Found Deceased TX - Michael Swearingin, 32, & Jenna Scott, 28, Temple, Bell County, 4 Jan 2019

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Autopsy report on Michael Swearingen shows he died by strangulation. Autopsy report: Homicide victim died from strangulation
Of note:

The report, obtained by the Telegram after an open records request, said Swearingin was identified through fingerprints, and said trauma will be “noted and described” in the full autopsy report — which wasn’t available today.


The report for 28-year-old Jenna Scott, who was also found dead and buried in Oklahoma, has not been finalized, according to the medical examiner’s office.

"Maxwell said that both Jenna Scott and Michael Swearingin were alive at the time they were brought to the Killeen residence," the affidavit says.

"Marks then entered the room where Michael Swearingin was located and when Marks left the room, Michael Swearingin was deceased," the affidavit says.

"Marks then entered the room where Jenna Scott was located, and when he left that room, Maxwell reported that Jenna Scott was deceased," the affidavit said.

"Maxwell reported that she heard a struggle when Marks entered the rooms with both individuals," the affidavit said.

She provided information about where the bodies of the two friends were buried, the affidavit says.
“Maya Renee Maxwell, 26, who’s accused of helping abandon Swearingin’s vehicle in an effort to hide it from authorities was also named Wednesday in a capital murder indictment.”
From the KWTX update.
Marks, Maxwell indicted on capital murder charges
Cedric Joseph Marks and Maya Renee Maxwell were indicted on capital murder charges Wednesday by a Bell County grand jury, Bell County District Attorney Henry Garza told the Telegram.

Marks reportedly killed 28-year-old Jenna Scott and 32-year-old Michael Swearingin, both of Temple, in a Killeen residence on Jan. 3, with Maxwell’s help and cooperation, the indictments said.

“Additionally, Cedric Marks was indicted for tampering with evidence,” Garza said. Tampering with physical evidence with the intent to impair was listed as a third-degree felony.

The indictment said Marks and Maxwell “intentionally and knowingly caused the death of Michael Swearingin by asphyxia by strangulation and did then and there intentionally and knowingly caused the death of Jenna Scott by homicidal violence and both such murders were committed during the same criminal transaction.”

Maxwell’s indictment Wednesday said she reportedly acted individually and as a party with Marks.

Marks, Maxwell indicted on capital murder charges

Garza said, “Questions concerning the application of the death penalty will be announced at a later time permitting a necessary review of pertinent information that is essential for the nature of this type of consideration.” Marks also is charged with burglary of a habitation with intent to commit other felony, a first-degree felony, and misdemeanor charges in connection with the ex-boyfriend’s alleged actions toward Scott.


Conroe Police Sgt. Scott McCann previously told the Telegram his office was reviewing the escape case with the district attorney’s office to determine where the escape charge would be filed.

Also under investigation was how Marks escaped from the now-defunct transportation company, Texas Prisoner Transportation Services. That company closed on Feb. 10, days after the Feb. 3 escape, and claimed new insurance rates were prohibitive.
Change sought in protective order law: Bail increased for capital murder suspects

Bail increased

Bail amounts for Marks and Maxwell were raised Thursday after capital murder indictments were issued Wednesday.

Marks and Maxwell, who is pregnant, were indicted for the Jan. 3 homicides of Swearingin and Scott. Marks’ bail amount is now $2,016,500 and Maxwell’s is now $750,000. Marks’ bail for the tampering with physical evidence charge — for which he also was indicted — was set at $250,000.

Marks also is charged with burglary of a habitation with intent to commit a felony, a first-degree felony, and misdemeanor charges of interference with emergency call, making a false report to a police officer and violation of a protective order. All of the charges are related to offenses he reportedly committed in connection with Scott.

The capital murder indictment said Marks and Maxwell, acting individually and jointly, strangled Swearingin and then caused Scott’s death “by homicidal violence.”

The autopsy report from the Oklahoma Chief Medical Examiner’s office documented Swearingin’s cause of death as asphyxia by strangulation.

I kinda doubt that either of them will make bail.
Change sought in protective order law: Bail increased for capital murder suspects

Bail increased

Bail amounts for Marks and Maxwell were raised Thursday after capital murder indictments were issued Wednesday.

