Found Safe TX - Michelle Reynolds - 6th Grade Reading and Language Arts Teacher - Missing Since 22 Sept 2022

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Updating TIMELINE with new info in RED and corrected info in GRAY

moved from Natchitoches, LA to Orange, TX for a teaching job (9)

marriage to husband (9)

couple began teaching in Alvin - both 6th grade teachers at different schools (9)

began struggling with mental health (9)

"had been undergoing outpatient treatment for about three weeks after a recent episode, having been on leave from her job as a teacher during that time. She had been taking nightly medications" (8.)

THU SEP 22 - LAST CONTACT WITH FAMILY / SEARCH DAY ONE -----------------------------------------------------
  • AM - [Zoom meeting with counselor (8.)] visited a counselor in person, then came home (9)
  • ~12PM - [spoke to husband,] said she was going to get something to eat (last contact with family)] (7) told daughter she was going to get food and stop at the bank; when daughter returned home from school, called dad at work to see if he knew where she was; he started calling MR but calls went directly to voicemail (9)
  • PM - reported missing by husband to local LE (Brazos County Sheriff's Department) (9)
  • 12:01 PM - Vehicle parked at corner of S Peters St & St Joseph St, New Orleans (4) in front of broken parking meter (10); person who may look like MR sits in car for about twenty minutes, then gets out (9) and leaves alone on foot (5) heading west (6) - husband notes potential height discrepancy between his wife and the driver in the video (8.)
    View attachment 371796
  • ~4PM - MR spotted on surveillance footage walking south on Constance St towards the Pontchartrain Expressway (11) View attachment 369958
  • ~4:10PM - seen on camera at Sidecar Patio and Oyster Bar/Rusty Nail, orders a glass of water, uses their restroom, and that’s the last confirmed video sighting of her. (12)
    View attachment 371795
  • ~4:00PM, she confronts inhabitants of a tent just behind the restaurant and states that she needs a place to stay, and they offered a tent. They shared cheese/crackers and water, and she only stated her name and gave no other details. They report she had chewing gum and menthol cigarettes with her(she does smoke menthol cigarettes) The tent is along Calliope St, between Magazine St and Annunciation St. They state she left early morning Saturday 9/24. A few days later they called stating they found her shirt in the tent, and that there is a black t-shirt missing, that is why it is reported that she may have changed into a black t-shirt. Police have the shirt. (12)
  • PM - Lexus "pinged" car in New Orleans; upon LE arrival, vehicle was no longer there (1)
  • AM - Homeless people from whom she borrowed tent overnight state she left early morning (12)
  • PM - Vehicle located in New Orleans by husband and brother by geo-location. (2) - cf Sun Sep 25
  • 3AM - Vehicle located in New Orleans by husband and brother by geo-location (9)
  • First MSM news coverage (3)


  • Footage released of MR leaving vehicle alone on foot (5)
  • Helicopter search on Mississippi River (8.)
  • Boat search planned for Mississippi River (8.) - cf Thu Sep 29
  • Equusearch received several calls about possible sightings and leads; each was mistaken identity (10)
THU SEP 29 - DAY 8
  • Boat search on Mississippi River (10)
  • Husband moves vehicle to Lexus dealership (10)
FRI SEP 30 - DAY 9
  • Surveillance image of MR walking south on Constance St towards the Pontchartrain Expressway released (11)
FRI OCT 7 - DAY 16
  • Brother CT posts update to FB group, stating known movements on Sep 23 (12)
MON OCT 10 - DAY 19
  • Prayer vigil held (13)

(1)Search for missing Alvin ISD teacher continues after car found in New Orleans
(2)'Really tough time' | Husband of missing Alvin woman says children are struggling with news
(3)Alvin ISD teacher still missing after car found in New Orleans, sheriff's office says
(4)Missing Texas teacher's car found in New Orleans as search continues
(5)HAVE YOU SEEN MICHELLE REYNOLDS?: Search continues for missing Alvin ISD teacher last seen on Thursday
(6)Missing TX teacher's car found in New Orleans; husband desperately in search of answers exclusively speaks to WDSU
(7)A Search Is Underway for a Texas Teacher Whose Car Was Found Out of State
(8.)Alvin teacher Michelle Reynolds still missing; New Orleans police now involved in case | Houston Public Media
(9)Family desperate for clues in Texas woman Michelle Reynold's disappearance
(10)Texas EquuSearch hits pivotal point in the hunt for TX school teacher
(12) Michelle Reynolds ~ Vanished from Alvin, Texas... group post by page admin
(13) Prayer vigil held for missing Alvin teacher Michelle Reynolds (Fox26 - Oct 10)

I would appreciate any and all help in this matter! If you can fax the flyer, that would be great. I have called all ERs and mental health facilities, but like you said HIPAA is very frustrating to get around. Occasionally, i get the reply, I can't confirm or deny if she is here.
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I would appreciate any and all help in this matter! If you can fax the flyer, that would be great. I have called all ERs and mental health facilities, but like you said HIPAA is very frustrating to get around. Occasionally, i get the reply, I can't confirm or deny if she is here.
So many barriers in a case like this. I can't imagine the pain of her husband and children.

