDS. He was one week shy of 11 months old and I was only 17..Guess what? I did not lie about anything..WHY you ask? because my son was dead and NOTHING ELSE MATTERED..so call me jaded..but I will not find some way to justify or make excuses for every stupid thing BD has said or done. I won't do it..you go right ahead if you are so inclined..Unlike BD, I want to know where Hailey is...

Oh honey, I am sorry for your tragic loss!

I do agree that we all see things a bit differently. People react differently in any given situation. It sounds like you were faced with a shocking situation at such a young age and somehow, you made it thru. Bless your heart!
I just thought of something I want to throw into the mix. I don't think that (AFAIK) SA attended college, but am not certain that is relevant...

One look at his post on the MM board and my educated guess is an emphatic NO to that question. :)
I think it's eerie that we know next to nothing about Hailey. And it seems more people would have come forward just to let everyone know who she was, what she loved/hated or was indifferent to..how she liked to spend her time.

When I was a teenager, there was a group of girls I was friends with at school. We hung out before and after school, and had lunch together every day. I remember being surprised as the friendship went on that these girls got together socially outside of school as well. I'd never been invited to do anything with them, however we were all too young to drive, and walked where we went, and I lived miles from their neighborhood on the opposite edge of the school district. I had never invited them to my house either. I had weird parents, and was embarrassed of them, which may have been a factor too.

From the minimal activity on her myspace & FB pages even before she disappeared, and the shortage of people coming forward now, I wonder if Hailey had a lot of team-mates and classmates, and acquaintances, but not a lot of friends. She might have been embarrassed by her parents, she may just not have lived near most of the people she hung out with, but the friendship with MB seems recent and not very close, and HR is the only person who has come forward to say she was her friend.
Does no one else find it incredible that Hailey has been missing for almost a month and still we know NOTHING about HER? We know all sorts of things about her mother and boyfriend and ex-husband but can anyone name a favorite friend/best friend of Hailey's???

I can name two girls who claim to be Hailey's best friends. Both were in MSM articles.


I also know from Clint saying so that Hailey's favorite colors are orange and purple.

I know she's a cheerleader, and runs track.

I know she's cute as a button. :)
I don't know if they had adult supervision but we do know the child has a mother, so....maybe, maybe not.

I would definitely want to know who was going to be there that night before letting my child stay, but I can honestly say, if my child had left a message through someone else TELLING me she was sleeping over, I would have marched myself to that friend's house and dragged my little angel all the way home. My kids knew not to put a stunt like that because Mom wouldn't stand for it. They would have known it would be an embarrassing scene, Mom dragging them home by their ears, or in my daughter's case, being dragged by her lovely long hair that always begged for tugging.

My kids wouldn't have been allowed to stay at someone's house whom I didn't know.

But Billie just let it slide, didn't even call to see what was happening at that house...

Same here, sleuth. And BTW, don't blame Truth for that post, it was my response. :D
"Officials" don't know where he is? Either they're dumb-azz stoopid or this is mis-reported. I hope for the latter.

This comes form several different sources, including people who live in Big Spring. IMO, it has not been mis-reported.


I was referring to the post that Panther quoted but it didn't copy onto this one. It said that SA has been in Big Spring for the past week. I am sure LE knows this by now.
When looking at BeanE's Most Excellent Timeline: I think that what ever happened to Hailey happened between 6:30-9:00 on 12/27 and was covered up between that time as well.

5:30am Shawn leaves for work
6:00am Billie "thinks" she saw Hailey in her bed/bedroom
6:10 Shawn leaves place of employment
6:20 Billie leave home for work
6:30 ***Shawns phone pings that he is in CC at home***
7-9am Shawns phone does not ping nothing nada
9:00am Shawns phone again starts to ping at his MOMs house in Big Spring

3:00pm Shawn back @ Haileys house in CC
3:15pm Hailey (according to Shawn) leaves home going to MB/Dads house?

BD had not seen Hailey since 900pm the night of 12/26 and didnt realize she was missing til Noon on 12/28 when DD was to text MB.

I just keep coming back to the time of 6:30am-9:00am on 12/27 as to when she may have met her demise. :MOO:

I cant get behind the 630-900 times as I believe the Hairdresser and the neighbor who is a drug addict but he said he saw her and the time matches up to the hairdressers time of seeing her. I cant just dismiss those two events (mentioned in the media ) as rumor or mistakes.

All these things could still be true and SA still be quilty I just think it puts us at he did something on Tuesday.

You heard correctly. Billie said she didn't "believe" she went out on Sunday, they were all home.

The problem with this from the beginning was NG and Jean C put great stock into what BD and SA told everyone: SA saw Hailey on Monday, there were other Hailey sightings - on the phone, with other children, and SA claiming she told him she would be spending the night out. So NG and JC are trying to piece it together with untrue sightings and stories. The girls said they weren't with Hailey, someone else changes the story to saying she was with a young boy, there's the video sighting from Sunday, not Monday, and unreliable neighbor sightings of her in the backyard.

And it boils down to Billie not saying her daughter was out on Sunday.

Geez. I'm glad I'm not LE. I would have exploded by now. It turns out all the "facts" discussed in that clip have been discounted. If the mother doesn't know the answers, why not just say, "I don't know"? :dunno: Better still, why not say her daughter WAS out walking on Sunday? :pullhair:

I have multi quoted (any way i think I have) to again look at the timeline between 6:30-9:00am. I still think with the pings showing up on SA phone as him being in CC when he stated he was in Big Spring at his mothers is a big deal. Also the alledged sighting of HD by a couple of people is not a reliable sighting. He had plenty of opportunity and if I remember correctly DD was not at home.

I have mentioned once before that I thought BD actions from 12-2 on the day she found out that HD did not/was not atMB house is questionable as well. Why would she leave work, do a tiny bit of hunting for the whereabouts of her daughter and go straight to the police station. I dont know but both of these times have alot of questions that need to be answerd. MOO
I'm not 100% sure, but I believe I have heard Nancy say "Billie, what do you think about that?" or "Billie, how does that make you feel?" and she answers that it scares her, she doesn't want to hear those theories, and that she is focusing on finding Hailey alive.

Only since she hooked up with MK. Prior to that she was saying how she was giving up hope, not expecting Hailey to be coming home from school, etc. For example:

Jan 12 NG

DUNN: I don`t know what to think at all anymore. It`s — to me — my mind changes from one hour to the next. But right now it`s not feeling good to me that I am going to be able to hold my daughter again, or that I am going to be waiting for her to come in from school, too.
Not always. Sometimes a story changes due to stress.

I get confused when I am very tired, in a hurry , stressed or depressed. I have actually addressed this with my doctor because it is so frustrating to me! My kids notice it, my husband notices it. My doc says there is nothing wrong with my brain, the problem is depression and anxiety.

I can't imagine a more depressing, anxiety-ridden state than having a child in danger or missing, possibly sufferring and waiting to be rescued. I would sound like a blithering idiot, and you what? I wouldn't care! I would go on whatever national TV show would have me and act a fool, if there was a tiny chance that it would keep LE and the public actively looking for my child.:crazy::maddening::crazy:

Me too! I get this big time, huge brain fog, confusion and blanks and just basically can't think or express myself with the clarity and sharpness I want when tired or stressed, and actually it's very frequent. When I'm like that I tend to try to mask it because it's embarrassing and I don't want to come across as dizzy or daft so sometimes I'll just say whatever and hope they don't notice. I too was told it was anxiety and life stress. I had that impression from BD a couple of times, that she had brain fog...don't know if any of this makes sense to anyone but I just wanted to say I understand what you mean!
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