Found Safe TX - Michele Roode Boyd, 41, San Antonio, 24 Nov 2016 *Arrest*

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Apolgies in advance if this is old news.

I know it was asked a while back about NamUS and I admit I haven't read all posts after that but I saw the flier below AND Michele was added 12/08/2016.


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She looks very different from one pic to the next. Like she is siblings to herself.
Hi all...I've been thinking about this case and just re-read almost the entire thread. There are so many odd bits and pieces of this case that really could point in several different directions, and the insights and thoughts of other posters are really quite thought-provoking. Great sleuthing and theorizing on this case.

I believe it was GigTu who repeatedly has said that what her daughter has to say about her mother's disappearance is very critical to finding out what happened. I would still like to know if LE interviewed her, or whether any information was simply passed on by her husband to police. Originally I was thinking that the daughter must have said something to LE like, "Mommy told me just to wait for her here (kiosk) and she would be back but she never came back," which would explain why the reporter in the TC Palm opinion piece thought LE was more interested in pursuing child abandonment charges. However, if the child wasn't formally interviewed by LE...a number of other possibilities open up.

Was she old enough to lie or keep a secret? If Michelle voluntarily disappeared, did she tell her to keep her secret? Or did she just say "Mommy loves you, but has to go away?" I find that just as heartbreaking but perhaps not as bad as if she left her without explanation. And again, I come back to why she didn't just leave her at her dad's given that she knew that was where she surely would end up one way or another? I suppose if she wasn't rational nothing would make sense but it's hard to imagine a mother leaving her daughter in such a vulnerable position.

Another possibility is that the daughter is under duress and has been coached to tell a story that isn't true at all. I find this a little unlikely since kids tend to lie but truth slips out. But again, if LE didn't really interview her formally, to whom would this truth come out to? Grandmother? Agree that the fact that she was found at ice kiosk is more than odd given that was what Michelle was supposed to bring. Just a strange coincidence or....?

The last possibility which I haven't seen discussed much is the idea of completely random foul play/abduction. Perhaps all this other stuff - alleged mental illness, etc., doesn't come into play at all and Michelle perhaps did go to meet someone for something (not even gonna speculate) and left her daughter for what she thought would be a minute, really intending to come back, and something bad happened to her in that timeframe. The perp would have to have hidden the body quite well though, although if it was totally random there would be nothing to tie that person to Michelle. But wouldn't cameras have picked something up?

I don't know...but I pray a break in this case comes soon. I completely understand the hopeful stance that Michelle's family has taken given the circumstances, but as more and more time passes I worry that this is less likely to have a happy ending.
I just found this article from Jan 17, 2018 with an interview with her mom :

Sorry if already discussed, I must have missed it.

Thank you for that, I didn't see it. It's just heartbreaking that there is no new info.

In August, on the Help Find MBR FB page, Michelle's mother posted this as a case with similarities to Michelle's disappearance - the woman left home, car was found in random spot, doors open, all her belongings inside, etc. HOWEVER in this case, detectives found blood inside the car and on her belongings, and quickly began investigating the case as a homicide. They interviewed everyone, including the husband, who failed a polygraph, and eventually confessed and led police to the body, which was not where the car was found.

Original Article:

Update/Arrest Presser:

This brings up questions around the investigation - has all that can be done, be done? I don't think so, but I don't really know.
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I just asked Sue if Abby was awake when this happened. Her answer "That is still unclear. She may have been sleepy because she said Mommy gave her some pink pills which Seth assumed was Benadryl".
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that's fine for someone to choose or not be able to become verified. It just means it is up to us whether or not to believe what it stated, correct? Anyone could say anything, of course.

Actually, it means they can't post any information as fact without a link. Just like you and just like everyone else on the forum. It is when a person is verified that you can choose to believe them or not.
I don’t know if Michele’s mental health issues were real or manufactured. But those of us who followed the tragic case of Teleka Patrick know that intelligence and accomplishment can co-exist with mental illness. Dr Patrick (a resident in psychiatry) who was mentally ill, drowned in a pond in the middle of winter in MI. If Michele was truly paranoid, as her brother indicated, I can’t rule out something similar. But I hope she is simply delusional, living somewhere in relative safety, even though I don’t think it’s likely. :(
Though in this case it is not just Michele's husband who has been talking about Michele having issues but Michele's own brother who lives close to Michele and is quoted describing his interactions with Michele concerning the whole "Iterating Grace" episode so that very likely gives what is being said much greater weight than if the source of that was Michele's spouse.
I agree Jethro.

However, even her brother may not know what was going on "behind closed doors", in that Michelle could have been completely fooled by an ongoing campaign. If so, outsiders would surely also be fooled. I'm not trying to argue, but I have first hand experience with this very thing and it can be very ugly and complex. (kind of like what this thread feels like, sort of) jmo
For her daughter's sake, I hope that she just had a breakdown and is alive somewhere.
I’m still not convinced hubby had anything to do with this. What are the facts surrounding these suspensions? To me, the evidence we’ve heard so far that is verified points to mental breakdown. I’m leaning toward suicide at this point or just leaving. Brother backs up hubbies claims of paranoid behavior. The biggest thing though in my mind is daughter is old enough and very capable of telling police exactly what occurred that night. We just haven’t heard what she said. Police are not giving information and family are not giving answers to this. But at her age, you can bet she was able to give a good statement of events... unless she’s intellectually disabled which I haven’t heard. But I think her statements are why police may not be actively looking at this as a missing person but as abandonment of a child.

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My suspicions are based on experience, statistics and good ol' gut instincts.
I’m still not convinced hubby had anything to do with this. What are the facts surrounding these suspensions? To me, the evidence we’ve heard so far that is verified points to mental breakdown. I’m leaning toward suicide at this point or just leaving. Brother backs up hubbies claims of paranoid behavior. The biggest thing though in my mind is daughter is old enough and very capable of telling police exactly what occurred that night. We just haven’t heard what she said. Police are not giving information and family are not giving answers to this. But at her age, you can bet she was able to give a good statement of events... unless she’s intellectually disabled which I haven’t heard. But I think her statements are why police may not be actively looking at this as a missing person but as abandonment of a child.

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I'm open to this being a scenario like the Taylor Wight case-- her ex-husband claimed she likely ran off and was in hiding but she was murdered by a female friend. Or perhaps there was a boyfriend we don't know about since Michele was separated from her husband. Or perhaps an ex-husband came back into her life. But we don't have any info about people like that in her life at this point. Being separated from her husband, heading for divorce and arguing about money (he was unemployed, she just bought a brand new car) might have been motive. JMO.
I'm open to this being a scenario like the Taylor Wight case-- her ex-husband claimed she likely ran off and was in hiding but she was murdered by a female friend. Or perhaps there was a boyfriend we don't know about since Michele was separated from her husband. Or perhaps an ex-husband came back into her life. But we don't have any info about people like that in her life at this point. Being separated from her husband, heading for divorce and arguing about money (he was unemployed, she just bought a brand new car) might have been motive. JMO.
Yes. This is very much like the Taylor Wright case in the sense that the only chance that Michele is alive is if the negative things said are all true. If they are not, just as with Taylor Wright, then Michele has been dead since not too long after the last person other than her killer to see her or be in contact with her.
Very sad indeed. Unfortunately everyday on the San Antonio news, someone is killed or the find a body. San Antonio is my local news station even though I do not live in the city. I suppose this person is within the age range. Whoever it is, prayers sent out.

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