TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #9

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Sorry, that was odd. My son told me he couldn't get it and I tried and couldn't. Now I can.
Well, once again I return to see that I am just getting farther and farther behind here.... the fact that you all care so much about bringing Hailey home and are staying on top of the story is just so great.

I fell asleep early last night, and have not watched much of the news. The last I watched was showing the locals search. When they showed people digging through the dirt with their hands, I had to turn it off. I know that everyone is so anxious to find Hailey, and feel like they have to do something - whatever they can, but that is something I could not deal with. They were looking for Hailey's body, not Hailey alive....... and as long as there is ANY chance that Hailey will be found safe and brought home, I just can't stand to see things like that.

I just spoke with redcat. She will be out of pocket for a while. No idea what is going on with the FB page, but she has contacted FB and has someone working to get it back up.

I have spoken to Billie several times. Nothing really new to report - the investigation is continuing.

I can report that Mark Klaas returned my call. I had left a message at Klaas Kids yesterday. I gave him Billie's number this morning, and hopefully he will get ahold of her soon. Also, I had a missed call from TES. I spoke with them this morning also. They have been in contact with both Billie and Clint, are currently on stand-by, and ready to come to C-City on a moments notice if LE calls them in.

Everyone please continue to pray for Hailey's safe return, and for God to keep His hand on Hailey and all those that love her. Pray for the investigators also, to lead them in the right direction and help them find her. Soon.

I am going to try and look back through the posts, but it will take me days to do so. If anyone wants to throw some links out with anything pertinent, that would be great. I have mostly been concentrating on Billie, rather than the news, and after the last broadcast I watched, I really don't want to go searching through the news reports blind.
And I will be here for a while, so if there are any questions that other locals have not cleared up yet, I will try and do that.
czgtz....when was the last time Billie saw Hailey?
Well, once again I return to see that I am just getting farther and farther behind here.... the fact that you all care so much about bringing Hailey home and are staying on top of the story is just so great.

I fell asleep early last night, and have not watched much of the news. The last I watched was showing the locals search. When they showed people digging through the dirt with their hands, I had to turn it off. I know that everyone is so anxious to find Hailey, and feel like they have to do something - whatever they can, but that is something I could not deal with. They were looking for Hailey's body, not Hailey alive....... and as long as there is ANY chance that Hailey will be found safe and brought home, I just can't stand to see things like that.

I just spoke with redcat. She will be out of pocket for a while. No idea what is going on with the FB page, but she has contacted FB and has someone working to get it back up.

I have spoken to Billie several times. Nothing really new to report - the investigation is continuing.

I can report that Mark Klaas returned my call. I had left a message at Klaas Kids yesterday. I gave him Billie's number this morning, and hopefully he will get ahold of her soon. Also, I had a missed call from TES. I spoke with them this morning also. They have been in contact with both Billie and Clint, are currently on stand-by, and ready to come to C-City on a moments notice if LE calls them in.

Everyone please continue to pray for Hailey's safe return, and for God to keep His hand on Hailey and all those that love her. Pray for the investigators also, to lead them in the right direction and help them find her. Soon.

I am going to try and look back through the posts, but it will take me days to do so. If anyone wants to throw some links out with anything pertinent, that would be great. I have mostly been concentrating on Billie, rather than the news, and after the last broadcast I watched, I really don't want to go searching through the news reports blind.
And I will be here for a while, so if there are any questions that other locals have not cleared up yet, I will try and do that.

See that concerns me. If someone finds something, like the glasses and sheath, are they handling what could be possible evidence? If there is an area of ground that looks freshly covered, they are digging through it? This could destroy valuable evidence don't you think? Why not just take a few steps back and call in LE so they can process the scene, etc?
It would help if LE put out a flyer advising people on proper search techniques. Even asking them to read and sign it would help.
Thankyou! CZGTZ
Please tell me that someone is letting BD rest.
She needs sleep. Hard to do, I am sure.
we all lit candles last night for finding Hailey.
Take care of yourself.
You have to rest and stay in good shape to be a pillar
to everyone.
See that concerns me. If someone finds something, like the glasses and sheath, are they handling what could be possible evidence? If there is an area of ground that looks freshly covered, they are digging through it? This could destroy valuable evidence don't you think? Why not just take a few steps back and call in LE so they can process the scene, etc?

That concerns me as well, Sheik. At the very least, well intentioned search parties should be given a quick briefing on proper handling of evidence. The problem, as I see it, is untrained people having to discern what's evidence and what's not. Likely evidence could be passed up as just trash or contaminated with their own fingerprints.

Colorado City City Manager Pete Kampfer tells KTAB's Tiffany Tatro law enforcement will be focusing in on the town of Dunn Saturday after going door-to-door in Colorado City Friday.

