TX TX - Joshua Davis, 18 months, New Braunfels, 4 Feb 2011 - # 3

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Exactly.& I'm not 100% sure that Nancy said that, but I think I heard her say the 6 year old is also named Joshua. That's not only weird, it would make me think someone has some control issues. JMO

Why would someone name their second child the same name as the first child? That doesn't make any sense. If NG said this, she could have been mistaken or misunderstood somehow. I thought this baby was a Jr. If the older child has the same name, HE would be the Jr., not the baby. Unless they all have different middle names... in which case, neither child would technically be a Jr. My son has the same first name as his father, but different middle names, so he is not Jr. although a few well-meaning friends have called him that because they look so much alike.
Hope this makes sense.... I'm only on my 2nd cup of coffee.
They might also call him the baby because I notice that in large families or families with a lot of extended family nearby, particularly if this is the first grandchild, they often refer to a baby as "the baby". I work with families and babies and after this was mentioned, I can think back to a LOT of times where I've heard this...mostly when there is a big family.

About the beanie/hat...I thought it was interesting that in the original appearance of mother on Nancy Grace, I can't remember if it was Nancy or mom, but one of them said that dad sort of yelled at the baby to stop playing with his hat or told him to stop or something like that. With an 18-month-old? Really?

Why not? I don't find that strange.
Why not? I don't find that strange.

I don't really want to start a parenting debate, but 18 months is pretty young to yell at over messing with your hat. JUST my opinion. Doesn't sound like a normal level of tolerance. Again JMO
One thing I forgot, I wonder why baby Joshua had on so much clothing when he disappeared? 2 shirts and a onesie is a bit much for a baby who is at home watching a movie. I'd assume the heat would be on in that weather and a child would overheat. Why would he be bundled up if he were just at home watching a movie...and not in pj's or a footie...Just wondering.

I found this really odd too. Either they were running the heat in the house at a lower temp to conserve energy or the heater wasn't working or else Joshua had come in from being outside in the cold.

Mobile homes are not well insulated, and harder to heat and cool. I would think most likely they would have the heat turned up higher to stay warm, but if that were the case, then this baby was overdressed, and would have likely overheated with all those clothes on.

I'm just not sure what to make of this. Some sources said he had a onesey on underneath the t-shirt, shirt, jeans, and socks, and other sources don't mention the onesey at all.

Also, in the photo, the gray t-shirt looks more like a sweat shirt to me by the stitched in V shaped piece of fabric on the front below the rounded neckline. Far more typical of a sweat shirt than a t-shirt, IMO.

This case has too many loose ends, and a lack of clear-cut information. I don't like it.
I don't really want to start a parenting debate, but 18 months is pretty young to yell at over messing with your hat. JUST my opinion. Doesn't sound like a normal level of tolerance. Again JMO

No one has said that he yelled. I'm not saying that he didn't, but I haven't seen it stated yet. The closest I have found is the NG producer (see below) - the mom has never flat out stated anything about the father that I can find and that has bothered me. She answered a question from NG about the time but never has mentioned one word about the father and the hat incident.

I do think it's possible that he may have yelled - but no one has come out and said anything like that at this point.

ELLIE JOSTAD, NANCY GRACE CHIEF EDITORIAL PRODUCER: Well, Nancy, the father says that at about 8:00, he was sitting in a chair, the little boy was behind him, kind of playing with his hat. Trying to pull the hat off his dad`s head because he kind of told him to stop it, the little boy looked at him, smiled.


(The mom answering NG's question - the closest she has come to discussing the whole "beanie" incident, as far as I can find):
GRACE: Well, your husband -- the father says he saw the baby at 8:00, so what time did you realize he was missing?

BENITEZ: It was all right around that time. I mean everything happened so quick I wasn`t looking at the clock. But it was all around that time frame.

I was wondering about the clothing thing too. She said they were in bedroom watching Toy Story. I would assume she wanted him to lay down and get ready to go to sleep soon. So I also wondered why he wasn't in PJ's instead of jeans and flannel shirts.

