GUILTY TX - Kilgore, 'Lavender Doe' WhtFem 483UFTX, 17-25, in woods, burned, Oct'06 - Dana Dodd

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Yes, it sure would have StillHoping. And, it has been reported that Princess Lavender had perfect, straight, white teeth so having retained deciduous (baby) teeth doesn't work. At this point we are not completely sure if Princess Lavender's teeth were perfect because they were capped or if they were naturally perfect. But, having some retained baby teeth would put a real wrench into this whole thing. I really need to know how to get the facts concerning this because it just sounds so contradictory.

Hiya Lion :) and everyone!
Just thought I should mention that retaining baby teeth into adulthood doesn't nec. mean that the person's smile would not appear "perfect," (by society's standards). This isn't the first case I've come across like this and, although it IS an anomoly (sp?), it doesn't mean it would have influenced their appearance in a negative way. Just means the baby teeth never came out, and the other permanent teeth that grew in around them simply did so "straight." Does this make sense? All I mean is that it is possible for adults to not have the second teeth ever form here and there, but it doesn't mean they might not have still exhibited a beautiful smile.
I know you have a lot of medical study in your background, so I'd like to hear your thoughts on this. I just wanted to let everyone know that I do come across this from time to time. We should be glad, in a way, bec. it helps us quickly rule out possibles in comparing PLav...

On another note, do we know WHICH of Jessie's teeth were capped? And by "capped," does her mom mean a procedure similar to veneers?

Thanks, sloane

Back in June when we were discussing Jessie Foster as a possible for Princess Lavender and I had stated that I had found out Jessie had caps on some of her teeth it seemed like you pretty much ruled out Jessie for being Princess Lavender because Jessie had caps on her teeth. Has something changed now and you are of another opinion??

ETA: Also, DOES Princess Lavender still have baby teeth present? If so, that would certainly help out in ruling a possible in or out.

ETA Once again: Sloane, I forgot to add, it's great to see you here and thanks for all your input!
RKnowley, thank you for finding the link for the sis by side. You are an angel:).

Though baby teeth don't have much in the way of roots, I don't know if adult teeth would be beautiful and straight if adult teeth came in in front of the baby teeth. I would think that the bite would be off in any case.

I do know that in dogs the bite is always off if any retained deciduous do not come out. And, dogs have more room in their mouths to accommodate extra teeth. So, although I am no expert here, it just doesn't sound possible to me that Princess Lavender would have had straight teeth with any retained deciduous teeth left behind.

I didn't get the chance to call the TX dps site the other day. But, I will call on Monday and see if I can find out if Princess Lavender was reported to have any baby teeth. I will also try to ask if any of her teeth were capped.

Hi again- I re-read my post, Lion, and I guess I didn't word it well...I didn't mean that the adult teethecame in IN FRONT OF or on top of the baby teeth. I meant NEXT to, perm. tooth, then next to it, with sides just touching, but not overlapping, would be the baby tooth, then next to that another permnt. tooth. This happens more often in molars, but I've seen it in the maxillary cuspids as well, ironically (or maybe not) in an UID of similar age to PLav. It just mean the 2nd (adult, permt) tooth never formed in the jaw, so it never pushed out the deciduous tooth. You're right - the roots are shorter.
Does that make more sense? sorry...

No worries, sloane:blowkiss:. I may have simply misunderstood what you meant. Princess doesn't seem to have a large mouth for her face. So, wouldn't there be some crowding? And, wouldn't the baby teeth next to adult teeth look mismatched in size? i just don't see how Princess would have perfect, straight teeth with baby teeth.

Sometimes important facts about the missing/UID are not listed on the sites like they should be. But, often they are, and there is no mention about Princess having retained baby teeth. I question the possibility of Princess having retained baby teeth, and I will try to find out. If there is anything you can think of to resolve this that would be great, too.

HI RKnowley, :)
Thank you for your kind words...I know, we haven't "spoken" much lately, but I'm glad to be here.
I just went back and re-read a lot of our posts ard the time u mentioned, and I still agree w all that was said. I haven't changed my mind abt jessie not being a match, but always allow for the poss of being mistaken! DNA will be everyone's compass ultimately. I just wanted to know which teeth of Jessie's were capped as it may help to know that when comparing in the future. I spoke w a prfssnl abt this who said if they were veneers, they likely would not show on an x-ray. I'd like to know what the family website means by "caps," and certainly WHICH teeth. I saw a grad photo of Jessie somewhere, and she isn't smiling her big smile, and I almost think she is hiding her teeth a little. Maybe that's before she had them "fixed?" Only guessing here...does anyone know more?
Sloane, thank you for the info on whether or not veneers would be distinguishable from actual teeth on x-ray. I though that they would be because unless the two substances are similar in consistency and density they should look different on x-ray. But, maybe we have come so far that we can now make veneers that are very similar in consistency and density to real teeth. This is good to know.

Sloane, I agree about Jessie's High School photo. That pic is before she had her teeth "fixed".