Marks and Maxwell, who is pregnant, were indicted for the Jan. 3 homicides of Swearingin and Scott. Marks’ bail amount is now $2,016,500 and Maxwell’s is now $750,000. Marks’ bail for the tampering with physical evidence charge — for which he also was indicted — was set at $250,000.

Marks also is charged with burglary of a habitation with intent to commit a felony, a first-degree felony, and misdemeanor charges of interference with emergency call, making a false report to a police officer and violation of a protective order. All of the charges are related to offenses he reportedly committed in connection with Scott.

The capital murder indictment said Marks and Maxwell, acting individually and jointly, strangled Swearingin and then caused Scott’s death “by homicidal violence.”

The autopsy report from the Oklahoma Chief Medical Examiner’s office documented Swearingin’s cause of death as asphyxia by strangulation.

I kinda doubt that either of them will make bail.

The laws so need to be changed to protect the innocent, as Michael and Jenna certainly were.

Thank you for being a champion for them both and other future domestic violence victims. I admire your strength.
The laws so need to be changed to protect the innocent, as Michael and Jenna certainly were.

Thank you for being a champion for them both and other future domestic violence victims. I admire your strength.

I’ve done precious little, really. It’s Michael’s mom, Jenna’s parents (my sister and brother-in-law), Jenna’s brother and Jenna’s little girl’s paternal grandparents. They are doing all the “heavy lifting”. As are their church friends, workplace friends, neighbors.
We, the extended family, owe a debt of gratitude to the many people who have physically stood in the gaps.
Medical examiner releases more information in death of Texas duo found in shallow grave

APRIL 10, 2019

"...Earlier this month, the Oklahoma State Medical Examiner’s Office released an autopsy report saying that 32-year-old Michael Swearingin’s death was a homicide. The report says Swearingin likely died from asphyxiation due to strangulation.

Today, the final autopsy report for Swearingin corroborated that cause of death.

On Wednesday, the medical examiner released a summary report for 28-year-old Jenna Scott.

The report states that Scott's death was a homicide and that she died from 'homicidal violence.' No other details were released...."

Medical examiner releases more information in death of Texas duo found in shallow grave

Marks to plead not guilty on all charges, attorney says

BELTON — Although capital murder suspect Cedric Marks didn’t appear Wednesday in a Bell County courtroom, his attorney said Marks will plead not guilty to all charges.

Temple attorney Michael White, court-appointed to represent Marks, told the Telegram that his client wants a “speedy trial, the earliest opportunity to clear his name.”

White asked Wednesday to reset the three misdemeanor court dates for Marks, which Bell County Court Judge John Mischtian granted — after he paused for a few seconds.

A docket announcement date is now scheduled for 1:30 p.m. June 19, to be followed by a 9 a.m. trial on June 24, according to information White’s office provided.

Marks is charged with interference with emergency call, false report to a police officer and violation of a protective order with bias/prejudice. Each misdemeanor charge is linked to events that allegedly led up to the Aug. 21 burglary of Jenna Scott’s Temple home, Scott’s Jan. 3 disappearance and the Jan. 14 discovery of her dead body on abandoned property near Clearview, Okla.

Michael Swearingin, Scott’s friend, went missing at the same time and his body was discovered, along with hers, in a shallow grave.

Marks and his pregnant girlfriend, Maya Maxwell are charged with the Temple duo’s deaths and tampering with physical evidence.

A pre-trial date of April 16 was set in Michigan for harboring fugitives for Ginell McDonough, Marks’ wife, who reportedly hid her husband and girlfriend in her Michigan home.

The misdemeanor affidavits

Scott and Marks had each filed police department complaints against the other, and Marks reportedly wanted her to drop her case. He indicated that in an email to Scott — while a temporary protective order was in place.

An arrest warrant for Marks for some of the misdemeanor cases was issued Aug. 13 by Bell County Justice of the Peace David Barfield.

Marks reportedly broke into Scott’s home and stopped Scott and her daughter from calling 911 for help. During that break-in, Marks reportedly threatened Scott and her family while he was under a protective order.