And did you say that NG said that the older child is also named Joshua, after his Dad too? Really? Sorry, but that is just weird imo.

I read somewhere, that SB (the Mother) is expecting her second child. To me that means that the Oldest boy is not her child, but the Father's from a previous relationship. That being said, still seems strange that one would name their Son after the Father if there is already a namesake, especially if that namesake is in your home frequently, or lives with you. Although that would explain why Baby Joshua was called "the Baby"
Happy Valentine's Day to all you beautiful people

I hope we get some good news on Joshua.He has been gone too long now
First of all:

I see you're in Killeen, so your fairly close by! Glad you decided to join in on this one.

The clothing doesn't bother me so much, because they did have company over. If they didn't maybe they would put him in his pjs earlier, but maybe not if there was company there. It wasn't even 7:30 pm when they started watching Toy Story.
Happy Valentine's Day to all you beautiful people

I hope we get some good news on Joshua.He has been gone too long now

Thanks, Inspector! I forgot it was V Day. Happy Valentine's everyone.

I hope today is the day we get good news on Joshua too.
One thing I forgot, I wonder why baby Joshua had on so much clothing when he disappeared? 2 shirts and a onesie is a bit much for a baby who is at home watching a movie. I'd assume the heat would be on in that weather and a child would overheat. Why would he be bundled up if he were just at home watching a movie...and not in pj's or a footie...Just wondering.

i get the impression it was cold in the house for whatever reason. Dad was wearing his beanie
They might also call him the baby because I notice that in large families or families with a lot of extended family nearby, particularly if this is the first grandchild, they often refer to a baby as "the baby". I work with families and babies and after this was mentioned, I can think back to a LOT of times where I've heard this...mostly when there is a big family.

About the beanie/hat...I thought it was interesting that in the original appearance of mother on Nancy Grace, I can't remember if it was Nancy or mom, but one of them said that dad sort of yelled at the baby to stop playing with his hat or told him to stop or something like that. With an 18-month-old? Really?

Agree on the big family thing. In my ex's family of 7 kids, his younger sister was called 'baby' or 'the baby.' The older kids babied her, too.

But the fact that dad and baby were both named Joshua, I see that it would be easier to call the baby something different. I come from a family with a bunch of boys named after dads. They were alway called, for example, Big Joe, and Little Joe. As we grew up, the boys were a bit miffed that the Little prefix stuck with them. :D
What are the possible scenarios?

1. He slipped through the door unnoticed.

a. wandered off and got lost in the scrub
b. wandered off and fell into water
c. wandered off and was abducted or 'saved' by some one
d. ran into road/struck by car/ hidden

2. He died accidentally in the home

3. He was hurt/abused by someone in the home

4. He was abducted from the home by one of the adults or by a stranger

What did I miss? Any other possible scenarios?

taken by animal predator ( although not likely)
No one has said that he yelled. I'm not saying that he didn't, but I haven't seen it stated yet. The closest I have found is the NG producer (see below) - the mom has never flat out stated anything about the father that I can find and that has bothered me. She answered a question from NG about the time but never has mentioned one word about the father and the hat incident.

I do think it's possible that he may have yelled - but no one has come out and said anything like that at this point.


(The mom answering NG's question - the closest she has come to discussing the whole "beanie" incident, as far as I can find):

Thanks for posting all of this. I must have misread the conversation and maybe I was inserting my own emotions into it.
I don't find the clothing odd at all. When we have company over my kids aren't usually in their pjs.

I don't find 8pm late for an 18 month old to be up when there is company at the house.

What I find odd it the number of people in the house just hanging out in the bedrooms. When we have a gathering here everyone is in the livingroom, diningroom or kitchen. The only time anyone would go to the bedrooms is if they are going to bed.

What I also find odd is an unattended 18 month old. Maybe for a minute or two, but not long enough to disappear into the night. 18 month old children require constant supervision IMO.

