TX TX - Heidi Broussard, 33, Fnd Deceased, & Margo Carey, 2 weeks, Fnd Alive, Austin, 12 Dec 2019 #10

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IMO I feel like someone else was involved, not just MF. I don't know if that is CG or someone else all together. Maybe MF was just really strong? Not only was Heidi found in the trunk, but in a duffel bag! I do not think it would be very easy to get a body in a duffel bag, but then also to get that bag up into a trunk. And, it makes no sense that CG didn't think there was anything suspicious about her having a baby and being back home the next day.... the baby is clearly not a newborn, but also usually giving birth is pretty exhausting and hard on the body. I couldn't imagine I'd be up and doing much of anything the next day. MOO.
Yes! Exactly this! this! this! All of this!
I don't believe for an instant that there was an accomplice driver. I feel the video cam one of the neighbors had which filmed the car would or has shown clearly though MF was waiting in 'passenger' side of the car, that after Heidi and baby were in the rear passenger side and possible immobilized, that MF walked around to drivers side and sped off.
Affidavit reads that the person in the passenger seat got out, opened the door for Heidi, both doors closed and the car sped away.

This tells me MF left her own passenger door open while she let Heidi in, then closed HB's door and then her own passenger door....the car sped off.

Where she was parked the driver's door would have been dangerous to leave open while she went around the other side. JMO
Heidi's phone went with her. How did MF stop her from dialling emergency when the car took off before she'd even had a chance to get strapped in? This is so puzzling still.
Just a thought but I wonder if Heidi was aware of MF’s bipolar diagnosis and had been witness to an episode before. Maybe she thought MF was in crisis and delusional but never expected her to carry out any harmful actions. Maybe she thought she could help her through it. moo
I think maybe home by 8:35/8:40 after convo with SC, upstairs with car seat, baby and books. Back down with baby, keys and phone to get her mail from the office and collect her purse, making sense of her emerging from between buildings 7 &8 (office behind her) as per the affidavit, to be surprised by her "friend" shortly after 9:05.

Something about these posts of yours seems to ring true. A surprise visit by stalking MF in parking lot.

If Heidi was expecting a visit from Magen then it seems odd as she just got home and she didn't seem prepared to take baby Margo anyplace far.

That's my hunch. Also, MF would have to have left extremely early that morning to be in Austin by 9:05. If she left Houston at 6ish, that would give her enough cushion for surviving the outbound westbound Houston traffic (although it's not as bad that way) and the inbound, westbound traffic into Austin to get there by 9:05. That would be totally unnecessary if you just had a pre-planned lunch with a friend - you'd skip rush hour for sure and just leave at 9. HB had all day while her son was at school - why meet IMMEDIATELY after she gets home from the school? She (MF) had a small window of opportunity if SC was typically home early afternoon. Getting up at the crack of cranky to just have tacos with a friend 2.5 hours from home seems odd to me, recent "birth" aside. But so does kidnapping and murder.

Now, Heidi thought Magen had delivered a baby by then. First question from Heidi, "Where's your baby Magen?" So, maybe that was part of the ruse. Some story like "CG has Luna in the stroller right in complex or nearby, get in, they're right over there." Or MF came up with some odd emergency that Heidi bought for a block or two.

Not sure anymore-- A drug administered by a needle would have to be extremely quick acting.
Heidi would've felt a needle prick and reacted, maybe not get in the car. A rag over her mouth would have been noticed by that witness. A blow to the head within the complex would be hard to pull off without witnesses.

Believe me, I'm sick of trying to figure this out, even in my sleep. I'm still confused as to how MF either ended up as the driver or if there was someone else in the driver seat.

Also, it's hard to imagine someone in the front seat doing something to a person holding a baby in the back seat. Consequently, I'm back to some kind of trickery such as some made up story that Heidi believed for at least a block or two without a struggle.

Just my own thoughts and MOO
HB lived on the third floor.