A warrant for interference with an emergency call was issued Aug. 21 by Justice of the Peace G.W. Ivey.

The final misdemeanor warrant was issued Aug. 29 by Justice of the Peace Bill Cooke after two Temple Police officers claimed Marks made a false report to them on July 31 — just after he was served the temporary protective order, the affidavit said.

The statement Marks made was in connection with an ongoing criminal investigation. Marks claimed he was assaulted by Scott, but the dates on the video he gave investigators didn’t match his assault claim.


And so the BS begins. He’s gonna spin this thing like a top. MOO
Medical examiner releases more information in death of Texas duo found in shallow grave

APRIL 10, 2019

"...Earlier this month, the Oklahoma State Medical Examiner’s Office released an autopsy report saying that 32-year-old Michael Swearingin’s death was a homicide. The report says Swearingin likely died from asphyxiation due to strangulation.

Today, the final autopsy report for Swearingin corroborated that cause of death.

On Wednesday, the medical examiner released a summary report for 28-year-old Jenna Scott.

The report states that Scott's death was a homicide and that she died from 'homicidal violence.' No other details were released...."

Medical examiner releases more information in death of Texas duo found in shallow grave

Strange that Jennas COD is listed as "homicidal Violence" and Michael's was "strangulation".
Strange that Jennas COD is listed as "homicidal Violence" and Michael's was "strangulation".

Indeed. The mystery of Michael Swearingin was "identified" via "fingerprints", his death was caused by "strangulation"... My question: Why were they not able to identify him via other means (i.e. facial recognition, etc.)? We know CM was a martial artist. Did he do something to his face that made him unrecognizable? And what about Jenna? I am wondering what more he had done than just "strangulation" to both Michael and Jenna? I guess we will have to wait for the trial to hear/read the details.
I refer to the court case back in 2007 (Jury finds Marks not guilty of assault): CM disfigured a man's face in Copperas Cove in 2004 (the trial did not happen until 2007 ... by the way, 2007 was when Andre Ogan went missing ... so during all that time, CM was out there--it's obvious he has been "out there" all these years and pulling the wool over a lot of people's eyes). CM was found "not guilty" only because the victim's testimony "did not match" his original police report. 3 years and multiple facial reconstruction surgeries occurred--whose story wouldn't change slightly? There must have been some trauma to the brain! ... this is just speculation on my part: Why wasn't this something that was considered during that trial, or was it and just ignored? It is mind boggling he got away with SO MUCH through all the years. But as one person said to me when all this was happening in January, "Look at Ted Bundy. He had everybody fooled." Can they retry that case as well?

Still, reading the court investigator's report in Washington, the case in Copperas Cove (despite his "not guilty" jury decision), and last summer's denial for a restraining order, it does nothing but scream for the revamping of our legal system, protection for victims, etc. This man has a long criminal past and it seems no one ever looked at any of it each time he was arrested, police called, etc. Seems flat out laziness on the part of police all the way up to the judges ruling these cases who won't so much as research a person's past. It is not like there aren't a plethora of systems to research a person's past, for goodness sake!

Back to the Copperas Cove case: I am curious also as to how he was a "surgical assistant" there in Washington. Call me on this: aren't surgical assistants either doctors or nurses--depending on the state and their particular regulations? At the very least have a degree or certification that comes after quite a bit of schooling? Would they certify someone who already had a criminal past???????????????? Trust them in the operating room/with very sharp objects????
What "daughter" is he speaking in the Copperas Cove pool case? I've only ready he has several sons (and now the one Maya Maxwell is carrying! Good grief!)? How many more kids are out there? How many unsolved missing person cases out there that he was involved in?