Even now my husband and I vocalize when are children are switching caretakers if we are not in our home. Like at Border's Saturday, when my 8 year old went from me to him, and he was in the next isle over, I yelled over to him "You have Adrianna now, okay?" and he acknowledged me so that I knew he had the reigns. That is what bothers me.

This is a very sad situation. Joshua is just a baby, still in diapers, not able to speak in full sentences even and he just walks out the house unnoticed by anyone? Hindsight is 20/20 and I am sure that if this baby truly just walked out of the door and disappeared, then the shoulda/woulda/couldas will be quite haunting.
Maybe they did call them and the cops said they would go and check it out. They could be the ones who notified the police in the first place, and were told to meet them at the station before going to the location, so they could identify him.

I doubt it, since in the video you cn hear Sabrina yell, "They found him on Hunter Road" and then bolt for the car. I just wish I knew who was on the other end of that cell phone at the time.
I don't find the clothing odd at all. When we have company over my kids aren't usually in their pjs.

I don't find 8pm late for an 18 month old to be up when there is company at the house.

What I find odd it the number of people in the house just hanging out in the bedrooms. When we have a gathering here everyone is in the livingroom, diningroom or kitchen. The only time anyone would go to the bedrooms is if they are going to bed.

What I also find odd is an unattended 18 month old. Maybe for a minute or two, but not long enough to disappear into the night. 18 month old children require constant supervision IMO.

Even now my husband and I vocalize when are children are switching caretakers if we are not in our home. Like at Border's Saturday, when my 8 year old went from me to him, and he was in the next isle over, I yelled over to him "You have Adrianna now, okay?" and he acknowledged me so that I knew he had the reigns. That is what bothers me.

This is a very sad situation. Joshua is just a baby, still in diapers, not able to speak in full sentences even and he just walks out the house unnoticed by anyone? Hindsight is 20/20 and I am sure that if this baby truly just walked out of the door and disappeared, then the shoulda/woulda/couldas will be quite haunting.

The clothing thing stands out to me, and now that someone mentions it, so does the father having on a beanie. It could all be nothing, but sometimes the little things are the biggest clues---and at the end those little things make you go ohhhhhhhh. If you get what I mean.

I agree though, kids that young should not even have the opportunity to be alone long enough to wander out of a house. I go to my mom's house every weekend, and so do my brothers and sisters/their kids. So that's about 6 adults, a 5 year old, a 1 year old, and 2 babies younger than 1. If I don't put my eyes on my 1 year old, I will say where's Rhayne? and somebody will say where she's at or she will come running. That's in a 3 bedroom home, which would be larger than a trailer, I'm assuming. I would kick myself in the butt if something happened because I didn't check for her.
I don't really want to start a parenting debate, but 18 months is pretty young to yell at over messing with your hat. JUST my opinion. Doesn't sound like a normal level of tolerance. Again JMO

I think it's a very normal level of tolerance, especially if the 18 month old kept on doing it. Maybe not the smartest parenting-yelling at all, but also not an indicator of an anger management problem IMO
I think it's a very normal level of tolerance, especially if the 18 month old kept on doing it. Maybe not the smartest parenting-yelling at all, but also not an indicator of an anger management problem IMO

You're right. I've seen people get irritated at their kids for much less.
Why would someone name their second child the same name as the first child? That doesn't make any sense. If NG said this, she could have been mistaken or misunderstood somehow. I thought this baby was a Jr. If the older child has the same name, HE would be the Jr., not the baby. Unless they all have different middle names... in which case, neither child would technically be a Jr. My son has the same first name as his father, but different middle names, so he is not Jr. although a few well-meaning friends have called him that because they look so much alike.
Hope this makes sense.... I'm only on my 2nd cup of coffee.

I am not sure that the 6 year old and Baby Joshua have the same mothers. So in that case, I think they could both have named their children Jr. Again, I may have misheard, but I give that as a possible reason they call Joshua "the baby" instead of by name.
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