TX - Mass Shooting at Fort Hood, 5 November 2009 #1

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By signing his name on the dotted line he became property of the United States Government. No longer an individual....property. ANYONE that signs up KNOWS that there is chance for deployment to other lands even when he joined straight out of high school so that the United States Government could pay for his education he STILL KNEW that the Army could deploy him....and if war broke out while he was receiving that college education that they could interrupt it to deploy him! Deployment within the military is no big secret! All ranks are deployed. He is no better than my son or any other mother's son to be deployed. That was the chance he took when he signed: Nidal Malik Hasan

A young man local to me was killed.

President Obama orders a tribute for the 13 U.S. servicemen killed in a rampage at Fort Hood, Texas. Among those killed was 19-year-old Aaron Thomas Nemelka of West Jordan.

Friday morning his family and military officials confirmed he was killed when Major Nidal Malik Hasan went on a shooting spree Thursday.
The family is devastated by the news, which they received late last night.
Nemelka was 19 years old and grew up in West Jordan. He attended West Jordan High School and graduated in 2008.
He was an Eagle Scout, and the youngest of four children. He was station at Fort Hood and was preparing to go to the Middle East, either to Iraq or Afghanistan

More at link.
People are making excuses for this behavior now - I'm about to burst. There is no excuse for what this criminal sicko has done.

Every person who serves in the Armed services KNOWS they will/could face deployment at any time. If they claim not to know, they are liars.

This guy was a USER and he is now a KILLER. He is a COWARD and who knows what else. IMO he is Godless. There is no way he has PTSD as he has never been in combat or anywhere near it before yesterday.

This guy is the worst representation of a human being. I hate him and his stupid ideologies.


This post deserves more than a thanks! :clap: :clap: :clap:
Ya know, I think I may have PTSD of sorts. We lived ten miles from the Pentagon during 911. My husband was active duty and assigned to the Pentagon (although I was 95 percent certain he wasn't there yet that morning). My son was on Fort Belvior in Kindergarten.

My neighbors were terrorists (I'm not kidding). They were here to pay us back for Desert Storm/Shield. I heard their young son say to my son "Americans are stupid." I wonder where he heard that before. These people told me that they hated Jews and asked didn't I. I said "no". After that I thought :waitasec:. Then 911 happened and they were happy - I'm not kidding. Two years later, I saw the guy on TV on C-Span in some kind of forum lying through his teeth saying he and his family were Catholic (he told me he had no faith) and whining about the unfairness of it all (having to do with Muslims in America). I knew at that moment that what I suspected for some time was true. Keep your eyes open people as things aren't always what they seem or what we would like them to be. These people were/are Posers and their children are being raised in our country. They'd be teenagers by now. The guy used to smack them around too.

I'm not trying to start problems but I'm glad to have a place to raise awareness. I learned alot about reality during my Husband's career in the Army. Reality is not always pretty I'm sad to say.
someone on this site http://www.ustream.tv/channel/CBS-News just posted this in chat....

9:21 loupgarous: AP said 18 mins ago that he did die
9:24 ustreamer-62821: he was alive at first.. but they watched him bleed out..

has anyone seen this?

It's bad enough that information and misinformation was flying around yesterday, soon after the incident. But my local newspaper has two side-by-side articles on the front page this morning......One says he died, the other said he was injured, in hospital and "not likely to die any time soon."
I can't believe the editor let this huge error slip through!

Good catch! Remorse for what? Hmmm....

He never showed any remorse for being a member of the military that is an out-growth of an "infidel" country?? That was a weird statement, wasn't it?


Army says suspect shouted `Allahu Akbar!' before shooting rampage that left 13 people dead

FORT HOOD, Texas (AP) -- The base commander at Fort Hood says soldiers who witnessed a shooting rampage that left 13 people dead reported that the gunman shouted "Allahu Akbar!" before opening fire at the Texas post.

Lt. Gen. Robert Cone told NBC's "Today" show on Friday that suspected shooter, Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, made the comment, which is Arabic for "God is great!" before the rampage Thursday that also left 30 people wounded.

Military officials say they are still piecing together what may have pushed Hasan, an Army psychiatrist trained to help soldiers in distress, to turn on his comrades.

Cone says Hasan was not known to be a threat or risk.

<<<<<<<<<<<<more at link>>>>>>>>>>>>

Do you know how long I had to watch the news and read online reports before they posted that this guy was Islamic? I mentioned earlier that my local paper has two side-by-side articles with conflicting information, but you know what little fact they left out completely? The guy's religion. Now, knowing what he was yelling as he began his murderous rampage makes it seem HIGHLY probable that this was done "in the name of Islam" and would not have occurred had the guy been a member of any other belief system.

With all Hasan's pro bombing and Muslim extremist talk on the internet and off, i'm surprised they kept him in the military at all. The FBI should have had him on their watch list for crying outloud, it's insane!

President Barack Obama said Friday the entire nation is grieving for those slain at Fort Hood, and he urged people not to jump to conclusions while law enforcement officers investigate the shootings.