This is the link to that photo. She has braces on also:

ETA: This says it is the 2nd set of graduation photos and it says Jessie's braces are off now:

HI RKnowley, :)
I saw a grad photo of Jessie somewhere, and she isn't smiling her big smile, and I almost think she is hiding her teeth a little. Maybe that's before she had them "fixed?" Only guessing here...does anyone know more?
Angel, do you have a link to a pic with a description for Alexis? Thanks in advance:).

back in March but I don't know if she was ever looked into any further??
Posted by Fran

03-24-2007, 06:32 AM
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Because the body was burned, it's possible the height could be slightly off and the hair color could just be a guess. Although this says she has 'brown hair,' imho, her picture looks more blondish to me.

A few days before this body was found was when Alexis' boyfriend called his friend in Houston. The couple was in Dallas. Kilgore is between Dallas and Houston.


PS..Wonder if they hitched a ride with the wrong person? Sounds like the friend did NOT pick them up in Dallas. Maybe her bf is a John Doe or not found?fran hLang=en_US

Case Type: Endangered Runaway
DOB: Dec 18, 1990 Sex: Female
Missing Date: Oct 22, 2006 Race: White
Age Now: 16 Height: 5'8" (173 cm)
Missing City: JONES Weight: 120 lbs (54 kg)
Missing State : OK Hair Color: Brown
Missing Country: United States Eye Color: Hazel

Case Number: USOKAR06-10844
Circumstances: Alexis lost both her mother and father in a vehicle accident earlier this year (2006) Alexis is believed to be traveling in the company of her 16 year old boyfriend - Troy Alan PURSER. On October 25, 2006 Troy called a friend in Houston, TX and asked if he would come to Dallas and pick him and Alexis up and take them to Houston. Both Alexis and Troy have lived in the Houston, Texas area in the past.
Hey LionRun - Rnowley above just posted it- I had inquired about this earlier also and she responded to me about not knowing then if it had been checked since i never saw that it had been eliminated or checked after reading the entire thread -and was still wondering because i think she is the next best possible match to princess lavendar and i think its curious it says shes with her BF but his myspace shows him and another girl : The link to his myspace - this was mentioned earlier also by sooner.

So I was asking to follow up since some of you have spoken to LE or those involved if maybe you all could ask if she had been checked/eliminated because its a good match imo and even though it says her hair is brown it looks reddish dark blonde to me too. Shes still listed as missing also.
Thank you Angel:). I remember looking at her information and picture now. The location, age, and general description work. but, the height is a bit off (by 3"-5"). Also, I think the nose looks off. The shape of Alexis's nose looks very different from Princess's recon to me. But, there are enough similarities that I wouldn't rule her out just yet. This is just my opinion, and someone else may see something that I don't.

This was posted not long ago by Sloane regarding Alexis:

01-21-2008, 07:27 AM
"To those who are granted much, much is expected."
Join Date: Apr 2007
Posts: 208

Hello All!!:crazy:
It's been glad people are still actively pursuing this case! ALEXIS has been looked at as a "possible" in the past, however, her teeth just don't match up. The shape of the maxillary incisors (front, top four teeth) just aren't the same, and neither are the dental arches. ALEXIS has a tight parabolic shape (very curved), while Princess Lav's is a wide arch, and brighter white, for that matter. BUT...
I feel I should bring something up that may not be pleasant for some to read, so forgive me. I was considering the fact that in order for PLav to have had the facial resonstruction on her skull completed, her skull had to be macerated, or cleaned, to be blunt. That process obviously entails a significant amt of chemicals and I thought it possible that the cleaning agents would serve to "bleach" the teeth as well. So the color of PLav's teeth in the recon may be brighter than they were in life...? I ran this past a for. anthropologist and was told that could be a possibility. HOWEVER, if there were more serious stainings, calcifications, and certainly caries on or within the teeth, the chemicals wouldn't have much of an effect on them, is the summary of what I was told. PLav's teeth are absolutely beautiful and have not stains, caries, etc. Just thought I should share that w. all of you since you are such caring and interested persons and want to help solve this murder.

Hi everyone-
All of the above being said about Alexis Horton NOT looking right-on as a possible (my own words included), I DID submit her to LE back the first time around. I will check in on that again and see what, if anythg, has been done to look into her.

warmly, sloane
Thank you sloane. You are an asset to helping find both Princess Lavender's and Princess Blue's identity. I am so glad that you found your way here, my friend:blowkiss:.

Could this be Alexis?

The link above is a private MySpace. The girl in the picture on that MySpace bears some resemblence to the missing poster for Alexis. The location on the private MySpace is listed as Oklahoma. I found the profile amongst the results when I searched "Alexis Horton" I also found an older MySpace, that I believe I posted a link to a while back. (So you don't have to go back and search, the address is From that MySpace: "Most of u do but some of u dont know my parents died January 29, 2006 in a motorcycle accident!!! (thats why i live in gay oklahoma) "

Let me know what you think. I don't want to contact the girl on the first MySpace just yet. I'll try to get my teacher, who's the chief of police for a city in Illinois, to take a look and let me know what he thinks, and then I'll let you guys know.

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