Found Safe TX - Michele Roode Boyd, 41, San Antonio, 24 Nov 2016 *Arrest*

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I want Michele to have left on her own. But, I don't think she did. The most bizarre part of this case is
  • finding the daughter alone in the night, outside and unprotected
  • the daughter stated her mommy threw away the cell phone
She either left voluntarily or someone disappeared her. But I can't make sense of those two things yet consider foul play at the same time.

Add to the bizarre list-- her daughter was sent to Florida to stay with her grandparents and Michele's cell phone (that she supposedly threw away) pinged there.
I'm really confused by that too, Gardener.

This almost seems like a potential life insurance fraud scam in the making, or some other "fake ending the relationship" ploy to get money or something.
I'm really confused by that too, Gardener.

This almost seems like a potential life insurance fraud scam in the making, or some other "fake ending the relationship" ploy to get money or something.

Hmmm.... I had not considered THAT angle, GigTu! :thinking: Sort of a risky plot, though, to leave her daughter on the street. And it may be several years before Michele can be legally declared deceased. I know from another case here that Florida law requires a missing person to be gone 5 years before a court will declare them deceased without a body. Does anyone know the laws for that in Texas?

I think it's likely that someone thought the cell phone couldn't be tracked while off. Who took her phone to Florida is anyone's guess though.
When the child was reported found, was it an anonymous call or a person on site that was interviewed? What I mean is, who found her?
I've read the whole thread and wanted to throw in my musing. I love tech and the internet, but one major downside is that social media allows lots of conspiracy theorists to come together and create echo chambers for themselves. This can be incredibly dangerous for someone in the grip of delusional thinking. Before the internet, you would mostly be surrounded by sound minded folks who wouldn't validate your delusional beliefs. But now, if you find a group of people at your fingertips who believe everything you say and validate every paranoid thought, that doesn't help what might otherwise be a temporary problem.

I would be curious what groups her Facebook (or a secret one) was a member of; secret groups can't be seen even by your friends. Or if she were a member of any conspiracy type forums. If she were in a group that believed her delusions and they were equally delusional, it isn't a stretch to think there could be an organized effort between these people to keep her hidden. And in their minds, they're doing the right thing. Yikes. They could have also convinced her she needed to leave to protect her daughter, because they would also genuinely believe the delusional claims.

(One of the most well known conspiracy clusters is the flat-earthers and there are absolutely people who claim they are being targeted by the government/scientists/other groups for 'discovering the truth' - and the belief is validated by other flat earthers.)

Just something to consider. There's so little to go on here; obviously if this were something she chose to do, she's likely covered her tracks well. Just getting a few screennames, aliases . . . That would help. Did I miss it said anywhere what the name used on the fake profile was?
I think Michelle is out there somewhere in a delusional state. Michelle’s daughter would have spoken to police when she was found, given them information on the events surrounding what occurred when she was left alone and Michelle’s disappearance. I think the daughters information is why police did not file a missing persons report and I feel like they are not investigating her as a missing person. Yes think the daughters statement of what occurred is very important in this case, but we have no idea what her statements were.

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We've seen the way normal, sane people abandoned everything and flocked to Jonestown and Waco (as examples). Are there other compounds such as these out there that just haven't received enough steam to make it into MSM in a meaningful way? I wonder..... :thinking:
Sorry, couldn’t finish post it froze, , anyway was thinking Michele was in some kind of manic stage when she bought a new car? Everyone that I have read about that knew her believes she is a good mother that would not leave her daughter unless she had some kind of psychotic break.
This is one missing persons case that I do have some hope for finding her and getting the help she needs.
There was talk earlier on these threads about obtaining a redacted police report from the night she disappeared, does anyone have a update on that?
Found a couple of posts that mentioned it, # 351 & # 506
They said it’s public information?
As far as I can tell, reporters have a redacted copy. What they'll do with it is unclear.
The only part that keeps me thinking Michelle voluntary left in all this is that the little girl told LE that she saw her mommy throw the cell phone in the trash that night. Kids have remarkable memories, even at that age. It's hard to discount that part of this strange story.
Often when people commit suicide they wipe the contents of their cell phone clean (remove and destroy the SIM Card), and/or they throw the phone away. Personally, I don't think Michelle just up and walked away - she was very depressed; I think most likely killed herself.