Kampfer says a command post is being set up in the small town approximately 12 miles north of Colorado City.

Dunn is where searchers discovered oil field glasses and a knife sheath in a stream Friday evening. A volunteer searcher also told KTAB's Tiffany Tatro they discovered tire tracks leading to an empty field. The searcher said authorities were alerted.
Well, once again I return to see that I am just getting farther and farther behind here.... the fact that you all care so much about bringing Hailey home and are staying on top of the story is just so great.

And I will be here for a while, so if there are any questions that other locals have not cleared up yet, I will try and do that.

RSBM: Hi czgtz,

Thank you for coming here and spending some time with us - much appreciated. Hugs to you and all you are doing.

One question only: How is Billie, Clint and David holding up and is Billie getting any rest at all?
Well, once again I return to see that I am just getting farther and farther behind here.... the fact that you all care so much about bringing Hailey home and are staying on top of the story is just so great.

I fell asleep early last night, and have not watched much of the news. The last I watched was showing the locals search. When they showed people digging through the dirt with their hands, I had to turn it off. I know that everyone is so anxious to find Hailey, and feel like they have to do something - whatever they can, but that is something I could not deal with. They were looking for Hailey's body, not Hailey alive....... and as long as there is ANY chance that Hailey will be found safe and brought home, I just can't stand to see things like that.

I just spoke with redcat. She will be out of pocket for a while. No idea what is going on with the FB page, but she has contacted FB and has someone working to get it back up.

I have spoken to Billie several times. Nothing really new to report - the investigation is continuing.

I can report that Mark Klaas returned my call. I had left a message at Klaas Kids yesterday. I gave him Billie's number this morning, and hopefully he will get ahold of her soon. Also, I had a missed call from TES. I spoke with them this morning also. They have been in contact with both Billie and Clint, are currently on stand-by, and ready to come to C-City on a moments notice if LE calls them in.

Everyone please continue to pray for Hailey's safe return, and for God to keep His hand on Hailey and all those that love her. Pray for the investigators also, to lead them in the right direction and help them find her. Soon.

I am going to try and look back through the posts, but it will take me days to do so. If anyone wants to throw some links out with anything pertinent, that would be great. I have mostly been concentrating on Billie, rather than the news, and after the last broadcast I watched, I really don't want to go searching through the news reports blind.
And I will be here for a while, so if there are any questions that other locals have not cleared up yet, I will try and do that.

Good Morning! My wife and I wondered if you know if the kids at school have been questioned and if so, has anything turned up useful? Thanks!
Sorry sure this has been answered but whats the distance between Hailey house and the friends house that she might of been going to. tia !
Continues to blow my mind that folks can just disappear without a trace at all.

It actually blows my mind that so many are found. There is so much undeveloped, and overgrown property where a so-inclined person could dispose of a body, particularly if there was time to dig even the shallowest of graves. A small body, or body parts would be even easier. And yet, remains are located all the time.

sherryk said:
I find it very odd choice of words that someone that lives in a home with a child and knows the little girl would say tha:

"I would never do anything to that little girl," said Shawn Adkins, boyfriend of Hailey Dunn's mother, "I love her with all my heart"

that is very odd that he would refer to her as "that little girl". He is living in the household and in contact with her everyday.. why not just call her by her name..
Okay... I too am one of those people who still refers to my daughter as "my daughter" most of the time when talking with most of my coworkers, even though she has been to my office and most of them HAVE met her.

By all accounts, Hailey did not much like SA, so it seemed a little strange to me that he'd say he "loves her with all his heart".

For a time, I was involved with a man who NEVER called her by name, favoring several nicknames, the most commonly used being... you guessed it... "That Little Girl". He, and eventually I, and several of my friends, began referring to her as "TLG". Everyone knew who we meant, including her. "Where's TLG?" Or Shouldn't TLG be in bed by now?" and even "TLG... come down for dinner!" The nickname outlasted the relationship.

I was ready to offer this story as proof that use of "that little girl" is NOT nefarious, and does not necessarily indicate distancing. As I began to type, I debated whether or not to post this at all, as it occurred to me that MY use of "TLG" and "That Little Girl" in reference to "Erika" (not her real name) was as a term of endearment. To my friends, to my family, to her friends, and to Erika, it was a completely innocent pet name. HOWEVER... several years after the relationship between this man and myself ended, it came to light that he had sexually molested Erika throughout the entire two years we were together. She was in elementary school at the time it occurred.

"Charles" (also a pseudonym) was the one who initiated use of the term, and he DID have reason to use distancing language when referring to Erika as he was, in truth, "too close" to her. We all picked the phrase up from him. So my defense of the use of the term is not so much a defense as I expected it to be. BTW, he has 13 years left on his sentence.