This is my map of MF's car moving throughout the complex that day. X = where HB's car was parked. The buildings she walked out to the parking lot between (per the affidavit) are noted.
Thank you so much, sure is good to have a local here to help us with these things lol

So, could we assume that the person who had a camera outside their residence lived near the longer arrow, for lack of a better description lol? (go into apt complex, turned left, and then turned right going north to the rear?) I think it's actually possible that it caught it driving towards the camera and then turning and heading north from the description in the affidavit.
Oh, and since I did that post on fake silicone baby bumps yesterday, I must say that in doing that research I found another name for them.... moonbumps. Moon in Italian/Romanian/Spanish is = Luna!

And I had come across a website saying such with that Luna/Moon name for silicone fake bellies. *shivers* as to this gal.

Fake Pregnant Belly | Moonbump

Wow, just wow!.. Great find, dixiegirl1035!

So, i am probably just naive... How come there is a market for fake pregnany bellies? Even amazon sells a bunch of different one's... Halloween, to prank someone, actors in movies... What am I missing? There surely can't be demand warranting so many different styles, brands etc.?
After trying to better understand how a long time friend of HB could end up doing something like this, a phrase from some other WS cases keeps coming to mind.

"A person can be mostly good until one day, they are not"

We have had a few cases now where the person that committed a horrible murderous crime showed no real forewarning signs. The recent Patrick Frazee case was kind of like that. Apparantly his first murder ever and not really a person known to the criminal justice system before his arrest for the murder of KB. I believe this case is more or less one of those kinds where the person who orchestrated the murder was not your typical criminal going through a revolving jail door all the time or anything like that.

And even if MF started to show signs that she was changing for the worse, mentally or otherwise, then a kind friendly true friend like HB would probably stick with her and support her even more if HB started to see signs in MF that bothered her.

HB would never imagine that her 10 year best friend MF was getting so devious with murderous planning. Especially not a true friend like HB was to her. She would never suspect it or imagine it. Nobody hardly would. Which is why this makes this crime all the more insidious and horrifying.

Im full of sadness and I just hope LE keeps digging to get 100 percent of the truth out of exactly how things were carried out. And if there was another person involved in helping her, then I hope LE is able to successfully prosecute anyone else who may have been involved. This case is utterly horrific and we are very lucky to have that baby come out of this alive and in good health. It could have been even worse than it was had LE not been able to get there in time to take that baby away from the person(s) that had no right to it.

While he didn't have a criminal record, PF had a reputation as an animal abuser and Kelsey witnessed him horrifically abuse a dog and still stayed with him (!). IOW, PF had lots of red flags (understatement). With MF, it sounds she like fooled some people but others were uncomfortable with her. Heidi's mom was one and another friend of Heidi's said something similar. I take it that they had that "gut feeling" that they couldn't put their finger on. Those traffic offenses that we saw MF charged with show a pattern of disregard for rules, norms and irresponsibility. Plus she was sponging off of CG. It wouldn't surprise me to find that that was a lifelong pattern with her. Of course, she wouldn't have broadcast it and Heidi likely didn't know. If Heidi had known, she may have made excuses (in her own mind) for MF, rationalizing it away. After all, MF was tons of fun and none of that was violent behavior. That happens with people snowed by these cluster B types. I have the tee-shirt, so I know. Our problem was/is not knowing how serious such signs are. I know now.
I really still wonder about that crib she posted for sale in January. I really do think MF could have been looking to meet a pregnant woman. Especially because it was such a low budget crib she was selling for only $25. Someone who came looking at that price point might be in a more desperate situation. Why would she even have a crib in her possession... and just happens to sell it right before she "gets pregnant" in March...
Wow, that is a great theory - agree!!!
Your map of the apartment complex parking lot is so helpful. Thank You.

HB lived on the third floor.

This is my map of MF's car moving throughout the complex that day. X = where HB's car was parked. The buildings she walked out to the parking lot between (per the affidavit) are noted.

It seems so far to me to have to lug a car seat, diaper bag, purse, etc., to and from the third floor. Oh, plus navigate it with the baby to keep safe.