Granted, I am not commander-in-chief, but should our US soldiers be shouting the "Allah Akbar" battle cry?
Hello everyone. I work on Ft. Hood and was here during the lock down yesterday. It was truely like a scene out of a movie. We were notified that there had been a shooting initially, and that we were to lock the doors to our building and cover the windows. There were several different accounts as most of you saw on the news. The husband of one of our employees was in the building when the shooting occurred.He gave us minimal info, as the chaos that ensued was such that there was no time to find anything out, just get the flock out of there. He said they heard a "pop pop pop pop" and screams and feet... people were running out the door past him yelling that someone was shooting up the place and to get out. Next thing he knew the DOD police were pulling up and he was in his car leaving the parking lot. He was able to make it safely to our building.

Peeking out of the blinds we started to see big trucks dropping soldiers off all over the place. It started to look like WW III. They were blocking entrances and patrolling (on foot) all of the parking lots and ensuring everyone was in a building and not out roaming around. It took a while to gather the intelligence to safely release everyone. We had minimal cell access because the phone lines were over loaded as the news started to hit. We tried calling from land lines, leaving messages on myspace and facebook because we didn't have a way to contact anyone to let them know we were okay. All you could hear were sirens for about an hour. They finally started releasing us about 6:30-7:00, but the lines were not moving because they were searching every car. The lines coming on post were the same, people were trying to come and get their children from the schools that were locked down.

Today it is almost like a ghost town. I mean, there are people walking around, cars going by.....but there is an eerie silence in the air. People are talking, but not really saying anything. We are all looking at EVERYONE around us, people in the parking lot, walking in and out of buildings.....just in case. Right now we are all waiting for the moment of silence, I just don't think that a moment is enough.

I can also say with confidence that we should all take what the media says with a grain of salt - more like a load of sand. This is the government. They are only reporting minimal information to appease the public. They do not broadcast the internal tragedies because it only causes those who expect our military to protect our country to lose their sense of security and empower and encourage our enemies to any weaknesses. We are all curious...and concerned. The fact is like my husband (who is in LE) says to me when I ask about things: If you knew EVERYTHING that happens in this country you would never sleep again. Some things are best to remain on a need to know basis.
wow.. that is General Casey... I have met him.... he is one of the top dogs~
why do they have General Casey doing the presser? He is a top dog in DC at the pentagon...
Casey's aide did not prepare him well for this presser and the questions that would be thrown at him... imhoo
i am deeply touched by the protective and proud stance and words of the chief of staff! so impressive and speaking about how medics in the graduation ceremony ran toward the gunshots to help wounded and buddies took buddies to the hospital themselves and on and on about the bravery of the men and women during this crisis. he also mentioned an online site...dag...i didn't get it...comprehensivesoldier something....so that soldiers can begin to get support if they need it (psychological help) and such...
i meant to say that the online site to help soldiers was started in october as one of the newest aids for health and welfare of the enlisted
i am deeply touched by the protective and proud stance and words of the chief of staff! so impressive and speaking about how medics in the graduation ceremony ran toward the gunshots to help wounded and buddies took buddies to the hospital themselves and on and on about the bravery of the men and women during this crisis. he also mentioned an online site...dag...i didn't get it...comprehensivesoldier something....so that soldiers can begin to get support if they need it (psychological help) and such...

And watching my son just graduate as a medic I can tell you they train them very well. There is a very solomn sense of how important what they do is, and they want to protect all fellow soldiers. To see how these soldiers put into action what they just learned, I'm in awe of them.
Hello everyone. I work on Ft. Hood and was here during the lock down yesterday. It was truely like a scene out of a movie. We were notified that there had been a shooting initially, and that we were to lock the doors to our building and cover the windows. There were several different accounts as most of you saw on the news. The husband of one of our employees was in the building when the shooting occurred.He gave us minimal info, as the chaos that ensued was such that there was no time to find anything out, just get the flock out of there. He said they heard a "pop pop pop pop" and screams and feet... people were running out the door past him yelling that someone was shooting up the place and to get out. Next thing he knew the DOD police were pulling up and he was in his car leaving the parking lot. He was able to make it safely to our building.

Peeking out of the blinds we started to see big trucks dropping soldiers off all over the place. It started to look like WW III. They were blocking entrances and patrolling (on foot) all of the parking lots and ensuring everyone was in a building and not out roaming around. It took a while to gather the intelligence to safely release everyone. We had minimal cell access because the phone lines were over loaded as the news started to hit. We tried calling from land lines, leaving messages on myspace and facebook because we didn't have a way to contact anyone to let them know we were okay. All you could hear were sirens for about an hour. They finally started releasing us about 6:30-7:00, but the lines were not moving because they were searching every car. The lines coming on post were the same, people were trying to come and get their children from the schools that were locked down.

Today it is almost like a ghost town. I mean, there are people walking around, cars going by.....but there is an eerie silence in the air. People are talking, but not really saying anything. We are all looking at EVERYONE around us, people in the parking lot, walking in and out of buildings.....just in case. Right now we are all waiting for the moment of silence, I just don't think that a moment is enough.

I can also say with confidence that we should all take what the media says with a grain of salt - more like a load of sand. This is the government. They are only reporting minimal information to appease the public. They do not broadcast the internal tragedies because it only causes those who expect our military to protect our contry to lose their sense of security and empower and encourage our enemies to any weaknesses. We are all curious...and concerned. The fact is like my husband (who is in LE) says to me when I ask about things: If you knew EVERYTHING that happens in this country you would never sleep again. Some things are best to remain on a need to know basis.

Thank you so much for your post. I hope you're doing okay.

It dawned on me too that there is probably alot of investigation going on that they don't want people to know about yet - that would only alert the wrong people of things they don't need to know.
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