So many questions as to how he even got to this point and is only now in incarcerated.
Indeed. The mystery of Michael Swearingin was "identified" via "fingerprints", his death was caused by "strangulation"... My question: Why were they not able to identify him via other means (i.e. facial recognition, etc.)? We know CM was a martial artist. Did he do something to his face that made him unrecognizable? And what about Jenna? I am wondering what more he had done than just "strangulation" to both Michael and Jenna? I guess we will have to wait for the trial to hear/read the details.
I refer to the court case back in 2007 (Jury finds Marks not guilty of assault): CM disfigured a man's face in Copperas Cove in 2004 (the trial did not happen until 2007 ... by the way, 2007 was when Andre Ogan went missing ... so during all that time, CM was out there--it's obvious he has been "out there" all these years and pulling the wool over a lot of people's eyes). CM was found "not guilty" only because the victim's testimony "did not match" his original police report. 3 years and multiple facial reconstruction surgeries occurred--whose story wouldn't change slightly? There must have been some trauma to the brain! ... this is just speculation on my part: Why wasn't this something that was considered during that trial, or was it and just ignored? It is mind boggling he got away with SO MUCH through all the years. But as one person said to me when all this was happening in January, "Look at Ted Bundy. He had everybody fooled." Can they retry that case as well?

Still, reading the court investigator's report in Washington, the case in Copperas Cove (despite his "not guilty" jury decision), and last summer's denial for a restraining order, it does nothing but scream for the revamping of our legal system, protection for victims, etc. This man has a long criminal past and it seems no one ever looked at any of it each time he was arrested, police called, etc. Seems flat out laziness on the part of police all the way up to the judges ruling these cases who won't so much as research a person's past. It is not like there aren't a plethora of systems to research a person's past, for goodness sake!

Back to the Copperas Cove case: I am curious also as to how he was a "surgical assistant" there in Washington. Call me on this: aren't surgical assistants either doctors or nurses--depending on the state and their particular regulations? At the very least have a degree or certification that comes after quite a bit of schooling? Would they certify someone who already had a criminal past???????????????? Trust them in the operating room/with very sharp objects????
What "daughter" is he speaking in the Copperas Cove pool case? I've only ready he has several sons (and now the one Maya Maxwell is carrying! Good grief!)? How many more kids are out there? How many unsolved missing person cases out there that he was involved in?

So many questions as to how he even got to this point and is only now in incarcerated.

You have it correct about CM’s martial arts background playing a part in these deaths. MOO but that probably is the reason Michael had to be identified by fingerprints and Jenna’s COD was ruled homicidal violence.
The man is a violent pig. Surgical assistant in Washington? In his wildest dreams! More BS from a consummate liar.
You have it correct about CM’s martial arts background playing a part in these deaths. MOO but that probably is the reason Michael had to be identified by fingerprints and Jenna’s COD was ruled homicidal violence.
The man is a violent pig. Surgical assistant in Washington? In his wildest dreams! More BS from a consummate liar.

I wish I could remember where I read it: he had stated he was once in the Army ... another lie. The Army would not accept someone with his criminal past. MOO.
Tuesday, April 16th:
*Pretrial Hearing – (@ am CT) – MI/TX – Michael Lee Swearingin (32) & Jenna Kay Scott (28) (Jan. 4, 2019, Temple; found in Clearview, OK 1/15/19) – only for *Ginell McDonough (Army Staff Sgt.) (37) (Mark’s wife) arrested (1/11/19) for harboring a fugitive & charged with obstruction of justice. $75K bond reduced to $10K, released on bond with GPS monitor.
Maxwell also was hiding out in McDonough’s Michigan home, according to law enforcement officials. McDonough hasn’t been charged yet with a crime in Texas, and she was released from the Michigan jail after her bond was decreased from $75K to $10K.
4/10/19 Update: A pretrial date of April 16 was set in Michigan for harboring fugitives for McDonough, Marks’ wife, who reportedly hid her husband & girlfriend in her Michigan home.