The "whys?" alone are heartbreaking, never mind the reality of their wife & mother possibly living homeless and in danger. Or worse :(

You are so loved, Michelle. People are waiting with open arms to welcome you home.
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Speaking of... here is an article about the vigil. Not much new but at least it gets the case out there in public again. Oh, Texas Equusearch was there.

Glad to know TES still has interest in the case. I assumed TES probably might point people in the direction of ”good things to do next”. But it would be very hard to search for your loved one while dealing wi5h the stress and just everyday life in this situation. It’s just hard to see some cases here get such amazing support and others very little.
I am beginning to think something bad may have happened after that photo. I am hoping she is located safe very soon.

Texas Equuasearch is awesome and if anyone can find her, they have the resources to get it accomplished.

Is a PI on this case?
OCT 11, 2022

Maggie Reynolds said Michelle's husband Michael, who has been away from Alvin to help with the search for his wife, has returned to the family's home to take care of the couple's three kids. "He is torn between being home with the children, and being there searching for his wife, but for now the kids need him," Maggie Reynolds told FOX 26.

Officials from Texas Equusearch, a nonprofit search and recovery outfit working on the search with New Orleans and Brazoria County authorities, also attended the vigil, according to FOX 26.

"Bottom line, we want to bring her home safely, and we are not stopping," Sheila Orrenmaa of Texas Equusearch told FOX 26.

Anyone with information about Reynolds' whereabouts can contact the Brazoria County Sheriff’s Office at 979-864-2392 or the New Orleans Police investigators at 504-821-2222.
OCT 12, 2022
A Texas English teacher and mother of three has now been missing for 20 days ...


Tim Miller, the founder of Texas EquuSearch, previously told the station that the surveillance video appears to indicate that Reynolds was confused and said he did not suspect foul play after viewing it.


Anyone with information on her whereabouts is asked to contact the New Orleans Police Department at 504-821-2222, the Alvin Police Department at 281- 388-4370, Texas EquuSearch at 281-309-9500 or the Brazoria County Sheriff's Office at 979-864-2392.
@WingsOverTX has made excellent points in this thread and I see a lot of people in Michelle’s circle trying, to the extent of their ability and energy and availability and span of control. Good for them. She has a good crew, a loyal crew.

I can appreciate where I would be very tired and demoralized by a person close to me with pervasive and deepening mental health issues, especially if it felt like it was affecting children. I’m not saying this is the case here, but I’ve lived circumstances akin to that scenario.

I can empathize that it’s probably hard to imagine an end game here that isn’t more hurtful than the current state. I hope she’s alive; if she isn’t, pain. I hope she’s still alive and in an OK environment, cared for well; if she isn’t, pain. I hope she’s alive and cared for and willing to listen to the person who ultimately recognizes her, and says, come with me and let’s get help together; if not, pain. I think there is a possibility that she will decline help when she is found, and unless she’s 28:53’d (Louisiana) or 5150‘d (other states for sure and maybe Louisiana, I haven’t looked) or something in that vein, she’s legally allowed to turn her back from a finder and walk away. That’s a real fear. I have to imagine that’s in the minds of some in her circle. Very painful event for EVERYONE, her children, everyone, were it to happen. Recovery strategy is extremely complex and tough.
At this point, I doubt there is really anything useful her husband could accomplish by being in New Orleans. He could hold press conferences, but few if any reporters would show up. He could wander the back alleys of the Quarter at night, but this would put his own life at risk with the possibility of leaving his kids as orphans.

Unfortunately, it can be very difficult to find someone who chooses not to be found.

Personally, I would like to know the mental health issue for which she is being treated. This information likely wouldn't help find her, but might make this incident easier to understand. I suspect she may be having paranoid ideation. Suicidal ideation is less likely. If someone intends self-harm, why spend the night with homeless people first?
Gosh, Michelle, where are you?
I hoped she would be found by now ... and not even an update? sighting? nothing?
I wonder if she has connected with someone who might be caring for her but unaware she is missing and being searched for?
<modsnip - quoted post was removed>

I agree that input/opinions of MR's emotional and mental stability should include a broader data sample beyond/including the husband. As far as any medical condition, she is entitled to her privacy. There could be a multitude of reasons that the subject went off the grid, and perhaps they are related to her own actions or possible repercussions. We simply don't know, but I don't think we should settle on the confused and wandering speculation. There might be much more to this.