The only part that keeps me thinking Michelle voluntary left in all this is that the little girl told LE that she saw her mommy throw the cell phone in the trash that night. Kids have remarkable memories, even at that age. It's hard to discount that part of this strange story.
Often when people commit suicide they wipe the contents of their cell phone clean (remove and destroy the SIM Card), and/or they throw the phone away. Personally, I don't think Michelle just up and walked away - she was very depressed; I think most likely killed herself.

Michele's phone had pinged, and wasn't shut off.

Who did her daughter tell the information about the phone to? Her dad, correct? When was a police report filed? Is there even a police report, or just a missing persons report? How many days passed before Michele was reported missing? I have too many questions.
Michele's phone had pinged, and wasn't shut off.

Who did her daughter tell the information about the phone to? Her dad, correct? When was a police report filed? Is there even a police report, or just a missing persons report? How many days passed before Michele was reported missing? I have too many questions.


"Seth Boyd, Joe Roode and others searched the area where the child was found. They looked for Michele Boyd’s cellphone, thrown in a dumpster, according to the daughter."

I don't believe we know if the daughter has ever been interviewed by LE; if she hasn't, I tend to think it was indeed her dad she told the information about the phone to.

More likely than not, there is a police report, IMO:
"In the wee hours the next morning, police called and said his daughter was found safe alone outside a San Antonio store." (BBM)

I've always wondered how LE was able to reach SB. Was the daughter (five years old at the time) able to provide them with her dad's number?

I searched court records for Bexar County, and I am not seeing anything that leads me to believe there is a child-endangerment-type charge pending against Michele, however:

Why Michele wasn't reported missing when her daughter was first found ... I'm not sure:

Novemeber 24th, 2016: Thanksgiving Day

Early morning hours, November 25th: Daughter is found.

November 28th: Michele is reported missing, according to an SAPD poster and SB's post on Michele's FB page:

Michele's car was found during the early hours of Black Friday:
"Employees who showed up for work at the Taqueria Los Dos Laredos at 4703 Rigsby Avenue early Friday morning found the woman’s car in a dark alley behind the restaurant. Employees said that they called police to report the incident, but police said that the car had not been reported stolen, so a private company towed the vehicle to a storage lot.

Family members said that the car was eventually found, unlocked, and inside investigators found all of the woman’s personal items."

BTW, while searching Baxer County court records, I noticed there is a pending "CUSTODY OR VISITATION" case involving the daughter. According to iDocket, SB filed the petition on 11/16/2017, so almost a year after Michele disappeared:

BS MRB Parties.jpg

BS MRB Case Info.jpg

BS MRB Case Deets.jpg

More on Managing Conservatorship:
(Sec. 102.003 in particular)
(Sec. 161.001 in particular)

"In Texas, child custody is called "conservatorship." Instead of referring to a parent as a "custodian," Texas courts name a child's custodian as a "conservator." Conservatorship is the word used to describe the legal rights and responsibilities of a parent."

I wonder if Michele's mom and brother know about this ....
Jumping in with do we know for sure her phone wasn't found. Anyone who was looking for it could have found it and pocketed it. Even someone not looking for it could have found it and kept it.
That is all I have so back to y'all.
Michele's phone had pinged, and wasn't shut off.

Who did her daughter tell the information about the phone to? Her dad, correct? When was a police report filed? Is there even a police report, or just a missing persons report? How many days passed before Michele was reported missing? I have too many questions.


"Police did tell the family they tried to locate Michele Boyd’s cellphone using global positioning system data. It showed she might have been on the east coast of Florida sometime after she went missing." (BBM)

"Police, Seth Boyd said, told him that shortly after the disappearance her cellphone might have been used in eastern Florida."(BBM)

According to the above article, Michele's mom, Sue, lives in Sebastian, FL. It is located on the eastern coast of FL, north of Vero Beach.

"[Joe] Roode [Michele's brother] believes she could be in Florida where Boyd's daughter is right now.

'Abby is with her grandmother, my mom, she's in Florida for Christmas to give her dad some time to help look and to deal with everything.'" (BBM)

I know this has been brought up several times already, but ...: I really wish we could find out who took the daughter to FL.

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