I'm taking a few minutes to admire Heidi and her nurturing, hard-working, sweet soul.
I'm thinking she or they must have done it often enough that they put the gate in, so I am not sure how out of the ordinary her car being there would be. I'm assuming they didn't just put the gate in on the 11th or 12th :confused:
Not sure. Neighbors seemed to be wondering where she was/her car was (interviewed on the news) and police felt her car being parked back there was an attempt to hide it as per the paperwork released yesterday. I'm sure it served an excellent purpose for unloading right at the door, but perhaps not so much as a parking space hidden away from public view. jmo.
Thank you so much, sure is good to have a local here to help us with these things lol

So, could we assume that the person who had a camera outside their residence lived near the longer arrow, for lack of a better description lol? (go into apt complex, turned left, and then turned right going north to the rear?) I think it's actually possible that it caught it driving towards the camera and then turning and heading north from the description in the affidavit.

Since, per the affidavit, it captured her vehicle headed northbound - that person lived in the buildings lining the west side (left on my map) of the complex - those are all one story units.
Just a thought but I wonder if Heidi was aware of MF’s bipolar diagnosis and had been witness to an episode before. Maybe she thought MF was in crisis and delusional but never expected her to carry out any harmful actions. Maybe she thought she could help her through it. moo

Supporting your good friend, through events is so understandable.
Heidi, over the years may have witnessed many unhappy/happy moments with MF.
I have a bipolar friend, where I have been present during manic and depressive times, and now think this may be dangerous: often my friend would go off her medication.
Supporting your good friend, through events is so understandable.
Heidi, over the years may have witnessed many unhappy/happy moments with MF.
I have a bipolar friend, where I have been present during manic and depressive times, and now think this may be dangerous: often my friend would go off her medication.
Yep me too only an aunt. Many dangerous moments I have been called upon to help.
So I see Heidi going down to car to see baby. Gets locked in car and realizes their is no baby. At that moment she realizes her friend is having an episode. Doesn’t use her phone because she thinks she can talk her to going to get help which she may have been able to do before.
Or...there is a second person involved who solicited Heidi into helping her get MF to a place for mental help. Moo
Thank you @PommyMommy.

The photos at the link are brilliant -- close up and clear.

Good visual of infant Margo (shielded by officers) loaded in the EMS van corroborating EMS statement they were contacted by CPS. CPS did not collect the infant from the residence, EMS did and took her to hospital.

O/T -Breaking news, Fotis Dulos arrested for the murder of his wife JD!!

Thanks Seattle, about creep Fotis. :):):)
Similar to creep MF.
Must click over, as the waiting was horrid for us all.
Can't wait to read all.
So is the prevailing opinion that they have not filed Murder charges yet, is due to them not having enough evidence to implicate her? Even if they suspect she had help, and they are looking at charging more than one person, why do they still feel the need to hold off on charging her? Could they be conflicted about 1st Degree or 2nd Degree? Seems like there was plenty of premeditation to me.

In the commission of another felony - in this case kidnapping - there is no first or second degree, just capital murder which is a death penalty offense.

From what know, they seem confident that they can prove the kidnappings and tampering but they would need to tie her to the actual murder to charge her. We can be sure they're working on it. Do they have the ligature? Was MF's DNA on Heidi's neck or under her nails? Was there another party involved? What were investigators looking for between Austin and Houston? So much we don't know but is crucial for a murder charge.

I'm still horrified that kidnapping only carries 10 years in Texas. If she's convicted on both kidnappings - and I would hope that sentences would run consecutively - that would be 20 years and then another 20 for tampering, so 40 years. Not as good as capital murder (death sentence or LWOP) but a long time, provided no chance of parole. How in the hell can tampering be more serious than freaking kidnapping?! I just don't get that.
I'm still horrified that kidnapping only carries 10 years in Texas. If she's convicted on both kidnappings - and I would hope that sentences would run consecutively - that would be 20 years and then another 20 for tampering, so 40 years. Not as good as capital murder (death sentence or LWOP) but a long time, provided no chance of parole. How in the hell can tampering be more serious than freaking kidnapping?! I just don't get that.

I don't know the answer to your question, but the vast majority of kidnappings in the US are non-custodial parent abductions. Those don't typically result in murder. But tampering with a corpse - well... that's a horse of a different color.
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