Amateur opinion and speculation
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I agree that input/opinions of MR's emotional and mental stability should include a broader data sample beyond/including the husband. As far as any medical condition, she is entitled to her privacy. There could be a multitude of reasons that the subject went off the grid, and perhaps they are related to her own actions or possible repercussions. We simply don't know, but I don't think we should settle on the confused and wandering speculation. There might be much more to this.

Amateur opinion and speculation

excellent points. I don‘t believe anyone has mentioned mental illness except her husband, who also mentioned that she was on leave from teaching. Of course, the school district can’t come out and verify this.

I remember a case of a disappearing wife. It turned out that she had embezzled from her employer. NOT saying that’s the case here, but just confirming what @rosesfromangels said that there could be reasons she has disappeared other than mental illness.
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Personally, I still just find it really strange that there's only been ONE solid piece of evidence that we've seen, that places Michelle herself in New Orleans at all.

The first, early video was so grainy and dark you couldn't identify much from it.

Then we got the stills from a video (that was said to have been taken from the World War II Museum parking garage, of Michelle walking towards the Pontchartrain Expressway on Constance St. at Poeyfarre, on Sept. 23, at around 4 pm).

Now that's something solid.

But the rest of the info. we've been given so far is imo not nearly as solid. It's been more like "some unnamed person said or did something," and not verified by any authorities. And we haven't seen any more videos or photos.

Which is NOT to theorize anything beyond what I've said above. I don't know anything beyond that. And we can't go around willy-nilly accusing anyone of anything on here anyway, and rightly so. But, at the same time, this is a fact based site. I think of it as there being "hard facts" and "soft facts" myself.

Anyway, I was thinking that if that ONE solid piece of evidence we've been given, the video from Constance Street, was somehow incorrect or inaccurate, then that changes everything we think we know about it this case so far.

So, my partner and I just got the idea to google that area with Google Maps street view, and compare it to the stills from the video.

From what we could tell, the stills from the video definitely look like they ARE as described to us. We couldn't see that side of the street in that section because it was blocked by parked cars. But the other side of the street looks like that same sidewalk, with the same approximate spacing of the sidewalk segments, same approximate sidewalk width and material, the trees with the black bags around the bases, and the direction the car shown was headed in (it's a one way street). The time of day also appears correct, re the shadows as expected at 4 pm for that time of year. So, in my amateur opinion, it does check out.
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Here's a new article that fills in more information of what went on up until now. This especially stood out to me:

There is also a homeless community, with many tents, nearby. One homeless individual told investigators that Michelle had come to the camp one night and slept outside his tent, and when he left the next morning to get breakfast, she had taken his black t-shirt, left her own blouse and was gone.

Tim Miller, the founder of EquuSearch, said a homeless man told him he had a blanket in his tent and was cold. He went into his tent, got the blanket, and Michelle’s blouse fell out. He then noticed that his shirt was missing.

He said the woman had a package of menthol cigarettes, and Michelle does smoke that brand.

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Here's a new article that fills in more information of what went on up until now. This especially stood out to me:

There is also a homeless community, with many tents, nearby. One homeless individual told investigators that Michelle had come to the camp one night and slept outside his tent, and when he left the next morning to get breakfast, she had taken his black t-shirt, left her own blouse and was gone.

Tim Miller, the founder of EquuSearch, said a homeless man told him he had a blanket in his tent and was cold. He went into his tent, got the blanket, and Michelle’s blouse fell out. He then noticed that his shirt was missing.

He said the woman had a package of menthol cigarettes, and Michelle does smoke that brand.

I do not believe the rendition the homeless man gave, at all. I am very concerned by her shirt being “found” in this manner. LE should run a background check on this man and see if he has priors, bring him in for questioning if they haven’t already. Concerning.

Amateur opinion and speculation
I do not believe the rendition the homeless man gave, at all. I am very concerned by her shirt being “found” in this manner. LE should run a background check on this man and see if he has priors, bring him in for questioning if they haven’t already. Concerning.

Amateur opinion and speculation
To me, it is very possible he was truthful. As I posted upthread, why would this man implicate himself in a potential crime by reporting the finding of her shirt & that his was taken?

I'm not seeing a motive.

Just because someone is homeless doesn't mean they are a criminal. OTOH, serious questioning of anyone who may have come in contact with MR is prudent.

I'm more concerned about MR's physical appearance (re: video still) & state of mind, which indicate she is likely very vulnerable if still on the streets of NOLA. Too vulnerable.

I hope it is not too late & she will be found soon. Every day that passes is loaded with opportunity for all kinds of misadventure. And that reality is heart-breaking.
I hadn't seen this detail before: "That day, according to [Michelle's daughter], her mother came into her bedroom, sat on her bed, and told her she was going to pick up something to eat, and asked if she would like to go with her."

From this article: Search continues for missing Alvin teacher

It seems like if Michelle was planning this departure in advance, she wouldn't have invited the daughter to come along with her.

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