"Someone" mentioned the searcher who found the knife sheath, and criticized him or her for fishing it out of the stream...
That isn't a direct quote, but I wanted to set it apart from the previous topic. The sheath was described as "floating". I think if I were the searcher, and an item I believed to be evidence was floating downstream, it would be a no-brainer to pick it out of the flowing water rather than have it carried away. Better to have "compromised" evidence than not to have any, and the "searcher" could simply have his or her DNA and fingerprints logged for purposes of elimination.

"Someone" found it "hinky" that the mother of MB did not know Hailey, and said her daughter had never stayed overnight at Hailey's home... "Someone else" suggested that (IF GUILTY) SA could have made the story of the sleepover "more believable" by packing a few of Hailey's items up and removing them from the house to create the impression she had taken them with her.
That isn't a direct quote either, but, again, I wanted to set it apart from the previous topic.
BO/BD stated early on that Hailey HAD stayed over at MBs before, but did not say MB had stayed at her house. I do not have a link to MB's mother's statements, but I haven't seen anyone say that she claimed she had never met HAILEY, just that she had not met BO/BD. I am not even sure she said Hailey had never slept at her house... just that MB had not slept at Hailey's, and that Hailey was not expected to sleep over THAT night.
BO/BD was also asked if Hailey generally went to sleep over at MBs with nothing but the clothes on her back and she answered that this was completely normal, and that Hailey generally came home the next day to shower and change.
Removing things would, therefore, NOT have made the sleepover any more convincing, since she normally did not take anything. Where it WOULD have come in handy would have been when it was discovered that she had NOT been at MBs, as it would have planted the thought that she had left planning to be gone MORE than just one night (i.e. had run away).
Last of all... there were questions about whether Hailey had internet access, via the XBOX or some other device. Based on the assertion that BD met SA on MySpace 2 years ago, and that he just moved in with her a few months ago, I'd say it's fair to assume that there was some sort of internet connection available to enable them to correspond in the year and a half in between, and that it was most likely utilized via the XBOX.

OK... I will shut up now.

ETA: OK, maybe not QUITE yet... I also wanted to add that I have lived in APARTMENTS where I literally never set eyes on any neighbor coming in or out of their unit (although I may have heard them) so learning that folks who live on lots several acres in size don't know their neighbors is no surprise to me. I live in a rowhouse on a 16' wide lot now, and there are always cars parked on both sides of the street, and I see kids at the bus stops and playing outside, but I almost NEVER see adults. I hear my next-door neighbors CONSTANTLY (like, screaming children 24/7 kind of constantly) but have not seen a human being come or go from that house since before Halloween.

NOW I am shutting up.
And I will be here for a while, so if there are any questions that other locals have not cleared up yet, I will try and do that.

Do you by any chance know if a Konnects was connected to the X box that was removed from Hailey's home? Kim Kommando reported on her show last week that Konnects takes pictures of players while playing games then stores and shows them after game play. Maybe there are some picture clues?
If the local news stations can display a weather map in the corner of the screen when a "heavy thunderstorm" is expected and I am in Florida so thunderstorms are not uncommon. The news will flash on local stations with weather warning.. why not scroll a missing child alert on bottom of screen.

It is an insult to missing children that they will flash the weather, road closures at high traffic time but not that of a missing child.

The thing that I want to see happen even more so than television is to put out an alert and cut into raido play locally for a brief moment with ANY information. The color of a car, the child name, the last place seen, any information that could help

Perhaps there should be two levels.. an alert level one as in suspicious activity.. and then the full fledged amber alert.

One other thing.. in my area they will scroll at times when an elderly is missing and perhaps wondering on their own.. that is NOT an amber alert so I just think that they should do the same for a child. Every second counts and every set of eyes and ears could be the difference in a life of child.
What is the closest town WEST of CCity???
Are they searching in a 10-15 miles circle of CCity???
I'm just utterly astounded that TES is being put on hold, instead of having them come on in now. There must be some reason that we just aren't privvy to, but I just don't get that at all :(
I'm just utterly astounded that TES is being put on hold, instead of having them come on in now. There must be some reason that we just aren't privvy to, but I just don't get that at all :(

politics???? like in 'we' can handle it............
If the local news stations can display a weather map in the corner of the screen when a "heavy thunderstorm" is expected and I am in Florida so thunderstorms are not uncommon. The news will flash on local stations with weather warning.. why not scroll a missing child alert on bottom of screen.

Actually, the National Weather Service shares signals with the AMBER Alerts. In the state of Texas, AMBER Alerts are shown where we'd ordinarily see those weather alerts.
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