*Cedric Joseph Marks (44) (ex bf of Scott’s) arrested (1/8/19) in Kent County, Mich. for a burglary warrant, waived extradition to Texas. Charged (2/4/19), indicted (4/3/19) & arraigned (4/10/19) with capital murder of multiple persons, interfering w/emergency call, false report to police officer, violating protective order, burglary habitation intend. Plead not guilty. $2,016,500 Bond ($16,500 on charges of interference with an emergency call, making a false police report & violation of a protection order, bond for the burglary charge is $250K, the murder of multiple persons is carrying a bond of $1.5 million & $250K for tampering w/evidence.).
*Charged & indicted (3/13/19) & arraigned (3/29/19) with 1st degree felony burglary (on 8/21/18 at Scott’s home). Plead not guilty to all charges.
While being extradited (2/3/19) from Michigan to Texas escaped & captured after 9 hours (2/4/19) in Conroe, Texas.
Scott filed for & was granted a temporary protective order against Marks in July, 2018.
Bell County reopened investigation of Marks’ former GF April Pease disappeared 3/17/09 in Bloomington, MN.
Another victim, Andre Ogans, Tulsa, OK was scheduled to testify against Marks, Feb. 2007.

3/13/19 Update: Indicted for burglary in connection with break-in at Scott’s home on 8/21/18. Arraignment scheduled for 3/29.
3/29/19 Update: The attorney (Mary Ann Harrell) for Cedric Marks’ felony burglary case officially withdrew from his case Thursday morning during a special hearing. Marks objects to changing attorney, but Judge Jezek appoints Michael White as Marks' attorney. The Bell County District Attorney’s office hasn’t decided yet if the death penalty will be sought. White expects a Bell County grand jury will indict Marks next week for capital murder. Marks was indicted (3/13/19) & charged & arraigned on burglary charges.

4/3/19 Update: Indicted with capital murder of multiple persons, interfering w/emergency call, false report to police officer, violating protective order, burglary habitation intend. Bond was increased to a total of $2,016,500. Arraignment on 4/10.
4/10/19 Update: Marks not in court, but his attorney said he will plead not guilty to all charges. Wants a speedy trial. Defense asked to reset the 3 misdemeanor charges (interfering w/emergency call, false report to police officer & violating protective order) court dates. Judge grants motion. A docket announcement date is now scheduled for 1:30 p.m. on June 19, to be followed by a 9 a.m. trial on June 24.
*Maya Renee Maxwell (26) (Mark’s GF) arrested (1/11/19) & extradited from MI to TX (1/16/19), charged (1/16/19) & indicted (4/3/19) with 3rd degree tampering or fabricating physical evidence. $750K bond.
Maxwell admitted in an arrest affidavit she took Swearingin’s car and drove it to Austin to hide it, was in the house with Marks when he reportedly killed Swearingin and Scott, drove with him to Oklahoma and was there when the bodies were buried.
4/3/19 Update: Indicted with 3rd degree tampering or fabricating physical evidence. Bond increased to $750K. Arraignment scheduled on 4/26.
APR 15, 2019
Family and friends create non-profit for Temple friends killed in January
Three months after Jenna Scott and Michael Swearingin were found dead in Oklahoma, those closest to them are taking steps to heal.


They created Priceless Beginnings, a non-profit to help kids in domestic abuse situations attend sports, Bible and other camps the kids want to try.

"We wanted to create an organization that could raise funds that would leave a legacy for what we felt like Jenna and Michael would want us to do," Priceless Beginnings director Annie Hammons said.


The group has planned a fundraiser for the organization: The Jenna Scott and Michael Swearingin Memorial 5K.

"We are running in memory of Jenna Scott and Michael Swearingin, on a course they enjoyed running together," the event page said. "The race will support Priceless Beginnings, a non-profit that provides camp scholarships for children of domestic violence victims."
No access to this article in EU - could someone give a 10% synopsis on this? Does it mention Ginell McDonough's hearing & if there is another court date for her?

TIA! :)
Swearingin may have fought against his killer, autopsy shows

The complete autopsy report for one of two Jan. 3 homicide victims from Temple seems to indicate he may have fought hard against his killer.

The Chief Medical Examiner’s office in Oklahoma City still listed the cause of death of 32-year-old Michael Swearingin of Temple as asphyxia by strangulation and called it a homicide.

However, Swearingin had various contusions, cuts and abrasions on his hands, arms, legs and face that didn’t cause his death, the report said.

No toxicology report was attached, although the autopsy report indicated there was one.

The final autopsy report for 28-year-old Jenna Scott, the other Temple homicide victim, wasn’t released by press time Tuesday.
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